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1, 2. What good reasons do we have for showing loyal love to one another?
There are many reasons, such as that in the eyes of God we are valuable. Also that we benefit, so we have good and lasting friendships. When we show loyal love, we gain blessings in the future.
These proverbs mention three reasons why we should show loyal love. First, because in the eyes of God it makes us valuable. Second, because it benefits us ourselves. For example, it helps us cultivate lasting friendships. And third, if we show loyal love, we will obtain blessings in the future, including eternal life.
The proverbs give us three good reasons to show loyal love to one another. The first is because this makes us valuable in the eyes of God at the same time that it benefits us by having healthier and more lasting friendships. And the third benefit is the future blessings that Jehovah promises us such as eternal life.
3. What questions will we answer in this article?
We are going to answer the following questions: To whom should we show loyal love? What does the book of Ruth teach us about showing loyal love? How can we show this quality today? And how does it benefit us to do so?
We will answer these questions: To whom should we show loyal love? What does the book of Ruth teach us about showing loyal love? How can we show this quality today? And how does it benefit us?
We are going to answer four questions: To whom should we show loyal love? What does the book of Ruth teach us about showing loyal love? How can we show this quality today? And the fourth: How does it benefit us to do it?
4. How do we imitate Jehovah's loyal love? (Mark 10:29, 30).
We imitate Jehovah's loyal love, cultivating a deep and eternal attachment for our brothers.
We want to do what Ephesians 5:1 says: "Imitate God as beloved children." Therefore, we wish to cultivate a deep and eternal attachment to our godbrothers.
We imitate Jehovah's loyal love by cultivating the same deep and eternal attachment that Jehovah has for those who love and serve him, our spiritual brothers. We are to imitate God as beloved children as Ephesians 5:1 says.
We wish to cultivate a deep and eternal attachment for our godbrothers.
5, 6. What do people in general understand by loyalty?
People generally understand that loyalty is the same as a worker who works many years in a company, he is loyal to the company, because he has a safe place and that is how he makes a living. But he doesn't love the company, he doesn't work for love. That is what people understand today by loyalty.
Let's see an example to understand it, we could say that someone who has worked for many years for the same company is a loyal employee. But in all those years he may never have met any of the owners. You may not always agree with company policies. He is not there for love, but because he needs a job to make a living. He will continue to work for the company until he retires, unless he finds a better position elsewhere. He is there because he has no other choice.
Loyalty is a feeling of commitment that makes a person attached to another or a company or organization, even if they do not know the owners. And because you usually need something from the other party, like a job in a company. Therefore, he works in it for years being loyal to it and complying with all the guidelines it establishes.
Some believe that staying with the same company for many years is about being a loyal employee. But it's possible that I'm just holding on to that job because I need the money to survive. Or to reach retirement or to stay in it until you find a better job.
7, 8. a) What prompts someone to show loyal love?
The heart prompts people to show loyalty, the heart prompts and motivates us to be loyal to Jehovah.
It is not out of obligation, but because their hearts impel them to do so. For example Dave. His heart moved him to show loyal love to his dear friend Jonathan even though Jonathan's Father wanted to kill David. Years after Jonathan's death, David continued to show loyal love to Mephibosheth, Jonathan's son.
Loyal love is a feeling that arises voluntarily from the deepest and most sincere of our hearts. Unlike loyalty, we don't feel obligated to do something because we need something in return. In this case, it comes from our hearts because we want and love to do it, although there are people very close to us who want the opposite, even to kill David as Jonathan's father wanted.
Loyal love is not shown out of obligation, but because their hearts impel them to be. David showed loyal love to Jonathan, even though his father Saul wanted to kill him. Years later, he continued to show loyal love for Jonathan through the treatment and love he showed Mephibosef, Jonathan's son.
b) Why will we analyze some portions of the book of Ruth?
Because this will help us learn new things about loyal love. With these portions of the book of Ruth, we can learn many new things about loyal love and how to keep showing it.
We can learn many things about loyal love by looking at portions of the biblical book of Ruth.
There are specific lessons about loyal love taught by the characters in the biblical book of Ruth.
The book of Ruth and with Naomi as the protagonist as well, teaches us many qualities, advice and ways to show real, loyal love with our brothers and loved ones. We will see what lessons we can draw from this and how to apply them.
We can learn many things about loyal love by looking at portions of the biblical book of Ruth.
9. Why did Naomi conclude that Jehovah was against her?
Because when all her family and she went to Moab, her husband died. Later his two sons also died. Naomi felt that Jehovah was against her, because she lost everything she wanted.
For the death of her husband and two children in Moab. “Jehovah has turned against me. The almighty has caused me much suffering.
