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1. What question are we likely to ask ourselves?
We will ask ourselves 2 questions, which are: do you feel a little fear when you think about the terrifying events that will soon take place, such as the destruction of false religion, the attack of Gog of Magog and the war of Armageddon? Do you occasionally wonder if you'll be able to stay true when all these things happen?
We may feel some fear when we think about what will happen soon, such as the destruction of false religion, the attack of Gog of Magog, and the war of Armageddon, and this makes us wonder if we will be able to remain faithful when all these things happen.
As we think about the terrifying events that will soon occur, we may wonder if we will be able to remain faithful when all these things happen.
2. How can we strengthen our faith, and what will we discuss in this article?
We can strengthen our faith, analyzing how to face the tests that we have now. Because that way we can see the aspects that we need to improve. Our faith becomes stronger, when we go through more difficult tests and overcome them thanks to Jehovah and our faith. We will look at four situations that showed that Jesus' disciples required more faith. We will also look at what to do and how we can currently withstand this type of problem.
One way is to analyze how we face the tests we have now, so we can see in what aspects of our faith we can improve and every time we overcome a test our faith becomes stronger and this will help us endure everything that comes in the future.
In this article, we'll look at four situations that indicated Jesus' disciples needed more than, and we'll also look at how we can endure similar problems today and how they prepare us for the future.
We can strengthen our faith, analyzing how we are facing the trials we have now, because that way we will see what we need to improve on, in addition to our faith becoming stronger, when we go through more difficult trials, and in this article we will analyze four situations that showed that the disciples of Jesus required more faith and how we can endure these types of problems today.
3. As we read in Matthew 6:30, 33, what did Jesus make clear about faith?
Jesus made it clear that we need to have faith, because Jehovah will take care of us to help us, and give us what we lack. We have to be convinced that Jehovah will always be by our side and do the most important thing, which is to help the Kingdom of God.
Jesus made it clear to his disciples that we need to have strong faith that somehow Jehovah will see to it that we never lack what we need. If we are totally convinced that Jehovah will not abandon us, we can concentrate on what is important and put the Kingdom of God in the first place in our lives and seeing how Jehovah helps us in a material sense makes us feel closer to him and our faith grows. make stronger.
Jesus made it clear that we need a lot of faith to trust that Jehovah will take care of us to help us, and give us what we lack. We have to be convinced that Jehovah will always be by our side, only then can we concentrate on doing the most important thing, which is to proclaim the truth of the kingdom.
4, 5. What has helped a family deal with the concern of how to get what is necessary to live?
The Castro family dedicated themselves to working on a piece of land and thus they earned enough to survive. One day, some armed gang members came and invaded the castros' property. Since they were thrown out, they now only depended on a small piece of land that they were lent. Despite everything that happens to them, they have a lot of faith.
Miguel says that the first thing he does each day is to ask Jehovah to give them what is necessary for each day, so we see that they have absolute faith that Jehovah can and does take care of their daily needs, that is why they have not stopped going to meetings nor to preach but that he has put the Kingdom first and Jehovah takes care of them and gives them what they need.
We see that they have focused on how Jehovah has taken care of them and that is why their faith has become stronger and as Yoselin said, the problems that they have gone through have prepared them for the most difficult tests that will come in the future.
Undoubtedly faith in Jehovah since despite all the shortcomings that they have to go through, they have not neglected their spirituality at all, since they have not stopped attending the meetings of the congregation or participating in the preaching, they continue to put the Kingdom first in their lives, and Jehovah takes care of them.
In addition, we see that they have focused on how Jehovah has taken care of them and that is why their faith has become stronger and as Yoselin said, the problems that they have gone through have prepared them for the most difficult tests that will come in the future.
6. If you are going through financial problems, how can you strengthen your faith?
We can strengthen our faith by praying and reading the Bible. And it also helps us to think of some examples, like he cares for people who are engaged in theocratic activities, Jehovah has helped others in different situations, and he will also help us if we have faith.
Praying to Jehovah, reading his word and meditating on it. Also thinking of examples from our day that show that Jehovah helps those who are busy in theocratic activities. This will strengthen our confidence that just as Jehovah has helped others in similar situations, he will also help us.
We can strengthen our faith by praying and reading the Bible. And it also helps us to think of some examples, like he takes care of people who are engaged in theocratic activities, Jehovah has helped so many of his servants in different situations and he will help us too if we have faith.
Series of images: A family faces economic problems. 1. They pray together before eating the little food they have. 2. Later that day, they go out preaching from house to house.
Even when we have financial problems, our faith will help us stay focused on Kingdom interests. (See paragraphs 3 to 6).
7. According to the account at Matthew 8:23-26, how did a severe storm test the faith of the disciples?
In the account that says in Matthew 8:23,26. speaks of a storm, but Jesus was asleep, the disciples raised him because they were afraid. But he said to them: Men of little faith, why are you so afraid? There we see that the disciples had little faith, they had to know that Jehovah was perfectly capable of protecting Jesus and everyone who was there.
We see that they were very scared and asked Jesus to save them, but they had to know that Jehovah was able to protect Jesus and all who were with him.
