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1, 2. What good reasons do we have for showing loyal love to one another?
1) Because in the eyes of God it makes us valuable. 2) Because it benefits us. An example of this is that it helps us cultivate lasting friendships. 3) If we show loyal love, we will obtain blessings in the future, including eternal life.
Firstly, because in the eyes of Jehovah it makes us valuable, secondly, because it benefits us, since it helps us to cultivate true and lasting friendships, and finally, if we show loyal love, we will obtain future blessings, such as the eternal life.
One of them, for example, is expressed in Proverbs 3:3, 4, where it says that if we are people of love, read then in the eyes of Jehovah and of man we will obtain approval and the fame of being perceptive and therefore that means that the Jehovah's eyes makes us valuable and that is a powerful reason.
Another reason is that we find in proverbs 11:17 that says that the good man benefits himself therefore another reason is that we benefit ourselves, for example, by achieving lasting friendships.
We find a third reason in proverbs 21:21 where it says that he who diligently seeks loyal love will find life, we understand that he is referring to the future eternal life that Jehovah promises us justice and glory.
3. What questions will we answer in this article?
The questions are: To whom should we show loyal love? What does the book of Ruth teach us about showing loyal love? How can we show this quality today? And how does it benefit us?
These questions will be answered: To whom should we show loyal love? What does the book of Ruth teach us about showing loyal love? How can we show this quality today? And how does it benefit us?
We are going to answer the following questions: To whom should we show loyal love? What does the book of Ruth teach us about showing loyal love? How can we show this quality today? And how does it benefit us?
4. How do we imitate Jehovah's loyal love? (Mark 10:29, 30).
We imitate Jehovah by cultivating “loyal love” or “deep and everlasting attachment” for our godbrothers. Jesus in Mark 10:29,30 lovingly confirms that our Heavenly Father would support us with an immense spiritual family so that among us we show this beautiful quality.
As Jesus said, Jehovah has given us an immense spiritual family, which is why we imitate him when we cultivate a deep and eternal attachment to our brothers in faith.
Yes, well, we see how, like Jehovah, our loyal love to those who love and obey and serve him, because in that sense we also want to show loyal love to those who serve Jehovah and obey him.
Jesus in the words that we have read from Mark said that although it is true that we could lose the home brothers sisters mother father but that we received a hundredfold, so we have to take advantage of that great spiritual family.
And we imitate Jehovah when we make an effort to get to know our brothers and sisters, listen to everything they have done for Jehovah, all these sacrifices that were mentioned in this text in this way, when we see how they have done these things for Jehovah, now their life takes on a special value for us then it is much easier to show them this loyal love this deep attachment when we see how they have shown love for Jehovah.
5, 6. What do people in general understand by loyalty?
Generally people understand that loyalty is "The respect that must be given to the commitments established with someone". An example of this is that of a person who has worked for the same company for many years, although he does not know the owners or is not always in agreement with the company's policies, it can be said that he is a loyal employee over time. that he has been working, but it does not mean that he has love. You're just there because you need the job to make a living, and you may stay with that same company until you retire or find a better position elsewhere.
Precisely what the dictionary says about it, they understand it as a feeling of respect and fidelity to their own moral principles, or to the established commitments, and an example of this is that of a person who has worked for the same company for many years, Although he does not know the owners or does not always agree with the company's policies, we would say that he is a loyal employee, but it does not mean that he has love, since he is there because he needs the job and it is possible that he will continue in that same company until you retire or until you find a better job elsewhere.
A feeling of attachment to something or someone based on my personal interest, be it economic or of another nature, in reality the motivation, as seen in the example, may be economic, but in reality there is no love in this case, that worker who is considered legal does not you have to love the company but simply that you have a position that allows you to live.
Of course, for us it is also very interesting to understand perfectly what that loyal love means because when it comes to showing it to others, if we do not know what it means, it will be very difficult for us to show it to the fullness that Jehovah does with his servants for Therefore, what we are going to understand throughout this article we have to take into account that it is going to be what later reflects our personality or our love towards our brothers.
7, 8. (a) What prompts someone to show loyal love?
It is the heart. An example of this was David, "the loyal love of heart" that he had for Jonathan, prompted him to befriend him, even though he was the son of the one who wanted to kill him. Also, 2 Samuel 9:6,7 says that David continued to show this quality to Mephibosef, Jonathan's son, even after Jonathan had already died. Therefore, it shows us that loyal love is born from the heart and is lasting.
