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1-3. What things can make us cry?
The reasons why we cry can be different, sometimes it is for joy, but most of the time it is for joy, but most of the time it is for sadness due to the death of a loved one, discouragement or some difficult situation that puts our loyalty to Jehovah is tested.
Sometimes we cry with joy but sometimes we cry with sadness.
And that's how this sister from the United States put it, saying she felt so much pain over her daughter's death that she was so heartbroken she didn't even know how the store was doing.
We have here the texts of psalms also in chapter 16 David writes I am exhausted from sighing all night I soak my bed with tears but perhaps he also writes the words in chapter 100 serve Jehovah with joy, so David wanted to serve Jehovah with joy but then difficult situations came that saddened him and the same can happen to us.
Paragraph 2 mentions another situation, the indifference of the people of the territory, how it affected this forerunner of Japan, and the case that is true, there are many bitter situations in life, the death of a loved one is mentioned, the indifference, other problems or situations, injustice for the that we spend that many times affects us in this way with tears.
If at the end of Psalm 6:6 David also said that he flooded his bed with tears so that in the midst of difficult situations we may not only shed tears but we may cry uncontrollably from the same pain we feel so if that has happened to us or what is happening to us now is something totally normal because it also happened to faithful servants of the past like David.
4. What are we going to analyze in this article?
We are going to analyze three occasions in which Jesus wept. We will see what his tears teach us about him and about Jehovah, and also what we can do when we experience situations that make us cry.
We are going to analyze three occasions in which Jesus wept. We will see what his tears teach us about him and about Jehovah, and also what we can do when we experience situations that make us cry.
5. What does the account at John 11:32-36 teach us about Jesus?
This biblical story teaches us: the great tenderness and sincere compassion that Jesus has. The bible says that Martha and Mary were heartbroken over the loss of their beloved brother Lazarus. But, it also shows us that Jesus was very affected by the death of his dear friend, and to see his sisters crying, because of this, "the tears came to his eyes", this shows the deep feelings of compassion that he has .
We see the beautiful relationship he had with Lazarus and his sisters were his friends and he loved them very much and it was something so palpable that the story says that when they saw Jesus cry they realized how much he loved Lazarus.
And we can see that Jesus was not indifferent to the suffering of other people when he saw someone suffer and cry he also wanted to suffer, that is, it made him want to cry and he did not want to suffer but it made him want to cry.
If the notes corresponding to verse 33 make us understand that he was a man of intense feelings, for example, he was moved and felt anguished, he says that they describe the deep emotions that Jesus felt and referring to the depths of his being, he says that he refers to the motivation that comes out of the symbolic heart of a person so Jesus did not do it simply because they saw that apparently he was a sensitive man he felt it deeply in his heart.
For me it was also very interesting that Jesus treated Mary in a different way and Martha knew that she could comfort Martha with the hope of the resurrection but with Mary it was important to emphasize crying with her and this is a good example for me to adapt to the situation and listen first to recognize what the bereaved needs.
And in addition to the tears, he went further because it took him 2 days to get to where María and Martha were, but he wanted to be with them, he wanted to live that moment, he wanted to show his compassion and his empathy in person.
6. Why did Jesus cry on that occasion?
Jesus wept for: "the death of his friend, Lazarus", surely he imagined the suffering and pain that he went through due to his illness and the feeling that he was soon going to die. Also, Jesus wept: "seeing the sadness and grief of Martha and Mary for the death of her brother." This situation made him moan and give in to tears.
Jesus knew that Lazarus at that time, already deceased, was not suffering any kind of pain, so he did not cry, that is why he also knew that he had the power to resurrect him, but if he thought how much Lazarus had suffered in his agony knowing that he was going to die on pain of the illness that he had suffered and also seeing the suffering of his sisters that is what we read moved him deeply and made him cry.
