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1. Why are so many people confused?
This happens because there are many religions that say they are Christian and claim to worship God faithfully. That is why many people get confused and ask many questions.
Well, we know that there are tens of thousands of religions around the world and some of them are not focused on Christianity but those that are, claim to be Christian and claim to have the truth, claim to worship God as He pleases and who is They are governed by what the bible says, and that they are all the true religion. That is what they affirm and that is something that could confuse many people, also perhaps us at the time, that also confused us so that explains why many are confused.
2. Why was the apostle Paul convinced that what he believed was the truth? (1 Thessalonians 1: 5).
Because he found many indisputable proofs that Jesus was the promised Messiah. But the Jewish leaders were not interested in this evidence that Paul found. Paul chose to believe in God and he was willing to teach and apply God's word.
He believed that "all Scripture is inspired by God." By studying it, Paul found indisputable evidence that Jesus was the promised Messiah. However, the Jewish religious leaders chose to ignore those tests.
3. To be convinced that we have the truth, do we need to know the answers to all of our questions? (See also the box “Jehovah's Works and Thoughts Are More Than We Can Count”).
Some people are of the opinion that true religion should be able to answer all questions, even those that are not specifically answered in the Bible. But Paul knew that Christians had to understand everything, but he also knew that there were things that he didn't even understand.
It is true that he told Christians “Check all things”, but he also recognized that there were many things that he did not understand. He explained that "we have incomplete knowledge" and that "we see blurry images in a metal mirror."
Jehovah's works and thoughts are more than we can count
To be fully convinced that we have the truth, is it essential now to know the answers to all of our questions or to be able to answer any question that is asked of us? No. As the following biblical texts show, we will never know everything about Jehovah's works and thoughts. We will continue to learn from our God for all eternity. Meanwhile, what Jehovah has taught us about him and his purpose is enough for us to have strong faith in him and for us to explain the basic teachings of the Bible to others.
Psalm 40: 5: “How many things have you done, O Jehovah my God! There are many wonderful works and your thoughts on our behalf - no one can compare with you. If I tried to narrate them and talk about them, there would be too many, more than I can count ”.
Ecclesiastes 3:11: “He has made everything beautiful in due time. He has even put eternity in their hearts; yet mankind will never fully understand the works that the true God has done. "
Isaiah 55: 9: "As the heavens are above the earth, so my ways are above your ways, and my thoughts are above your thoughts."
Romans 11:33: “Oh, how deep are God's riches, wisdom, and knowledge! How inexplicable are his judgments and his ways inexplorable! ”.
4. How can we strengthen our conviction that we have found the truth, and what will we see in this article?
In this article, we will see that true Christians 1) reject idolatry, 2) respect Jehovah's name, 3) love the truth, and 4) have intense love for one another.
In this article, we will see that true Christians 1) reject idolatry, 2) respect Jehovah's name, 3) love the truth, and 4) have intense love for one another.
5. What example did Jesus set in worshiping God, and how can we follow him?
Jesus set the example, just worshiping only God. And he also taught his disciples to do the same.
Jesus worshiped only him, both when he was in heaven and when he was on earth. And he taught his disciples to do the same. Neither he nor his faithful disciples ever used images in their worship.
6. What example do Jehovah's Witnesses follow today?
Jehovah's Witnesses should set the same example as first-century Christians. That is why we do not pray to images of "saints" or angels, we do not even pray to Jesus. The only one we worship is Jehovah.
Today, Jehovah's Witnesses follow the example of first-century Christians. We do not pray to images of "saints" or angels, we do not even pray to Jesus.
7. What clear differences are there between Jehovah's Witnesses and other religions?
There are many differences, in other religions some enthusiastically follow very popular religious leaders, to the point that they almost idolize them. And we true servants of Jehovah do not follow any human leader.
We true servants of Jehovah do not follow any human leader. Although we respect those who lead us, we are guided by this clear teaching of Jesus: "You are all brothers"
8. How do we know that Jehovah wants us to glorify his name and make it known to the whole world?
Because Jehovah said, throughout his ministry, Jesus brought glory to his Father's name. That is why we true Christians should feel proud to be able to use his name and thus we can make it known to other people.
Throughout his ministry, Jesus brought glory to his Father's name. So it stands to reason that true Christians take pride in using God's name and making it known to others.
9. How did first century Christians show that they respected God's name?
First-century Christians had great respect for God, and they showed it by being proud to be able to use his name and to be able to share it with others.
Those Christians were proud to use God's name and make it known to others. Thus they demonstrated that they were a people for the name of God
10. What evidence is there that Jehovah's Witnesses are a people for God's name?
There is much evidence, Jehovah's Witnesses are the ones who give God's name the honor and respect it deserves. No other religious group makes the name of God known to as many people as we do. Because now there are religious leaders who have done everything possible to hide the fact that God has a name.
Today many religious leaders have done everything in their power to hide the fact that God has a name. They have removed it from their Bible translations and in some cases have banned it from being used in their religious services.
