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1, 2. (a) When do we especially remember a loved one who has died? b) What did Jesus establish the night before he died?
When we lose a loved one, even if a long time passes, we always remember it. Above all, memories come to us every time the anniversary of his death arrives.
Every year, millions of people around the world gather for the anniversary of the death of someone very dear to us: Jesus Christ (1 Pet. 1:8). We do it to remember the one who gave his life as a ransom to save us from sin and death (Matt. 20:28). Jesus wanted his disciples to remember his death. The night before he died, he set up a special dinner and gave this command: “Keep doing this in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19).
3. What will we see in this article?
Of the millions of people who attend the Memorial of Christ's death, only a small group expect to go to heaven, but the vast majority hope to live on earth. In this article, we will look at several reasons why both groups want to attend the Memorial each year. We will also discuss why it benefits us to be present. Let's start by reviewing some of the reasons anointed Christians attend.
4. Why do the anointed ones of the bread and wine participate in the Memorial?
One reason anointed ones want to attend the Memorial each year is to partake of the bread and wine. Why can they? To know the answer, let us remember what Jesus did on his last night on Earth. After celebrating Passover, Jesus established what has come to be known as the Lord's Supper. He passed the bread and wine to his 11 faithful apostles and told them to eat and drink. He told them of two covenants or agreements: the new covenant and the Kingdom covenant (Luke 22:19, 20, 28-30). * These covenants made it possible for those apostles and a limited number of other Christians to become kings and priests in heaven (Rev. 5:10; 14:1).Those who are part of the anointed remnant * are included in these two covenants, and thus only they can partake of the bread and wine at the Memorial.
5. What do the anointed know about the hope they have received?
Another reason anointed ones want to attend the Memorial is that it gives them an opportunity to ponder their hope. Jehovah has given them a special hope: to enjoy immortal and incorruptible life in heaven, to serve alongside the glorified Jesus Christ and the rest of the 144,000, and, above all, to stand in the very presence of Jehovah (1 Cor. 15:51- 53; 1 John 3:2). The anointed know that they have been invited to enjoy these privileges. But in order to enter heaven they must be faithful until death (2 Tim. 4:7, 8). They feel very happy as they reflect on their hope (Titus 2:13). And what about the “other sheep”? (John 10:16). Why do you attend the Memorial? Let's look at some reasons.
6. Why do the other sheep attend the Memorial every year?
One reason the other sheep attend the Memorial is to observe, not to participate. The first time those hoping to live on Earth were specifically invited to be present was in 1938. The April 1938 issue of Watchtower said that it is "entirely just and proper" for members of the other sheep “be present at that meeting and watch what is done.” And he added: "It must be and it is a time of rejoicing for them too." Just as guests at a wedding happily attend to observe the ceremony, the other sheep happily attend to observe the Memorial celebration.
7. Why do the other sheep want to hear the Memorial talk?
The other sheep also reflect on their hope. They want to hear the Memorial talk, as much of it focuses on what Christ and the 144,000 who rule with him will do for faithful humans during the Thousand Year Reign. Under the direction of their King, Jesus Christ, these heavenly rulers will help transform the Earth into a Paradise and help obedient humanity achieve perfection. How exciting it is for the millions who watch the Memorial to imagine the day when Bible prophecies such as those at Isaiah 35:5, 6 will be fulfilled; 65:21-23 and Revelation 21:3, 4. Seeing themselves in the new world with loved ones strengthens their hope and determination to continue serving Jehovah.— Matt. 24:13; Gal. 6:9.
8. For what other reason do the other sheep attend the Memorial?
The other sheep also attend the Memorial because they want to show their love and support for the anointed. God's Word foretold that the anointed and those waiting to live on Earth would be very close. Let's look at some prophecies that prove it.
9. According to the prophecy of Zechariah 8:23, how do the other sheep feel about the anointed ones?
(Read Zechariah 8:23). In poignant imagery, this prophecy describes how the other sheep feel toward their anointed brothers and sisters. The expressions “a Jew” and “you” refer to the same group: the anointed remnant (Rom. 2:28, 29). The "10 men of all the languages of the nations" represent the other sheep. They hold fast to the anointed ones, that is, they stick loyally to them and join them in the pure worship of Jehovah. Thus, on the night of the Memorial, the other sheep show how attached they are to the anointed ones by accompanying them on the occasion.
10. What has Jehovah done to bring about the fulfillment of the prophecy at Ezekiel 37:15-19, 24, 25?
(Read Ezekiel 37:15-19, 24, 25). Jehovah has fulfilled this prophecy by having the anointed ones and the other sheep work in total unity. The prophecy speaks of two sticks. Those who hope to live in heaven are like the stick “for Judah” (the tribe from which the kings of Israel were chosen). And those who hope to live on Earth are like the stick “of Ephraim”. * Jehovah would unite both groups so that they would become “one stick.” This means that they would serve together under their one King, Jesus Christ. Each year, the anointed and the other sheep attend the Memorial, not as two separate groups, but as “one flock with one shepherd” (John 10:16).
11. How do the “sheep” mentioned at Matthew 25:31-36, 40 especially support Christ’s brothers?
(Read Matthew 25:31-36, 40). The “sheep” mentioned in this parable represent the righteous people who live in the time of the end and who have the hope of living on Earth, that is, the other sheep. With loyalty, they support the rest of Christ's anointed brothers above all by helping them fulfill an enormous responsibility: the worldwide work of preaching and teaching (Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20).