Due to a time of famine in Israel, Naomi, her husband, and their two sons went to Moab. There, her husband died. His two children got married, but unfortunately they also died. Those blows of life sank Naomi deeper and deeper into discouragement.
Naomi said that “the Lord has turned against me”, words collected in Ruth 1:13. And this was because when she moved with her husband and two children to Moab during the time of the famine in Israel, they died. First her husband, and then her children when they got married. Therefore, Naomi, sunk in pain, came to this conclusion.
10. How did Jehovah react to Naomi's bitter words?
I react well, because instead of getting angry, he did not abandon her. When he saw that she was suffering, he showed her empathy.
He did not abandon her, but when he saw her suffering he showed her empathy.
Jehovah knows how hard these feelings are and he never left her. Not only that, but he showed Naomi that he was on her side and provided for Ruth who showed loyal love to her mother-in-law, encouraging her and helping her regain her emotional and spiritual balance.
Instead of abandoning her, he showed her empathy. He used Ruth who felt compelled to show him loyal love. With kindness and love, I help her mother-in-law to regain her emotional and spiritual balance.
11. Why do many brothers help those who are discouraged?
Because thanks to loyal love we have an impulse to help people who are discouraged.
Because they love their brothers and want to do everything in their power to help them.
There are many kind brothers who willingly stand by those who are downcast or depressed. They love their siblings and want to do everything in their power to help them.
Knowing that our brothers are suffering, we feel identified with their pain because we love them, we feel loyal love and we do not like to see the feelings of pain they have. We put ourselves in their shoes and do everything in our power to help as Ruth did.
12. What is in many cases the best way to help a brother who is discouraged?
The best way is by listening to him, we can tell him and show him that we love him. We have to show compassion to the person in need.
Listening to him and telling him how much we love him. Proverbs 19:17.
It is by listening to him and telling him that we love him. Jehovah notices everything we do to help one of his valuable sheep.
The pain and sinking that a brother feels for what he is going through is contagious and we do not know what to say or how to react. Or maybe we have never been through something so serious and we don't know how to help. That is why, let us remember this image, in many chaos the way we have to help is simply to listen and tell him that we love him and we are there for whatever he needs.
We help our brothers out of loyal love, and this comes from our hearts and sincerely. But at the same time, Jehovah sees how genuinely we are acting, and as Proverbs 19:17 says, it is like a loan of compassion that will be repaid when we need it too.
A brother listens carefully to what another tells him.
One way to help siblings who are discouraged is to listen to them. (See paragraph 12)
13. What did Ruth do unlike Orpah, and how did she show loyal love? (See the drawing on the cover).
Orpa obeyed Naomi when she told her to return to Moab. But Ruth did not want to leave Naomi alone. Ruth did much more than Moab, because instead of returning home, she showed her loyal love by staying with her so that she was not alone.
The account says: “Orpah kissed her mother-in-law and left, but Ruth would not part with her” (Ruth 1:7-14). Orpah did what Naomi told her to do and went back to Moab. But Ruth did more than was expected of her. She could also have returned home, but out of loyal love she decided to stay to help her mother-in-law.
In the image and as the paragraph says, Ruth never abandoned her mother-in-law. Even if she insisted they go back to the city. Orpah did, kissing it goodbye. But Ruth never left her. She showed her loyal love because what she really felt, no matter how much Naomi told her to leave, was to always be by her side.
Ruth did more than was expected of her. Out of loyal love, she decided to stay to help her mother-in-law instead of returning home. He had no obligation to do so, rather he wanted to stay with her out of loyal love.
Ruth stays by her mother-in-law, Naomi, but Orpa returns to Moab. Ruth tells Naomi: "Wherever you go I will go" (See paragraph 13).
14. a) What have many brothers decided to do?
They have decided to show loyal love to many brothers, even if they do not know them. They show loyal love by helping people who need help the most.
Many Witnesses in our day have chosen to show loyal love to their brothers, even those they do not know.
Many brothers decide to help out of loyal love brothers who are going through difficulties far beyond what can be expected and even, as 2 Corinthians 8:3 says, beyond what they could give. Like supporting in natural disasters or when there are economic problems.
b) According to Hebrews 13:16, what sacrifices are pleasing to God?
God likes many sacrifices, one of them is that they do good and that we share what we have with others.
Jehovah is very pleased to see the loyal love of his servants and how they help each other.
Like those Christians, they do more than is expected. They sacrifice themselves to help their brothers in need.
Jehovah, as Hebrews 13:16 says, is very pleased that we do not forget to do good, that we open our arms to our brothers and share with them what we have. Jehovah is pleased when he sees his servants helping each other out of loyal love.