Series of images: 1. Brother Gerrit Lösch presents the “New World Translation”. 2. Brothers and sisters preaching in different parts of the planet.
True Christians take pride in telling others about Jehovah. (See paragraphs 8-10). *
11. How did first century Christians show that they loved the truth?
In the 1st century there were many religious ideas, cultural traditions and personal opinions that went against the truth. That is why first century Christians rejected all of this and strove to follow in the truth.
Christians in the first century loved the truth very much, and so they rejected religious ideas, cultural traditions, and personal opinions that went against it.
12. What do the brothers who lead the work when they realize that we need to make some adjustment, and why do they do so?
The brothers who direct the work realize that we need to make some adjustment in our way of understanding or doing something, they do not hesitate to change what is necessary.
When the brothers who direct the work realize that we need to make some adjustment or do something, they do not hesitate to change what is necessary. Many churches in Christendom make changes to please their parishioners or to win the sympathy of the world.
13. What is the most important quality of true Christians, and how do Jehovah's Witnesses demonstrate it today?
They were known for many qualities, but the most important was love. Jehovah's Witnesses enjoy love and unity around the world. We are a true family that overcomes all social, racial and national barriers.
Today, Jehovah's Witnesses enjoy love and unity throughout the world. Unlike other religions, we form a true family that overcomes all barriers.
14. According to Colossians 3: 12-14, what is an important way to show intense love for one another?
We can show intense love by forgiving and supporting our siblings. We can also find a way to be generous.
One way to show that love is by forgiving and supporting each other for our imperfections.
15. In what other ways do we follow the model of the first century Christian congregation?
We follow our views on sex and marriage and our desire to protect the congregation from those who commit grave sins.
It can be said that we follow the model of the first century Christian congregation by having the same opinion about sex and marriage, our respect for the sanctity of blood, and our desire to protect the congregation from those who commit grave sins and do not repent.
16. What does Ephesians 4: 4-6 teach us?
It teaches us that there is "one faith" that has the approval of God.
The Bible makes it clear that there is “one faith” that has God's approval. God's Word also prophesied that, in the last days, many would only appear to "have devotion to God."
17. Who follows the example of Jesus and practices the only true religion today?
As Jehovah's Witnesses, we continue to hold fast to the truth with strong conviction.
Jehovah's Witnesses. Being part of God's people and knowing the truth about Jehovah and his purposes is certainly a great privilege. Therefore, let us continue to hold onto the truth with strong conviction.
That we only worship Jehovah and that we respect his name.
Only Jehovah, the Creator and Sovereign of the universe, deserves exclusive devotion. We worship Jehovah when we respect his sovereignty and honor his name, our worship is not just what we feel. True worship involves action. By dedicating our lives to Jehovah, we pledge to obey him as sovereign in every area of life and to show our deepest respect for his name.
Today, Jehovah's Witnesses follow the example of first-century Christians. We do not pray to images of "saints" or angels, we do not even pray to Jesus. And we also do not perform acts of worship to symbols of the State, such as saluting the flag or others. Whatever happens, we are determined to obey these words of Jesus: "Worship Jehovah your God."
It is undeniable that Jehovah's Witnesses are the only ones who give God's name the honor and respect it deserves. No other religious group makes the name of God known to as many people as we do. We do our best to be what our name says we are - Jehovah's Witnesses. We have published more than 240 million copies of the New World Translation, which uses Jehovah's name in places where other Bible translators have omitted it. And we publish Bible publications using Jehovah's name in more than 1,000 languages.
That we love the truth.
The Bible explains that true love is not demonstrated "in word or tongue, but in fact and truth", it means that it is not always enough to tell someone that we love them. For example, if a sibling does not have enough food or clothing, he needs more than a few words of encouragement. Similarly, because we love God and neighbor, we not only ask Jehovah to send out laborers to the harvest, but we also participate fully in the preaching work.
Jehovah's Witnesses do not claim to have an absolutely perfect knowledge of the Bible. Sometimes they have made mistakes in the way they explain some biblical teaching or organize the congregation. But this should not surprise us, for the Scriptures make it clear that God's people would understand the truth better and better as time went by. Jehovah gradually reveals the truth, so we must be willing to wait patiently for the light of truth to grow brighter. When the brothers who direct the work realize that we need to make some adjustment in our way of understanding or doing something, they do not hesitate to change what is necessary. Many churches in Christendom make changes to please their parishioners or to win the sympathy of the world.But Jehovah's Witnesses make changes to draw closer to God and to worship him as Jesus taught.
That we feel intense love for each other.
One way to show that love is by forgiving and supporting each other for our imperfections. We also look for opportunities to be generous and hospitable to all the brothers, even those who may have offended us.
Today, Jehovah's Witnesses enjoy love and unity throughout the world. Unlike other religions, we form a true family that overcomes all social, racial and national barriers. And we see that love in action in our meetings and assemblies. This makes us even more convinced that we are the only ones who worship Jehovah as he wishes.
One way to show that love is by forgiving and supporting each other for our imperfections. We also look for opportunities to be generous and hospitable to all the brothers, even those who may have offended us.
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