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“Do Not Doubt Jehovah's Loyal Love” (15 min.): Audience Discussion. Play the video Report of the Committee of Coordinators (2019).
How has the Coordinators Committee prepared branches around the world to respond to an emergency?
There are many natural disasters that occur in all parts of the world, that is why the committee of coordinators asked all branches to make a relief section, as well as prevention measures in the event of a disaster. This was done because the coordinators committee did not want to sit idly by when any emergency occurs anywhere in the world, they want to help people, so that when an emergency happens the pain is less and they know that their brothers and Jehovah do not they will abandon them.
Branches are prepared and ready to act with agility in natural disasters. They quickly locate publishers knowing if they are okay or if they need help. And either by urgent letter or video call, they receive instructions from the world organization so that they do not lack guidance or the necessary resources to face the emergency.
Due to the continuous disasters in 2018, the coordinating committee asked the branches to hold relief sections to be ready for any emergency around the world. This allows them to immediately locate siblings who need help.
The brothers also look for a way to go to the problem either through videoconferences or letters. This with the aim of acting urgently in the face of these natural disasters.
What did Jehovah's organization do to give instruction and help in Indonesia and Nigeria?
In Indonesia there was a great earthquake and a great Sunami, and the Relief work section of Jehovah's organization tried to act as soon as possible in the face of this disaster. But the roads were blocked, or destroyed by the Sunami and the earthquake. They looked for solutions and the brothers from Palopo decided to travel to Palu, this trip was difficult, they still did it. The brothers first saw that all the publishers are okay, they looked for safe places for them to be and preach, it was surprising that the brothers from Indonesia attended all the meetings, Jehovah's organization got food and water, they also had spiritual encouragement.
In Nigeria, an outbreak of an unidentified deadly disease had broken out. The branch committee and all the people were worried, because there were people who were dying from this disease. The Branch committee met and prayed, decided that they should report what was happening to the Governing Body. They called an emergency video conference with the branch committee and gave spiritual, emotional and material help to Nigeria. They also gave guidelines, that they had to wash their hands well, and cook food properly.
The case of Indonesia and Nigeria is a clear example of how quickly the branches act by taking action. Locating the publishers, knowing if they are well or need to be evacuated, taking needed resources through secondary roads if necessary, giving health instructions as in the case of Nigeria or closing Bethel to avoid contagion.
We have the case of Indonesia that suffered a great earthquake, the brothers acted quickly. But it was a bit complicated since the roads were closed, but one of the solutions was that they traveled to Palopo towards Palu. A 30-hour trip without a doubt, a great job by the relief section. One thing we see is that the Indonesian brothers took care of their spiritual health even though it was a tough time for them. They did not miss a meeting Jehovah through the brothers helped them to have a safe place where they can be. Thus they received both physical and spiritual help.
What strikes you most of all that the organization has done during the COVID-19 pandemic?
The governing body trains us to know what we can do if a disaster occurs, this is so that we are prepared. The organization helps a lot, they don't sit idly by, they act fast, and this is what gives them an assurance that everything will be fine. In the face of the Covid 19 pandemic, it was important that we take practical steps to protect ourselves and others. Covid 19 forced branches and congregations in South Korea, Italy, Japan, and other countries to take action, guided tours have been canceled, and people's access has been restricted. Circuit assemblies have also been cancelled, they have had to make changes in their plans for preaching and holding the meetings. Despite everything, our brothers continue to strengthen their faith by reading and studying the Bible, and by encouraging one another.
From the beginning, the organization has maintained maximum caution with COVID, paralyzing all face-to-face activity. Even when governments and authorities have relaxed measures and confinement, we have continued without meeting in person for security. The organization has always taken timely and correct measures in the management of COVID.
Well here we can notice the care of our dear brothers who despite the fact that we cannot meet in person. Neither Jehovah nor the brothers have not left without spiritual food. We can enjoy these grants thanks to your efforts.
Another help is also that thanks to the Governing Body these months they give us reports on Covid-19 on how to take care of ourselves, value our lives and not let our guard down.
Also in the experiences we see how brothers receive physical help due to the economic crisis. This convinces me every time of the great love we have. And about the needs that happen in each country.
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