This teaches us that if we have a strong faith we can face strong storms without fear, whether literal or figurative.
In the story it says that there was a storm, but Jesus was asleep, the disciples got him up because they were afraid, thus showing that they had little faith, because if their faith had been strong enough they had to know that Jehovah was perfectly capable of protecting them them and Jesus.
8, 9. How was Anel's faith tested, and what helped her?
When there was a Hurricane named Maria, Sister Anel was left homeless and jobless. She was very afraid, and she learned that she could rely on Jehovah through prayer. During the time that she lost almost everything, she also learned "obedience" because thanks to that she was able to remain calm.
Anel was left homeless and jobless because of a hurricane. She says that in those days she felt very afraid but that she learned to lean on Jehovah through her prayer and not let anxiety paralyze her.
Jehovah's organization helped her to maintain her calm and spiritual spirit, and the help she received from the brothers made her see Jehovah's hand at her side. And she says that Jehovah gave her much more than she could have imagined and that made her faith stronger.
10. What can you do if you are dealing with a severe storm?
As much as we are going through strong problems, let's not allow that to rob us of faith in God. Remember the times when Jehovah helped you and thus you can strengthen your faith. You must be sure that Jehovah will never leave us alone and will not abandon us.
Do not allow that to rob us of trust in Jehovah, but we must open our hearts to him and tell him what we feel. We have to strengthen our faith by doing what Psalm 77:11,12 says, meditating and reflecting on all the times that Jehovah helped us in the past.
Well, we must open our hearts to Jehovah and tell him what we feel. We have to strengthen our faith by doing what Psalm 77:11,12 says, meditating and reflecting on all the times that Jehovah helped us in the past.
11. Why must we be determined to be obedient to those who direct us?
We must be determined to be obedient because Jehovah blesses obedience. And in the Bible there are many examples, and as we see some servants let us know that obedience saves lives.
Because obedience is one of the things that will help us endure trials. We have to trust those who Jehovah and Jesus trust even if sometimes we receive instructions that do not seem logical to us but Jehovah will bless our obedience.
Because they are the ones that Jehovah and Jesus trust that even if the instructions they give us do not seem logical to us, we remember that Jehovah blesses obedience, and we have already seen in many experiences of his faithful servants that they teach us that obedience can save lives.
Series of images: 1. A married couple looks with concern at the enormous damage caused by a very strong storm. 2. On another occasion, they talk animatedly with the brothers who are helping them to rebuild their house.
Strong faith helps us weather strong storms, whether literal or figurative. (See paragraphs 7 to 11).
12. According to Luke 18:1-8, what is the relationship between having faith and enduring injustice?
To understand a little better, let's see an example, there was a widow who begged a judge who was unfair to be fair to her. The widow knew that if she insisted, he would help her and in the end he did help her because of her insistence. As we see when we go through injustices, we have to be patient, persevering and have a lot of faith like the widow.
When suffering injustices we must demonstrate with our faith and our perseverance that we have a strong faith and that faith makes us sure that sooner or later Jehovah will help us.
We also have to believe in the power of prayer as many times our prayers can receive totally unexpected answers.
Series of images: 1. In a hospital, a sister listens with great concern to a doctor who is talking about her husband's illness. 2. Later that day, she prays silently at the bedside where her husband is.
If we persist in prayer, our faith will be strengthened. (See paragraph 12).
13. How did prayer help a family that was the victim of an injustice?
This family had to flee their village because they were attacked by the military. When they were leaving their village, they met the military who blocked their way and threatened them. Vero's daughter calmed down by praying out loud and repeating the name of God every so often. The commanding officer said to Vero's daughter, "Young lady, who taught you to pray?" She told him that her mom had taught her and they let them go.
We see that this family had to flee their village when they were attacked by soldiers and on the way the soldiers blocked their way and threatened to kill them. Thanks to the daughter's prayer aloud, repeatedly naming Jehovah, the commanding officer told them to go in peace and may Jehovah protect them.
We can see that this family had to flee their village when they were attacked by soldiers and on the way the soldiers blocked their way and threatened to kill them, but thanks to the prayer that the daughter named Jehovah, the commanding officer told them to go in peace and may Jehovah their God protect them.
14. What can test our faith, and what will help us endure?
It can test our faith, thinking that our prayers are not heard and are unanswered. It will help us to continue praying, and to know that Jehovah will not abandon us, only that in due time he answers prayers, more than anything when we need him most.
Our prayers may not receive the answer we expect or the answer may take longer to arrive than we expect, but we have to continue praying to Jehovah with the confidence that he will not abandon us and that in due time he will answer our prayers. sentences in the most appropriate way.
Remembering that Jehovah will soon give us so many blessings that we will forget everything we have suffered in the past.
15. According to Matthew 17:19, 20, what problem did Jesus' disciples have?
They one day could not expel demons, although they always did, it was because they needed more faith. As Jesus said, with a lot of faith they could even move big mountains or whatever we want.
They had cast out demons several times, but on one occasion they couldn't and Jesus explained that they needed more faith. He told them that if they had faith the size of a mustard seed they could move even mountains, nothing would be impossible for them.
