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Congregation Bible study (30 min.): rr section 5, chap. 19 paras. 1-6, video and Box 19A.
“Wherever the river passes, everything will live”
MAIN IDEA: The vision of a river flowing from the temple: its fulfillment in the past, present and future
A river that gives life wherever it passes, a land distributed among its inhabitants so that everyone can take advantage of its wealth, a land administration that reflects Jehovah's love in its way of governing.
In the last section of the Pure Worship book, we will discuss such comforting teachings as these. Ezekiel 43:7, gives the title to section 5: "I will dwell forever in the midst of the people." In the first chapter of this section, we will talk about a very special river that Ezekiel saw in the vision of the temple.
The title of the chapter is "Wherever the river passes, all will live" and is based on Ezekiel 47:9. Join me in your reading. “Wherever the waters flow, multitudes of living beings will be able to live. There will be plenty of fish, because this water will run through there. The sea water will be healed and, where the river passes, everything will live.
As you study this chapter, think about this: How was Ezekiel's vision of the river fulfilled in the past? How is that vision being fulfilled in the present? millennium of Christ? Do you like to imagine yourself in Paradise surrounded by your loved ones?
Learning more about the river of vision will allow you to experience this scene more closely. We hope that this chapter fills your heart with this hope.
1, 2. According to Ezekiel 47:1-12, what did Ezekiel see and what did he discover? (See the drawing at the beginning).
Ezekiel saw crystal clear water pouring out of the sacred building. Ezequiel noticed that the water got deeper, until it became a river. At the end Ezequiel discovers that the river emptied from the Dead Sea, and that where the river passed, it was full of fish and trees grew, meaning that the lifeless salt water of the sea was cured and cleaned. The fruits and their leaves produced by the trees had healing powers.
Ezequiel saw a flow of crystal clear water come out of the sacred building, from the entrance of the sanctuary, through it until it comes out through an area near the east gate. This crystal clear water flows into the Dead Sea, cleansing it and giving it life in the form of fish and trees along its shores with healing leaves and continual fruit. This life in a place where there was no gives Ezequiel hope.
He saw that water was coming out of the building, it goes from the entrance through the middle of the temple and comes out near the door to the east, then he discovers that the water continues to rise as they move away from the building until it becomes deeper, he also discovered that this water gives life because when it passes through the dead sea the water heals and fills with fish.
What did the river of vision mean for the exiles?
3. Why couldn't the Jews of Ezekiel's day think that the river in the vision was literal?
Because Ezekiel's words reminded them of another restoration prophecy. Like Joel's prophecy, the exiled Jews did not expect these words to come true. Still, it is likely that those Jews thought that Ezekiel's vision did not refer to a real river.
We can say that there are two reasons. The first, because the exiled Jews already considered a previous prophecy of Joel about sweet wine and milk that could not be literal and Ezekiel's is similar to this. And the second reason is that they knew it was impossible because in certain areas the water would have to run uphill on its way from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea.
Because previously the prophet Joel also spoke of a similar prophecy where he says that the mountains would drip sweet wine and water would flow from the house of Jehovah just as they did not expect the mountains to drip sweet wine in the same way they thought that Ezekiel's prophecy was literal.
TOOLBOX 19A: Rivers of Blessings from Jehovah
Let's look at some Bible passages that use the words river and water to represent the blessings that come from Jehovah. Taken together, these verses give us some very encouraging information about the means that Jehovah uses to bless us. What do we mean?
JOHEL 3:18. This prophecy tells us of a spring that rises in the sanctuary of the temple and irrigates the parched "valley of the Acacias". So both Joel and Ezekiel saw a river that filled a barren area with life. In both cases, the river flows from Jehovah's house, that is, the temple.
ZECHARIAH 14:8. The prophet Zechariah sees "living waters" flowing from the city of Jerusalem. Half of the water flows into the "East Sea" or Dead Sea and the other half into the "Western Sea" or Mediterranean. Jerusalem was “the city of the great King,” Jehovah (Matt. 5:35). Seeing the name of that city in Zechariah's prophecy makes us think of the future, when Jehovah rules all the earth. We have understood for years that the waters of this prophecy indicate that Jehovah will bless two groups of faithful humans in Paradise: those who survive the great tribulation and those who are resurrected afterwards.
