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1-3. What things can make us cry?
There are many things that can make us cry, for example: a loss of a family member, an illness, or some difficult situation that we are going through. We can also cry with joy, not just with sadness.
Sometimes we cry with joy; but almost always what makes us cry is sadness. For example, our tears may be due to the death of a loved one.
Our desire is to serve Jehovah with joy, but we may do so with tears due to grief over the death of a loved one, discouragement, or a difficult situation that tests our loyalty to God.
We can cry from happiness or sadness, although it is almost always sadness, such as the death of a loved one.
It can also be, as the pioneer from Japan comments, that we become discouraged by the indifference of the people of the territory to the message that we carry. She tells how, with tears in her eyes, she asks Jehovah to help her find someone who wants to find the truth.
And Psalm 6:6 says "I am worn out from so much sighing, all night I soak the bed with tears." And this can be the feeling of many of us when we go through difficult situations. We want to serve Jehovah with joy, but these things test our loyalty to God.
It can be joy, sadness such as the death of a loved one. Others when seeing the indifference of the people of the territory. Or to difficult situations that test our loyalty.
4. What are we going to analyze in this article?
We will look at all the times Jesus wept and what his tears teach us about him and Jehovah.
Let's analyze those occasions in which he cried. We will see what his tears teach us about him and about Jehovah, and also what we can do when we experience situations that make us cry.
We will examine the example of Jesus, reviewing the occasions when he shed tears and what these teach us about him and about Jehovah.
5. What does the account at John 11:32-36 teach us about Jesus?
Jesus also had feelings, he was like us, he also felt sad for the loss of Lazarus and that is why he cried.
Jesus loved him and his two sisters, Mary and Martha, very much. They were heartbroken at the loss of their beloved brother.
Shortly afterward, when Jesus saw Mary and others crying, “tears came to his eyes.”
There are macho stereotypes, others are insensitive to the feelings of others, Jesus being perfect was not like that.
It teaches us that Jesus had feelings and it hurt him to see Lazarus's loved ones mourn his death. Therefore, seeing that suffering, he too gave in to tears, as verse 35 says.
Jesus loved Lazarus and his two sisters very much. When he found out about Lazarus's death, Jesus traveled to Bethany. When he talked with Martha and Mary and saw them cry, "tears came to his eyes."
6. Why did Jesus cry on that occasion?
Jesus wept for the death of Lazarus, and also for the pain that Lazarus' sisters were besieging for his death. All of this made Jesus cry, because of how sad he was.
Jesus may have been thinking of the pain his dear friend Lazarus suffered during his illness and how he felt when he realized that he was soon to die. Surely he also cried when he saw how sad María and Marta were because of the death of his brother. If you have lost a close friend or family member to death, no doubt you have felt something similar.
Jesus knew that he was going to resurrect Lazarus. But, he cried because of the deep love and compassion he felt for his friends. Jesus showed empathy and gave in to tears. Likewise, empathy should motivate us to "cry with those who cry," and show compassion.
He must have thought about the suffering his friend Lázaro went through during his illness and the anguish of knowing that he was going to die. It must have hurt her too to see her friends María and Marta crying over the death of her brother.
7. What do the tears that Jesus shed for his friends teach us about Jehovah?
That if we are going through the loss of a family member, we have to be very sure that Jehovah shares our pain and understands us and he wants to heal our wounded heart.
Jehovah understands how you feel. Jesus is “the exact representation” of God. His tears reflected what his Father feels about him.
If we are grieving the death of a loved one, you can be sure that Jehovah is not only aware of your sadness, but also shares your pain. He wants to heal his broken heart.
Jesus is "the exact presentation" of God. Therefore, Jesus' tears reflected what his Father feels about him. Likewise today, when we are suffering, Jehovah shares that pain. And we know this from Psalm 147:3, which says that Jehovah "heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
Jesus is the exact representation of God. Therefore Jehovah also feels the same as his son when someone gets sick or dies and also shares that pain.
8. Why can we be sure that Jesus will resurrect our loved ones?
The tears that Jesus shed in comforting his friends teach us that he sincerely desires to resurrect those who have died.
Because like Mary, we have knowledge of the promises that are in the Bible, including the resurrection.
Just as Mary was sure of the resurrection, we can be sure that we will see our loved ones who have died again.
The tears that Jesus shed in comforting his friends teach us that he sincerely desires to resurrect those who have died.
We are sure because it has already done it in the past, and in the Bible we have those stories. Jesus' tears show us that from his heart he is willing to bring back to life those who have died.
And Marta was very sure of this. She knew that the prophets Elijah and Elisha had raised some people. And also Jesus. So we too can be completely sure, like Martha, that Jesus will resurrect our loved ones.