12, 13. In what other ways do the other sheep support Christ's brothers?
Each year, in the weeks leading up to the Memorial, the other sheep demonstrate their support for Christ's brothers. How? Participating fully in the worldwide campaign to invite interested people to attend (see the sidebar “Making Plans for the Memorial Season?”). All over the world, they make the necessary preparations to celebrate the Memorial even if there are no anointed Christians in their congregation. The other sheep are very happy to be able to support the brothers of Christ in this way. They know that for Jesus everything they do for the anointed is as if they were doing it for him (Matt. 25:37-40).
What reasons do we all have, no matter what our hope, for attending the Memorial?
Jesus and his faithful apostles seated at the table during the Lord's Supper.
Are you making plans for the Memorial season?
Support the campaign as much as you can with invitations for this important occasion. Make a list of the people you want to invite.
Pray to Jehovah to see if you can auxiliary pioneer in the Memorial season.
Review some articles or other information that will make you appreciate the Memorial, the ransom, and the love that Jehovah and Jesus have shown us. For example, you can study chapters 14 and 23 of the book Draw Close to Jehovah and chapter 17 of the book “Come Be My Follower.”
Follow the Memorial Bible reading in the Daily Examine the Scriptures booklet. He spends time reflecting on Bible stories that tell of Jesus' last days on earth, his death, and his resurrection.
Arrive early to welcome visitors and inactives.
Pay close attention to the speech. When the speaker reads and explains the texts, follow them in his bible.
When the show is over, try chatting with a visitor and answering any questions they have. If the person shows interest, make sure you or another publisher visits.
Visit anyone who has shown interest and offer a Bible study with the help of the Enjoy Life brochure.
A married couple offers the pamphlet “Enjoy Life” to a man in their home.
14. How have Jehovah and Jesus shown their immense love for us?
Because we appreciate the love of Jehovah and Jesus. Jehovah has shown us his love in so many ways. But the most outstanding has been sending his Son to suffer and die for us (John 3:16). Jesus also showed us his love by being willing to give his life for him (John 15:13). It is true that we can never repay them for everything they have done out of love, but we can show gratitude for the way we live (Col. 3:15). By attending the Memorial, we acknowledge his love and show them ours.
15. Why are the anointed and the other sheep so grateful for the ransom gift?
Because we greatly appreciate the gift of the ransom (Matt. 20:28). In the case of the anointed, they value the ransom because it makes their hope possible. Because of his faith in Christ's sacrifice, Jehovah declares them righteous and adopts them as his sons (Rom. 5:1; 8:15-17, 23). And, in the case of the other sheep, they also value the ransom because, thanks to their faith in the blood that Christ shed, they can count on God's approval , give him sacred service and come out of "the great tribulation" alive (Rev. 7:13-15). When both groups attend the Memorial each year, they show their gratitude for the ransom.
16. Why else do we attend the Memorial?
Because we want to obey Jesus. Regardless of our hope, we all take seriously the command Jesus gave the night he established the Memorial celebration: “Keep doing this in remembrance of me” (1 Cor. 11:23, 24).
17. Why does attending the Memorial bring us closer to Jehovah?
Because it brings us closer to Jehovah (Jas. 4:8). As we have seen, attending the Memorial gives us the opportunity to ponder the hope Jehovah has given us and the great love he has shown us.—Jer. 29:11; 1 John 4:8-10. We are convinced of that hope and that his love never fails. When we reflect on this, we love Jehovah more and feel closer to him.—Rom. 8:38, 39.
18. What effect does meditating on the example of Jesus have on us?
Because it motivates us to copy the example of Jesus (1 Pet. 2:21). In the days before the Memorial, we reviewed the Bible accounts of Jesus' last week on earth, his death, and his resurrection. Then, on Memorial night, the talk reminds us of Jesus' love for us (Eph. 5:2; 1 John 3:16). Reading about and meditating on Jesus' sacrificial spirit motivates us “to walk on as he walked” (1 John 2:6).
19. What must we do to continue in the love of God?
Because it makes us more determined to continue in the love of God (Jude 20, 21). When we do our best to obey him, hallow his name, and rejoice his heart, we remain in his love for him (Prov. 27:11; Matt. 6:9; 1 John 5:3). Attending the Memorial gives us more strength to say to Jehovah each day with our actions: “I want to remain your friend forever!”
20. What good reasons do we have for attending the Memorial?
It doesn't matter if our hope is to live in heaven or to live on earth, we have good reason to attend the Memorial each year. Whenever we gather to celebrate it, we remember the death of someone we love: Jesus Christ. And, above all, we remember the greatest sign of love that exists: that Jehovah gave the life of his Son to rescue us. This year, the Memorial will take place on Friday night, April 15, 2022. We love Jehovah and his Son. So on the anniversary of Jesus' death, nothing could be more important than being present at the Memorial.
What are some reasons anointed ones attend the Memorial?
One reason anointed ones want to attend the Memorial each year is to partake of the bread and wine. Another reason anointed ones want to attend the Memorial is that it gives them an opportunity to ponder their hope.
What are some reasons the other sheep attend the Memorial?
One reason the other sheep attend the Memorial is to observe, not to participate. The other sheep also attend the Memorial because they want to show their love and support for the anointed.
Why is it beneficial for all of us to be present at the Memorial?
Because it brings us closer to Jehovah. As we have seen, attending the Memorial gives us the opportunity to ponder the hope that Jehovah has given us and the great love that he has shown us.
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