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Congregation Bible study (30 mins): lff lesson 05.
1. If the Bible was written by men, how come God is its author?
It began to be written in the year 1513 before our era and it was finished in the year 98 of our era. God is their author because these men did not write their own ideas. Rather, they "spoke on behalf of God moved by holy spirit."
Although the Bible was written by men some 1,600 years ago, we say it is from God because, as 2 Peter 1:21 says, these men "spoke from God as they were moved by holy spirit." That is, the ideas recorded in the Bible come from God, not from men.
About 40 men wrote the Bible. It began to be written in the year 1513 before our era and it was finished in the year 98 of our era. Therefore, it took about 1,600 years to write it. Still, there are no contradictions in the Bible. How is that possible? Because God is his, with his holy spirit, God inspired or prompted these men to write down what he thinks.
Because these men did not write down their ideas, but as 2 Peter 1:21 says, the Lord with his holy spirit inspired them to write down what he thinks, that is how 40 men wrote the Bible.
2. Who has access to the Bible?
Every nation, tribe, language and people can benefit from the good news that the Bible gives. God has seen to it that it is available in so many languages.
As Revelation 14:6 says, "Every nation, kindred, tongue, and people" can benefit from the good news the Bible gives. In fact, the Bible is the most translated book in history.
People of “every nation, tribe, language and people” can benefit from the good news that the Bible gives, it is the most translated book in history. Almost everyone can know what the Bible says, no matter where they live or what language they speak.
As Revelation 14:6 says, all kinds of people have access, that is why Jehovah has made it available in many languages, it is even the most translated book in history.
3. How did Jehovah protect the Bible?
Men who loved the Bible made many copies by hand and with care. Although many powerful people tried to take her down, others were willing to risk their lives to protect her. Jehovah has allowed nothing to prevent him from communicating with us.
Although the Bible was written on easily damaged materials such as papyrus, Jehovah used men who loved the Bible to protect it.
And what he says in Isaiah 40:8 is fulfilled, where he says that "the word of our God stands forever." And we know that this is so because Jehovah has not allowed anything or anyone to prevent him from communicating with us.
The Bible was written on materials that deteriorate easily. Scrolls made from animal skin or the stems of a plant called papyrus were used. But men who loved the Bible made many copies by hand and with care. Although many powerful people tried to take her down, others were willing to risk their lives to protect her.
Well, faithful men who loved Jehovah made many copies by hand and with great care, and also, although very powerful people have tried to put an end to it, also many brave people have been willing to risk their lives to protect the bible.
4. The Bible tells us who its author is
Questions after the video, "Who is the author of the Bible?":
Then read 2 Timothy 3:16 and answer the questions:
If the Bible was written by men, why is it said to be the Word of God?
The video gives the example of a secretary who writes a letter or an email with the ideas that his boss has transmitted to him. Although the secretary writes the mail, he is not the author. Similarly, the writers of the Bible expressed thoughts in their own style, but the message was not theirs, but God's.
Also in 2 Timothy 3:16 it says that “all scripture is inspired by God”. Jehovah used his power to guide these men and thus convey his thoughts to them through dreams, visions or through an angel.
To understand it better, the example is given of a businessman who asks one of his employees to write a letter, and for this he tells his secretary the ideas he wants to convey, and although the secretary wrote it, he is not the author of it. In the same way, the writers of the Bible expressed feelings and thoughts with their own style, but all that was transmitted by Jehovah.
Is it realistic to believe that God communicated his thoughts to human writers?
Yes, because the writers of the Bible expressed thoughts and feelings in their own style, but the message was not theirs. "All scripture is inspired by God." Jehovah used his power to guide them and thus convey his thoughts to them.
If man has managed to talk to people who are far away thanks to telephones or the internet, and even with astronauts from space, Jehovah, who is much more powerful, can do much more powerful things, can do much more surprising things. So it is realistic to think that Jehovah used these men to communicate his thoughts to them.
Yes, in fact the bible shows that he communicated with them through dreams, also through visions, and in fact he used angels to transmit his thoughts, and although many may continue to see it as something impossible, it is possible because today it is possible to talk to people who are very far away, even to talk to astronauts who are outside the planet, then if man can do everything it is this, which tells us without a doubt that Jehovah can do very surprising things.
5. The Bible survived many attacks
Questions after the video, "They Treasured the Bible (excerpt on William Tyndale)":
Knowing that so much was fought to protect the Bible makes you want to read it more? Why?
