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1, 2. (a) Why should newlyweds trust in Jehovah? (Psalm 37:3, 4).
Because when we trust in Jehovah we can make good decisions for our marriage. Thanks to the trust that we will have in Jehovah, our marriage will be stronger and we will be happy.
Because in the real world it's not like in the movies "Happily ever after", in the real world there are difficulties and challenges, the decisions they make will affect their happiness for many years.
If they trust in Jehovah, they will make good decisions, their marriage will become stronger, and they will be happier, but if they do not follow Jehovah's advice, they will probably have difficulties that will affect their marriage and they will not be happy.
Because if the newlyweds trust Jehovah, they will make good decisions and following his advice will lead to a happy marriage without so many problems. Because as the Psalm says in verse 4, if you make Jehovah your greatest delight, he will grant you the desires of your heart.
Although there will be difficulties in marriage, if you trust in Jehovah you will make good decisions, your marriage will be stronger and you will be happier.
b) What will we see in this article?
We will analyze some situations that some marriages face, we will have examples of faithful men and women that are mentioned in the Bible, they leave us some lessons for marriage.
We will see how to overcome different situations in our marriage, both for newlyweds and if we have been married for a long time, and we will do it by analyzing the example of faithful men and women from the Bible with lessons for life and marriage.
We will see examples of faithful men and women that are mentioned in the Bible and the lessons they left us for life and marriage. We will also see what we learn from some marriages today.
Although this article is geared toward newlyweds, it will discuss situations that all married couples might face.
It will show us examples of faithful men and women that are mentioned in the Bible and the lessons they left us for life and marriage.
We will also see what we learn from some marriages today.
3, 4. What difficulties might newlyweds face?
Newlyweds will have to face many difficulties, our friends or relatives will lead us to make hasty decisions, such as buying a house or having a child. That is why the marriage must take care of itself, to make good decisions that do not affect their marriage.
Married couples, especially newlyweds, need to make good decisions to manage their home and their financial health. Making rash decisions on the subject of children or a house can incur large debts that lead them to focus their efforts on working overtime to earn money, neglecting their service to Jehovah.
Every marriage of newlyweds comes out of an important economic expense that is the wedding. Now they have to make good decisions about their future and they are aware of this. We should not pressure them to say that they buy a house or that they have children, these are personal decisions of the marriage and it is nobody's business to make these types of comments, we could be pressuring them to make hasty decisions.
People outside of marriage, perhaps well-intentioned, can fall into a very typical mistake because of the emotion they feel or because they have known them for a long time. And press saying: “when is the wedding?” "And now the house?", now that they have their own house, when the children? They may seem like everyday questions, but this puts pressure on them and doesn't help them.
Family pressure from parents or relatives to have children as soon as possible. Or that they should buy a house and fill it with beautiful things. You can take on huge debts and then have to work long hours to pay them off. Endangering personal study, family prayer and the Ministry.
One could be the pressure of third parties, imposing on them the idea that they should do what others have done, for example, have children as much as possible.
Or, with good intentions, maybe some friends and family tell the newlyweds that they should buy a house and fill it with nice things.
If the couple is not careful, they may end up making decisions that lead to huge debts.
Some newlyweds talk about their financial situation.
What decisions can prevent newlyweds from doing more in their service to Jehovah? (See paragraphs 3 and 4).
In this image we see, the decisions that the newlyweds must face, the decisions that they must make together, as we see in the image it seems that they are talking about economic matters. If a couple becomes indebted, their service to Jehovah will be jeopardized.
5. What do you learn from the example of Klaus and Marisa?
We learn that you can have a comfortable life but in a spiritual sense you can't have anything if you don't spend time. We not only have to focus on having material things, but also have spiritual things, have goals.
Although they work full time, they were not happy. They had a complicated and stressful life.
Klaus and Marisa are an example that money does not bring happiness. They both had full-time jobs and were doing very well financially, more than they needed, but they were unhappy and had no goals. This reminds us that the most important thing is not money, but Jehovah and our family, spending time with them and not at work.
We learn that the material is necessary, but it does not determine true happiness, and replacing our spirituality with the material is a serious mistake.
Sometimes the bill for these poor decisions is a lot of hassle and stress.
6. Based on the advice at Proverbs 3:5, 6, how did King Jehoshaphat handle a very difficult situation?
Jehoshaphat faced the situation by asking Jehovah for help and strength to help him, and he showed that he trusted Jehovah.
Jehosafat, who had made the right decisions to protect his people and his family. You are presented with a situation that is out of your control and that threatens your lives. What he does, as Proverbs says, is to rely on Jehovah's understanding, he asked for help and strength with his humble prayer, Jehosafat faced this difficult situation trusting in his heavenly Father.