In fact, a few verses earlier he had already told his disciples that he found out that Lazarus was sick but he did not go immediately to cure him of the illness Jesus waited for him to die because now he said that the power of God was going to manifest, so we see that Jesus Christ there also demonstrated that Jehovah was going to give him the strength to give a very great testimony of the power he had over death.
That is, he was able to understand the feelings of others and put himself in their place. He was able to put himself in the place of Lázaro. He was able to put himself in the place of Marta and María and also the sadness that he surely felt because of that, how it is cited here in the book. insight Jesus was a man of great sensitivity that is why he felt that pain explains insight that this makes him an excellent high priest king because he is not hypercritical, arrogant or demanding but rather he is able to put himself in the place of us human beings who are so weak.
And also in the insight work there is an interesting comment that shows the sensitivity of Jesus says that he not only did these things to fulfill prophecies but because he wanted to of his own free will so we see the deep feelings that Jesus could have too.
That also to better understand this situation, the paragraph encourages us to think about ourselves how many times we have had to go to the funeral of a brother or a friend and we have given in to tears and that we also have the hope of being able to see him in the future, So here we clearly see that although Jesus was perfect, he was a person of feelings just like us.
7. What do the tears that Jesus shed for his friends teach us about Jehovah?
In Hebrews 1:3 it says that Jesus is "the exact representation of the very being of Jehovah God, so this teaches us that Jehovah also has deep feelings of tenderness and compassion when he sees that we are sad or our hearts are broken, and he wishes, He wants to heal us and save us from our situation.
And that Jehovah is not only aware that we are sad but that he also shares that pain and that he wants to do something to make us feel better, that is why psalm 147:3 says that he heals those who have a broken heart and bandages the wounds Bone does something to make that discomfort better.
Jesus himself said that he who has seen me has seen the Father also and then what Jesus quotes also shows us what Jehovah is like in psalm 34:18 it says that Jehovah is close to those who have a broken heart and Jesus made an effort to Being both physically and emotionally aware showed that she understood what Maria and Marta were going through and was there to help them.
If a mother when her son is sick or is going through some pain, she feels his pain as if it were her own and also would like to take away that pain and be the one who had that illness to avoid any suffering for her son and that is Jehovah justly with us our pain hurts him so much that he wants to help us be close to us and support us.
8. Why can we be sure that Jesus will resurrect our loved ones?
We are sure that Jesus has the ability and the desire to resurrect our relatives who have died because he has already shown that he can do it, but it is not just a simple procedure or miracle, rather, the fact that Jesus "gave in tears" is evidence who intensely desires to repair the ravages of death.
Because we have seen that Jesus not only has the ability to resurrect or that he does so because he has to fulfill prophecies, but that he has the desire that he feels the pain when he sees the people who die, family members, friends, what they suffer and that makes him wish to resurrect people.
We are so sure of what has just been commented on because we feel identified with and also trust Marta Marta knew Jesus perfectly and when Jesus tells Marta I am the resurrection and life says You believe that and Marta says Yes sir I believe that you are the Christ, so Marta added to what she already knew from the Hebrew scriptures how Jehovah had given power to imperfect men to even resurrect, to that she added the fact of knowing Christ the Messiah perfectly and knowing that she was convinced that Christ he wanted his brother to be resurrected.
And it was not the first time that the feelings of Jesus in the face of death were seen in the story of Luke 7, verse 13 says that when Jesus saw this widow who had lost her son, he was deeply moved there was a feeling he already knew Jesus already He had done it in public, perhaps he remembered his mother when she had lost her husband, then Jesus had already shown that he was a man of feelings that he wanted to help people.
9. Like Jesus, how can you support those who are grieving? Give an example.
In imitation of Jesus, we can support our brothers who have lost a loved one in death: by listening to them, crying with them and giving them words of comfort. For example, a brother from Australia who lost his wife to death says that he needed help, several married couples offered to listen to him at any time, he was able to unburden himself and his tears did not make them feel uncomfortable. . He also allowed them to help him with some household chores. Also, they often prayed with him. As Proverbs 17:17 says, they proved to be true friends and brothers "in times of trouble."
