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2Sa 6:8, 9. What do we learn from David's reaction to Jehovah's fury? (w96 4/1 29 ¶1)
What we learn from David's reaction is that everything we do will have consequences and if we act badly as David did, who did not follow Jehovah's instructions, well, the consequences were that a person died and when we suffer these consequences, well, we don't We must blame Jehovah for the problems that come our way if we are not responsible for our actions.
Part of the responsibility for what happened rested with David, since he was the king. His reaction at that time proves that even people who have a good relationship with Jehovah sometimes react badly to difficult situations. He was first angry and then scared. His relationship of trust with Jehovah was severely tested. Apparently, on that occasion David did not throw his burden on Jehovah, he did not obey his commands.
David ignored Jehovah's instructions regarding the removal of the ark of the covenant, which had serious consequences, and his reaction to this was to be angry and then afraid, from this we learn that even those who have a strong spirituality can react badly to difficult situations, and also that we must be very careful not to Jehovah for the problems that may result from ignoring his commands.
Notice how Jehovah helped David change his strategy. In the same way, in life, preaching and other circumstances we seek to change the strategy to be able to achieve the things we want, but that strategy is based on the ways of Jehovah.
His reaction at that time proves that even people who have a good relationship with Jehovah sometimes react badly to difficult situations, first getting angry and then scared.
This shows us that it is realistic that it can happen to us that, at a given moment, we ignore their instructions and have to face the consequences for it.
Before Jehovah's fury, David reacted badly, he got angry and this brought him consequences, we learn that in the face of difficult trials, no matter how long we have been in relationship with Jehovah, we can act badly, if we do not trust Jehovah, but rather throw our burden on him and disobey his instructions we may also have consequences.
We also learn not to put my personal criteria before Jehovah's instructions, because if I make bad decisions by disobeying, the consequences will be disastrous to a lesser or greater degree, but what we must recognize is that I disobeyed. So as we generally blame or we can fall into that huge mistake of holding Jehovah responsible, we have to take responsibility for the consequences and their scope and more affect third parties.
What spiritual gems have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
2 Samuel 4:2, 3. In the account of the murder of Ish-bosheth, the son of Saul, at the hands of some men from Beerot, it is said that this city was also part of the tribe of Benjamin, this may indicate that it was a border city, hence the need to specify the tribal territory to which it belonged, the flight of its inhabitants may have been due to the incursions of the Philistines after their victory over Saul's forces on Mount Gilboa, or perhaps after the assassination of Is-bosheth in order to avoid possible reprisals.
2 Samuel 4:4. It teaches us that, if our circumstances limit us and we feel misunderstood, it is precisely the story of Mephibosheth that can give us strength, since the Bible says that when he was five years old, he fell and became lame, which shows us that we should not allow circumstances that we go through, perhaps an illness, steals our joy.
2 Samuel 4:6. This teaches us that we must take care of our friends, although it seems that they get along with us, really if his way of life is not in accordance with what Jehovah wants, it could be dangerous as in the case of Is-Bosheth.
2 Samuel 4:5,12. It shows that David was not a spiteful or vindictive man because he was not happy with the murder of Saul's son, who was practically his opponent for the throne, which teaches us that if someone hurts us we should not hold a grudge and less think about taking revenge.
2 Samuel 4:8-12. What Recab and Baana did by killing Is-Bosheth thinking that they were doing something good for David and thinking that they had Jehovah's approval only shows how dangerous it is to think and act on impulse, unfortunately these two men were executed for what they did, which also shows that doing things on impulse can bring serious problems and consequences.
2 Samuel 5:1-3. It seems reasonable to conclude that Ish-bosheth began her two-year reign shortly after Saul's death, about the same time that David began his at Hebron. From this city, David reigned seven and a half years over Judah. Shortly after being made king over all Israel, he moved his capital to Jerusalem. Thus, about five years passed from the death of Ish-bosheth until David became king over all Israel.
2 Samuel 5:3. David became "Jehovah's anointed" and was said to have sat on "Jehovah's throne" as the visible representative of the great God, the word of Jehovah, the promise made to David about a decade earlier had come true, this teaches us that the promises of God are fulfilled, but we must fight to inherit them, to achieve them, with an attitude of warriors, as was David.
2 Samuel 5:3,4. It teaches me how the elders met with David in Hebron and they anointed him there before the Lord. David was 30 years old. This teaches me that it is David who chooses who will serve him, regardless of age, whether they are young or old.
2 Samuel 5:6,8. The Jebusites were so confident in the impregnability of their citadel that they mockingly told David that his own blind men, despite his weakness, would defend the fortress of Zion against Israel. This teaches us that many people believed that David could not, he heard from many people that «he could not», but he was with God and that is why he could do things that were impossible from the human point of view, in our case we will hear from many, family members, well-intentioned friends, perhaps brothers, who will not be able to do something, but with God's help we will be able to.
