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1. What question are we likely to ask ourselves?
The question is: Will I be able to remain faithful when the destruction of false religion, the attack of Gog of Magog and the war of Armageddon take place?
The question is: Will I be able to remain faithful when the destruction of false religion, the attack of Gog of Magog and the war of Armageddon take place?
It is normal to ask yourself this question because we know what will happen in the future the chaos in which the world will be immersed the changes that there will be difficulties attacks one studies these things and it is normal to feel some fear, it will also be a new experience for us never before experienced something to such an extent and we do not know how we will face it, so it is normal for us to consider whether we will be able to remain faithful in such a situation, but although we cannot know exactly how it will be or how we will react, we can control our fears, our anguish, as Jesus said, showing faith for that now is the best time to strengthen our faith.
2. How can we strengthen our faith, and what will we discuss in this article?
We will be able to strengthen our faith by analyzing how we proceed or face the problems we have now, so we will realize what aspects of our faith we can improve. And in this article, we'll look at four situations that indicated Jesus' disciples needed more faith, as well as how to endure similar problems today and how they prepare us for the future.
We are going to analyze precisely how the disciples of Jesus faced different tests and Jesus encouraged them to have more faith and then also how to endure similar problems like them similar to mountains today as those tests are going to prepare us for the future.
We will be able to strengthen our faith by analyzing how we proceed or face the problems we have now, so we will realize what aspects of our faith we can improve. And in this article, we'll look at four situations that indicated Jesus' disciples needed more faith, as well as how to endure similar problems today and how they prepare us for the future.
3. As we read in Matthew 6:30, 33, what did Jesus make clear about faith?
Jesus made it clear that if we have a "strong faith in Jehovah," we are going to put him first in our lives and trust him to take care of providing us with what we need. So no matter how difficult the situation may be due to lack of employment or financial problems, we must be sure that Jehovah will not abandon us and will help us materially, this will bring us closer to him and our faith will become stronger.
As he says, we need a strong faith that Jehovah is going to take care of providing us with what we need and in any way, he will surely provide it for us, but we have to be completely convinced that Jehovah is not going to fail us. we have that security then we are free to concentrate on the most important thing as Matthew 6:33 says in seeking first the kingdom and then in addition Jehovah will give us material things.
We know that Jehovah is the one who takes care that our basic needs are covered by the expressions that Jesus uses he says if God clothes, he will not clothe you and verse 33 says then you will receive showing that Jehovah is the one who intervenes and who takes care of us.
It is hard for anyone not to have to eat not to have food, perhaps it is harder for our family, our wife, our son, not to have it, that is when the ones we love the most do not have it, that is when we can lose our bearings and change priorities, then for the necessity we can think that we can accept a job that puts Jehovah in the background, faith comes in here Matthew 6:33 if we put Jehovah first we know that he will feed and take care of the whole family.
Putting ourselves in the hands of Jehovah will create a repetitive cycle because seeing how Jehovah sustains us we want to put him first and do more things for him and in turn he will continue to support us so the result of all this is that our faith will be strengthened .
4, 5. What has helped a family deal with the concern of how to get what is necessary to live?
Which has helped them put spiritual matters first. This family, despite their difficult situation, attend all the meetings and preach. With great faith in Jehovah, they have seen how he cares for them through the brothers in the congregation who provide them with things they need or help their father find work. Sometimes, too, they receive help from the relief work of the branch. The eldest daughter expresses that: "it moves her to see how the hand of Jehovah has been with them, in the face of the difficulties they have gone through and this has prepared them for the most difficult tests that will come in the future."
Well, the Castro family that is spoken of in this example is going through terrible economic difficulties and yet their faith in Jehovah and seeing how when he puts the kingdom first, Jehovah gives them what they need makes them continue to put the kingdom first.
And experience shows what a strong one means because, as has been mentioned right now, the brothers depend on Jehovah, not to live but to survive to have what is necessary for the day that is the ration of the head of the family and it has to be very difficult as it has been said in the previous paragraph but it is curious that they show their faith not only because they ask Jehovah but because they act in harmony with that request they do not stop attending the meetings they do not stop participating in the preaching that is the way they as in a practical way they are demonstrating their absolute faith in Jehovah.