What drives him is the heart, and we have the example of David, "the loyal love of heart" that he had for Jonathan, prompted him to become friends with him, even though he was the son of whoever wants to kill him, also the Bible says that David He continued to show this quality to Mephibosef, the son of Jonathan.
Yes, contrary to the example we saw before, it is not a selfish interest, it is not a simple coincidence, it is something that is born from the heart of feelings and love.
We see it very clearly in David's example of loyal love for Jonathan we see how it was not an obligation because even after Jonathan's death we might think that obligation would have ended but still David looked for ways to show loyal love either The judge of that time ordered him to show loyal love with Mephibosheth who was the son of Jonathan, but he asked in Second Samuel 9:1 if there was someone left to whom he could show loyal love, that is, he went further as we will see later and he looked for how he could show loyal love
And in this case we could say that time could be a problem or even Jonathan's father, however, as this broken heart feeling, none of those things prevented that loyal love from being shown and continuing to be shown.
And also, unlike the worker who stayed in the company because he could not find something better for his own interest, David was not a friend of Jonathan because he was interested in it, on the contrary, it harmed him because Jonathan's father wanted to kill him but, as has been mentioned, that feeling came out of your heart.
Another sign that he was motivated by the heart from the depths of that feeling is that in the first book of Samuel chapter 20 Jonathan tells David perhaps you will not show me the loyal love of Jehovah while I live and even after my death , Jonatan was clear that he loved his friend so much and his friend reciprocated with the same dose of love even after his death he would show him this quality.
b) Why will we analyze some portions of the book of Ruth?
Because this book talks about people who showed "loyal love" to each other, and we can learn many lessons on a personal level to apply in our congregation.
Because this book talks about people who showed loyal love, and we can learn many lessons on a personal level to apply in our congregation.
Yes, because thanks to this book we can learn many things about loyal love and, for example, some of them are lessons that the characters in this book teach us about this quality of loyal love.
And it is good that Jehovah has left this book registered to be able to understand much better this concept of loyal love and we have analyzed this information in this article but perhaps for some of us it is difficult to understand the degree that love is read but with such a good example and these very practical examples of Ruth de Boaz we will clearly see what loyal love is in action.
9. Why did Naomi conclude that Jehovah was against her?
Naomi concluded that Jehovah was against her because of the blows of life she suffered. First a famine caused her, her husband and children to flee to a foreign land, then her husband died and in time her married children died as well. Naomi was so consumed with grief that she said, "The Almighty has caused me much suffering."
For all the things that unfortunately had to happen to her, first a famine where they lived, made her, her husband and children flee to a foreign land, then her husband died and over time her children also died, for all of this Naomi believed that Jehovah had caused him much suffering.
To begin with there was a great famine in Israel and then she moved to Moab with her husband and their children then the husband died and shortly after so did her two children so with everything that happened to her it is no wonder she became so discouraged.
In the texts that we see in Ruth 1:13 and 20:21 they show how she felt she says the hand of Jehovah has turned against me the almighty has filled my life with bitterness or Jehovah has turned against me the almighty has caused me a lot of suffering, so in these words we see reflected the enormous suffering she was going through.
In fact, in verses 20 and 21 of chapter 1 there she expresses how she went from calling herself Naomi, which means my pleasure, a very pretty name, to calling herself Mara, which means bitter bone, she wanted to be identified, that's why she had a deep pain in her life.
10. How did Jehovah react to Naomi's bitter words?
Jehovah understood the suffering and discouragement of his servant Naomi, so he showed her empathy. It made Ruth, Naomi's daughter-in-law, feel compelled to show her loyal love. So Ruth kindly and lovingly helped her mother-in-law regain emotional and spiritual balance.
Jehovah understood Naomi's suffering and discouragement very well, that is why he showed her empathy, so to help her he made Ruth, Naomi's daughter-in-law, show her loyal love, and with great kindness and affection she was recovering her emotional balance and spiritual.
As Ecclesiastes indicates, Jehovah understands human nature and is therefore willing to show empathy.
I really liked the words of the first Samuel 2:8 because it is very interesting that here a prayer of Ana, the wife of Elkanah, who suffered so much, but despite this, felt the affection of Jehovah, recognized that he raises the humble from the dust and lifts up from the heap of ashes to the poor she had experienced that and that is precisely what Jehovah did with Naomi through Ruth made her feel compelled to show him Loyal love and thus be able to help Naomi with her feelings.
