DAILY TEXT, Today's Sunday May 15, 2022, Everyone receives their own gift from God: some in one way and others in another (1 Cor. 7:7).

DAILY TEXT, Today's Sunday May 15, 2022

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022

Sunday May 15, 2022

Each one receives from God his own gift: some in one way and others in another (1 Cor. 7:7).

The apostle Paul encouraged Christians to consider whether they could serve Jehovah without getting married.​—1 Cor. 7:8, 9. Surely Paul did not look down on single people. In fact, he chose young Timothy, who was not married, to handle weighty responsibilities (Phil. 2:19-22). Therefore, it would be wrong to think that a brother is better or worse off just because he is or is not married (1 Cor. 7:32-35, 38). Neither Jesus nor Paul taught that it was mandatory to marry or remain single. So, what can we say about marriage and singleness? The Watchtower of October 1, 2012 put it very well: “In reality, both states can be considered a gift from God. . . . As for singleness, Jehovah does not see that status as a source of pain and shame.” It is clear that we must respect the place that singles occupy in the congregation. w20. 08 28 paras. 8, 9

What changes have some publishers made to expand their ministry?

In recent years, many publishers have made it their mission to learn a language to expand their ministry. This has involved making changes. They have moved from a congregation where their language is spoken to one where help is needed to preach in another language (Acts 16:9). This is a personal decision. Although it takes years for them to become proficient in the new language, they are a great help in the congregation. With their good qualities and experience, they strengthen the brothers. Don't we appreciate your efforts?

On what should the elders base themselves in deciding whether to recommend a brother?

Would it be okay for a body of elders not to recommend a brother to be an elder or ministerial servant just because he does not yet speak the language of the congregation well? No. The brother's evaluation should be based on the biblical requirements for elders and ministerial servants, and not on how well he speaks the language (1 Tim. 3:1-10, 12, 13; Titus 1:5-9) .

What must families decide when moving to another country?

Some families have moved to another country as refugees or to find work. Children may go to school in the main language of the new country and parents may also have to learn it to find employment. But suppose there is a congregation or a group in your native language. Which one should they go to? In your language or in the language of the country?

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