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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022
Monday, May 30, 2022
David inquired of Jehovah (1 Sam. 30:8).
On one occasion, while David and his men were hiding from Saul, they left their families to go into battle. Meanwhile, enemies attacked their houses and took their families. David may have thought that as an experienced warrior he could come up with an effective plan to rescue them. But instead, he sought Jehovah's guidance. He asked her, “Am I going after this gang of looters?” Jehovah answered yes and assured him that he would succeed (1 Sam. 30:7-10). Young man, what can you learn from this? Ask for advice before making decisions. Talk to your parents or experienced elders. They can give you good advice. Jehovah has appointed the elders and trusts them, so you can too. They are “gifts” that he has given to the congregation (Eph. 4:8). If you imitate his faith and listen to his wise advice, you will make good decisions. w21.03 4, 5 paras. 10, 11
Like David, what should youngsters be like? (Look at the cover image).
David proved to be responsible and trustworthy in his daily life. For example, when he was a boy, he was put in charge of taking care of his father's sheep, and he tried to do his best, even though it turned out to be a dangerous task. Later, David explained to King Saul: “My lord, I am a shepherd of my father's flock. Once a lion came and once a bear, and each took a sheep from the flock. I pursued them and struck them down, and rescued the sheep from their mouth” (1 Sam. 17:34, 35). David felt responsible for the sheep and bravely defended them. Youngsters can imitate him by doing well in any task assigned to them.
As Psalm 25:14 shows, what is the most important thing young people can do?
Also, from a young age, David developed a strong friendship with Jehovah. That relationship was more important than his bravery or his talent with the harp. For David, Jehovah was not only his God, but also his best friend (see Psalm 25:14). Young men, the most important thing you can do is strengthen your friendship with your heavenly Father. If they do, they may be given more responsibility in the congregation.
What negative opinions did some have of David?
One difficulty that David had to endure was the negative opinions that others had of him. For example, when he volunteered to fight Goliath, King Saul tried to stop him, saying, “You are just a boy” (1 Sam. 17:31-33). Shortly before, his own brother had accused him of being irresponsible (1 Sam. 17: 26-30). But Jehovah did not see him as irresponsible or immature, for he knew him very well. And because David trusted his friend Jehovah to give him strength, he managed to defeat Goliath (1 Sam. 17:45, 48-51).
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