If Jehovah could have written Naomi off but he didn't he didn't abandon her he realized what was behind his words he realized that he needed to regain his emotional and spiritual balance and so he used Ruth to help her.
11. Why do many brothers help those who are discouraged?
We help them because loyal love drives us to do so. We follow the advice of the apostle Paul who said that we should "comfort the downtrodden, support the weak, and be patient with all." So loyal love can be practiced anytime and anywhere, especially willingly helping our brothers who are downcast or depressed.
We help them because loyal love drives us to do so, because we follow the advice of the apostle Paul who said that we should comfort the depressed and support the weak, so let's do everything in our power to help our brothers.
For loyal love this quality love motivates us to do everything in our power to help those brothers who are downcast or depressed and also do it willingly.
I really like the expression and it is used throughout the article on several occasions to stay by the side of in this case Ruth stayed by Naomi's side and many kind brothers stay by the side of the brothers who are suffering and it is not easy because with the times in which we are living in the congregations many brothers are or are suffering but sometimes that suffering is prolonged in time but it is what Jehovah expects from us and what the brothers deserve that we are by their side.
It is clear that it is motivated by loyalty to our brothers because as the proverb 12:25 says, anxiety crushes the heart of man or as 24:10 says if you get discouraged in difficult moments you lack strength as we do not want our brothers have a hard time as we don't want them to give up before the end is reached, so that's why we're going to try to do what's in our power to help them.
12. What is in many cases the best way to help a brother who is discouraged?
One of the best ways to help a brother who is discouraged is to listen to him and tell him that we love him.
Well, one of the best ways to help a brother who is discouraged is to listen to him and tell him that we love him, as we see in the illustration, perhaps we can go out for coffee and listen very carefully to what he has to say, so he will feel that we really appreciate it.
Well, as the paragraph says, in many cases the best way is to listen carefully and tell him that we love him here we are shown, for example, from Psalm 41:1 where he says that happy is he who treats the disadvantaged with consideration and it is interesting because when he says treat with consideration a reference work says that this Hebrew verb implies a process of reflection that results in correct behavior therefore that tells us that we have to listen in order to be able to reflect in order to see what is behind what feelings are hidden behind the words and now to be able to give the best help possible.
For example, if we imagine a brother who has lost a loved one, the first thing that comes to mind is to remind him of the hope of the resurrection, but sometimes it is not necessary because in those moments, what he simply needs is as the paragraph says. let's listen we are by his side and that we show him that we love him.
It is very nice what proverbs 19:17 says that when we do all that Jehovah sees it as if we were doing him a favor and he takes note and remembers what we did.
Yes, precisely in line with that is what we saw in the previous paragraphs that Jehovah used Ruth to help Naomi, she was an instrument in the hands of Jehovah before we talked about Mark 10 when Jehovah assures that no one who makes sacrifices for him is going to feel alone that he is going to have a family how he does it through our brothers from the congregation, so it is a very nice idea that when we do that we are collaborating with Jehovah we are being instruments in his hands.
A brother listens attentively to what another tells him.
One way to help brothers who are discouraged is to listen to them. (See paragraph 12).
As seen in the image: Listening is essential to encourage others. We must allow the afflicted to open their hearts to us and "pay attention" to their worries and fears, and when appropriate, say a few encouraging words but above all assure them that we love them.
13. What did Ruth do unlike Orpah, and how did she show loyal love? (See cover drawing.)
Ruth did more than was expected of her, she decided to stay with her mother-in-law to help her, instead Orpah decided to return to her relatives and her people. Ruth's "staying close to Naomi" shows that the loyal love she feels for her mother-in-law is so great, loyal, and unbreakable that she is determined to never leave her side, no matter where they go.
Ruth really did more than was expected of her, since being able to leave she decided to stay with her mother-in-law, instead Orpah chose to return to her relatives and her people, so Ruth did not stay because she had a duty but because she wanted to, showing that way loyal love.
Well, we see that Ruth did more than was expected of her, she was given the opportunity to return to her old family, to return to her homeland, but out of loyal love she decided to stay to help her mother-in-law.
And if we notice even more when compared to Orpa because the story of Ruth 1:6 says that Naomi began the journey back to her country with her daughters-in-law but on the way Naomi tells her to go back to Moab and then Orpa kissed her mother-in-law says the story and left but it was Ruth who did not want to separate and accompanied her mother-in-law, so that loyal love is even more manifest when compared to latitude or Orpa's performance.