15, 16. How did Ruth show that she was not going to give up?
Ruth showed that she would not give up, not giving up. Although Naomi told her to return to Moab, she decided that she would accompany her and insisted on going with her.
Although Naomi was opposed to accompanying her at first, she kept insisting until she succeeded.
She insisted, she did not give up at the first attempt, since when Ruth offered to accompany her mother-in-law to Judah, she was opposed at first. But Ruth did not give up. Which it was the result? "When Naomi saw that Ruth insisted on going with her, she stopped insisting."
Ruth, no matter how much her mother-in-law insisted that she not accompany him, she knew very well what she wanted to do in her heart. Ruth did not give up and Naomi stopped insisting. Sometimes when someone needs help, they have a hard time asking for it or they don't want us to bother. But our loyal love drives us to it, let's not give up.
17. What will help us not to give up easily?
Being patient will help us not to give up easily. Also loyal love helps us not to give up quickly.
If our help is towards someone who is depressed, it takes a lot of patience and not giving up. Some reject help but we must not lose hope and keep insisting in a loving way.
For example, a sister who needs help may initially not want to accept it. Even so, loyal love will drive us to do everything possible to stay by his side.
If we know that a brother needs help, even if he does not want it, let us be by his side. Let's not give up or lose hope, in time he will accept it and we will give him comfort. And although she may not see it now, in time she will appreciate that we were there with her.
18. What must have hurt Ruth a lot?
Ruth must have been hurt by what Naomi said, she said: "I had everything when I left, but Jehovah has made me come back empty-handed." Ruth must have felt bad, because even though she was by his side, it seemed that Naomi did not value him.
Naomi's expression when she met her old neighbors. "I had everything when I left, but Jehovah has brought me back empty-handed."
Although Ruth was there by her side, Naomi did not seem to appreciate her support. Surely that must have hurt Ruth a lot. But she stayed by Naomi's side.
Ruth after leaving everything, her whole life to be by Naomi's side helping and supporting her. He said when he arrived in Bethlehem that he had come back empty handed. As if he didn't appreciate Ruth's presence or that he had forgotten all the gestures she had made for Naomi. Surely this hurts anyone.
19. What will help us stay close to someone who is discouraged?
It will help us to be strong and not give up easily, we can also ask Jehovah to help us see how to stay with someone who is discouraged.
A sister whom we want to encourage may say something that can hurt us and cause us to become discouraged. But we must try not to take it personally.
A sister who is initially discouraged tells us something hurtful despite all our efforts to help her. But we try not to take it personally.
Let's not take things he might say personally or to heart. When a person is hurt and down, they can say things that they don't really mean, they are not at their best. And that is why he needs us more than ever, when he recovers he will see everything we have helped and given him.
The same thing happens when we are going through a bad emotional season. When we feel bad we can say things that we would not say and that hurt the feelings of the people close to us. But in our hearts we are aware of the damage we have done with our words, we do not mean it, only the situation forces us to do so. This is not why people move away from us, but they remain by our side.
20. What gave Ruth the strength she needed to keep going?
He gave Ruth the strength that Boaz needed, because she sent him words of encouragement, she said, “May the Lord repay you for what you have done. May you receive a full reward from Jehovah, the God of Israel, because you have sought refuge under his wings.
Jehovah prompted Boaz to encourage her with these words: “May Jehovah repay you for what you have done. May you receive a full reward from Jehovah. the God of Israel, because you have sought refuge under his wings.”
Ruth had shown Naomi loyal love, but now she too needed encouragement. So Jehovah prompted Boaz to encourage her with these words: “May Jehovah repay you for what you have done. May you receive a full reward from Jehovah, the God of Israel, because you have sought refuge under his wings.”
Ruth received the strength she needed through Jehovah, who used Boaz to wisely encourage her. With his beautiful words, he deeply moved Ruth as she felt valued for everything she had done and gave her the strength to continue.
21. According to Isaiah 32: 1, 2, What will the elders do out of love?
The elders for love will congratulate us in the congregation, they will do so for the help and support that we will give to others.
Many brothers in the congregation who lend themselves to help others need words of encouragement, and that is where the elders can step in and give them.
Those who show loyal love to others sometimes also need encouragement. Boaz complimented Ruth on the kindness she had shown Naomi. In the same way, today the elders congratulate the brothers in the congregation.
The elders out of loyal love will cheer us on for all the good work we do. At times, it may seem that this work is not rewarded and we reach a point where we need encouragement to continue helping because we feel that it is not valued or that no one notices everything we do. But there are people who see this work, like the elders, for that they commend us and give us these strengths like Boaz gave Ruth.