And that experience also shows us that while Satan uses this preoccupation with getting what is necessary to create anxiety, Jehovah actually turns it into an opportunity to create trust and faith and that is precious because a very close relationship is created between trust and faith. faith with clearly seeing the hand of Jehovah in his life and that is something that he never forgets.
6. If you are going through financial problems, how can you strengthen your faith?
We can strengthen our faith by: praying to Jehovah, reading and meditating on the words that Jesus said in Matthew 6:25-34. These texts do not guarantee a comfortable life, but they give us the assurance that if we put Jehovah first in life, he will take care of us. Likewise, we must think about how Jehovah cares for brothers who are busy in theocratic activities or have helped others in situations similar to ours, this will make us have confidence that he will also cover our basic needs. Therefore, we must have faith in Jehovah's saving power.
For example, praying to Jehovah by reading and meditating on the words of Matthew 6:25 to 34 and thinking of current examples of how Jehovah cares for those who put the kingdom first.
I really like this paragraph because it says that we can turn a problem into a blessing and we can achieve it with something that is within our reach pray to Jehovah we can all make him read the word of God meditate on it so it is only up to us to turn a problem in a blessing
Yes, as I said at the beginning of the article, we can make this give us strength to move forward and Habakkuk 3:17 and 18 quotes us that although the fields did not provide food, even if there were no animals in the stables and pens, I would continue to be happy and happy because we know that Jehovah is the God of our salvation when we have already experienced it we are able to overcome greater trials.
Series of images: A family faces economic problems. 1. They pray together before eating the little food they have. 2. Later that day, they go out preaching from house to house.
Even when we have financial problems, our faith will help us stay focused on Kingdom interests. (See paragraphs 3 to 6).
Well, we see a true family there, with few material resources, surely with concerns, but very clearly they are putting the king's interests first, and that is what Jehovah hopes to see from us, that is the confidence that has been spoken absolute faith in Jehovah that he not only the kingdom is an arrangement for humanity but that he has committed himself to each one of us when Jehovah sees that commitment he responds.
7. According to the account at Matthew 8:23-26, how did a severe storm test the faith of the disciples?
Although some disciples were good sailors, this time the situation got out of hand, as the biblical story says, this strong storm causes the waves to start hitting the boat and it begins to "fill with water", so they are in danger, so they wake up Jesus and ask him to save them, but he says: «You of little faith, why are you so afraid?». With these words Jesus let them know that if their "faith was solid" they would be convinced that Jehovah was perfectly capable of protecting and saving them.
As we have been able to read, the disciples were going by the sea, a very strong storm broke out and although they were skillful fishermen, they had surely overcome a lot of storms, but that one scared them, however, although they had also seen many tests of how Jesus had power, for example, by healing the sick. This storm made him lose faith a little, so frightened they asked Jesus to save him.
And the paragraph pointed to something very interesting and that is that although they had faith but not enough, the disciples focused on them and lost sight of the role of Jehovah who could perfectly solve the situation to protect his son but they did not focus on that so they had faith but not enough so to speak their faith shipwrecked at that moment and was drowned by the storm.
8, 9. How was Anel's faith tested, and what helped her?
Anel's faith was put to the test when Hurricane Maria hit her country Puerto Rico, due to this hurricane she was left homeless and jobless. Anel she expresses that what she helped was: learning to lean on Jehovah through her prayer and not letting her anxiety paralyze her. But, in addition, what she also did is that she was obedient. She says that: Following the instructions of her organization helped her to remain calm, courage and the material help she received from her brothers made her see the hands of Jehovah. She realized that he gave her much more than she could imagine, and her faith was greatly strengthened.
Well, we have been able to read in the paragraph that she had to face a great loss as a result of Hurricane Maria that hit Puerto Rico in 2017 and she was left homeless and without a job, that is, without the essentials to be able to continue living, she was in a very difficult situation. review.
She also says that it helped her to be obedient at this moment she received instructions from the brothers who went to help her and following those instructions helps her to remain calm.
