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Let's look for hidden pearls (10 mins.)
1Sa 19:23, 24. In what way did King Saul behave “like a prophet”? (it-2 727 para. 1).
This account does not mean that the prophets were often naked, for the biblical record indicates the opposite. The purpose of Saul's nakedness is not explained, whether it was to show him as a mere man, stripped of his royal and important attire before Jehovah's royal authority and power, or whether there was some other reason. This does not mean that he began to utter prophecies, but rather that he manifested a powerful feeling and physical disturbance such as a prophet experiences just before prophesying or while he is prophesying. Being in this singular state, he twice threw a spear at David. After failing in his attempts to nail David to the wall, he agreed to give his son Michal in marriage if he would present him with 100 Philistine foreskins. His purpose was for David to die at their hands.
To the people whom the spirit of God 'fell upon them' behaved and did things out of the ordinary, when Saul began to behave "like a prophet", he undressed and remained naked all day and night", due to this, the purpose of Saul's nakedness is not explained, whether it was to show him as a mere man, devoid of his royal attire and powerless before the royal authority and power of Jehovah, or if there was some other reason.
Well, in itself, the expression behave like a prophet alludes to the extraordinary way in which the prophets expressed or behaved, in the case of Saul when he decided to go personally in search of David, he was made to behave like a prophet, because he stripped himself of his garments and remained naked all that night, during which time David evidently ran away.
And the Bible doesn't say why Saul was made to be naked, it may have been to show that he was a mere man, stripped of his royal garments and powerless against Jehovah's own authority and power, so he couldn't hope to have a good time. succeed in anything contrary to God's purpose for David.
What spiritual gems have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
1 Samuel 18:1. The Bible says that "a great friendship arose between Jonathan and David, and Jonathan began to love him as himself." Jehovah chose David to be the next king after Saul, who was the father of Jonathan. Saul was so jealous and angry that he tried to kill David. But Jonathan did not join his father in his efforts with David. Jonathan and David promised each other that they would always be friends and support each other.
1 Samuel 18:1. Something curious about the friendship of David and Jonathan is that there was a difference of 30 years between the two of them, despite the age difference, Jonathan proved to be such an understanding friend and that surely helped him grow and develop either as a warrior and as a loyal servant to Jehovah and apart from helping him and comforting him when he was going through difficult times, this can teach young people to look for mature friends since their friendship and experience can be very helpful in many situations.
1 Samuel 18:1. The Bible contains many stories of human beings who showed tender affection and Jonathan and David are a clear example of a good and loyal friendship, although Jonathan's father felt so jealous and so angry that he tried to kill David, Jonathan did not join his father in his efforts to end David, rather, Jonathan and David promised each other that they would always be friends and support each other, this teaches us that we will be able to find true friendships that will always be by our side.
1 Samuel 18:1,3. The best friends are not necessarily of the same age, this teaches us that if there are no young people in the congregation, we can try to get acquainted with older Christians. Age should not be a barrier to friendship. The Bible tells us about the model friendship that existed between David and Jonathan, and, because of his age, Jonathan could have been David's father!
1 Samuel 18:4. David proved to be a person who fulfilled every task entrusted to him, but this was not only due to his strength or abilities, but David also sought Jehovah's direction and blessing, as a result of this, everything David did was successful, this teaches us despite the abilities or skills that we have, what we must recognize is that we must always trust Jehovah to be successful in everything we do.
1 Samuel 18:5. Concerning David, the son of Jesse, it is written: "Wherever Saul sent him, he acted prudently," that is, with insight. David discerned that his work involved more than simply a conflict between human warriors. He realized that he and those with him were fighting Jehovah's wars. As a result of this, David's expeditions were successful.
1 Samuel 18:8. It tells us that Saul began to feel envy for David's achievements, which led him to commit serious sins, this teaches me that when a brother obtains privileges in the congregation we should not feel envy, because this displeases Jehovah and could lead us to sin, but rather we should rejoice in their achievements.
1 Samuel 18:7,9. Envy and jealousy can make us bitter and rob us of the joy of enjoying the blessings that we have around us, this happened to Saul, we must beware of envy and jealousy of our brothers, we must thank Jehovah that we are all in the congregation and strive to work as friends as a team, instead of seeing each other as rivals in competition.
1 Samuel 18:6,14. It says that when the Israelite women began to praise David for his military exploits, King Saul was so jealous that he twice threw a spear at him, and both times David managed to dodge the deadly attack, which helped him escape unscathed. have Jehovah's support, so this story encourages us a lot because we know that, if we are loyal, Jehovah can deliver us from any danger.
1 Samuel 18:6,11. We noticed that Saul's heart began to change when he began to compare himself with David, this teaches us that if, when comparing ourselves with other people, we notice that feelings such as envy or competition surface in us, we should be careful, since these are negative emotions, incompatible with God's way of thinking.
1 Samuel 18:12. It shows us that Jehovah had departed from Saul, that is why he began to do bad things, which gives us an idea of what happens when Jehovah moves away from us, so we can conclude that nothing good is going to happen to us. It waits as we walk away from God.
1 Samuel 18:11-16. Seeing that everything was going well for David and that Jehovah was with him, he began to be afraid of him and that fear turned into envy for this Saul tried twice to nail him to the wall with a spear and both times David managed to escape from him, without Without a doubt, we must avoid imitating the bad example of Saul, if we see that someone is doing well in their life or in their service to Jehovah, we should not show envy, rather, we should be happy for the success they are having.
1 Samuel 18:18. Note the sincere humility with which he responded to King Saul when he offered his daughter in marriage: “Who am I and who are my relatives, my father's family, in Israel, that I should become the king's son-in-law? ». One Bible scholar wrote of this verse: "David meant that neither his personal worth nor his social position nor his lineage gave him the slightest aspiration to become the king's son-in-law."
1 Samuel 19:1. It makes me meditate on how anguished Jonathan must have felt to see what his father has become, who at one time had been a good person, but he did not let himself be defeated by this, but the most important thing for him was to serve his God. , and although it is very painful to see a friend or family member drastically change for the worse, so if someone disappoints us or makes us feel bad, let us remember that Jehovah will welcome us and be the best father we can imagine.
1 Samuel 19:1-3. Saul told his son Jonathan and all his servants that he planned to kill David, but Jonathan, who loved David very much, told him and in this way protected his friend from Saul's attack and also showed loyalty to whom Jehovah had chosen , this shows us that there will be times when we will have to take care of our true friends, especially when they come under attack from those who are against Jehovah.
1 Samuel 19:9,10. By withdrawing his spirit from Saul, Jehovah made it possible for an evil spirit to deprive him of peace of mind and stir up his feelings, thoughts, and imaginations in an improper way and as Jehovah had allowed the “evil spirit ” replaced his spirit could be called an “evil spirit from Jehovah” and due to the influence to which he was subjected, Saul acted impulsively, such as trying to stab David with a spear.
1 Samuel 19:12, 13. The teraphim were like idols and even though they were related to matters of inheritance, in the time of Saul some Israelite families continued to adhere to this ancient Jewish superstition, a clear example of this is the fact that Michal who was David's wife and Saul's daughter kept a teraphim among her possessions indicates that her heart was not complete with Jehovah, as for David, or she did not know that she had such an image, or she tolerated it because she was the daughter of King Saul.
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