I can support them by listening to him and giving them words of comfort just as it happened with this brother in Australia who lost his wife but his brothers and sisters listened to him and cried with him, they also helped him with housework that made him feel better.
That is why what we would not want to do would be to move away from being with the brothers, although it is true that sometimes one can think, look at this, it is better for the person to be alone, it is not a good time, we have to be there, and as for words, well, as many Sometimes it has been said even though we don't know what to say, we can't think of anything the fact of being there listening to them give them a hug cry with them that means a lot to that person.
Series of images: 1. Jesus cries together with Mary, Martha and other people. 2. Two elders console a sister who has suffered the death of a family member.
Let us support those who are grieving, just as Jesus did. (See paragraphs 5 to 9).
Well love and affection for those who are grieving there we see how Jesus was moved I cry with those who were grieving but we can also see these two brothers who have set aside time in their busy lives to visit their sister to listen to her to comfort her maybe not It was the moment that was most convenient for them, perhaps they had other matters to attend to, but that was the priority and this also shows us a very good lesson, no matter how much time has passed, perhaps the person has lost their loved one recently or many months ago. but the person needs our brother, our sister needs us to listen to her and do everything we can for her.
And how easy it is to be good friends with our friends when everything is going well but when the circumstances are not so good it is more difficult in the quoted paragraph Proverbs 17:17 that speaks of a brother in times of trouble and this is what happened to that old Adam and also what we have seen in the image an interesting comment on the image comment says that Jesus felt compelled to comfort Martha and Mary and this is what we can also learn from Jesus in terms of comforting others.
10. What event is related in Luke 19:36-40?
In these passages a joyous event is recounted, it was the occasion that Jesus entered Jerusalem and when he was approaching the city, a crowd gathered, and the people spread cloaks on the road as he passed to show that they accepted him as king.
The entrance of Jesus to Jerusalem is described where the people accepted him as king they said blessed is he who comes as king in the name of Jehovah and it was a very joyful occasion.
Well, the story tells us that when Jesus saw the city he cried for it, so although the situation seemed to be happy, Jesus did not lose sight of reality and since he knew the terrible future that awaited him, he cried.
It is interesting to see how he reacted at the moment because he did not cry to himself seeing the pain that awaited the inhabitants of Jerusalem says in Luke 19:41 the note mentions that perhaps it was an audible cry because that is how the disciples realized, so he suffered deeply about what was going to happen and others felt that feeling.
11. Why did Jesus cry for the inhabitants of Jerusalem?
Jesus wept for the inhabitants of Jerusalem because he felt sadness for them, he himself prophesied the terrible future that awaited the Jews. He knew that most would reject him and not accept the Kingdom message. And so it happened, Jerusalem was destroyed and the surviving Jews were taken prisoner.
Because he knew that although on that day the 9th of Nisan they were receiving him with palms and praising him as a king because most of the Jews were not going to accept him in fact only 5 days later when he is before Pilate and Pilate offers to release him instead of a thief well most of the Jews there are gasping and say no to the tree with him to the tree with him and they reject him as king so his future was going to be very hard.
And Jesus imagined the suffering of certain people in particular, that's why in Luke 21:23 it says there are women who are pregnant or breastfeeding in those days. So he put himself in the place of each one of those city dwellers.
So Jesus not only cried for his friends but also for people he did not know because surely in Jerusalem he did not know everyone personally but he felt sadness for her.
And in some way this could also have a reflection for us today because we also know that the people to whom we preach on many occasions reject our message, therefore, in some way we could also feel that way.
12. What do the tears that Jesus shed for his neighbor teach us about Jehovah?
It teaches us that Jehovah is interested in people and loves them, as 2 Peter 3:9 says "He does not want any to be destroyed, but that all come to repentance." Thus, the tears that Jesus shed for his neighbor shows the sincere and kind attitude that Jehovah has towards all people and wants them to obtain salvation.
