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1. Why are so many people confused?
The confusion is due to the fact that there are tens of thousands of religions, and all of them claim to be Christian and claim to worship God as he pleases.
Well, because as the paragraph mentions, there are thousands of religions that claim to be Christian and say that they serve God as he likes.
And now logically people wonder if their religion will be the true one or which one will be the one that God affects as such.
2. Why was the apostle Paul convinced that what he believed was the truth? (1 Thessalonians 1: 5).
Because he devoted himself to studying deeply "All Scripture" and found in it indisputable proof that Jesus was the promised Messiah. Unlike the Jewish religious leaders who rejected these tests, Paul demonstrated such conviction by accepting, teaching, and applying "the whole will of God." So in 1 Thessalonians 1: 5 he wrote to those who became believers in Thessalonica that, "The good news that we preach came to him not only with words, but also with strong conviction."
The apostle Paul examined the scriptures in depth and especially what they said about the Messiah he became one of the most convincing defenders in Jesus the messianic prophecies were fulfilled.
And in his study of the word of God he did not choose which parts he wanted to believe or which parts he did not, but for him all scripture is inspired by Jehovah.
And as we have read in this principle first Thessalonians 1: 5 there he speaks of strong conviction not only conviction but strong conviction, it was not a simple emotion or a passing feeling, it was a true conviction that it was the truth.
However, on the other side were the Jewish religious leaders that they did decide to ignore this evidence that Paul had found and what they did was that they were hypocrites because they claimed to represent God but nevertheless their behavior demonstrated the opposite.
And we see the effect it had on Paul to be totally convinced because as Acts 20:27 is mentioned now he teaches others he declares all the will of God and applies it also in his life.
3. To be convinced that we have the truth, do we need to know the answers to all of our questions? (See also the box “Jehovah's Works and Thoughts Are More Than We Can Count”).
We don't need to know all the answers. In fact the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 13: 9 said that "we have incomplete knowledge," so we don't know everything. What we can be sure of is that we have sufficient knowledge of the basic teachings about Jehovah and this is a "strong conviction" that we have the truth.
It is not necessary to have the answers to all the questions because if that were the case, no one could be convinced of having the truth because, as the quotes in the box say, we can continue learning about Jehovah for eternity and we will not know everything, instead we have seen in the previous paragraph that Paul was convinced that he had the truth and yet he recognized that the knowledge he had was complete.
And although that knowledge is incomplete and may be basic teachings but he says that it is sufficient and in the previous paragraph it was mentioned that this was very convincing evidence, so the information we have is what Jehovah has seen necessary for us to remain convinced.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 presents the idea that Jehovah has given all humans the desire to want to live as long as we can and if it were eternally much better but still we would not have the ability to understand everything in a complete way that shows us that if living eternally we could not know everything much less now.
Jehovah's Works and Thoughts Are More Than We Can Count
To be fully convinced that we have the truth, is it essential now to know the answers to all of our questions or to be able to answer any question that is asked of us? No. As the following biblical texts show, we will never know everything about Jehovah's works and thoughts. We will continue to learn from our God for all eternity. Meanwhile, what Jehovah has taught us about him and his purpose is enough for us to have strong faith in him and for us to explain the basic teachings of the Bible to others.
Psalm 40: 5: “How many things have you done, O Jehovah my God! There are many wonderful works and your thoughts on our behalf - no one can compare with you. If I tried to narrate them and talk about them, there would be too many, more than I can count ”.
Ecclesiastes 3:11: “He has made everything beautiful in due time. He has even put eternity in their hearts; yet mankind will never fully understand the works that the true God has done. "
Isaiah 55: 9: "As the heavens are above the earth, so my ways are above your ways, and my thoughts are above your thoughts."
Romans 11:33: “Oh, how deep are God's riches, wisdom, and knowledge! How inexplicable are his judgments and his ways inexplorable! ”.
4. How can we strengthen our conviction that we have found the truth, and what will we see in this article?
We can do this by comparing Jesus' way of worshiping God with the way Jehovah's Witnesses worship him today. In this article, we will see that true Christians: We reject idolatry, we respect Jehovah's name, we love the truth, and we have intense love for one another.
Well, since we have the accounts of the gospels, especially where Jesus explained how his followers should live, comparing how Jehovah's Witnesses live today with how early Christians lived will help us to see if we are really practicing the true religion.