2 Samuel 5:8. David couldn't conquer Jebus because it was difficult to access, so he found a way into the city through the water tunnel and conquered it. This teaches us as precursors that we must find a way to reach the hearts of people, there is always a way to do it, you just have to find that symbolic "water tunnel".
2 Samuel 5:9. The word Mound appears. The glossary helps us to better understand this word, it mentions that in Hebrew it is Miló, a term that comes from a root that means “to fill”. The Septuagint translates it as "citadel." Although it is not known exactly what it was, it seems that it describes a geographic or structural feature of the City of David.
2 Samuel 5:12. What an important lesson, David had gone through a lot, and although there were humans who supported him until he became King David, he understood that it was Jehovah who made it possible. Do not forget that the privileges we have are not because of a brother who recommended us or because of our own abilities, but because Jehovah consolidated it.
2 Samuel 5:12. He says that David understood that Jehovah had established him as king, which means that the fame did not go to his head. He teaches us that in the congregation we sometimes receive privileges and responsibilities and the example of David. Well, he teaches us that we must always keep in mind that the goals we have achieved are for Jehovah and are not due to our own merits.
2 Samuel 5:12. David understood that Jehovah had established him as king of Israel and that he had exalted his kingdom because of his people Israel and all this was possible because David allowed himself to be guided by Jehovah from his childhood, he always listened to his voice and followed the ways of God. In truth, we must never forget that Jehovah has educated us in his ways and has made it possible for us to have a good relationship with him, which, without a doubt, is the best thing that could have happened to us.
2 Samuel 5:10,19. David became more and more powerful, and Jehovah, the God of armies, was with him. With all that, he continued to consult Jehovah, not in himself, nor did the position go to his head, this teaches us that when we reach a certain level of progress, of prosperity, spiritual, material, intellectual, we should not allow it to be come to our heads and think that we do not need God, instead we imitate David and continue to trust in Jehovah.
2 Samuel 5:19,20. After consulting Jehovah, David had confidence to do everything he had proposed and since Jehovah had given him his approval. This teaches us that when Jehovah asks us for something, we must do it with all confidence, knowing that Jehovah will support us and that he will do well in everything we do.
2 Samuel 5:21. The Philistines had brought their idols thinking that they were going to give them victory in battle, but they were useless, the victory was given to David because the true God was with him.
2 Samuel 5:17-22. After being over all Israel, the Philistines went up to fight against David on two occasions, and on those two occasions David consulted Jehovah what he should do and on both occasions he received different instructions that guaranteed him victory over his enemies, the way David's behavior leaves us with an example that we must be ready to seek Jehovah's guidance on any matter that concerns us, since he will always tell us the best thing to do.
2 Samuel 5:18,23. We see that the Philistines once again went out in battle against David, he could well have reasoned: "This is the same as the other two times, so I will fight against the enemies of God", but David did not trust his experience and returned to pray for advice, and last time the instructions were different. This teaches us that when faced with a situation or problem that we have already dealt with, we should be careful not to rely solely on our personal experience.
2 Samuel 5:23. Well, an example is given that Jehovah is a God of strategies and this makes me think, for example, that when the great tribulation comes. Well, Jehovah also has strategies to keep his people from the enemies and at the same time make the enemies act in one way or another as he wishes.
2 Samuel 5:24. This teaches us that sometimes when we find ourselves in a difficult situation, well, we should echo these words to act decisively and take Jehovah's side because he will help us.
2 Samuel 5:4,25. It shows some of the victories that Jehovah gave David, from which we learn that, if we want to have victories, so to speak, in our lives we must always lean on Jehovah and ask for his guidance, that way he will help us to be victorious from any situation.
2 Samuel 5:17,25. There David faces the Philistines on two different occasions and in each battle David seeks Jehovah's guidance and Jehovah helps him to give him two war strategies in the same way I can face the same problem or the same battle but seek the guidance of Jehovah will help me attack the problem from different angles and with his wisdom come out victorious.
2 Samuel 5:19,25. He says that David before making a decision turns to Jehovah and he even indicated the strategy that he should follow to achieve victory, at present Jehovah does not speak to us directly, but if he tells us which paths we must take through his word the Bible and also through the guidance of the brothers who lead the congregation.
2 Samuel 5:23,25. I was able to notice and underline 4 aspects when he mentions that David consults Jehovah, listens, acts decisively without hesitation and does exactly what Jehovah commanded him and the result is obviously success, so that when I face any situation I must continue these four points.
2 Samuel 6:1,8. Jehovah teaches us that he is a God of discipline, since he had to discipline David for disregarding his principles, so, in our case, if we make a mistake, what we should expect is to receive discipline from our God because we have seen that Jehovah disciplines those he loves.
2 Samuel 6:3. Well, we see that David in this case transported the ark but not as God had commanded, but he was transporting it in a cart. So something went wrong and a person died, this teaches us. Well, in worshiping Jehovah we must worship him as Jehovah asks, otherwise our worship would not be accepted.