It teaches us that Jehovah cares very much about people even more that Jehovah loves people.
If the note says that neighbor literally means the one who is close, that's why loving our neighbor would be striving because anyone we meet or contact accepts the truth.
And this makes us think about the way in which we approach preaching as we sometimes see it after a time of preaching, perhaps one begins with that desire to convey affection to people, indifference eats us little by little and there comes a time when we can we ourselves enter into an indifference when preaching but as the paragraph says here willingly striving for the good news to reach your heart that effort must be maintained through the years.
13, 14. (a) How did Jesus show compassion for people?
He showed this by being willing to fit into people's schedules so he could teach them about Jehovah. This means that there were times when he and his disciples "couldn't even eat." Also, he was willing to teach a Pharisee named Nicodemus when he came to see him at night.
Jesus preached at every opportunity even when he was hungry or late at night, and all this despite the fact that he knew that most people would not follow him.
And not only did he do it in the temple but he also did it if he was in the field on the streets, he addressed large groups or people individually, so we see that he did not miss any opportunity.
And with how exhausted they were after preaching with their disciples all day, because in John 3 he speaks of the case of Nicodemus, this Pharisee, a member of the Sanhedrin, who went at night, perhaps out of fear of the Jews and the time he dedicated to it and the beautiful truths that taught him how to be born again that no one had gone to heaven or that eternal life would be achieved by listening and following Jesus, so he spared no time despite the late hour, so a good example that later the other paragraph shows how we can apply it.
b) How can we demonstrate that quality?
We can show compassion to people, when we are willing to make some changes in the ministry and adapt to the schedules that are more convenient for the householders or students. We must understand that if we preach in the hours where it is possible to find more people, Jehovah will feel happy for the effort we make to make known to the whole world about the good news of the Kingdom.
The compassion we feel for people will also move us to think about their needs and not about showings and to make personal sacrifices if necessary to accommodate people's schedules.
Well, it was obvious that they had thought about the people of their territory, why does this pioneer say that early in the morning they preached in the shops because that was when they had the best results at noon when there are many people on the street they used the carts and later in the day they found more people in their houses, so their goal was not to meet a schedule throughout the month they were very clear about those feelings that Jesus had and they also had them for these people so they did everything possible to reach them at the time when I could hear them.
Series of images: 1. Jesus teaches Nicodemus at night. 2. A brother gives Bible lessons to a supermarket clerk at night.
Let's adapt our preaching schedule, just as Jesus did. (See paragraphs 13 and 14).
Well, the image is very beautiful because it looks like this brother was willing to adapt to the student, even giving this study at 10 at night, so you can see the effort of how to imitate Jesus and it is something that we can also apply in our lives. be willing to make changes make sacrifices to help people draw closer to Jehovah.
15. What did Jesus do the night before he died, as we read in Luke 22:39-44?
Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane and there he fervently prayed to Jehovah, pouring out his heart “with loud cries and tears,” asking his Father to give him strength to remain loyal and to do his will.
Well, in a situation of great anguish in the face of a great test of loyalty, he approaches Jehovah, he pours out his heart, he prays to him and, according to the Hebrews, he did so with loud cries and tears.
16. Why was Jesus distressed while praying in the Garden of Gethsemane?
The reason was because he was distressed that people would think that he had blasphemed against God. Furthermore, he had the great responsibility of: vindicating or defending his Father's name.
He knew that he was going to be accused of blaspheming God and that he was going to be executed as a criminal and he was concerned about Jehovah's name so he felt such intense feelings.
Another reason is added in the paragraph and it is that the enormous responsibility he had, he had to defend his father's name was a universal issue and that would also transcend the relationship of humans with his father so he wanted to vindicate or defend the name of Jehovah.
