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1. What question are we likely to ask ourselves?
Do you feel a little dread when you think about the terrifying events that will soon take place, such as the destruction of false religion, the attack of Gog of Magog, and the war of Armageddon? Do you occasionally wonder if you'll be able to stay true when all these things happen? If so, it will be very helpful for you to analyze the words of Jesus that we read in the topic text of this article. Jesus told his disciples: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Show faith” (John 14:1). If we have strong faith, we can face the future with confidence.
2. How can we strengthen our faith, and what will we discuss in this article?
One way to strengthen our faith to face the tests that come in the future is to analyze how we face the tests that we have now. This way we can see in which aspects of our faith we can improve. Every time we pass a test, our faith grows stronger. And this will help us endure whatever comes in the future. In this article, we will look at four situations that indicated Jesus' disciples needed more faith. We will also see how to endure similar problems today and how these prepare us for the future.
3. As we read in Matthew 6:30, 33, what did Jesus make clear about faith?
It is natural for the head of the family to want to give his wife and children food, clothing, and a place to live. This is not always easy these days. There are brothers who have lost their job and, no matter how hard they try, they can't find another one. In the case of others, they have refused jobs that are not acceptable for a Christian. In situations like these, we need to have strong faith that Jehovah will somehow see to it that we do not lack what we need. Jesus made this clear to his disciples in the Sermon on the Mount (read Matthew 6:30, 33) . If we are fully convinced that Jehovah will not abandon us, we can concentrate on what is most important—Kingdom interests. And by seeing how Jehovah helps us materially, we will feel closer to him and our faith will grow stronger.
4, 5. What has helped a family deal with the concern of how to get what is necessary to live?
Let's look at the case of the Castro family, from Venezuela. They have felt Jehovah's support when facing the concern of how to get the necessary things. This family was dedicated to working on a piece of land they owned and thus earned enough to live on. But one day, armed gang members invaded their property and forced them to leave. The father, Miguel, says: “Now we depend largely on what we can grow on a small piece of land that they lent us. The first thing I do each day is ask Jehovah to give us what we need for that day.” Life is hard for the Castro family, but they have absolute faith that our loving Father can take care of their daily needs. Therefore, they have not stopped attending congregation meetings or participating in the preaching work. They put the Kingdom first in their lives, and Jehovah takes care of them.
All this time, Miguel and his wife, Yurai, have focused on how Jehovah has taken care of them. Sometimes, Jehovah has used brothers to give them some of the things they needed or to help Miguel find a job. On other occasions, he has used the relief work of the branch to cover his basic needs. He has never abandoned them. And so the faith of this family has grown stronger. After talking about a specific case in which Jehovah helped them, his eldest daughter, Yoselin, says: “I am touched to see Jehovah's hand so clearly. I see him as a friend I can always count on in my life.” And he adds: “The problems that we have gone through as a family have prepared us for the most difficult tests that will come in the future.”
6. If you are going through financial problems, how can you strengthen your faith?
Are you going through financial problems? If so, these are difficult times. Despite everything, even if your situation is very difficult, you can use this time to strengthen your faith. Pray to Jehovah, read the words of Jesus recorded at Matthew 6:25-34 and meditate on them. Think of examples from our day that show that Jehovah cares for those who are busy in theocratic activities.—1 Cor. 15:58. This will strengthen your confidence that just as your heavenly Father has helped others in similar situations, he will help you too. He knows what you need and knows how to give it to you. When you see Jehovah's hand in your life, your faith will be strengthened and you will be able to withstand greater trials in the future.—Hab. 3:17, 18
Series of images: A family faces economic problems. 1. They pray together before eating the little food they have. 2. Later that day, they go out preaching from house to house.
Even when we have financial problems, our faith will help us stay focused on Kingdom interests. (See paragraphs 3 to 6).
7. According to the account at Matthew 8:23-26, how did a severe storm test the faith of the disciples?
On a certain occasion when Jesus and his disciples were traveling in a boat, a storm arose on the sea. Jesus used this opportunity to help them see that they needed more faith (read Matthew 8:23-26). The storm was so strong that the waves covered the boat, but Jesus slept peacefully. Very frightened, the disciples went to wake him up and ask him to save them. Calmly, the Lord said to them, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" The disciples had to know that Jehovah was perfectly capable of protecting Jesus and those with him. What is the lesson for us? That a solid faith helps us to face strong storms, whether literal or figurative.
