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Congregation Bible Study (30 min.): rr chap. 19 paras. 7-15.
7. What did the image of the trees on the river bank guarantee the exiled Jews?
Trees that feed and heal. And what can we say about the trees on the banks of the river? Isn't it true that they give color and beauty to the landscape of the vision? But they also mean something. Ezekiel and the other Jews must have loved the idea of tasting the fruit of those trees. Imagine: a new harvest every month! But, in addition, this beautiful image guaranteed them that Jehovah would also feed them spiritually. And something else? Yes, the account says that the leaves of those trees would serve "to heal" (Ezek. 47:12). Jehovah knew that, above all else, the exiles who returned to their land would need spiritual healing, and that is just what he promised them. Other restoration prophecies describe how he did it, and chapter 9 of this book explains it.
8. Why can we say that Ezekiel's vision would have a greater fulfillment?
However, as we discussed in chapter 9, the exiles who returned to Jerusalem only enjoyed these blessings for a time, and they themselves were to blame. How could Jehovah continue to bless them if they did nothing but disobey, revert to their old ways, and despise pure worship? The misconduct of these Jews demoralized and disappointed those who were faithful. Despite everything, these loyal worshipers of Jehovah knew that his promises never fail, that they always come true (read Joshua 23:14). Yes, Ezekiel's vision would have a greater fulfillment one day, but when?
The river is flowing now
9. When would Ezekiel's vision of the temple have a greater fulfillment?
As we saw in chapter 14 of this book, Ezekiel's vision of the temple has a greater fulfillment “in the latter part of the days,” a time when pure worship would stand out or be exalted as never before (Isa. 2 :two). How is this part of Ezekiel's vision being fulfilled right now?
10, 11. (a) What river of blessings do we now have? (b) How has the flow of blessings increased to meet spiritual needs during the last days?
A river of blessings. What blessings does the water flowing from the house of Jehovah remind us of today? Actually, it brings to mind everything that makes us spiritually healthy and well nourished. And the most important blessing of all is the sacrifice of Christ. This sacrifice has the power to cleanse us, that is, it makes it possible for our sins to be forgiven. Furthermore, the pure teachings of God's Word are compared to water that purifies and gives life (Eph. 5:25-27). How are those blessings flowing now?
By 1919 there were only a few thousand servants of Jehovah , and they were very happy to receive the spiritual food they needed. Since then, the people of God have not stopped increasing ; today it is made up of more than eight million people. And do the pure waters of truth still flow? Of course! We can say that we have an avalanche of information on spiritual issues. Since the last century, God's people have enjoyed a flood of billions of Bibles, books, magazines, pamphlets, and tracts. Just like the river in Ezekiel's vision, the flow of pure water of truth has grown very fast to satisfy the ever-increasing spiritual thirst felt by sincere people all over the world. That is why we have been printing Bible publications for a long time. Now, thanks to our website jw.org, all of this information is available electronically in more than a thousand languages. How do these waters of truth influence people with good hearts?
12. a) From what you have seen, how have Bible teachings benefited people? (b) What timely warning does the vision convey to us today? (See note).
Life-giving water. Ezequiel heard the following: "Wherever the river passes, everything will live". Think of how the water of truth has benefited all who have entered the restored spirit land. The teachings of the Bible have given life and spiritual health to millions of hearts, people who have gladly accepted the truth. But the vision also conveys something that serves as a warning to us today: some stop accepting biblical truths. At one point they close their hearts and refuse to accept those truths and to put them into practice. These people are like the “marshes and miry pools” of the Dead Sea that Ezekiel saw in the vision. May that never happen to us! (Read Deuteronomy 10:16-18).
13. What lessons do the vision trees teach us today?
Trees that feed and heal. Do the trees along the river teach us any encouraging lesson? Of course! Those trees bore delicious fruit each month and their leaves had healing powers (Ezek. 47:12). This reminds us that we serve a generous God, who feeds and heals us in the most important way there is: spiritually. The world today is spiritually sick and starving. Instead, think of all that Jehovah gives us. Have you ever felt satisfied and happy after reading an article in our magazines, singing the last song of an assembly or after watching a video or a program on our television channel? How well fed we are! (Isaiah 65:13, 14). All this food contributes to our spiritual health.The sound advice we receive—solidly based on the Bible—helps us combat sexual immorality, greed, and lack of faith, among other enemies of spirituality. In addition, Jehovah provides us with what we need to heal us when, because of serious sin, we become spiritually ill (read James 5:14). As the trees in Ezekiel's vision indicate, we really are very well cared for.
14, 15. (a) What lesson can we learn from the muddy places that Ezekiel saw? (b) How does the river of blessings in the vision benefit us now?
On the other hand, we learn something important from the muddy places that the water did not heal. We do not want to be like the people of this sick world, who do not allow God to heal them (Matt. 13:15). Let us never do that, because Jehovah would stop showering his blessings on us. And the truth is that we are delighted to enjoy the river of blessings of Ezekiel's vision. We may remember this river when we eagerly drink the pure water of biblical truth , when we go out preaching and share this water with others, or when we receive the help, comfort and advice lovingly given to us by the elders, who have been trained by the faithful slave. No matter where it goes, that river gives life and heals.
And what about the future fulfillment of this vision? As we shall see, the river will flow like never before in Paradise.
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