17. What does the fact that he answered Jesus' earnest prayers teach us about Jehovah?
It teaches us that Jehovah hears and answers our prayers to him, especially if our requests have to do with staying loyal and upholding his holy name. In Psalm 145:19, we are assured that "the Lord hears our cries for help, and rescues us."
Because if he did it with Jesus, he will also do it with us, Jehovah truly listens and Jehovah truly answers our prayers.
And that Jehovah listens to us as Psalm 145 mentions also because he sees the motivations behind those requests and prayers in the case of Jesus he suffered he wanted to defend the name of his father us the same if we are sincere if we do things our prayers our requests with the feeling with the motive of pleasing Jehovah that his will be done and not ours, we are sure that he will listen to us.
Yes, in addition, Jehovah hears our prayer instantly at the very moment we pray to him. Because while Jesus was praying, it was then that Jehovah sent him the Angel to strengthen him, it was not later, so knowing that Jehovah listens to us at the very moment of praying to him makes us we feel comforted by him and closer to him.
Series of images: 1. Jesus prays as an angel arrives to strengthen him. 2. A brother who is in a cell prays while a jailer watches him.
Let us ask Jehovah for help when we are distressed, just as Jesus did. (See paragraphs 15 to 17).
Well, the intense prayer, the agony that he was going through, was asking him for help to be able to reach the end and when he is praying, the Angel comes down to give him encouragement, so even though it was perfect, he needed a friend to give him that encouragement to hold on.
Well, we see the similarity that she had with Jesus, which I liked a lot in paragraph 15, when she commented that Jesus does not ask Jehovah to take away all her problems, but rather to help her endure so that the will of Jehovah is fulfilled, the little brother here we see that he is locked up in jail because surely it will be the same thing he will not ask Jehovah that we not have opposition because that is something that will be part of all the fulfillments that are in the Bible but that he give him the will to be able to endure all this opposition from Satan.
And we can see how Jehovah fulfills Psalm 145:19 in the case of this brother he says he satisfies the desire of those who fear him he hears their cries for help and rescues them, this brother has shown that he fears Jehovah that is why he is in this situation he prays to Jehovah asking for help and Jehovah answers him by bringing these letters.
And it may not always be that way, but in the case of both the Illustration and the image, Jehovah's response is immediate. In the case of Jesus, it was an angel that strengthened him. In the case of the brother, it is not exactly an angel, but surely the letter that he receives because it strengthened him a lot and it was the answer to the prayer he was praying.
18. Why do we say that Jesus is an understanding friend?
Jesus is an understanding friend because he understands what we feel, in Hebrews 4:15 he says that "he sympathizes with our weaknesses, because he was tested as we are in every way, yet without sin." So he knows when we feel weak and need help, and because of that, he gives us his support "just in time" needed.
Because as he says in Hebrews 4:15, 16 he can understand us he knows what it is to go through a very distressing situation to feel weak and need help so as he says in 16 at the end he will not hesitate to give us the right support in the time we need.
Yes, like Jesus, being willing to accept that help from Jehovah, this makes me think that sometimes when one suffers physically, one might not feel like eating or having someone visit him, things that would help us to be better, then when we suffer emotionally, one might If the same thing happens, maybe we don't want to go to the meeting or make that extra effort, however, we do have a good disposition and accept Jehovah's help only then will we recover.
And we also have to understand or grasp what that help is in the paragraph we talk about publications and videos not just a direct visit sometimes it could be that one is simply very ill that day he reads a magazine an article what is just what he needed and We must understand that if what you are reading specifically touches our problem, it is the help that Jehovah is giving us if we have to grasp it, accept it and thank him.
19. What will strengthen you if you are going through a difficult situation? Give an example.
What will strengthen us is prayer, we know that Jehovah will give us "his peace, which is beyond what any human being can understand." That peace calms our troubled hearts and helps us think clearly. An example of this is that of a sister named Luz, she says: “She sometimes feels alone, and that makes her think that Jehovah does not love her. But in that she makes her think that Jehovah does not love her. But in those moments she immediately tells Jehovah how she feels and thanks to prayer, she is able to control her emotions ». This example shows us that prayer helps us feel peace.