8, 9. How was Anel's faith tested, and what helped her?
Let's see how the faith of a single sister from Puerto Rico named Anel grew stronger when she went through a very difficult test. In his case, the storm was literal. Due to Hurricane Maria, which hit Puerto Rico in 2017, Anel was left homeless and jobless. She says: “In those terrible days, I was very afraid. But I learned to lean on Jehovah through prayer and not let anxiety paralyze me.”
Anel says that there was something else that helped her during her test: obedience. He says, “Following the organization's instructions helped me stay calm. The spiritual encouragement and material help I received from the brothers made me see the hand of Jehovah.” He adds: “Jehovah gave me much more than I could have imagined, and my faith was greatly strengthened.”
10. What can you do if you are dealing with a severe storm?
Are you dealing with a heavy storm in your life? Perhaps you are suffering because of a natural disaster. Or maybe your “storm” is a serious health problem that has left you feeling overwhelmed and not knowing what to do. You may feel worried at times, but do not let that rob you of your trust in Jehovah. Open your heart to him and tell him everything you feel. Strengthen your faith by pondering the times Jehovah helped you in the past.—Ps. 77:11, 12. You can be sure that it will never leave you, not now or ever.
11. Why must we be determined to be obedient to those who direct us?
What else will help him endure the tests? As Anel indicated, obedience. Learn to trust those whom Jehovah and Jesus trust. Sometimes those who have been appointed to direct us may give us instructions that do not seem logical to us. But remember that Jehovah blesses obedience. His Word and the experiences of faithful servants teach us that obedience saves lives (Ex. 14:1-4; 2 Chron. 20:17). Meditate on these examples and you will be more determined to cooperate with the instructions of the organization both now and in the future (Heb. 13:17). Then there will be no reason to be afraid of the great storm that is coming (Prov. 3:25).
Series of images: 1. A married couple looks with concern at the enormous damage caused by a very strong storm. 2. On another occasion, they talk animatedly with the brothers who are helping them to rebuild their house.
Strong faith helps us weather strong storms, whether literal or figurative. (See paragraphs 7 to 11).
12. According to Luke 18:1-8, what is the relationship between having faith and enduring injustice?
Jesus knew that injustices would test the faith of his disciples. To help them endure, he told a story that we can read about in the book of Luke. He spoke of a widow who pleaded over and over again with an unjust judge for justice. She was sure that if she didn't stop insisting, eventually he would help her. So it was. What is the lesson? Jehovah is not unjust. That is why Jesus said: “Then, is not God going to see to it that justice is done to his chosen ones who beg him day and night for help […]?” (read Luke 18:1-8). Then Jesus added: “When the Son of Man comes, will he really find that faith on earth? ”When we suffer injustice, we have to prove by our patience and perseverance that we have faith as strong as the widow's. That faith makes us sure that sooner or later Jehovah will help us. We must also believe in the power of prayer. Sometimes our prayers can receive unexpected answers.
Series of images: 1. In a hospital, a sister listens with great concern to a doctor who is talking about her husband's illness. 2. Later that day, she prays silently at the bedside where her husband is.
If we persist in prayer, our faith will be strengthened. (See paragraph 12).
13. How did prayer help a family that was the victim of an injustice?
Let us look at the experience of a sister named Vero, who lives in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with her husband, who is not a Witness, and their daughter, who is 15 years old. The three had to flee their village when it was attacked by soldiers. Along the way, they came across a roadblock where the military blocked their way and threatened to kill them. Vero began to cry, but her daughter tried to calm her down by praying out loud and repeating Jehovah's name many times. When she finished praying, the commanding officer asked her, “Young lady, who taught you to pray?”. She replied, "My mom, modeled after Matthew 6:9-13." The man said to him: “Go in peace with your parents, and may the Lord your God protect them.”
14. What can test our faith, and what will help us endure?
Experiences like this teach us never to underestimate the value of prayer. But what if your prayers aren't answered quickly or dramatically? Like the widow in Jesus' comparison, continue to pray with the confidence that our God will not abandon you and that, in due time and somehow, He will answer your prayer. Keep begging Jehovah to give you his holy spirit (Phil. 4:13). Remember that soon he will give you so many blessings that you will forget all that you have suffered in the past. By faithfully enduring trials with Jehovah's help, you will have more strength for future events.—1 Pet. 1:6, 7.