And in this article we will look at 4 things that identify true Christians: they reject idolatry, respect the name of Jehovah, love the truth and feel intense love for one another.
5. What example did Jesus set in worshiping God, and how can we follow him?
In Luke 4: 8 it says that Jesus "worshiped only the Lord and served him," and this is what he taught his disciples to do. Furthermore, they were clear that Jehovah is a spirit, therefore they never used images in their worship, because they knew that none of these could represent Jehovah's glory. If we want to please God, we can follow the example of Jesus and worship Jehovah exclusively without using any image or any object.
A very clear example from the beginning of his ministry because when responding to the temptations and challenges to Satan and Christ, he said very clearly that we only have to worship Jehovah as our God and serve only him, so he already set the tone that true Christians would follow.
He did not use images to worship him either and it is curious that Jesus, having been in heaven and having seen his father, although he was a spirit, could have done the closest thing that a human could have done in the image of God, but not even so he dedicated himself to that he adore him without images.
If something that could also help Jesus to have this clear criterion was to see the effects that idolatry had had on Jewish culture, for years they had dedicated themselves to practicing idolatry and they had seen that they had gone wrong and Jesus was. Looking from heaven, he did know what the results of this were in such a way that he understood and was clear that the only one to be worshiped was Jehovah.
In addition, the second of the 10 commandments that was given to Israel was not to make any image of any creature that was in heaven on earth the waters, so that Jehovah saw it so important that he included it there in the decalogue and yet It is curious that religions have not taught that commandment, those of us who have grown up as Catholics in the past in the ten commandments are not there because they have divided another and they have avoided it because the churches are full of images, so if we want to be True Christians idolatry does not have to be in our worship.
6. What example do Jehovah's Witnesses follow today?
We follow the example of first-century Christians who worshiped only Jehovah. In fact, a book on the history of Christianity says that, for them, the mere idea of placing images in their places of worship "would have been a horror". So, in the same way, we do not pray to images of "saints" or "angels" or to Jesus. And neither do we do acts of worship to symbols of the State, rather, "We worship only Jehovah" as Jesus commanded.
For they follow the example of first century Christians and we do it not by praying to holy images of saints or angels but we do not even pray to Jesus but all our worship goes solely to Jehovah.
Interesting also to have the reference to this book of the history of Christianity in the paragraph that says that the first Christians would have been horrified at the idea of placing images in their places of worship, so no one can say that this is a modern interpretation of the Jehovah's Witnesses is interesting to have this reference that the first Christians had it very clear.
There is also a very clear union between religious images and symbols of states to which worship is also required, so we as true Christians do not worship either religious images or anything that wants to make the first important point in our life how it would be. the salute to the flag or any type of oath that requires an exclusive devotion for them.
In fact, the flag is considered a religious object of worship as indicated by some songs, for example a song from a country says here is the flag idolized, it is evidently worshiped as an idol.
7. What clear differences are there between Jehovah's Witnesses and other religions?
For example, many people follow and idolize their religious leaders, crowd their churches, buy their books, and donate a lot of money to support them. In contrast, true servants of Jehovah do not follow or idolize any human leader, rather, we respect those who lead us, and "we are all brothers" Jesus taught us. We also do not support any political cause, but remain neutral and separate from the world.
Well, unlike other religions, Jehovah's Witnesses do not follow any human leader, it is true that we respect those who lead us but we do not make them our leaders.
How we see in Matthew 23 all of us are brothers that is what Jesus taught us and also we have only one father who is Jehovah and the only leader we follow is Jesus Christ.
And not only do we turn them into idols but we also do not support their causes but we remain neutral and separated from the world as John 18:36 says the kingdom of Jesus was not part of this world.
And unlike other religions that almost consider in fact there are terms such as holy father or crowds that praise them and as he says it seems that even more than if it were Jesus, in our case it is recommended that the brothers who are ahead in the It works well so that they remain humble, we do not treat them as something special as special people or as celebrities, we are reminded from time to time, so as Jesus said in his organization, all are brothers, although some of them have more authority or more responsibilities. What others.