Series of images: 1. Boaz talks to Ruth as she gathers wheat in the field. 2. An old man talks to a sister in the Kingdom Hall.
How can the elders follow Boaz's example? (See paragraphs 20 and 21).
22, 23. What change occurred in Naomi's attitude, and what caused it? (Psalm 136: 23, 26).
His attitude changed, because he said: "May Jehovah, who has shown his loyal love to the living and the dead, bless him." When before she was very hurt, and said that Jehovah was against her. What caused his change was that he saw the hand of Jehovah in Boaz, because he was generous and loving towards women.
Seeing Boaz's generosity, Naomi changed her attitude and was grateful. Naomi finally began to see Jehovah's hand in her life.
He said: “May Jehovah, who has shown his loyal love to the living and the dead, bless him.” Naomi finally began to see Jehovah's hand in her life. Through Ruth, Jehovah had given her the support she needed on her journey back to Judah.
Naomi who said that Jehovah was against her, now says that he has shown his loyal love and now she understands that he had never abandoned her. Naomi understood that although she went through very painful situations, Jehovah sustained her through Ruth and later through Boaz. Without a doubt, Naomi was heartily grateful for Ruth and Boaz.
24. Why do we want to continue showing loyal love to our brothers?
Because loyal love prompts us to continue supporting our brothers. It also motivates us to make sacrifices in order to help them.
Loyal love drives us to continue supporting brothers who are discouraged and not to give up easily. We feel great joy when we see our brothers regain strength in their service to Jehovah.
We want to continue to show each other loyal love because in this way we are imitating and pleasing Jehovah who is full of loyal love. In addition, we feel rejoiced when we see our brothers recovering, so we do not give up encouraging them while the elders also encourage and treat these brothers who help others with love.
Mainly because we want to imitate and please Jehovah. Then we want to encourage the brothers who are discouraged, the elders will encourage those who are showing loyal love to others. We all need to regain strength in our service to Jehovah.
What is the difference between loyalty and loyal love?
There is a lot of difference, for example, a person who works several years in a company is a loyal employee. You may not agree with many things about the company, but you are not there for love but because you need to work to earn a living. But a person who serves Jehovah and is faithful has loyal love for him.
The difference is in the reason it is displayed. Someone may show love out of obligation while another shows loyal love because his heart drives him to show it.
We saw an example to understand it, We could say that someone who has worked for many years for the same company is a loyal employee. But in all those years he may never have met any of the owners. You may not always agree with company policies. He is not there for love, but because he needs a job to make a living. He will continue to work for the company until he retires, unless he finds a better position elsewhere. He is there because he has no other choice.
Loyalty is a commitment by obligation or expecting something in return. While loyal love is voluntary and sincere, it comes from our hearts to help our brothers who are in difficulty without expecting anything in return, imitating Jehovah's loyal love.
How can we imitate Boaz and Ruth's examples of loyal love?
Just as Ruth stood by Naomi's side, we can be kind to our brothers, staying with them when they are downcast or depressed.
Despite Naomi's words, Ruth decided to stay by her side even though it would mean being away from her family. And like Boaz the elders can encourage the brothers who are giving of their time to lift the spirits of others.
Patience is needed to help those who are depressed, but we must not give up. For example, a sister who needs help may initially not want to accept it. Even so, loyal love will drive us to do everything possible to stay by his side.
Let's not take it personally. A sister who is initially discouraged may say something hurtful to us despite all our efforts to help her. But we try not to take it personally.
Ruth never gave up, even if Naomi insisted otherwise or even did not value or take her help into account. It teaches us to persevere and we don't give up with our brothers in need. And Boaz teaches us to encourage and treat our brothers who help others with affection, because they will also need encouragement at one time or another.
How does showing loyal love benefit us?
First, because in the eyes of God it makes us valuable. Second, because it benefits ourselves. For example, it helps us cultivate lasting friendships. And third, if we show loyal love, we will gain future blessings, including eternal life.
First that we imitate Jehovah is a way to please him and we also help our brothers to continue to feel loyal love from Jehovah through us and we are all happy.
Jehovah notices everything we do to help one of his precious sheep. Proverbs 19:17 says, "Whoever shows compassion to the needy lends to Jehovah, and he will reward him for it."
There are sisters and brothers who do more than is expected. They sacrifice themselves to help their brothers in need. Without a doubt, Jehovah is very pleased to see the loyal love of his servants.
Loyal love benefits us all. First and foremost, we will be imitating Jehovah and therefore pleasing him. And secondly, we will be happy to see how our brothers recover from their current situation and become strong in the truth.
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