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1, 2. What good reasons do we have for showing loyal love to one another?
We have good reasons to show loyal love to each other. We find some of them in these proverbs of the Bible: “May loyal love and fidelity not abandon you […]; then, in the eyes of God and man, you will gain approval and the reputation of being very insightful ”; " The man of loyal love benefits himself," and "he who earnestly seeks justice and loyal love will find life" (Prov. 3: 3, 4; 11:17, ftn; 21:21).
These proverbs list three reasons why we should show loyal love. First, because in the eyes of God it makes us valuable. Second, because it benefits ourselves. For example, it helps us cultivate lasting friendships. And third, if we show loyal love, we will gain future blessings, including eternal life. We certainly have good reasons for obeying this command from Jehovah: “Treat one another with loyal love and mercy.” - Zech. 7: 9.
3. What questions will we answer in this article?
In this article, we will answer four questions: To whom should we show loyal love? What does the book of Ruth teach us about showing loyal love? How can we show this quality today? And how does it benefit us to do so?
4. How do we imitate Jehovah's loyal love? (Mark 10:29, 30).
As we saw in the previous article, Jehovah only shows his loyal love — that is, his deep and eternal attachment — to those who love and serve him (Dan. 9: 4). We want to do what Ephesians 5: 1 says: "Imitate God as beloved children." So we want to cultivate a deep and eternal attachment for our godbrothers. --Read Mark 10:29, 30.
5, 6. What do people in general understand by loyalty?
We will surely agree that the better we understand what loyal love means, the better we will show this quality to our brothers and sisters. Therefore, let's see with an example the difference between what is loyal love and what people in general understand by loyalty.
We could say that someone who has worked for the same company for many years is a loyal employee. But in all those years, he may never have met any of the owners. You may not always agree with company policies. You are not there for love, but because you need a job to earn a living. You will continue to work for the company until you retire, unless you find a better position elsewhere.
7, 8. a) What prompts someone to show loyal love? b) Why will we analyze some portions of the book of Ruth?
The difference between employee loyalty we mentioned in paragraph 6 and loyal love is why they show up. Why did God's servants in biblical times show loyal love? They did not do it out of obligation, but because their hearts prompted them to do so. Let's look at the example of David. His heart motivated him to show loyal love to his dear friend Jonathan even though Jonathan's father wanted to kill David. Years after Jonathan's death, David continued to show loyal love to Mephibosheth, Jonathan's son (1 Sam. 20: 9, 14, 15; 2 Sam. 4: 4; 8:15; 9: 1, 6, 7 ).
We can learn many things about loyal love by analyzing some portions of the biblical book of Ruth. What lessons about loyal love do the characters in that book teach us? How can we apply these lessons in our congregation? *
9. Why did Naomi conclude that Jehovah was against her?
The book of Ruth tells the story of Naomi, her daughter-in-law Ruth, and a man named Boaz, who loved God and was related to Naomi's husband. Due to a time of famine in Israel, Naomi, her husband, and their two sons left for Moab. There her husband died. His two sons were married, but unfortunately they also died (Ruth 1: 3-5; 2: 1). Those blows of life plunged Naomi more and more into discouragement. She was so consumed with grief that she concluded that Jehovah was against her. Notice how he expressed what he thought of God: "The hand of Jehovah has turned against me, […] the Almighty has filled my life with bitterness." He also said: “Jehovah has turned against me. The Almighty has caused me much suffering ”(Ruth 1:13, note 20, 21).
10. ¿Cómo reaccionó Jehová a las amargas palabras que dijo Noemí?
How did Jehovah react to Naomi's bitter words? He did not abandon her, but when he saw her suffering he showed her empathy. Jehovah understands that “oppression can drive a wise person to madness” (Eccl. 7: 7). Still, Naomi needed help to see that Jehovah was on her side. What did God do to help her? (1 Sam. 2: 8). It made Ruth feel compelled to show him loyal love. With kindness and love, she helped her mother-in-law regain her emotional and spiritual balance. What does Ruth's example teach us?