Because he has already proven it. I resurrect other people. The tears that Jesus shed when comforting his friends teach us that he sincerely desires to resurrect those who have died.
9. Like Jesus, how can you support those who are grieving? Give an example.
To support someone who is grieving, we must listen and comfort them.
Jesus not only wept with Martha and Mary, but also listened to them and gave them words of comfort. We can do the same for those who have lost a loved one.
Dan, an elderly man living in Australia, says: “After my wife died, I needed help. Several married couples offered to listen to me at any time. They let me vent, and my tears didn't make them feel uncomfortable. And, when I didn't feel up to it, they also offered to help me with some chores, like washing the car, going to the grocery store, and cooking. And they often prayed with me. They proved to be true friends and brothers 'in times of trouble'.
When a brother loses a loved one, we can help him by listening to him and giving him a few words of comfort, because as Proverbs 17:17 says, "a true friend loves at all times and is a brother in times of distress."
And the example is given of an old man from Australia who lost his wife. He tells how the brothers offered to listen to him at any time. They also offered to do housework, wash the car or do the shopping and cooking. And besides, they prayed with him. So we see how these brothers showed love and compassion and were true friends.
Dan, an elderly man living in Australia, says: “After my wife died, I needed help. Several married couples offered to listen to me at any time. They let me vent, and my tears didn't make them feel uncomfortable."
Series of images: 1. Jesus cries together with Mary, Martha and other people. 2. Two elders comfort a sister who has suffered the death of a family member.
Let us support those who are grieving, just as Jesus did. (See paragraphs 5 to 9). *
10. What event is related in Luke 19:36-40?
"When he got close to the city and saw her, he wept for her." The event that he recounts in Luke 19: 36-40 is that he foretold the terrible future that awaited the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
Jesus went to Jerusalem. As he approached the city, a crowd gathered, and people spread cloaks on the road as he passed to show their acceptance of him as King. It was certainly a joyous occasion.
So surely his disciples were surprised to see what Jesus did next: "When he came near the city and saw it, he wept for it." With tears in his eyes, Jesus predicted the terrible future that awaited the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
When Jesus came down from the Mount of Olives, the people shouted for joy to show that they accepted him as king. So he stopped to see the city, wept for her and predicted the terrible future and the desolation that would come to her.
The people welcomed him as king. And although it was a joyful occasion, the disciples were surprised to see that Jesus when he arrived in the city wept over it. And he predicted the terrible future that awaited him.
11. Why did Jesus cry for the inhabitants of Jerusalem?
Because he knew that most Jews would not accept God's message. That is why Jerusalem would be destroyed.
Jesus was very sad because he knew that, despite such a joyful reception, most of the Jews would not accept the Kingdom message. For that reason, Jerusalem would be destroyed and the surviving Jews would be taken prisoner. Unfortunately, just as Jesus had predicted, most people rejected him.
Something similar happens today, despite our efforts to teach people the truth, the reality is that few respond favorably.
Although they received him with joy, Jesus wept because he knew that most of them would not accept the Kingdom message. Furthermore, Jerusalem would be destroyed. This attitude reminds us of people today who do not listen to the message either.
Because he knew that although it was a very joyful moment to welcome him, most of the Jews would not accept the message of the kingdom. For that reason Jerusalem would be destroyed and those who survived would be taken prisoner.
12. What do the tears that Jesus shed for his neighbor teach us about Jehovah?
It teaches us that Jehovah loves us and cares about us. He wants everyone to be saved and no one to be destroyed.
Jehovah loves people. Jesus' tears remind us of how much Jehovah cares for people. "He does not want any to be destroyed, but that all come to repent."
We show that we love others by willingly continuing to strive for the good news to reach their hearts.
As we know Jesus is the reflection of Jehovah. So Jesus' tears teach us that Jehovah loves people, and as 2 Peter 3:9 says "he is patient and does not want anyone to be destroyed." So we must keep striving to reach the hearts of the people when we preach.
"He does not want any to be destroyed, but that all come to repent"
13, 14. (a) How did Jesus show compassion for people?
The compassion he felt for them compelled him to do so. Sometimes there were so many people who wanted to listen to his teachings that he and his disciples "couldn't even eat."
He took every opportunity to teach them. The compassion he felt for them compelled him to do so. Sometimes there were so many people who wanted to listen to his teachings that he and his disciples "couldn't even eat." And, when a man came to see him at night, Jesus was willing to converse with him. It is true that most of the people who listened to Jesus did not become his disciples, but all of them received a complete testimony.
He demonstrated it by preaching by preaching to all kinds of people. And he also took advantage of any opportunity he had to do so. Sometimes there were so many people who wanted to listen to him that he couldn't even eat, as it says in Mark 3:20. So we see that Jesus also put people's interests before his own.
