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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2022
Saturday, January 15, 2022
Jehovah gave him rest (2 Chron. 14: 6).
King Asa set a fine example for us, making the wise decision to completely trust in Jehovah. It not only served him in difficult times, but also in times of peace. From a young age, “Asa served Jehovah with a completely dedicated heart” (1 Kings 15:14, footnote). He demonstrated this by eliminating the false worship of Judah. The Bible says that he "removed the altars of foreign gods and high places, smashed the sacred columns, and pulled down the holy posts" (2 Chron. 14: 3, 5). He even removed the position of queen mother from his grandmother, Maacá, because she had made an idol for the people to worship (1 Kings 15: 11-13). Asa did not limit himself to eliminating false worship. He also helped the people of Judah to worship Jehovah again. God blessed Asa and the nation of Judah with a time of peace. During his reign,there was a ten-year period of peace in the region (2 Chron. 14: 1, 4, 6). w20.09 14 pars. 23
What does 2 Timothy 4: 2 encourage us to do?
If we live in a period of peace, how can we take advantage of it? (Read 2 Timothy 4: 2). Let's analyze our circumstances. Let's think about whether we or a member of our family could do more in preaching or even pioneer. This is not the time to accumulate money and material things, which will ultimately be lost in the great tribulation (Prov. 11: 4; Matt. 6: 31-33; 1 John 2: 15-17).
What have some publishers done to preach to as many people as possible?
Many publishers have learned another language to preach and teach others. To support them, Jehovah's organization produces biblical information in an increasing number of languages. For example, in 2010 there were publications in about 500 languages. But now we have already exceeded 1,000.
How do people feel when they hear the Kingdom message in their native language? Give an example.
How do people feel when they hear about Jehovah in their mother tongue? Let's think about the following experience. A sister attended an assembly that was held in Memphis, Tennessee, United States, in her native language, Kiniaruanda, which is spoken mainly in Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Uganda. After the assembly, he said, "I have been in America for seventeen years, and this is the first time that I fully understand a spiritual program." It is clear that hearing the information in her language had touched her heart. If our circumstances allow it, why don't we learn another language to help some of the people in the territory? Have we thought that they might respond better if we preach to them in their language? Without a doubt, the effort is worth it.
How did our brothers in Russia take advantage of a period of peace?
Not all of our brothers can preach freely, because in some places governments have restricted our work. Without going any further, let's think about our brothers in Russia. After decades of persecution, in March 1991 the work there was legalized. By then, there were about 16,000 publishers. Twenty years later, there were more than one hundred and sixty thousand. It is clear that our brothers made good use of their time. And although the peace did not last, they continue to serve Jehovah with enthusiasm and do all they can despite the circumstances.
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