11. Why do many brothers help those who are discouraged?
Loyal love prompts us to help those who are discouraged. Just as Ruth stood by Naomi's side, today there are many caring brothers who willingly stand by those who are downcast or depressed. They love their brothers and sisters and want to do everything in their power to help them (Prov. 12:25, ftn; 24:10). Thus they follow the apostle Paul's advice: "Comfort the depressed, support the weak, and be patient with all" (1 Thess 5:14).
12. What is in many cases the best way to help a brother who is discouraged?
In many cases, the best way to help a sibling who is discouraged is to listen to him and tell him that we love him. Jehovah looks at everything we do to help one of his valuable sheep . --Ps. 41: 1. Proverbs 19:17 says: "He who shows compassion to the needy makes a loan to Jehovah, and he will repay him for it."
A brother listens carefully to what another tells him.
One way to help siblings who are discouraged is to listen to them. (See paragraph 12)
13. What did Ruth do unlike Orpah, and how did she show loyal love? (See the drawing on the cover).
To better understand what loyal love is, let's take a look at what happened to Naomi after the death of her husband and two children. When Naomi heard that "Jehovah had remembered his people and had given them food," she decided to return to her country (Ruth 1: 6). Her two daughters-in-law began the journey back with her. But as they were on their way, Naomi told them three times to go back to Moab. What happened? The account says: “Orpa kissed her mother-in-law and left, but Ruth would not be separated from her” (Ruth 1: 7-14). Orpa did what Naomi told him to do and returned to Moab. But Ruth did more than was expected of her. He could also have returned home, but out of loyal love he decided to stay to help his mother-in-law (Ruth 1:16, 17). He chose to stay by her side, not because he had to, but because he wanted to, out of loyal love. What does this story teach us?
Ruth stays by her mother-in-law, Naomi, but Orpa returns to Moab. Ruth tells Naomi: "Wherever you go I will go" (See paragraph 13).
14. a) What have many brothers decided to do? b) According to Hebrews 13:16, what sacrifices are pleasing to God?
Loyal love goes beyond what is expected. As in the past, many Witnesses today have chosen to show loyal love to their brothers, even those they do not know. For example, when they learn that there has been a natural disaster, they immediately ask how they can help. Or, if they know that a brother in the congregation has financial problems, they try to find out what he needs and help him. They imitate the example of the first century Macedonian Christians , who gave “even more than they could give” (2 Cor. 8: 3). Like those Christians, they do more than is expected. They sacrifice to help their brothers in need. Without a doubt, Jehovah is very pleased to see the loyal love of his servants. --Read Hebrews 13:16.
15, 16. How did Ruth show that she was not going to give up?
We can learn many valuable lessons from the story of Ruth and Naomi. Let's see some.
We do not give up. When Ruth offered to accompany her mother-in-law to Judah, she initially objected. But Ruth did not give up. Which it was the result? "When Naomi saw that Ruth was insisting on going with her, she stopped insisting" (Ruth 1: 15-18).
17. What will help us not to give up easily?
Application: Patience is needed to help those who are depressed, but we must not give up. For example, a sister who needs help at first may not want to accept it. * Still, loyal love will prompt us to do everything possible to stay with him (Gal. 6: 2). And we do not lose hope that in time he will accept our help and comfort.
18. What must have hurt Ruth a lot?
Let's not take it personally. When Naomi and Ruth arrived in Bethlehem, Naomi met her old neighbors and said, “I had everything when I left, but Jehovah has brought me back empty-handed” (Ruth 1:21). Can we imagine how Ruth felt when she heard her mother-in-law say that? He had done everything in his power to help Naomi: he had wept with her, he had comforted her, and he had walked with her for days and days. Still, Naomi said: "Jehovah has brought me back empty-handed." Although Ruth was there by her side, it seemed that Naomi did not value her support. Surely that must have hurt Ruth a lot. But she stayed by Naomi's side.