15. According to Matthew 17:19, 20, what problem did Jesus' disciples have?
Jesus taught his disciples that faith would help them overcome obstacles (read Matthew 17:19, 20). Although they had cast out demons several times, on one occasion they were unable to do so. What was the problem? Jesus explained to them that they needed more faith. He told them that if they had enough faith, they would be able to move obstacles as big as mountains. Today, we too can face problems that seem insurmountable.
16. How has faith helped Geydi to face a painful tragedy?
Let's look at the example of Geydi, a sister from Guatemala. Her husband, Edi, was killed on his way home from a congregation meeting. She tells how her faith has helped her deal with immense pain: “Through prayer, I cast my burden on Jehovah, and that gives me peace. I see how he takes care of me through my family and the brothers in the congregation. Staying busy in Jehovah's service eases my pain and helps me get through each day without worrying too much about tomorrow. What I have experienced has taught me that no matter what test comes in the future, I will be able to face it with the help of Jehovah, Jesus and the organization.”
Series of images: 1. A sister cries while holding in her hand a tie belonging to her husband, who has passed away. 2. Later that day, you attend a congregation meeting and raise your hand to offer a comment.
In the most painful moments, faith will help us keep busy serving Jehovah. (See paragraph 16).
17. What can we do when faced with an obstacle that looks like a mountain?
Have you suffered the loss of a loved one? Spend time strengthening your faith in the resurrection by reading Bible accounts of people who were resurrected. Are you very sad about the expulsion of a family member? Study to convince yourself that God's discipline is always best. Whatever problem is in front of you, see it as an opportunity to strengthen your faith. Open your heart to Jehovah. Instead of isolating yourself, stay close to your brothers (Prov. 18:1). Engage in activities that will help you endure, even with tears (Ps. 126:5, 6). Keep going to meetings, preaching, and reading the Bible. And keep pondering the wonderful blessings that Jehovah has promised you. Seeing how Jehovah helps you, your faith in him will grow stronger and stronger.
18. If you notice that you have a weakness in your faith, what can you do?
Do not be discouraged if past or present tests have revealed that you have a weakness in your faith. See it as an opportunity to make your faith stronger. Ask for the same thing Jesus' apostles asked for: “Give us more faith” (Luke 17:5). Also reflect on the examples we have seen in this article. Like Miguel and Yurai, remember all the times Jehovah helped you. Like Vero's daughter and Anel, I prayed to Jehovah from my heart, especially in the most difficult moments. And, like Geydi, accept the help that Jehovah can give you through your family or brothers. If you allow Jehovah to help you face the current tests, you will have more confidence that he will also help you face any tests that come in the future.
19. What was Jesus sure of, and what can you be?
Jesus pointed out areas where his disciples needed more faith, but he never doubted that with Jehovah's help they would be able to overcome future trials.—John 14:1; 16:33. In addition, he was sure that there would be a great crowd that would survive the great tribulation thanks to strong faith (Rev. 7:9, 14). Will you be part of that crowd? By Jehovah's undeserved kindness, it will be so if you take every opportunity now to strengthen your faith.—Heb. 10:39.
How can you prepare for future tests of faith?
We have to learn to lean on Jehovah, and pray to him, tell him our anxieties and our joys. Have a lot of faith, always remember on all the occasions that Jehovah helped us and know that he will not abandon us.
What four trials might we face now, and how might they help us?
Perhaps you are suffering because of a natural disaster. Or maybe your “storm” is a serious health problem that has left you feeling overwhelmed and not knowing what to do. You may feel worried at times, but do not let that rob you of your trust in Jehovah. Open your heart to him and tell him everything you feel. Strengthen your faith by pondering the times Jehovah helped you in the past. You can be sure that it will never leave you, not now or ever.
Why can you be sure that it is possible to remain faithful?
Because when there is faith it helps us to deal with difficult situations in our lives, it helps us to pray and be at peace. When you feel that you no longer have faith and can no longer, pray to Jehovah and tell him: "Give me more faith", just as the apostles did.
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