Ruth stays with her mother-in-law, Naomi, but Orpah returns to Moab. Ruth tells Naomi: “Where you go I will go” (See paragraph 13).
In the image we can see that Ruth's face reflects the sincere words that she is expressing to Naomi, "she asks her to stop insisting that she go, because where Naomi goes she will go, she tells her that only death can separate them." So, Ruth proved in words and deeds the loyal and unwavering love she felt for her mother-in-law.
We can see it very well reflected in the image there is no economic interest a selfish interest in the end going with her also implied a sacrifice but she was convinced of it that hand on her heart reflects that she really loved her really that she wanted to go with her, like that That is why Ruth is a perfect example of loyal love because she really loved with all her heart and wanted to stay close to Naomi.
14. a) What have many brothers decided to do?
They have decided to show loyal love beyond what is expected or what they can give. For example, when a natural disaster occurs, they immediately ask how they can help or, if they know that a brother in the congregation has financial problems, they try to find out what he needs and help him.
Show loyal love to their siblings even if they don't know them. For example, when they learn of natural disasters, they are willing to support them. Or if someone in the congregation has financial problems and there is a way to help them, they do so.
I did think that this giving to do things for brothers that we don't know, because we can do it when we put our donations in the world work, because that allows the governing body to use those resources to help brothers in other places that need it and that we don't we know we don't know who they are.
b) According to Hebrews 13:16, what sacrifices please God?
Jehovah is happy when we share or make sacrifices for others, especially when we show loyal love for our brothers in need.
Jehovah is very pleased to see the loyal love of his servants and how they help each other.
We highlight from these words doing good and sharing what we have with others, that is, sacrificing our time, our energy, our resources to help our brothers who need it, in short, loyal love and this pleases Jehovah very much.
15, 16. How did Ruth show that she would not give up?
She showed it because despite Naomi's insistence that she return to her town, Ruth does not give up nor is she convinced by her mother-in-law's arguments. Therefore, "when Naomi saw that Ruth insisted on going with her, she stopped insisting."
Because we see that he put her to the test, as he did, because Naomi insisted several verses that she should return but Ruth ignored her and showed that she would not give up easily.
Although Noemà was firmly opposed to her going with her, she told her to go back to your family with your customs and she insisted and insisted and in the end she got Noemà to stop insisting.
That is reflected in his words when we see in verse 16 do not insist that I leave you says on 17 where you die I will die even that the only reason to separate them would be death it was clear what his intention was.
17. What will help us not to give up easily?
What will help us not to give up is loyal love and patience. We know that when a brother is depressed, he may at first reject our help, but we must persevere and do everything possible to keep black by his side, without losing hope that in time he will accept our help and comfort.
What will help us is to cultivate genuine loyal love, and although the sister will not let us help her at first, if we have loyal love we will continue to look for ways to help her.
Well, patience is mentioned, we need patience to do it because many times perhaps the needy initially do not want to accept this help, but I have loved the expression that uses what loyal love drives us, it is like a spring, it is not counting how I can do it or what he took advantage of me is a spring that drives us to help them, perhaps at first they do not accept our help but without a doubt we have patience and we continue trying to be able to help them in the end.
Galatians 6:2 says keep carrying each other's burdens there it doesn't say keep carrying each other's burdens but it says keep carrying the load even if the other person rejects the help, then the fact that they don't accept the help does not mean that it exempts us from not carrying the loads. loads even if the person does not accept the help because we have to be there by the side for when that person wants our help to be able to give it to him.
And we also mentioned again, as before, that of staying by his side, it may be that that person has lost a bit of trust in others due to his feelings, but seeing that we are still by his side can help him see that we are not there for interest if we don't really love him and want his good.
Another reason why they may refuse help at first is that they feel so bad that they think they don't deserve help from others but the fact that more of us constantly stay by their side how has been said can help to realize that our love is sincere and that they are really worth loving, that is why sometimes it is necessary to be regular in these signs of affection, insist because sometimes negative feelings take time to go away.
18. What must have hurt Ruth a lot?
Ruth must have been hurt to hear Naomi's words to her former neighbors, that "She had everything when she left, but the Lord had brought her back empty-handed." Although Ruth was there by her side and had done everything in her power to help, comfort and accompany Naomi for several days until she reached Bethlehem, these words seemed or implied that her mother-in-law did not value her support, even so. he didn't take it personally but stayed by his side.
It must have hurt her to hear Naomi's words when she said that she was returning empty-handed, even though Ruth had been by her side supporting her.