2 Samuel 6:5. Surely it was an extraordinary day to have celebrated with a King that day and surely those present told about it for years. The more privileges we have, let us be like David who, already being King, was humble and lived with the people of Israel and gave them a beautiful memory for their entire lives. Let's live with the humblest brothers and it will surely be something they won't forget.
2 Samuel 6:3-7. The account of Uzzah, the son of Abinadab, illustrates that Jehovah does not allow any frivolity regarding his Sovereign Presence and related objects. This man caught hold of the ark of the covenant so that it would not tip over, and as a result, "the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah, and the true God brought him down there for the irreverent act." There was a clear and detailed procedure and instructions for transporting the ark, but they were not followed and the consequences were swift, even though the idea of using a bull cart to transport it was very practical.
2 Samuel 6:7. Jehovah can read hearts. Since if the Word calls what Uzzah did an "irreverent act," it is possible that Jehovah saw some selfish motivation that is not expressly revealed in the account. Be that as it may, we can be convinced that Jehovah did what was right. He probably saw something in Uzzah's heart that prompted him to carry out his sentence quickly.
2 Samuel 6:3-8. It shows the case of Uzah, who stretched out his hand to the ark of the covenant and grabbed it so that it would not fall, which caused him to die on the spot, this undoubtedly teaches us that good intentions do not change Jehovah's requirements and if they do not we want to have serious consequences we must follow them to the letter.
2 Samuel 6:9. He says that David was afraid of Jehovah that is why he did not carry the ark and the quote mentions what he does there in the psalm. He well he says that he was afraid of his sentences. Well, here David was feeling but not a pious fear but a fear of the sentence or the judgments of Jehovah, however when the ark took it to the house of Gitita, well, we see. That Jehovah blessed him, that teaches us that when we do something bad, we should always fear Jehovah's judgments, but if we do what God asks, then he will bless us.
2 Samuel 6:11. Although Obed-Edom saw how Uza died when he touched the ark, he was not scared like everyone else and allowed the ark to be in his house for 3 months. According to the insight book he was a musician who played the harp. He did not imagine that on that day he was going to have something as sacred as the ark of Jehovah made available, even Jehovah blessed him for it. Let us be hospitable and do not be afraid to share with the brothers, we do not know if we will host angels or even arks of the covenant, but what we do know is that Jehovah will bless us as Obed-Edom.
2 Samuel 6:14. David was to show his joy dancing with the servants, he being the king, the anointed of Jehovah, he did not let concepts such as "keeping up appearances" make him be another David, it is worth mentioning that someone immature like Michal despised David for acting like this , we must be willing to "dance", that is, share, live together in moments of joy with our brothers, instead of limiting our circle to those who according to the world are at our level, getting off the throne and not forgetting where we came from.
2 Samuel 6:14-16. When the ark of the covenant was taken back to Jerusalem, David was so happy that he even danced enthusiastically publicly, but while he was doing that, his wife Michal looked out the window and saw King David jumping and dancing and began to despise him. in his heart, it showed that he had the same disbelieving attitude as his father Saul, however, the difference that arose between them made it clear that David and Michal did not share the same opinion about the joyous event.
2 Samuel 6:17. It mentions that David had prepared a tent for the ark of the Lord so they put it in its place and David presented burnt offerings we see that David had brought the ark of the Lord to Jerusalem when entering this tent was to enter the presence of the most high and only the that they walked without guilt that they were pure and upright could enter Jehovah's tent, this teaches me that if I want to be a friend of Jehovah I must comply with his righteous and high standards and remain holy in his sight.
2 Samuel 6:19. Interestingly, instead of collecting money, David gave everyone a bagel, date cake, and raisins. This teaches us that we must be generous with our brothers in our possibilities. If we have a social gathering, support a hall maintenance or some other theocratic event, let us be generous following the example of David, instead of asking, he gave.
2 Samuel 6:21. Let us strive not to dress up, dress up, or give our assignments to impress people of our secular theocratic knowledge and experience, but let us give assignments and dress up to stand before Jehovah, we may be very surprised at the difference in our appearance and parts if we do it with that objective and not for others to see us.
2 Samuel 6:2,22. Let us have this expression that David pronounced said I will lower myself even in my own eyes, with these words David was following the greatest example of humility that of Jehovah God himself and we know it because this expression I will lower myself or I will make myself low comes from a Hebrew verbal root that It is also used to describe how God sees mankind. Although Jehovah is the greatest character in the universe, the Bible says that he descends or lowers himself to deal with mankind.
2 Samuel 6:21, 22. After being rebuked by his wife Michal, David emphasized to her that despite her criticism, he was certain that he had Jehovah's approval and that he was determined to continue serving Jehovah humbly, He even used the expression “I will make myself low”, which comes from a Hebrew root word that is also used to describe how God views humanity, no matter what privilege or responsibility we hold in the congregation, we must always remain humble.
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