10. What can you do if you are dealing with a severe storm?
If we are suffering from a “storm”, whether it is a natural disaster or some serious health problem, we must not allow it to rob us of our trust in Jehovah, rather, we must draw closer to him, pray to him and tell him what we feel, and Following the advice of Psalm 77:11,12 "we have to remember, meditate and reflect on the wonderful acts that Jehovah has done for us in the past", this will strengthen our faith and give us the security that our loving God will never and never stop us. will leave.
Well, open our hearts to Jehovah, express what we feel, not allowing that torment, so to speak, to pass over us and rob us of the trust we have in our God, but to meditate on the occasions in which Jehovah has helped us in the past and that will not continue. helping in the future.
It is very beautiful as Psalm 77 explains because sometimes people can tend to forget how Jehovah has helped us in the past but if we meditate and reflect on how Jehovah has helped us in the past continuously we will keep it in mind for when the more complicated situations.
11. Why must we be determined to be obedient to those who direct us?
Because Jehovah and Jesus ask us to be obedient and trust those who have been appointed to lead us. Perhaps, sometimes the instructions they give us do not seem logical to us, but we must remember that in the Bible there are many experiences that show that Jehovah blesses and saves those who are obedient. So meditating on those examples will help us to be more determined to cooperate with the organization's instructions both now and in the future.
Because Jehovah and Jesus ask us to be obedient and trust those who have been appointed to lead us. Perhaps, sometimes the instructions they give us do not seem logical to us, but we must remember that in the Bible there are many experiences that show that Jehovah blesses and saves those who are obedient. So meditating on those examples will help us to be more determined to cooperate with the organization's instructions both now and in the future.
And it is true that sometimes the instructions that we have to obey may not seem logical to us, but as the paragraph mentions, those instructions come from Jehovah's organization or as it says here is who Jehovah and Jesus trust and we have examples from the past that show that Obeying even if it doesn't seem logical in the end can save our lives.
In fact, it is exactly what the Bible demonstrates in Exodus, the Israelites, precisely guided by Moses, go precisely to an area in the desert that seems that they were going to fall victims of Pharaoh's army or in the case of Jehoshaphat in second chronicles when he received the instructions did not seem so logical but he faces a large army of Moabites and Ammonites but putting singers in front, but how our faith has been commented is put to the test when we have to obey men who are really representatives of Jehovah through their organization that is one of the most important ways we show our obedience to Jehovah.
Series of images: 1. A married couple looks with concern at the enormous damage caused by a very strong storm. 2. On another occasion, they talk animatedly with the brothers who are helping them to rebuild their house.
Strong faith helps us weather strong storms, whether literal or figurative. (See paragraphs 7 to 11).
We see a family that has lost everything they had because of a natural disaster, but we also see how after seeing Jehovah's help through his organization is how to strengthen faith.
12. According to Luke 18:1-8, what is the relationship between having faith and enduring injustice?
Jesus showed that faith and enduring injustice go hand in hand. In this story, he says that a widow had a conflict, so he begs and insists, time after time, to an unjust judge to do her justice. During that time she puts up with the injustice until the judge finally helps her. Jesus said that in contrast, "Jehovah is a righteous judge." He knows when we suffer injustice, but we have to show with our patience and perseverance that we have a strong faith like that of the widow. A faith that makes us endure and be sure that sooner or later Jehovah will help us and see that justice is done for us.
Well, having faith and having faith that Jehovah is attentive to our needs and injustices helps us endure and the example of the widow is clear the widow endured the widow persevered and for that reason an unjust judge listened to her, because with much more reason Jehovah who is really just this story that Jesus tells is really a promise that Jehovah knows our difficulties and will see to it that justice is done to us sooner or later, so on our part we have to endure.
Series of images: 1. In a hospital, a sister listens with great concern to a doctor who is talking about her husband's illness. 2. Later that day, she prays silently at the bedside where her husband is.
If we persist in prayer, our faith will be strengthened. (See paragraph 12).