She says that Jehovah had made her return empty-handed, we understand that with Ruth already by her side, it could be that she understood that she did not value everything he was doing for her .
Yes, it is as if she said that she had no one when Ruth was there and had not left her in all those difficult circumstances, so it is normal that she could feel bad because she was by her side.
And that made me think that this loyal love that we are talking about is also related to her own feelings, she had to take those probably negative feelings and put them aside because she loved Naomi because, as has already been highlighted, she says at the end of the paragraph she wanted to stay next to Naomi and for this it meant giving in, it meant being humble and acknowledging that Naomi's feelings were now more important than her own, difficult as this was.
19. What will help us stay close to someone who is discouraged?
What will help us in following the advice of Proverbs 17:17 that says: that "a true friend loves at all times and is a brother in times of trouble." So if a brother is discouraged and refuses our help or even says something hurtful to us, we should not take it personally, but stay by his side and ask Jehovah to help us find a way to comfort him.
We should not take it personally, because the sister can say something hurtful, we must do as Jehovah, understand her and ask Jehovah for help to be able to comfort.
Well, do not take it personally, but we will continue trying to help this brother this sister and we will also ask Jehovah for help in a timely manner to help him.
We have to do as Jehovah did that when Naomi said the hand of Jehovah has turned against me Jehovah what I did was encourage Ruth to encourage her and help her in the same way if any brother we are trying to help says that we have turned against them or that we are not helping him because we put up with this situation and do not take it into account.
In proverb 17:17 it says that a true friend loves at all times and this also includes these moments that although we try to help our brothers they can also say something hurtful to us.
I really like the idea of asking Jehovah to help us find a way to help, that is, Jehovah wants to show loyal love to the person who needs help, so we want to show loyal love, but sometimes we don't know how to do it, Jehovah knows. that we cannot read hearts knows that maybe we do not understand all the circumstances knows that sometimes we go and sometimes we do not quite know what to say but still there we are and if we ask Jehovah to really help us to be a tool without a doubt Jehovah will help us.
20. What gave Ruth the strength she needed to keep going?
What gave Ruth the strength to go on can hear the timely words Jehovah prompted Boaz to tell her, he said, “May Jehovah repay you for what you have done. May you receive a full reward from Jehovah, because you have sought refuge under his wings.” There is no doubt that these reassuring words greatly encouraged Ruth, as they were assuring her that for having taken refuge under the protective wings of Jehovah she would have her reward.
Well, a few words from Boaz in this case, who recognized what she was doing, so he told her that Jehovah pay you for what you are doing, that you receive a full reward from Jehovah, and that will surely encourage her a lot.
Listening to Boaz's timely words, because it showed her that Jehovah would reward her and the fact that Boaz was aware of what he had done with Naomi showed her that there were also other people who were grateful for what she was doing.
If we can notice how this really encourages her, we see in Ruth in chapter 12 verses 12 and 13 how she replied that she had comforted her and we can also highlight in these words the love that Ruth had for Jehovah upon receiving these words from Boaz because they really reached her to the heart she had made an effort to have loyal love for Naomi in this case and now Jehovah had also rewarded her by using Boaz to transmit this loyal love to her as well.
21. According to Isaiah 32:1, 2, What will the elders do for love?
The elders should congratulate the brothers in the congregation for the help and affection they give to others. In fact, each one of the congregation can become, as Isaiah 32:1,2 says, “a refuge from the wind and from the storm of rain, like streams of water in a dry land, and like the shadow of an immense rock in a parched land. We must keep in mind that our timely words of encouragement can give strength to a brother to move forward.
The elders know that helping someone makes these brothers also need encouragement, which is why they congratulate the brothers for the good work they are doing.
It is to refresh the brothers who have used their energies to help those who are depressed, they need that encouragement because they have used a lot of energy, it is like the case that was seen of Ruth, she used great energy to encourage Naomi and when she received that help, she was able to return to have the necessary energy.
Series of images: 1. Boaz talks to Ruth while she gathers wheat in the field. 2. An elder converses with a sister at the Kingdom Hall.
How can the elders follow Boaz's example? (See paragraphs 20 and 21).
We see first the biblical story and then a similarity of today possibly that can occur in both cases it is seen as the one who takes the role of the elder knows the people knows his flock then here you see the image on the right how he he is giving consoling words through their joyful faces his words are consoling even as they are refreshing so that is the way that the elders can when they know their situation of the brothers give them words of encouragement.