Even if we do things right in marriage and our decisions are always right. We live in this system of Satan and there are things outside of our control that cause us problems. Let's not lose patience and be like Jehosafat, let's lean on Jehovah's understanding, pray and trust in our heavenly Father.
Despite having some protection, threatened, he, his family and the town asked Jehovah for help and strength and his humble prayer reveals how much he trusted his loving heavenly Father.
Well let's take into account the context he was the king of the nation of Israel, he was responsible for the welfare not only of his family, but of an entire nation. So he had to do everything possible to protect the people, he built fortresses in the cities of Judah. It is not that he has made them with construction clothes and got down to work. But he was in charge of managing that these construction works be carried out and not only that, he strengthened the army.
He, his family, and the people were threatened by a huge army of men from Ammon, Moab, and the hill country of Seir. He asked Jehovah for help and strength
7. How did Jehovah answer Jehoshaphat's prayer?
Jehovah answered him, sending a Levite, who was Jahaziel, he said to them: "Take your places, stand still and see how Jehovah saves you." Jehoshaphat knew that those words came from Jehovah and he fully trusted them.
Jehovah responded to Jehoshaphat through a Levite by whom he gave him instructions and told him that he would save them. So Jehoshaphat fully trusted Jehovah and left it in his hands. Similarly, if we put our lives in God's hands, he will give us instructions to do things according to his will and overcome these difficult situations.
Through the Levite Jahaziel, Jehovah sent word to him: “Take your places, stand still and see how Jehovah saves you” and so it was, trusting totally in God, he put men who were singing in the first line.
As we can see, it says that Jehovah answered Jehoshaphat. He said to him: "Take your places, be still and see how Jehovah saves you." With these words Jehoshaphat trusted Jehovah because he knew that these words did not come from any person.
8. What can husbands learn from Jehoshaphat's example?
From Jehoshafat we learn that husbands are responsible for the family and that everything is fine. They have to be a support and be a protection. When you are in trouble, do not think you can do it alone, you can pray and ask Jehovah for help.
Husbands can learn to trust Jehovah as flatly as Jehoshaphat did. Even if they are minor problems or that they see that they can solve, we should always pray to Jehovah and ask for his help, pray also with their wives and seek guidance in the Bible. In this way, they will always make the right decisions.
The best protection against problems and difficult situations is not money or material things, as many people in this system think. The best protection is Jehovah, our refuge and strong rock, our trust in God is the best protection we can count on.
Don't try to solve problems by yourself. Pray privately to Jehovah and ask for help. Seek Jehovah's guidance by studying his word and the publications provided by his organization.
9. What can be said about the prophet Isaiah and his wife?
Of Isaiah and his wife it can be said that for them, worshiping Jehovah was the most important thing. They are a great example of a great marriage.
It can be said that they were people devoted to Jehovah. Both he and she in similar tasks, dedicated their entire lives to serving Jehovah. They are an example of a couple who dedicated their lives to serving and worshiping Jehovah, which is the most important thing.
Isaiah's wife is called "the prophetess" in the Bible. So for this couple, worshiping Jehovah was the most important thing.
From this couple we can see that for them the most important thing was to worship Jehovah. He was their priority, they tried to give him as much time as possible. As we can see, they are a great example, because Jehovah was a priority for them.
10. In order to strengthen the desire to do their best in Jehovah's service, why is it a good thing for married couples to study Bible prophecy?
Because when the marriage is convinced that the prophecies do come true, they will be as quickly as possible giving their best in the congregation.
Studying the biblical prophecies will give us great security when we see that they are all being fulfilled, and that as a married couple we can participate in the fulfillment of many of them. This drives our faith, and gives us strength and energy to dedicate ourselves to the service of God.
This would help strengthen your faith in God. They would realize that they participate in the fulfillment of some prophecies of the Bible like the one that Jesus said to preach the good news in all the earth. That would help to give the maximum in the service to Jehovah.
At the time that young married couples study Biblical prophecies together, they strengthen their faith in God, that is why it is very important that they study the Bible.
Because when the couple reads more, they are more convinced that the prophecies of the Bible are being fulfilled, so they will be more determined to serve Jehovah in the congregation.
The same married couple studying the Bible and the publications that God's organization gives us.
Newlyweds can focus their lives on serving Jehovah by praying and studying his Word. (See paragraphs 8 and 10).
In this image we see the same couple of newlyweds, they are looking for information in the Bible, including what is mentioned in the book pure worship to review chapters 67 and 19 on biblical prophecies.