He took every opportunity to teach them. Sometimes there were so many people who wanted to hear the truth that they didn't even have time to eat. Regardless of the time he was willing to talk to people.
b) How can we demonstrate that quality?
If we always preach at the same times, we may not find those who would like to hear the good news. Instead of choosing a time that suits us, let's preach at times when we are most likely to find people. If we do, we can be sure that Jehovah will be very happy.
Today, we want to give everyone a chance to hear the good news. To achieve this, we may have to make some changes in our ministry.
Instead of choosing a time that suits us, let's preach at times when we are most likely to find people. If we do, we can be sure that Jehovah will be very happy.
We can show compassion if we give everyone a chance to hear the good news. And for this we may have to preach at different times and not preach when it suits us best, but adapt to people, as Jesus did.
In some cases we may make changes to our ministry schedule for when people are at home. A pioneer named Matilda relates: “My husband and I try to preach at different times. Early in the morning, we preach in business. At noon, when there are many people on the street, we use the carts. And later in the day we managed to find more people in their homes.”
Series of images: 1. Jesus teaches Nicodemus at night. 2. A brother gives Bible lessons to a supermarket clerk at night.
Let's adapt our preaching schedule, just as Jesus did. (See paragraphs 13 and 14). *
15. What did Jesus do the night before he died, as we read in Luke 22:39-44?
Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane and there he poured out his heart to Jehovah.) In those difficult times, he "offered petitions with loud cries and tears."
Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane and there he poured out his heart to Jehovah. In those difficult times, he "offered petitions with loud cries and tears." Jesus asked the Father to give him strength to remain loyal and to do his will.
Jesus got down on his knees and began to pray, offering petitions with loud cries and tears. Jesus asked Jehovah for strength to remain loyal and to do his will. And Jehovah listened to him, for he sent an angel to strengthen him.
He asked Jehovah to give him strength to remain loyal and to do his will.
16. Why was Jesus distressed while praying in the Garden of Gethsemane?
Because he was distressed by the idea that people thought he had blasphemed against God.
Because he was distressed by the idea that people thought he had blasphemed against God. He was also aware of the enormous responsibility he had: to vindicate or defend his Father's name.
The burden on his men was indescribably overwhelming, we could also be going through very overwhelming situations, in which we feel that we cannot continue with some family or spiritual assignment or responsibility.
The idea that people thought he had blasphemed against God distressed him. And besides, he knew he had a huge responsibility: to vindicate his father's name.
Because he was distressed by the idea that people thought he had blasphemed against God. He was also aware of the enormous responsibility he had: to vindicate or defend his Father's name.
17. What does the fact that he answered Jesus' earnest prayers teach us about Jehovah?
It teaches us that if we are loyal to Jehovah, he will answer us and will not leave us alone.
God listens to the requests that you make of him. Jehovah listened to the intense pleas of his Son. Why? Because the most important thing for Jesus was to remain loyal to his Father and defend his name. If the most important thing for us is to remain loyal to Jehovah and defend his name, he will answer us when we ask him for help.
It teaches us that if the most important thing for us is to remain loyal to Jehovah and defend his name, he will answer us when we ask him for help, just as he did with his son. In fact, Psalm 154:18,19. It reminds us that Jehovah "is near to those who call on him in sincerity and satisfies the desire of those who fear him."
That Jehovah heard the intense pleas of his son what was to stay loyal and defend his father's name. Jehovah will do the same with us if the most important thing is to remain loyal to him.
Series of images: 1. Jesus prays as an angel arrives to strengthen him. 2. A brother who is in a cell prays while a jailer watches him.
Let us ask Jehovah for help when we are distressed, just as Jesus did. (See paragraphs 15 to 17). *
18. Why do we say that Jesus is an understanding friend?
Because when we are distressed, we count on Jesus who is an understanding friend. He knows what it's like to feel weak and need help.
When we are distressed, we are happy to have an understanding friend, especially one who has been through similar problems. Well, Jesus is that friend. He knows what it's like to feel weak and need help. He also knows how we are made and will see to it that we receive “just in time” support as needed. Just as Jesus accepted the help of an angel in the Garden of Gethsemane, we must be willing to accept the help that Jehovah gives us, whether it is through a publication, a video, a talk, or an encouraging visit from an elder or a friend. a mature friend.
Because Jesus went through problems similar to ours when he was on Earth. Therefore, he knows what it is to feel weak and need help.
Furthermore, Jesus being perfect, accepted the help of an angel. So all the more reason for us to be willing to accept the help that Jehovah gives us, whether it be through a video, a publication, a talk, or a brother.
He has been through situations similar to ours. He knows what it's like to feel weak and need help. Jesus accepted the help of an angel in the Garden of Gethsemane, we must be willing to accept the help that Jehovah gives us through different means that he deems appropriate.