19. What will help us stay close to someone who is discouraged?
Application: A sister who is discouraged at first may say something hurtful to us despite all our efforts to help her. But we try not to take it personally. We stand by her side and ask Jehovah to help us find a way to comfort her. --Prov. 17:17.
20. What gave Ruth the strength she needed to keep going?
Let's give encouragement to those who need it. Ruth had shown Naomi loyal love, but now she, too, needed encouragement. So Jehovah prompted Boaz to encourage her with these words: “May Jehovah repay you for what you have done. May you receive a full reward from Jehovah, the God of Israel, because you have sought refuge under his wings . These beautiful words deeply moved Ruth. She told him, “You have comforted me, your servant, and you have reassured me with your words” (Ruth 2:12, 13). Boaz's timely words gave Ruth the strength she needed to keep going.
21. According to Isaiah 32: 1, 2, What will the elders do out of love?
Application: Those who show loyal love to others sometimes need encouragement as well. Boaz congratulated Ruth on the kindness she had shown Naomi. In the same way, today the elders congratulate the brothers of the congregation for the help and love they give to others. These timely words of encouragement will give you the strength you need to keep going. --Read Isaiah 32: 1, 2.
Series of images: 1. Boaz talks to Ruth as she gathers wheat in the field. 2. An old man talks to a sister in the Kingdom Hall.
How can the elders follow Boaz's example? (See paragraphs 20 and 21).
22, 23. What change occurred in Naomi's attitude, and what caused it? (Psalm 136: 23, 26).
Sometime later, Boaz saw to it that Ruth and Naomi had more than enough food (Ruth 2: 14-18). How did Naomi react to seeing Boaz's generosity? He said: “May Jehovah, who has shown his loyal love to the living and the dead, bless you” (Ruth 2: 20a). How much Naomi's attitude had changed! Earlier, she had said very hurt: "Jehovah has turned against me." But now she was happily exclaiming: "Jehovah […] has shown his loyal love." What could cause that change?
Naomi finally began to see Jehovah's hand in her life. Through Ruth, Jehovah had given her the support she needed on the journey back to Judah . --Ruth 1:16. Naomi also saw Jehovah's hand when Boaz, one of her “buyers,” * treated the two women generously and lovingly . --Ruth 2:19, 20b. He must have thought, “Now I get it. Jehovah never abandoned me. He has been with me all this time ”(read Psalm 136: 23, 26). She was surely grateful from the heart that Ruth and Boaz did not give up or stop helping her. The three of them were very happy that Naomi regained her joy and strength.
24. Why do we want to continue showing loyal love to our brothers?
What have we learned about loyal love from the book of Ruth? Loyal love prompts us to continue supporting siblings who are discouraged and not to give up easily. It also motivates us to make sacrifices in order to help them. Elders should lovingly encourage those who show loyal love to others. We feel great joy when we see our brothers regain strength in their service to Jehovah . - Acts 20:35. Now, let's not forget that the most important reason we continue to show loyal love is because we want to imitate and please Jehovah, who is “full of loyal love” (Ex. 34: 6; Ps. 33:22).
What is the difference between loyalty and loyal love?
There is a lot of difference, for example, a person who works several years in a company is a loyal employee. You may not agree with many things about the company, but you are not there for love but because you need to work to earn a living. But a person who serves Jehovah and is faithful has loyal love for him.
How can we imitate Boaz and Ruth's examples of loyal love?
Just as Ruth stood by Naomi's side, we can be kind to our brothers, staying with them when they are downcast or depressed.
How does showing loyal love benefit us?
First, because in the eyes of God it makes us valuable. Second, because it benefits ourselves. For example, it helps us cultivate lasting friendships. And third, if we show loyal love, we will gain future blessings, including eternal life.
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