Today, thanks to faith, we too can face problems that may seem insurmountable to us.
16. How has faith helped Geydi to face a painful tragedy?
Geydi lost her husband because he was murdered on her way home from a congregation meeting. She says that through prayer, she was able to cast all her burden on Jehovah and that gave her peace.
We see that this sister's husband was murdered on their way back from the meeting. She says that she prays to Jehovah to cast her burden on him and this gives her peace. She says that what she has experienced has taught her that in the future she will be able to face all the trials thanks to the help of Jehovah, Jesus and the organization.
Series of images: 1. A sister cries while holding in her hand a tie belonging to her husband, who has passed away. 2. Later that day, you attend a congregation meeting and raise your hand to offer a comment.
In the most painful moments, faith will help us keep busy serving Jehovah. (See paragraph 16).
17. What can we do when faced with an obstacle that looks like a mountain?
What we can do is see it as an opportunity to have great faith for Jehovah. Engage in activities that will help you hold on, even with tears.
We can see it as an opportunity to strengthen our faith. In proverbs 18: 1 he says that the one who isolates himself pursues his selfish desires, so we should not isolate ourselves but stay close to our brothers and open our hearts to Jehovah.
Also participating in activities that help us endure even with tears because as Psalm 126:5,6 says, those who sow with tears will reap with shouts of joy.
We must not stop attending meetings, preaching and reading the Bible, we must continue to meditate on the wonderful blessings that Jehovah has promised us.
18. If you notice that you have a weakness in your faith, what can you do?
What we can do is ask the apostles of Jesus to give them a lot of faith to move forward. Accept all kinds of help that you know is from the hand of God.
See it as an opportunity to strengthen our faith. Let us ask Jehovah for more faith like the apostles in Luke 17:5.
We can also reflect on the examples that we have analyzed in this article and, like Miguel and Yurai, remember all the occasions in which Jehovah has helped us.
Let us also pray wholeheartedly to Jehovah, especially on the most difficult occasions, just as Vero and Anel's daughter did.
Like Geydi, let us accept the help that Jehovah gives us through our relatives and spiritual brothers.
If we allow Jehovah to help us face the difficulties we have now, we will have more confidence that he will help us face any difficulties we have in the future.
We must see this as an opportunity to make our faith stronger, let us ask Jehovah for more faith, let us pray wholeheartedly and accept the help that he can offer us through some of his servants.
19. What was Jesus sure of, and what can you be?
Jesus pointed out areas where his disciples needed more faith, but he never doubted that with Jehovah's help they would be able to overcome trials in the future. Furthermore, he was sure that there would be a great crowd that would survive the great tribulation thanks to strong faith.
Jesus was sure that there would be a great crowd that would survive the great tribulation thanks to a strong faith in Jehovah.
That thanks to Jehovah's undeserved kindness we can be part of the great crowd that will survive the great tribulation if we take advantage of all situations now to strengthen our faith.
Jesus was sure that with the help of Jehovah any of his servants could overcome the tests in the future, and he was also sure that there would be a great crowd that would survive the great tribulation thanks to a strong faith, and we can be sure that we will be part of that crowd.
How can you prepare for future tests of faith?
We have to learn to lean on Jehovah, and pray to him, tell him our anxieties and our joys. Have a lot of faith, always remember on all the occasions that Jehovah helped us and know that he will not abandon us.
Analyzing how we face the tests we have now, so we can see in what aspects of our faith we can improve.
We can strengthen our faith by analyzing how we are coping with the trials we have now, because that way we will see what we need to improve on, and our faith becomes stronger when we go through more difficult trials.
What four trials might we face now, and how might they help us?
Perhaps you are suffering because of a natural disaster. Or maybe your “storm” is a serious health problem that has left you overwhelmed and not knowing what to do. You may feel worried at times, but do not let that rob you of your trust in Jehovah. Open your heart to him and tell him everything you feel. Strengthen your faith by reflecting on times when Jehovah helped you in the past. You can be sure that it will never leave you, not now or ever.
The concern of getting what is necessary for each day, a strong storm either literally or figuratively, injustices and obstacles such as the loss of a loved one.
They could help us since they will make our faith in Jehovah stronger and we will be sure that in the future he will help us to face all the difficulties that we have.
We may suffer economic setbacks, or we may have to face strong storms, whether literal or figurative, perhaps injustices or some other obstacle, but let us not allow any of this to rob us of trust in Jehovah, we must open our hearts to him and this will undoubtedly strengthen our faith.
Why can you be sure that it is possible to remain faithful?
Because when there is faith it helps us to deal with difficult situations in our lives, it helps us to pray and be at peace. When you feel that you no longer have faith and can no longer, pray to Jehovah and say: "Give me more faith", just as the apostles did.
Because of Jehovah's undeserved kindness, we can be part of the great crowd that will survive the great tribulation if we take advantage of every situation now to strengthen our faith.
Because as Jesus said if we have faith, we can handle any problem, even if it is the size of a mountain, we also have help such as prayer and the organization of Jehovah, and let us also remember that Jesus said that there would be a great crowd that would be faithful.
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