REVELATION 22:1, 2. The apostle John sees a symbolic river much like the one Ezekiel saw. But there is a small difference: the river that John sees does not flow from the temple, but from the throne of Jehovah. So this vision, like Zechariah's, seems to focus on the blessings that God's rule will bring during the Millennium.
Putting that difference aside, both the blessings that flow from Jehovah's throne and those represented by the river that Ezekiel saw come from Jehovah and reach all faithful people.
PSALM 46:4. Apparently this same verse covers two aspects: worship and government. Here we see a river that brings joy to "the city of God," which suggests government and kingship, and also brings joy to the "holy and great tabernacle of the Most High," which conveys the idea of pure worship.
Taken together, these passages assure us that Jehovah will bless faithful mankind in two ways. First of all, we will benefit from your government. Second, we will benefit from his system of pure worship. And both benefits will be eternal. So we want to continue looking for the “living water” that comes from Jehovah God and his Son, that is, the means that they offer us with so much love so that we have eternal life (Jer. 2:13; John 4:10).
4. (a) What blessings might the Jews expect to receive when they heard about the river in Ezekiel's vision?
They expected a river of blessings, Ezekiel's vision must have led the Jews to the conclusion that Jehovah would pour out spiritual blessings.
This river of Ezekiel's vision is about a river of blessings, the Bible uses rivers and water to represent the blessings that Jehovah pours out and that the people of God of that time came to the conclusion that they would have spiritual guidance again by her priests and a cleansing from her sins again as long as pure worship is maintained.
The blessing of once again being a people who had the approval of Jehovah, who would have the help of priests to continue receiving spiritual guidance and pure worship would be restored with their sacrifices in the temple.
b) What use do some biblical passages give to the words river and water, and what security does that give us? (See the box “Rivers of Blessings from Jehovah.”)
Some biblical passages often use water and rivers, representing the blessings that Jehovah pours out on his people. These verses give us some very encouraging information about the means that Jehovah uses to bless us.
The rivers and water of Joel, Zechariah, Revelation and Psalm are related to life and joy, hope. They give us the assurance that Jehovah blesses his people with these rivers. We, by seeking this living water with our pure worship, will have two blessings: being under Jehovah's heavenly government and his pure worship system, both of which are eternal benefits and lead to eternal life.
When the Bible speaks of the river and water it refers to Jehovah's blessings, it gives us the assurance that Jehovah will bless mankind in two ways through his rule and his pure worship.
5. How did this vision confirm that there would always be enough blessings for everyone?
Because the Jewish population would increase after returning to their land; blessings would also increase to cover all needs.
It was confirmed because this flow of water began to be so mighty that Ezekiel had to swim instead of walking. This indicates that Jehovah's blessings would grow as the Jewish population increased. So that the needs of your town will always be met, regardless of its size.
It confirms it because as they moved away from the sacred building, the water increased its flow and that was because the population would increase and would need more of Jehovah's help.
6. (a) What comforting promise was conveyed by this prophetic image?
This image transmits a beautiful promise, it transmits that it is a water that gives life, because wherever the river passes, everything will live.
The promise of pure worship would fill God's people with prosperity and life.
The comforting promise we can have is that all of God's people, everyone who is performing pure worship will see life and prosperity. You will have a river of blessings from Jehovah that will translate into eternal life in perfect conditions as we know.
b) What warning did the vision throw? (See note).
The vision warned that the life-giving waters would not reach some muddy areas. These places would still be salty.
This same vision has a caveat. And it is that this river did not give life to the entire Dead Sea, there were areas that would continue to be salty and would not have the blessings of Jehovah. As the angel said, these areas would still be salty. That is, people who are not under the pure worship of God and do not approach Him, will not have these blessings, this life that Jehovah gives only to his people.
By showing that the flowing water did not fill all the areas of the sea and some would remain, it served as a warning that there would be people who would not accept Jehovah's blessings.
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