8. How do we know that Jehovah wants us to glorify his name and make it known to the whole world?
We know this because on one occasion Jesus prayed and said: "Father, glorify your name," and at that very moment, Jehovah answered him from heaven and said that "he had already glorified it and would do it again." This makes it clear to us that Jehovah wants us to give glory to his name, so we who are true Christians must give glory to God's name and make it known to the whole world.
Because Jehovah himself said that he himself would glorify his name as we see John 12:28 when he says I have glorified it and will glorify it again.
Also during his ministry Jesus gave glory to his father's name as mentioned in John 17:26 he said I have made your name known to them and I will continue to make it known so it is logical that we true Christians are also very proud to bear this name and to teach it to others.
We see how in these passages both Jehovah and Jesus Christ mention the importance of glorifying and making the name of Jehovah known and that it was something that not only had to be done but should continue to be done in the future.
9. How did first century Christians show that they respected God's name?
The call to the asterisk gives us an important detail, there a professor writes that in three copies of the Greek Septuagint version of pre-Christian times and in the text the Tetragrammaton appears, that is, the four letters that represent the name of Jehovah, he mentions that it does not they found the word "lord" that some writers substituted for the name of God. This professor concludes, almost with absolute certainty, that the Jews of the New Testament period, as well as their ancestors and their successors, included the divine name in the Greek text of the Scriptures. So this is proof that the early Christians "did use the name of God."
For by using the divine name openly in their ministry and by writing the books of the Bible they also leave that name written and recorded.
We have proof of this because in the first century Christians used a translation of the Hebrew scriptures into Greek that was known as the Septuagint and there the name of Jehovah appears with the Hebrew characters, so logically when they read the scriptures they saw the name of God and used it also in preaching.
And the example of the apostle Peter is also mentioned in the paragraph when he gives this speech when the congregation was formed on Pentecost of the 33rd, he quotes from the words of Joel and says everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved so from the very beginning the making God's name known was something very important.
10. What evidence is there that Jehovah's Witnesses are a people for God's name?
One of the tests is that we are the only group who do our best to make God's name known. It is a great honor for us to be bearers of the name "Jehovah's Witnesses." Furthermore, in our New World Translation Bible we use Jehovah's name in places where other Bible translators have omitted it. And Bible publications using Jehovah's name are published in more than 1,000 languages.
The fact that it is our name as a religious entity is Jehovah's Christian witnesses and we are not only Christians, we do not try to hide this name and if I can tell a small experience of a lady who is studying the Bible, it began at the time of the pandemic and the first In the studies she saw the series of 2 videos on the history of Jehovah's Witnesses of modern times and the first thing she told me was why they don't continue to call themselves Bible students, that makes them closer to being closer to people. rejecting so much Jehovah's name because he lives in a country where Jehovah is a name that has a bit of rejection, we read the text that we have seen that Jehovah would draw a people for his name at that moment his eyes lit up and he thought clearly,The only people who defend the name of God Jehovah is this one that I am doing right now, from then on the progress is becoming very evident, evidently the only religious group the true Christians who descend the name of God are the Jehovah's Witnesses.
And we have proven it by publishing more than 240 million copies of the New World translation that has restored Jehovah's name in all the places where it should be even places where other Bibles have omitted it and we have a valuable tool which is the Bible of study we can go there to appendices C where it is explained why in each place where the name Jehovah appears because it has been put in that place so we have not only the Bible but study tools to defend our position.
And as a sample or contrast button we have the note there mentions that Pope Benedict 16 ordered that in songs, prayers and religious acts or services, the name of Jehovah the name of God should not be pronounced, however, as the brothers mention the contrast with the organization of Jehovah is clear and evident.
And some religion may use Jehovah's name in part, but it is that we use it and we respect it, how do we respect it? because we put Jehovah's name in its rightful place we honor it and we know what it means and what it means to us for Jehovah's purpose so in that way we put Jehovah's name in its place.
Series of images: 1. Brother Gerrit Lösch presents the “New World Translation”. 2. Brothers and sisters preaching in different parts of the planet.
True Christians take pride in telling others about Jehovah. (See paragraphs 8-10). *
11. How did first century Christians show that they loved the truth?
They showed it by living according to the truth and by making it known to others. For example, in Colossians 2: 8, Paul warned Christians to reject "false and empty philosophies and reasonings that are based on human traditions," and out of love for the truth they heeded this advice and rejected religious ideas, cultural traditions and personal opinions that went against it. Also, the apostle John wrote how glad they were that his brothers continued to "walk in the truth."