19. What will strengthen you if you are going through a difficult situation? Give an example.
It will strengthen us to pray, because thanks to that we have peace. The peace that Jehovah gives us calms our hearts and helps us think clearly.
When we pray, we receive "the peace of God, which is beyond what any human being can understand." The peace that Jehovah gives us calms our hearts and helps us think clearly. This was what a sister named Luz felt. She says: “Sometimes I feel lonely, and those feelings make me think that Jehovah does not love me. But in those moments I immediately tell Jehovah how I feel. Thanks to prayer, I can control my emotions.” As Luz's experience shows, prayer helps us feel peace.
Jehovah is the one who will strengthen us. So if we pray to him, he will give us peace. As Philippians 4:7 says “a peace that is beyond what any human being can understand”. That peace will calm our hearts and help us think clearly.
The example of Sister Light is mentioned. She says that sometimes she feels alone and thinks that Jehovah does not love her. But she, she immediately prays to Jehovah to tell him how she feels and, thanks to that, she can control her emotions and feel peace.
When we pray, we receive “the peace of God, which is beyond what any human being can understand.” Luz says: “Sometimes I feel alone, and those feelings make me think that Jehovah does not love me. But in those moments I immediately tell Jehovah how I feel. Thanks to prayer, I can control my emotions.”
20. What lessons have we learned from the tears of Jesus?
Her tears remind us to support our friends who are grieving and to trust that Jehovah and Jesus will support us when we lose a loved one.
Her tears remind us to support our friends who are grieving and to trust that Jehovah and Jesus will support us when we lose a loved one. They also motivate us to preach and teach with compassion because Jehovah and Jesus exemplify this precious quality. And her tears comfort us because they are proof that Jehovah and his dear Son understand what we feel, understand our weaknesses and want to help us endure.
The first lesson we saw is that, just like Jesus did, we too should support our friends when they are grieving. And trust that Jehovah and Jesus support us in that difficult situation.
Another lesson is that we must show compassion for others. Jesus preached to all kinds of people and in all circumstances. And we must copy that magnificent example.
And the third lesson is that we know that Jehovah and Jesus understand how we feel and understand our weaknesses. If we pray to Jehovah, he will help us endure.
That we should support each other especially with those who are grieving. Preach and teach with compassion. That Jehovah and Jesus understand how we feel, understand our weaknesses, and want to help us endure.
John 11:35
The book Insight on the Scriptures explains: “The death of his friend Lazarus and the grief of the deceased's sisters caused him to 'moan and give way to tears.'” Jesus may have been thinking of the pain his dear friend Lazarus suffered during his illness and how he felt when he realized that he was soon to die. If you have lost a close friend or family member to death, no doubt you have felt something similar.
Jehovah fully understands how we feel. Jesus is "the exact representation" of God. His tears reflected what the father feels.
If we are grieving the death of a loved one, we can be sure that Jehovah is not only aware of our pain and sadness, but also shares our pain. God wants to heal our broken hearts.
Support those who are grieving.
He cried when he thought of the suffering his friend Lázaro and his family went through. We can support those who are grieving by listening to them and giving them words of comfort, being true friends in times of distress.
Luke 19:41
We often see Jesus full of longing for the people he meets, both the sick and the sinners who come before him, and they are invited to acknowledge their integrity before God. Here He looks at the city of Jerusalem and prays for this people, wishing that they can receive what God is offering. If I consider how Jesus looks at me, I realize that He longs for my growth, so that I can accept all the possibilities that God offers me daily.
Jesus wept when he saw that many people would not accept him as the Messiah, and what came to them for not accepting him were very severe judgments, even so, Jesus was willing to teach Nicodemus at night.
We should give Bible classes at a time that is most convenient for the student.
It could be that we even cry when we see that many people react with apathy and indifference, but we want to concentrate on those who want to learn, even if it is only one.
Although few reacted to Jesus' preaching, he still wanted to give everyone a chance to hear the good news. We can be interested in people by finding a schedule that allows us to meet people and give them the opportunity to hear the message of salvation.
Luke 22:44; Hebrews 5:7
When we go through difficult times we have to ask Jehovah for strength, he will help us and not leave us alone. Jehovah will hear our prayers.
Jesus was distressed by the idea that people thought that he had blasphemed against God. He was also aware of the enormous responsibility he had: to vindicate or defend his Father's name.
The burden on his men was indescribably overwhelming, we could also be going through very overwhelming situations, in which we feel that we cannot continue with some assignment or family or spiritual responsibility, we must strive to seek moments alone with God in prayer and open our heart.
When we pray to Jehovah to help us stay loyal and defend his name, he will answer us. And he will do it with the medium that he sees fit to encourage us.
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