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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022
Friday, January 21, 2022
Perhaps our hearts condemn us (1 John 3:20).
We can all feel guilty from time to time. It may be because of things we did before we knew the truth or perhaps because of mistakes we made after we were baptized (Rom. 3:23). Of course, as much as we try to do the right thing, “we all stumble many times” (James 3: 2; Rom. 7: 21-23). Guilt feelings are not pleasant, but they can be helpful. Why? Because they can help us rectify our course and make a firm decision not to repeat our mistakes (Heb. 12:12, 13). Now, we may continue to feel guilty even after we have repented and Jehovah has shown us that he has forgiven us. This excess of guilt can do us great harm (Ps. 31:10; 38: 3, 4). It is essential that we do not fall into that feeling. Satan would love for us to think we are a basket case,although Jehovah does not see us that way (compare 2 Corinthians 2: 5-7, 11). w20.11 27 pars. 12, 13
Why is it not wise to constantly think that our life was better before? Give an example.
Why is it not wise to constantly think that our life was better before? Because nostalgia can make us remember only the good things or that we downplay the problems we had at that time. Consider the ancient Israelites: as soon as they left Egypt they forgot how hard their life had been and only remembered the rich foods they enjoyed there. They said: "How much we miss the fish that we ate for free in Egypt, and the cucumbers, watermelons, leeks, onions and garlic!" (Num. 11: 5). But was it true that what they ate cost them nothing? No. In reality, they paid a high price, for in Egypt they were subjected to cruel slavery (Ex. 1:13, 14; 3: 6-9). But in no time they forgot their problems and began to long for the past.Rather than focus on all that Jehovah had just done for them, they decided to focus all their attention on the old days. This displeased Jehovah greatly (Num. 11:10).
What helped a sister not to fall into nostalgia?
What will help us not to fall into nostalgia? Consider a sister who began serving at Brooklyn Bethel in 1945. A few years later, she married another Bethel, and they served together there for several decades. In 1976, he became ill. When he realized that he was going to pass away soon, he gave his wife some good advice for her widowhood. He said, “We have had a happy marriage. Many people don't know what that is ”. He added: “Even if the memories persist, don't live in the past. Time will help you get over the pain. Don't be bitter or sorry for yourself. Be grateful for the joys and blessings you have had. [...] Memories are a gift from God ”. What wise advice!
What blessings did this sister receive for not living in the past?
The sister heeded the advice. He served Jehovah faithfully until his death at the age of 92. A few years earlier, he recounted: "When I reflect on my more than sixty-three years in Jehovah's full-time service, I can honestly say that I have led a fulfilling life." Why? She explained: “What fills me the most is our wonderful brotherhood and the hope of living with our brothers on a paradise earth, serving for all eternity our Magnificent Creator, the only true God, Jehovah.” * What a fine example of someone who always looked to the future!
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