DAILY TEXT, Today's Sunday May 29, 2022, Let everything that breathes praise Jah (Ps. 150:6).

DAILY TEXT, Today's Sunday May 29, 2022

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022

Sunday May 29, 2022

Let all that breathes praise Jah (Ps. 150:6).

Through the ransom, Jehovah purchased the lives of everyone in the congregation and everyone who puts their faith in Jesus.—Mark 10:45; Acts 20:28; 1 ​​Cor. 15:21, 22. Since Christ died for us, it is logical that Jehovah appointed him head of the congregation. For that reason, Jesus has the authority to dictate standards of conduct for individuals, families, and the entire congregation, and to see that they are followed (Gal. 6:2). But he doesn't just set standards for us: he feeds and cares for each one of us (Eph. 5:29). The sisters demonstrate that they respect Christ's authority by following the guidance of the men he has appointed to care for the congregation. Brothers show that they understand the principle of authority by respecting and honoring sisters. When everyone in the congregation understands and respects the principle of authority, the congregation enjoys peace. And above all, we praise our loving heavenly Father, Jehovah. w21.02 18, 19 paras. 14-17.

How did the apostle Paul show that he respected women?

The apostle Paul commanded Timothy to respect women. He told her to treat older women “as mothers” and younger women “as sisters” (1 Tim. 5:1, 2). Although Paul did much to help Timothy to have a strong faith, he recognized that it was his mother and grandmother who taught him “the holy writings” (2 Tim. 1:5; 3:14, 15). Also, in his letter to the Romans, Paul sent greetings to several sisters and mentioned them by name. He was aware of all that these Christian women were doing and expressed how much he appreciated his work (Rom. 16: 1-4, 6, 12; Phil. 4: 3).

What questions are we going to answer?

As we have seen, the Bible does not imply that sisters are inferior to brothers. With their love and generosity, our sisters bring much to the congregation, and the elders count on their help in maintaining peace and unity. But these questions still need to be answered: Why does Jehovah command sisters to cover their heads on certain occasions? and, since only males are appointed elders and ministerial servants, does this mean that all brothers are heads of all sisters?

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