If it makes you want to read the Bible, because many people who risked their lives to protect it, for those people the Bible is valuable because Jehovah made it and we have to be thankful.
Of course it motivates us to read it. It personally strengthens my faith to see how the Bible has survived all the attacks to make it disappear. And also seeing how brave men risked their lives for love of the Bible makes me more grateful and I happen to read it every day.
Yes, because there were even people who gave their lives to be able to translate the Bible, at that time it was very risky to translate that is why they translated only in fragments, we also saw that they took the small sheets of the translations to underground cellars and between the pages of larger books that were not prohibited hid the small leaves of Tyndale's bible who took great risks to translate the Bible.
So if a long time ago, despite the fierce opposition, there were people willing to do anything to defend the word of God, how much more reason should we value having it in our hands in its entirety.
Read Psalm 119:97 and answer the questions:
What has led many people to risk their lives to translate and distribute the Bible?
Love for the Bible and Jehovah its creator. Because many people risked their lives, people can benefit from God's messages.
It was love that prompted these people to print and distribute the Bible. They showed love for the Bible and love for their neighbor, so that all people can benefit from God's messages. We can say that these people felt like the psalmist when he said “how I love your law”.
What has driven them is the great love they have for Jehovah and his word.
6. A book for everyone
Read Acts 10:34, 35 and answer the questions:
Why does God want his Word to be translated into so many languages and distributed to so many places?
Because he wanted all people who do good to hear his word and follow it.
Because Jehovah wants anyone who does his will to be able to be a subject of the kingdom, regardless of where they were born or what their family origins are.
Because as this text says, Jehovah is an impartial God, and he accepts people from all nations if they act well and fear him.
What strikes you about the Bible?
That it began to be written in the year 1513 before our era and ended in the year 98 of our era and that the Bible was also written by men in a time of about 1,600 years.
It strikes me that despite the fact that it was written in 1600 years, it does not contradict itself. The message is the same from Genesis to Revelation, and that is because the spirit of God guided the writers of the Bible.
Personally, the way in which he explains to us step by step how to approach Jehovah and thus obtain his approval and his accuracy.
WHAT SOME SAY: "The Bible is just an old book written by men."
What do you think?
Many rulers tried to do away with the Bible. There were also religious leaders who did not want people to read it. But despite enemies and death threats, many risked their lives to protect her, for Jehovah's sake.
It is amazing that almost 100% of the world's population can read the Bible in their language. In addition there are about 5 billion printed Bibles. So we are sure that Jehovah wants us to know him.
What evidence indicates that the Bible is the Word of God?
The men who wrote the Bible did not write their own ideas. Rather, they "spoke on behalf of God moved by holy spirit." With his holy spirit, God inspired or moved these men to write down what he thinks.
We have many proofs, for example, all the prophecies that have been fulfilled. It also talks about facts and historical figures that have existed. It is also accurate in matters of science, and furthermore the Bible has survived many attacks for destroying it.
What does it mean that God inspired men to write the Bible?
The men who wrote the Bible did not write their own ideas. Rather, they "spoke on behalf of God moved by holy spirit."
It means that God used his powerful holy spirit to convey his thoughts, ideas, and purposes to the writers of the Bible. And he could do it through visions, dreams or through angels.
It means that Jehovah with his holy spirit inspired them to write down what he thinks, that is how 40 men wrote the bible.
What strikes you about how the Bible survived so many attacks? And what would you highlight about its translation and distribution?
It strikes me that, despite all these attacks, God has spoken the Bible for more than 2000 years. There were people who gave even his life, but his translation survived and many people were able to get one.
Regarding its distribution and translation, we can highlight that today practically 100% of people can read the Bible in their language and that, in addition, it has been translated into more than 3,000 languages. And it is the most printed book in history.
Well, the fact that it has endured through time and so many attacks, since no matter how many enemies of God have tried by all means to prevent it from reaching more people, that has not been possible, and in the video About Wiliam Tyndale we saw that there were even people who gave their lives to translate the bible and risked a lot to be able to distribute it.
How does it feel to know all that God has done to communicate with you?
I am very happy that God does not leave us alone and he did everything possible to continue communicating with us. That is why we must read the Bible and share it with more people, so that they listen to the word of God.
I am deeply grateful that we can communicate with Jehovah through the Bible. And the best way to appreciate the word of God is by reading it daily. I am also happy that God took care that his word did not disappear because that means that he cares about us and loves us.
I feel very happy and grateful for the wonderful goodness of Jehovah, since thanks to his word we can guide our lives and obtain answers that would be impossible without it.
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