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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
You have to instill them in your children (Deut. 6: 7).
Joseph and Mary were able to help Jesus gain God's approval because they followed Jehovah's instructions to parents. --Deut. 6: 6, 7. They both loved Jehovah very much, and the most important thing for them was helping their children to have that same love. José and María decided to maintain a good spiritual program for the family. They went every week to the synagogue in Nazareth and every year to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover (Luke 2:41; 4:16). They may have used family trips to Jerusalem to teach Jesus and his brothers the history of Jehovah's people. And perhaps along the way they visited places that are mentioned in the scriptures. The bigger the family, the more difficult it must have been for Joseph and Mary to maintain the spiritual routine. But it was worth putting Jehovah's worship first,for the family enjoyed good spiritual health. w20.10 28 pars. 8, 9
What important decision did Jesus make as a boy?
As a boy, Jesus chose to be obedient to his parents. He never rebelled against his authority nor did he think he was smarter than José and María. Rather, he "continued to be subject to them" (Luke 2:51). He must have taken his responsibilities as an older son very seriously. He went to great lengths to learn the trade from his adoptive father to help support the family.
How do we know that Jesus was a good student of God's Word?
It is likely that his parents told him that his birth was a miracle and what the angels had said about him (Luke 2: 8-19, 25-38). But Jesus did not settle for that, he also studied the Scriptures for himself. How do we know that he was a good student of God's Word? Because, as a young man, the teachers in Jerusalem “were amazed at his understanding of the issues and the answers he gave” (Luke 2:46, 47). At just 12 years old, Jesus had not the slightest doubt that Jehovah was his Father. --Luke 2:42, 43, 49).
How did Jesus show that he had decided to do Jehovah's will?
When Jesus understood his role in Jehovah's purpose, he decided to accept it. --John 6:38. He knew that many people would hate him, and surely that was not a very pleasant prospect for him. But he decided to obey Jehovah. When he was baptized in AD 29, he focused his life on doing his Father's will (Heb. 10: 5-7). That was always his determination, even when he was dying on the torture stake (John 19:30).
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