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1. What is likely to come to mind when we think of a merciful person?
When we think of a merciful person we imagine someone who is kind, compassionate, and generous. One of the parables of Jesus that could come to mind thinking of a merciful person would be the parable of the Good Samaritan.
2. How else is mercy shown?
Another way we can show mercy would be by not punishing a person when there is a basis for doing so. Just as Jehovah has been very merciful to us in the same way.
3. What questions will we discuss in this article?
We will look at these three questions: Why does Jehovah show mercy? What is the relationship between firm discipline and mercy? And what can help us to show this quality?
4. Why does Jehovah show mercy?
Jehovah shows mercy by loving us all. And he shows mercy whenever he finds a reason to do so.
5. How did Jesus learn that Jehovah is merciful?
Jesus spent a long time in heaven with his Father before coming to earth. And he saw many times how he showed mercy to sinful human beings
6. What parable did Jesus tell to help us see that his Father is merciful?
The parable that Jesus told was the moving parable of the prodigal son. A man had two children; and the youngest of them said to the father: "Father, give me my share of the inheritance." And he distributed the inheritance to them. A few days later the youngest son gathered everything together and left where he wasted his inheritance living like a libertine. When he had spent everything, extreme hunger struck in that country, and he began to be in need. In time, he repented of the immoral life he had led, he humbled himself. And coming to himself, he said: «How many of my father's hired men have bread in abundance, while here I am starving! I will get up, go to my father and tell him: Father, I sinned against heaven and before you. I no longer deserve to be called your son, treat me like one of your hired hands. " His father saw him and, moved, ran,She leaned on his neck and kissed him profusely. But the father said to his servants: “Quickly bring the best dress and dress him, put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf, kill it, and let's eat and celebrate a feast, because this son of mine was dead and has come back to life; he was lost and has been found. By this example, Jesus taught that his Father wants to forgive sinners who repent from the heart and show they want to change.Jesus taught that his Father wants to forgive sinners who repent from the heart and show they want to change.Jesus taught that his Father wants to forgive sinners who repent from the heart and show they want to change.
The father did not humiliate his lost son; rather, he received him with open arms. (See paragraph 6.) *
7. How is Jehovah's wisdom related to his mercy?
The Bible says that "the wisdom from above" is "full of mercy and good fruit." Jehovah has mercy on us because he knows that it benefits us, but it is because of his wisdom that he shows us mercy. This is why it exercises this quality with balance.
8. What do you need to do sometimes, and why?
Sometimes it is necessary to distance ourselves from a person who decides to lead a life of sin, sinners who do not repent of what they do have to be expelled. Because this is how we protect the faithful brothers of the congregation.
9, 10. a) According to Hebrews 12: 5, 6, why can we say that the expulsion is a show of mercy?
The expulsion is a show of mercy, because if someone needs discipline, the wisest, most merciful and loving thing is to give it to them.
b) What example helps us understand it?
For example: There is a shepherd who has his flock, one of the sheep who has is sick. The best thing the shepherd could do would be to isolate the sheep from the flock, so that the disease does not spread, thus protecting the sheep and the entire flock.
11. a) Why can the expelled person be compared to a sick sheep?
They are similar, because the sheep is sick and an expelled person is also sick, because they are sick in a spiritual sense. Like any disease, it can also be contagious.
b) What help do the expelled have?
Mientras este está expulsado, puede asistir a las reuniones, donde puede recibir alimento espiritual y fortalecer su fe de nuevo. Los ancianos van a ver si hay cambios en la persona expulsada y lo ayudaran a recuperarse y que pueda ser readmitido en la congregación.
Un pastor se acerca a una oveja enferma que está aislada del resto del rebaño.
Aunque se aparte del rebaño a una oveja enferma, esta sigue recibiendo los cuidados del pastor. (Vea los párrafos 9 a 11).
12. ¿Qué medida amorosa y misericordiosa pueden tomar los ancianos cuando un pecador no se arrepiente?
Los ancianos aman a todos sus hermanos y no quieren dañar su relación con Jehová. Pero ellos saben que cuando un pecador no se arrepiente lo mejor es sacarlo de la congregación, así también demuestran lo amorosos y misericordiosos que son.
13. ¿Por qué hubo que expulsar a un cristiano de la congregación de Corinto?
El estaba viviendo con la esposa de su padre. Pablo tomo la mejor decisión que fue expulsarlo, porque no le podía decir a la congregación de Corinto que lo ejecutara. Lo tuvieron que expulsar porque su conducta era inmoral y afectaba a la congregación.
14. ¿Cómo le mostró Pablo misericordia al hombre expulsado de Corinto, y por qué? (2 Corintios 2:5-8, 11).
Pablo les dijo a los ancianos que no quería ser “demasiado severo”. Les dio la siguiente instrucción: “Deben perdonarlo bondadosamente y consolarlo”. Así dijo pablo para que el hombre expulsado no dejara de buscar el perdón.
15. ¿Cómo muestran los ancianos firmeza y misericordia con equilibrio?
Al disciplinar al pecador muestran que actúan con firmeza cuando es necesario, pero muestran misericordia cuando es posible.
16. Según Proverbios 21:13, ¿Qué hace Jehová con los que no muestran misericordia?
Jehová dice: Porque el que no muestra misericordia tendrá un juicio sin misericordia. La misericordia triunfa sobre el juicio. Tenemos que ser humildes y mostrar misericordia.
17. ¿Cómo demostró el rey David misericordia de corazón?
Saúl quería matarlo, David fue misericordioso con este rey que Dios había nombrado y nunca trató de vengarse de él o de hacerle daño.
18, 19. ¿En qué dos ocasiones David no mostró misericordia?
The first occasion was: When Nabal, who was a rude man, refused to give David and his men food, David became enraged and said that he would kill Nabal and all the men in his house. The second occasion was when: The prophet Nathan told David about a rich man who stole from a poor man a little sheep that he was very fond of. David was enraged and said: "As true as Jehovah lives, the man who did this deserves to die!"
20. What does David's example teach us?
The tendency to judge others harshly is a sign of poor spiritual health. Jesus gave this serious warning: “Stop judging, lest you be judged. Because just as you judge others, you will be judged ”.
King David showed no mercy to the man of Nathan's example. (See paragraphs 19-20). *
21, 22. In what ways can we show mercy?
We can show mercy by doing things for others. We can think of people who need help, so we will find many ways to help and show mercy.
Why does Jehovah show mercy?
Since Jehovah loves human beings, he shows mercy whenever he finds a reason to do so.
Why is expulsion a show of mercy?
If someone needs discipline, the wisest, most merciful, and loving thing to do is to give it to them.
What will help us show mercy to others?
Mercy is more than a feeling; it involves doing things for others. We can all think of people to help in the family, the congregation, or the territory.
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