11. What were Priscilla and Aquila able to do, and why?
Priscilla and Aquila heard Jesus and the good news he had for everyone and became Christians. When Emperor Claudius ordered the Jews to leave Rome. They had to leave everything and find a new place. Priscilla and Aquila decided to help the congregation and collaborated with the apostle Paul to strengthen the brothers.
Priscilla and Aquila had to leave the city and go to an unknown place. But this did not prevent them from doing so by putting Jehovah and his service first. In fact, they got even more involved and collaborated with the apostle Paul helping in many cities where preaching was needed, all this because they loved God.
When Emperor Claudius ordered the Jews out of Rome, Aquila and Priscilla had to live in one place and set up their tent-making business. They supported the congregation in Corinth and the Apostle Paul. They also moved to other cities where more preaching help was needed.
For this marriage, everything changed unexpectedly, when Emperor Claudius ordered the Jews to leave Rome. Let's think about what this meant for Aquila and Priscilla. The only thing they could do was leave the environment they knew, and find a new place to live and set up their business. Priscilla and Aquila were involved in helping the congregation and also collaborated with the apostle Paul to strengthen the brothers.
12. Why should married couples set spiritual goals?
When a couple sets definite goals in their service to Jehovah and strives to achieve them, they have more opportunities to see the holy spirit in action.
The best time to talk about goals in life is during courtship. When a couple sets definite goals in their service to Jehovah and strives to achieve them, they have more opportunities to see the holy spirit in action.
Spiritual goals will make the marriage stronger and that is why it is good to have them from the courtship. Also, this way you will see the holy spirit in action in your marriage on many more occasions. Having spiritual goals will make the marriage from the beginning work to achieve them.
When you set goals for yourself and strive to achieve them as a couple, you have more opportunities to see the holy spirit in action. Russell and Elizabeth. "We talked about it so that when the time came to make certain decisions, they wouldn't stop us from reaching our goals."
13. According to Psalm 28:7, what will happen if we trust in Jehovah?
We will be able to set goals, to be able to serve Jehovah with our hearts, and thus be able to receive many blessings.
If a couple sets goals to serve Jehovah wholeheartedly and then strives to achieve them, many blessings will come their way.
We will make Jehovah our strength and shield as Psalm 28:7 says. If as a couple we set goals and strive to achieve them, we will receive many blessings. We will see firsthand how Jehovah cares for us, our trust in him will increase and we will be truly happy.
You will receive many blessings. They will see how Jehovah cares for them, their trust in him will increase, and they will be truly happy.
The married couple write their spiritual goals on a wall calendar.
Newlyweds can focus their lives on serving Jehovah by setting spiritual goals. (See paragraph 13).
We have here a photograph, where we see the newlyweds who have their goal well outlined. In the calendar, as we can see, it says Thailand, so they want to reach this goal and fulfill it.
14. How did the apostle Peter and his wife show their trust in the promise at Matthew 6:25, 31-34?
They showed it in many ways, Pedro made the decision to follow Jehovah full time and his wife supported him, she traveled with Pedro at least for a while. Peter and his wife showed that they trusted the promise of Matthew 6:25, 31-34, because they trusted that Jehovah would provide them with what they needed, only if they put the Kingdom first.
When Jesus invited him to follow him full time, Peter had to analyze his family situation. He decided to accompany Jesus in his work of preaching. And we have good reason to believe that his wife supported him. The Bible indicates that after Jesus was resurrected, she traveled with Peter for at least some time. It is clear that Peter and his wife trusted Jehovah's promise that he would provide them with what they needed.
Pedro abandoned his way of life and his family livelihood, fishing, to accompany Jesus full time. His wife supported him until she traveled with him for a while. Thus they showed that above all else they trusted in Jehovah and in the promise that is in these texts from Matthew that no one will lack anything if they put the Kingdom first.
Upon receiving Jesus' invitation to accompany him, he had to consult with his wife and she supported him. I also traveled with him at least for a while, which gave him the moral authority to advise both wives and husbands. They trusted that Jehovah would provide what they needed if they put the Kingdom first in their lives.
15. What do you learn from Tiago and Esther's experience?
That we can take great advantage of the articles that are offered to us in the congregation, these articles can help us to want to serve Jehovah more.
One way is by looking at what other couples have done. For example, they might read the article series “Willingly Offered to Serve.” That's what Tiago and Esther did, a married couple from Brazil. Those items helped them want to serve where the need was greatest. Tiago relates: “Reading stories of how Jehovah has helped his servants in our day made us want to see how his hand guided and cared for us.”
Tiago and Esther willingly offered to serve. They moved to another country and began to serve in the Portuguese field. This teaches us that we can always give more of ourselves, and make ourselves available to serve where we are needed.