One of the most difficult situations to cope with is when a relative becomes ill, perhaps the doctor there is informing the sister of a not encouraging prognosis or perhaps he is insisting that the relative should accept a blood transfusion or perhaps he is being denied some treatment doctor for not accepting her, it is quite an unfair situation but in the right photo we see that the sister is taking refuge in prayer turning to Jehovah for his help from his guide to face the difficult situation, then we learn that we can have the assurance that sooner or later Jehovah will answer our prayers because like the Lord Jesus he is not unfair to those who show faith and take refuge in him.
13. How did prayer help a family that was the victim of an injustice?
This family had to flee their village because it was attacked by soldiers, but on the way, they encountered a roadblock and the soldiers threatened to kill them. The girls, to calm their mother, prayed aloud to Jehovah, and this was answered immediately, because he made the commanding officer let them go and told them "to go in peace and that Jehovah your God protect them". This is proof of the power and value of prayer.
Well, it can be literally said that the prayer saved their lives in the face of a military blockade where the army threatened to kill them. The sister was having a very bad time, but her daughter prayed in which she repeated many times the name of Jehovah and the army officer. Moved, he allowed them to pass when he realized that they were a truly spiritual family, as the man said, go in peace with your parents, he told the daughter, and may the Lord your God protect you.
14. What can test our faith, and what will help us endure?
What can test our faith is that our prayers receive a quick or spectacular answer. But what will help us to endure is to continue praying with confidence to Jehovah, convinced that he will not abandon us and that, in his due time and in some way, he will answer our prayers.
Sometimes our prayers may not be answered in the way or at the time we want and that can put our faith to the test. However, if we continue to pray to Jehovah with constancy and with confidence and we ask for his holy spirit, we will have the strength to endure those prayers. tests we face.
The paragraph speaks of 1 not underestimating 2 continuing to pray 3 keep praying to Jehovah so it gives us to understand that without prayer we will never be able to overcome tests of faith, just as an electrical appliance is dead or useless without electricity because faith without prayer so to speak is as if disconnected from Jehovah's source of wisdom and strength so how good it is that we use it to the fullest.
15. According to Matthew 17:19, 20, what problem did Jesus' disciples have?
This story says that the disciples of Jesus, on a certain occasion, could not expel demons, he explained to them that the problem was because: he needed more faith, so they would be able to move obstacles as big as mountains.
Well, Jesus told them that they had little bone faith, at times they did not have enough faith to face certain situations.
In the same way we can also think that we have overcome problems that seem simple to us but there may be bigger problems in which we need more faith to be able to overcome them.
16. How has faith helped Geydi to face a painful tragedy?
Despite her great grief over her husband's murder, Sister Geydi's faith keeps her busy serving Jehovah. So she prays to him and he gives her the peace she needs. Also, she sees how Jehovah takes care of her through her family and the brothers of the congregation. She says that “what she has lived through has taught her that no matter what test comes in the future, she will be able to face it with the help of Jehovah, Jesus and the organization.”
Well, she faced a great test when her husband was murdered and what she did to face it was to first turn to Jehovah through prayer to see how her family, the brothers, now Jehovah used them to take care of her and also keep busy in the service of Jehovah and that eased his pain.
Series of images: 1. A sister cries while holding in her hand a tie belonging to her husband, who has passed away. 2. Later that day, you attend a congregation meeting and raise your hand to offer a comment.
In the most painful moments, faith will help us keep busy serving Jehovah. (See paragraph 16).
We see a sister who is going through one of the worst moments of her life, very painful, the loss of a loved one, possibly the most important thing in her life, was the kingdom, they are just memories, and now she is going to go to the meeting, she remembers possibly at the moment in which she helped her husband choose his tie and far from getting angry with Jehovah or blaming him, taking away from her those things that made him suffer, he focuses his life on serving Jehovah because that relieves him, he does not doubt it, he goes to the meeting and does not he only goes but participates with joy, it is true that he does not have his wife on his right but on his left he is managing to strengthen a sister because she is looking at him with an extension of what strength you are giving me so his faith in addition to encouraging her he is also encouraging the congregation.