They demonstrated it because they did not allow this truth to be contaminated, they rejected religious ideas, traditions, false reasoning and as Colossians 2: 8 mentions these things went against what Jesus had taught them and that is why they rejected it.
Because if we want to continue walking in the truth, if we want to show that we love the truth, it is essential that we make sure that all our beliefs and all our way of living are in accordance with the word of Jehovah.
12. What do the brothers who lead the work when they realize that we need to make some adjustment, and why do they do so?
When an adjustment needs to be made in our way of understanding or doing something, our brothers do not hesitate to change what is necessary. And these changes are made in order to draw closer to Jehovah and to worship him as Jesus taught.
Well, there is no doubt in changing what is necessary because we have understood that Jehovah reveals the truth little by little she throws more light as the time of the end approaches and if it is necessary to change it is rectified.
But these changes are not the changes made by other religious organizations that have adapted over time to the conduct of the world to the new theories about the new morality the new way of living and therefore change in their doctrine to conform to the people and not to lose faithful in our case the changes that are made are to adapt more to the truth of the Bible not to conform the people but so that we return to the truth.
And we are not surprised by these changes because the Bible supports it, for example the apostle Paul to the Colossians spoke of praying for them so that they will be filled with exact knowledge and so that their exact knowledge will increase, they are actions that already reflect that it is something gradual that It has its process so we are not surprised we know that the people of God were going to understand each time a little more and better with the passage of time.
The proverb 4:18 that we have used many times to see how the light of truth has been progressive from the beginning when the brothers began the number of practical celebrations and other things that they left behind when they saw the truth because that light continues still and then from time to time there are adjustments of understanding that help us to see that Jehovah with his spirit is guiding his organization so that each time we understand the truth more clearly.
13. What is the most important quality of true Christians, and how do Jehovah's Witnesses demonstrate it today?
The most important quality is: love. Since we know that this attribute is the distinctive mark that identifies true disciples, we put it into practice in our lives. The result of doing so has been that we have come to form a true family that overcomes all social, racial and national barriers.
Well, it is the qualities of love and Jesus made it clear when he said that the way or the way in which everyone would know who his true disciples would be is that they tie themselves to each other.
And we see that Jesus could have said any other quality such as justice or generosity but highlighted love above all.
We do demonstrate this in an outstanding way because in a world that is increasingly divided, Jehovah's Witnesses are a family regardless of our racial and national social differences.
And the text of John 13 says in this way everyone will know that you are my disciples, so that characteristic of that love between them would be something very evident and that would be so remarkable that it would be an unequivocal sign.
14. According to Colossians 3: 12-14, what is an important way to show intense love for one another?
As these texts say, one way to show that love is by forgiving and supporting each other. Another way is to look for opportunities to be generous and hospitable with all the brothers even with those who have offended us.
Well, as we are a united family that we meet frequently, we know each other a lot, our imperfections also surface and sometimes we make mistakes, we can offend others, others offend us, then true love is shown by supporting those imperfections, forgiving each other, not holding a grudge and not allowing a bad feeling causes divisions between us.
And as we have read in Colossians, we do it with generosity even when there is legitimate reason to complain because of course supporting and forgiving someone who pleads and begs our forgiveness can be relatively easy but forgiving and supporting with generosity implies going beyond doing more than what is naturally we would feel inclined even having legitimate causes of complaint as the Bible says that without a doubt is an unequivocal demonstration of intense love.
It is interesting that Paul in the quote that we have read begins with the expression therefore and the context shows that in the Colosse congregation there were problems, problems that perhaps could have generated divisions, but he recognizes that although there are problems, there are solutions And in these verses he tells us that the solution is love, so Jehovah's Witnesses are also honest and sincere, maybe at some point there will be friction or problems that is the problem, what is the solution, intense love.
15. In what other ways do we follow the model of the first century Christian congregation?
For example, in terms of the structure of the congregation, the model of the Christian congregation is imitated, so men with the necessary spiritual qualities are used to serve the congregations and all of us worldwide follow the guidance of the faithful and prudent slave. Furthermore, all true Christians have the same opinion on issues such as sex, marriage, our respect for the sanctity of blood, and our desire to protect the congregation from those who commit grave sins and do not repent.