We can also think about what groups we can attend to in this way, encouraging those who wear themselves out for others, we could talk about those who are alone in their family in truth, we can talk about mothers who take their children and raise them in the truth calmly, brothers that in the end the precursors are wearing themselves out for others, giving of their time of their energy, if we dedicate time we will surely find who is wearing out for others and that it is these same ones who need encouragement.
It is very nice to see how Jehovah encouraged Boaz to give Ruth this affection and encouragement and in our case Jehovah can also use us, so they are magnificent privileges and without a doubt it makes us understand that we must be attentive to this circumstance to do everything what we can in this regard.
22, 23. What change occurred in Naomi's attitude, and what caused it? (Psalm 136:23, 26).
There was a positive change in Naomi's attitude, which caused her to regain her joy and strength. She realized that Jehovah always showed her loyal love, by allowing Ruth to accompany her on the trip back to Judah and also when Boaz treated them with affection and generosity, so she exclaimed very happily: that "Jehovah had shown her his love." loyal love.
Naomi had regained her spirituality because she thanked Jehovah for the care he was giving her and what caused this change was that Boaz was showing loyal love to Naomi by taking care of her and providing food and he also observed that Ruth was supporting her.
Well, before we read the sad words that she said Jehovah has turned against me and now we see a radical change in Ruth 2:20 says that Jehovah who has shown his loyal love to the living and the dead bless him, so at this moment Ruth is She realized that Jehovah or Jehovah's loyal love lasts forever, he had always been there with her first with Ruth and now with Boaz.
He could have performed a miracle and Naomi could have recovered thanks to the vision of an angel or any other means, but he did not use humans whom he knew to recover that courage to see again and understand something so evident that it was that Jehovah is always there Jehovah's loyal love thanks to seeing the loyal love in Ruth and Boaz.
24. Why do we want to continue showing loyal love to our brothers?
The main and most important reason why we continue to show loyal love is because we want to imitate and please Jehovah, who is "full of loyal love" and wants us to show it to our brothers who are discouraged and need our help to recover strength in his service to Jehovah.
Because it is a great joy to see how our brothers recover their strength to continue serving Jehovah, and we also help because we want to imitate our loving father Jehovah.
Well, first of all, because just as we imitate and also try to please Jehovah, I also like very much that he uses the expression that when we encourage, we help others, we adorn him with affection, it is kind love, it helps us to see that facet, that loyal love that is undoubtedly love. Jehovah shows us.
On the other hand, as Acts 20:35 indicates, there is more happiness in giving than in receiving, therefore another reason, although not the most important, is because we feel happy helping others.
What is the difference between loyalty and loyal love?
Loyalty is a feeling of respect for an established commitment to someone. In contrast, loyal love is motivated by the heart and is lasting, so that whoever manifests it is loyal, his love is great and unwavering and he does not give up.
Loyalty is like a feeling of respect and fidelity to one's own moral principles, or to established commitments, but loyal love is obeying these principles but because they are produced in the heart.
As we have seen that the difference is the reason why it is shown, loyal love is not shown out of obligation but because our hearts impel us to do so.
How can we imitate Boaz and Ruth's examples of loyal love?
For example, just as Ruth stood by Naomi in difficult times and went above and beyond what was expected of her, we too can show loyal love to our brothers by helping, comforting and supporting them when they are down or in need, such as when a natural disaster occurs or they have some economic problem. We can also imitate Boaz who used timely and encouraging words that gave Ruth peace of mind and strength to move forward. In the same way, we can express to our brothers some well-chosen words to encourage them and continue forward.
Helping our brothers even when they reject us and doing it because we want to imitate Jehovah.
For example, in the case of Boaz, being us a source of encouragement for our brothers and especially for those who are very attentive to others and who stay by their side in the most difficult moments.
The case of Ruth not giving up when sometimes they reject our help at the first time and when sometimes they respond in a way that we do not expect a little abrupt because we do not take it personally, let's continue to show consideration.
How does showing loyal love benefit us?
Showing loyal love to one another benefits us because it makes us feel happy, both the one who gives and the one who receives it, but mainly we please Jehovah who will reward us for imitating his “great loyal love.”
It gives us great joy to see how our brothers recover their strength to continue serving Jehovah, and we also imitate our loving Father Jehovah and he will reward us.
Because we will be imitating Jehovah and also because we can feel in the first person the fulfillment of the words that were previously quoted from Acts 20:35, which says that there is more happiness in giving than in receiving.
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