17. What can we do when faced with an obstacle that looks like a mountain?
If the obstacle is the loss of a loved one, we should spend time strengthening our faith by reading biblical accounts that speak of the resurrection. On the other hand, if the obstacle is sadness due to the expulsion of a relative, we must study to convince ourselves that Jehovah's discipline is always the best. But whatever the problem, we must not isolate ourselves, rather, we have to move forward, cling to Jehovah, our brothers and continue to be constant with our spiritual activities, and when we realize how Jehovah helps us, our faith in him will be strengthened. stronger.
And here are a series of activities that we can do to move forward in the face of problems, here, for example, is participating in activities that help us endure, even with tears, also attending meetings, preaching, reading the Bible, because all these activities will continue to help us facing all these problems is not and it is worth it because it says that our relationship with Jehovah is going to be strengthened, which is what we all need.
We have already seen in the article that one of the things that Jehovah does to help us is to use the brothers so we do not want to isolate ourselves as Proverbs 18:1 says, we want to be close to the congregation because Jehovah can help us through our brothers.
18. If you notice that you have a weakness in your faith, what can you do?
We should see it as an opportunity to ask Jehovah to "Give us more faith." Also, we need to meditate on the examples in this study and remember the different ways in which Jehovah helps us. If we allow him to help us through the current trials, we will have more confidence that he will also help us through any trials that come in the future.
Well, realizing that we have a weakness in the faith is not necessarily bad because we have realized it and we can work on it, so it is time to do like the Apostles and ask for more faith and also to reflect on the examples that we have seen in this article.
When we face a test, let's not think that it will be too great a burden for us because, as the paragraph says, Jehovah wants to help us, so what we have to do is allow him to help us carry that burden through the prayer of the brothers.
19. What was Jesus sure of, and what can you be?
Jesus was sure that with Jehovah's help trials can be overcome, which is why he said in John 16:33 that "he had overcome the world." Also, the bible says that there will be a great crowd that will survive the great tribulation thanks to a strong faith, so we can be sure that with Jehovah's help we can be part of those survivors.
He was sure that his disciples had a strong faith and that thanks to that faith they would be able to overcome any test that would be presented to them in the future and they were also sure that many other people could do it and receive eternal life, so if we also have this kind of faith we can also enjoy this life that Jehovah promises us.
Jesus also knew that as he mentioned in John 16:33 that we are going to have suffering in this system but that if we are brave and have faith in the end we can say like him that we have overcome the world.
How can you prepare for future tests of faith?
We can prepare ourselves by looking at how we deal with the trials we have now, so we can see where we can improve in our faith. We must be clear that if we faithfully endure trials with Jehovah's help, we will have more strength for future events.
We have seen that what we can do is analyze how we face trials now in the present and by doing that what we can see and find out is what aspects of our faith we can improve and therefore ask Jehovah for help to give us more faith.
What four trials might we face now, and how might they help us?
The four tests are: 1) Economic problems. 2) The storms of life, whether literal or figurative. 3) The injustices. 4) Obstacles as big as mountains. We can bear all these tests, endure them with the help of Jehovah, we have to have faith that "Jehovah is greater and superior" than any of them. Let us be sure that no matter what test comes in the future, we will be able to face it with the help of Jehovah, who is perfectly capable of protecting us.
Do a test for example it could be economic problems and in that case we could trust that Jehovah will take care of us and if we trust him and put the kingdom first we will see how he answers those prayers gives us what we need and our faith is strengthened .
We also talk about very strong storms that can be literal and figurative, we talk about injustice that we can suffer in life or obstacles that look like mountains.
Why can you be sure that it is possible to remain faithful?
Because we follow the example of Jesus, who defeated the world and also because the Bible assures us that there will be survivors of the great tribulation, so we want to "be strong, solid in faith" to be part of those faithful survivors.
We have seen several reasons but I like it a lot and it touches my heart the trust that Jesus and Jehovah have in us, Jesus himself said I have overcome the world in John 16:33 Jesus is also convinced that as long as we lean on Jehovah we can overcome all kinds of tests as long as we have faith in him.
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