It is because the organization follows the same structure in terms of how things are organized within the congregation and also in moral and doctrinal matters we follow the example of the first century.
For example, regarding the structure of the organization because the letter to Philippians 1: 1 there Paul as a traveling overseer also speaks of overseers or elders and ministerial servants, so it is the structure that remains today in our prayers of elders and ministerial servants and We also have brothers who act as traveling overseers.
And the first century model is also followed in terms of how to appoint elders and ministerial servants in Titus 1: 5 there is the mandate of the apostle Paul to the disciple Titus telling him that he will appoint elders in each city, so he as traveling overseer He had that prerogative granted by Jehovah's organization by the holy spirit and today the same model is followed, traveling overseers are the ones who appoint in the congregations as they are visited by the elders and ministerial servants.
And also on moral norms in subjects that can be delicate such as sex and marriage or the sanctity of the blood, it is not sought to follow the approval of what the majority think, but rather to maintain the same model that the Christians of the first century had for what they themselves reflected is what we maintain.
16. What does Ephesians 4: 4-6 teach us?
These texts say that there is only "one lord, one faith, one baptism," so we learn that Jehovah established a system of worship for his people, he does not give rise to different ways of worshiping him, rather, he makes it clear that there is "one faith alone ”that has Jehovah's approval.
That there is only one faith that is adequate to worship God and that it has his approval.
That is in harmony with what Jesus said in Matthew 7: 21-23 he said that there would be some people who would recognize him as their lord but who would be rejected by him because they do not do the works that Christians have been commissioned to do so that For us to be part of that one faith, we have to be true followers of Jesus, not only recognizing him as Lord but also doing what he asks of us.
17. Who follows the example of Jesus and practices the only true religion today?
It is we "Jehovah's Witnesses" who day by day strive to learn more about Jehovah and his purposes, follow the example of Jesus, and hold fast to the truth of the Bible with strong conviction.
Well, if we had any doubts, this article has helped us by contrast and comparison to understand that only Jehovah's Witnesses are those who strive to apply biblical teaching to the fullest and follow the example of Jesus Christ and the Christians of the first century.
So the review of these tests should make us feel happy for the great privilege we have to be part of this organization of Jehovah's Witnesses and it should also help us to hold on to continue holding on to the truth with that conviction.
Just as it was a great help for Paul to have solid evidence to be convinced that his faith was founded, in this article we have seen solid evidence but we can also continue to strengthen our faith with more evidence and that will help us to be happy and empowered. appreciate the privilege we have of knowing Jehovah.
That we only worship Jehovah and that we respect his name.
As Jehovah's Witnesses, it is clear to us that Jehovah is the only one worthy of our worship, so we do not pray to images of "saints" or angels, not even to Jesus. And we respect his name because we have not removed it from the translations of the Bible, rather, we do our best to make it known to people and it is a great honor for us to bear the name "Jehovah's Witnesses."
For example, that we do not use images, that although we respect those who lead us, we do not turn them into idols and also that we feel very proud to teach others the name of Jehovah.
That we love the truth.
As Jehovah's Witnesses we show that we love the truth by ensuring that all our beliefs and our way of living are in accordance with Jehovah's Word. In addition, when the brothers who lead the work realize that we need to make some adjustment in our way of understanding or doing something, they do not hesitate to change what is necessary in order to bring him closer to Jehovah and to worship him as Jesus taught.
Well, we make sure that all our beliefs and our way of living are in accordance with Jehovah's word and if this requires correcting a past error, then it is corrected to adhere to what Jehovah says.
And neither do we follow human traditions that are not based on the truth of the Bible but on unknown and often pagan origins.
That we feel intense love for each other.
We Witnesses know that love is the mark that the true Christian would identify, so we put it into practice in our lives. Thus, this quality prompts us to forgive and support each other and also helps us to seek opportunities to be generous and hospitable to all the brothers, even those who have offended us.
As we have seen in part in Colossians chapter 3 verse 12 to 14 because we are willing to forgive and bear ourselves with generosity and we have many opportunities to be generous and hospitable and also in these difficult times and in the pandemic it has even worsened there are many occasions in which We can manifest these qualities of love to others.
And all the people who are not observed on a global level can verify that we form a true family that overcomes all racial and national social barriers.
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