Praying can help us feel peace because it is the peace that comes from Jehovah because Jehovah hears our prayers.
And this is great advice to guide our attitude in the right direction, our sister often felt alone but instead of staying with that thought, she immediately talked to Jehovah, it became something automatic for her, she is a good example that I also want to imitate.
Well, it promises us that we are going to feel peace, that we are going to have the strength to endure the test and something very nice that experience also mentions is that it is going to help us control our emotions, we are going to be able to calm that situation and face what is put ahead.
20. What lessons have we learned from the tears of Jesus?
Jesus' tears remind us to support our friends who are grieving and to trust that Jehovah and Jesus will support us when we lose a loved one. They also motivate us to preach and teach with compassion because Jehovah and Jesus exemplify this precious quality. And her tears comfort us because they are proof that Jehovah and Jesus understand what we feel, understand our weaknesses, and want to help us endure.
One is that we should support our friends and trust that Jehovah and Jesus will support us when we lose a loved one.
Also that we must preach and teach with compassion because Jesus is also an example of that beautiful quality.
Jehovah and Jesus perfectly understand each of our feelings Jehovah is our creator and Jesus lived as a human being so they both understand us very well.
John 11:35
In this text it says that "Jesus shed tears", from this we have learned three lessons: 1) Jehovah and Jesus understand the sadness and pain we feel for the death of a loved one. 2) Jesus wholeheartedly desires to resurrect our loved ones who sleep in death. 3) Jesus taught us by his example to support those who are grieving.
It is said that Jesus shed tears and reminds us they show us both what Jehovah and Jesus feel they understand our pain and just as Jesus encouraged and comforted Martha and Mary we can also do the same with our brothers who are in mourning .
It also makes me think that he did not feel uncomfortable when he saw other people cry, on the contrary, he put himself in their place and he also cried to show that he felt empathy.
Luke 19:41
In this text it says that “Jesus wept for the inhabitants of Jerusalem,” so we learn three lessons from this account: 1) Jehovah and Jesus love people and do not want anyone to be destroyed. 2) Jesus' compassion moved him to do much in the ministry, so he took every opportunity to teach people about Jehovah. 3) The example of Jesus shows us that we must be willing to make the necessary changes to give everyone the opportunity to hear the good news of the Kingdom.
Well, Jesus also suffered for other people because, for example, the death of Lazarus, who was his friend, came directly to him. However, in the case of the city of Jerusalem, when it was besieged, Jesus was no longer there. Jesus was in heaven, however, even so, It hurt just like us, maybe there are brothers who are suffering in other places that we don't even know but we can cry and pray for them.
Well, make every effort because we want to reach all those people who can show interest by adapting our schedules because we know that Jehovah's will is that they not be destroyed.
Luke 22:44; Hebrews 5:7
In Luke 22:44 it says that Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane and there he poured out his heart to Jehovah and in Hebrews 5:7 it says that "he offered petitions with loud cries and tears", from this we learned three lessons: 1) That Jehovah listens the requests we make. 2) That Jesus is an understanding friend because he understands what we feel. 3) In the face of a difficult or distressing situation, Jehovah assures us that he will give us his peace to calm our hearts and help us think clearly.
We learn that when Jesus was so distressed what he did was pray to Jehovah to pour out his heart and Jehovah instantly answered that prayer by sending him an angel to encourage him and well, when we go through such an anguished situation we also have to pray to Jehovah and he helps us. calm down giving us his peace.
Jesus' priority was to honor Jehovah's name and be loyal to Jehovah, so Jehovah answered him and that also teaches me that if my priority in life is to love Jehovah and do everything so that his name is honored by all people Jehovah will help me when I need to maintain this position.
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