Tiago relates: “Reading stories of how Jehovah has helped his servants in our day made us want to see how his hand guided and cared for us.” Over time, this couple moved to Paraguay, where she has been serving in the Portuguese field since 2014.
16. Who can young couples go to who are considering their goals in life?
We can go to married couples who have already learned to trust in Jehovah, we can also go to the elders, they can also be very helpful, to be able to set spiritual goals for ourselves.
Klaus and Marisa, mentioned at the beginning. Three years after their marriage, they left home and volunteered to help with construction work at the Finland branch. But then they found out they couldn't stay longer than six months. At first, they were very disappointed. But soon after they were invited to an Arabic course, and now they happily serve in the Arab field in another country.
Some couples have been in full-time service for decades. Elders can also help them set spiritual goals and achieve them.
Young couples can turn to mature couples who have been serving Jehovah for decades, who will undoubtedly provide good advice and experience. In addition to the elders they are always available to guide. Asking for advice is another way to trust in Jehovah.
With brothers who have been in full-time service for decades. In addition, many elders can help you set spiritual goals and achieve them.
The marriage talks with an older couple while they look at a photo album.
Newlyweds can focus their lives on serving Jehovah by seeking advice from mature Christians. (See paragraph 16).
Here we have another photograph where we see that a young couple is consulting some things with a couple that is already many years old. This couple looks very happy despite the years, and the young couple is very excited to know how to continue having a happy and prosperous marriage.
17. What happened to Klaus and Marisa, and what do we learn from their example?
Klaus and Marisa, after getting married, had to leave home and collaborated with construction work at the Filandia branch. But they couldn't stay more than 6 months. They were a little sad, but later they took Arabic courses. In the end they ended up happily serving in the Arab camp. We learn that although we are afraid to try new things and stop what we were doing, Jehovah always helps us in many ways that we do not expect.
Klaus and Marisa were very disappointed when they found out that they couldn't stay more than six months at the Finland branch building. Then the opportunity arose for an Arabic course and now they serve in this field. We learn that Jehovah's Work on Earth is very broad, and we are needed in many fields, we just have to trust in Jehovah and make ourselves available at his will.
After 3 years of marriage, they offered to help out with construction work at the Finland branch. But now he serves in the Arab camp in another country.
18. What can married couples do to continue trusting in Jehovah?
The best they can do is talk to Jehovah, they have to search the Bible for principles that apply to the circumstances they have. If you focus your life on Jehovah and serve him, you will be able to have a happy marriage.
It is important that you analyze what you are doing with your life, the important thing is what you do from now on. Talk to Jehovah, search his Word for principles that apply to your circumstances, and follow the advice he gives you.
Young married couples have to analyze their relationship with God and their goals. You must continue to talk to him and pray constantly. If they are guided by his help, his advice, trust in Jehovah, if they focus their lives on serving him, they will surely do well and they will be a truly happy marriage.
Analyze what they are doing with their life. Talk to Jehovah, seek in his word principles that apply to your circumstances and follow the advice he gives you.
The prophet Isaiah and his wife
From Isaiah and his wife we learn that the most important thing is to worship Jehovah. They are an excellent example for marriages today. To strengthen your faith in God, you can study the prophecies of the Bible together and see how they always come true.
This couple is the perfect example that we should dedicate our lives and our marriage to the most important thing, our service to Jehovah.
Isaiah and his wife were focused on the worship of Jehovah.
This marriage teaches us that couples and all of us can strengthen our faith by studying the prophecies of the Bible, the book Pure Worship is very useful.
Priscilla and Aquila
When a couple sets definite goals in their service to Jehovah and strives to achieve them, they have more opportunities to see the holy spirit in action.
Thanks to Priscila and Aquila we learn that we have to help the congregation and collaborate. This is how we strengthen our faith.
No matter how our personal circumstances may change. On the contrary, we should take advantage of these changes and see them as opportunities to improve our service to God or strive for new spiritual goals, always trusting in Jehovah.
They supported the Corinthian congregation and the apostle Paul. And they moved to different cities to preach the good news of the kingdom.
The apostle Peter and his wife
It is clear that Peter and his wife trusted in Jehovah's promise that he would provide them with what they needed if they put the Kingdom first in their lives.
Peter left everything to accompany Jesus full time. Of course he was worried about his wife and family support, but I trust Jehovah. This gives us the certainty that if we put the Kingdom first, we will lack nothing. Nobody loses what they have for serving God, on the contrary, they receive great blessings.
They trusted Jehovah's promise that he would be there if they put the Kingdom first in their lives.
From them we learn that we have to trust Jehovah's promise that he will give us what we need, we just have to put Jehovah first.
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