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Let's Find Hidden Pearls (10 min.)
Judg 14: 2, 3. Why was this Philistine “the right one” for Samson? (w05 3/15 26 ¶1)
Because only in this way would Jehovah's purpose be fulfilled, that is, this was in harmony with the direction of God's spirit, since this prompted him to act, since in that way Samson would be provided the opportunity to fight against the Philistines.
This Philistine was the right one for Samson because it was related to the achievement of an end, a purpose, an objective and that as Judges 14: 4 says, Samson was looking for an opportunity to go against the Philistines who were dominating Israel and Jehovah He wanted to act with his justice, so this Philistine was the right one.
Because that woman was the appropriate one to achieve an end or purpose that was to act against the Philistines, all this was thanks to the spirit of Jehovah prompting her strange request, as well as her entire career as a judge in Israel.
It is not because she was "beautiful, charming, and attractive," notes McClintock and Strong's Cyclopedia, "but because she was fit for purpose, purpose, or objective." Which? Judges 14: 4 explains that Samson "was looking for an opportunity against the Philistines." So that was why he had taken an interest in women. As he grew into an adult, "Jehovah's spirit began to move him," that is, to incite him to act. --Judges 13:25. So Jehovah's spirit was the driving force behind his strange request, as well as his entire career as a judge in Israel.
The context of these verses helps us understand why this Philistine was "right" for Samson. Let us remember that Jehovah had chosen Samson as judge and deliverer of his people, so as he became an adult, in Judges 13:25 it says that "Jehovah's spirit began to impel him," that is, to incite him to act to lead He carried out this mission, and in Judges 14: 4 he explains that Samson "was looking for an occasion against the Philistines, so that it turned out to be the right one" for that end or purpose. In this way, Jehovah's spirit was working on Samson to free Israel from the Philistine yoke.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
Judges 13: 1. He mentions that the Israelites once again failed Jehovah by abandoning God and true worship, this teaches us a valuable lesson that if we leave Jehovah and the congregation we lose out, it is vitally important to take good care of ourselves and not allow anything or anyone to do us leave Jehovah and true worship.
Judges 13: 2-5. We see the respect that Jehovah has for women and how he also gave privileges to his faithful servants, as happened with Manoah's wife, from this we learn that we should all treat our dear sisters with great dignity and respect.
Judges 13: 4. We see that Jehovah sent precise instructions to this woman for her pregnancy and eastern health. We notice how highly Jehovah values life and it is advice that we should follow, especially Christian women who are thinking of becoming pregnant. They have to take care of their diet for the well-being of their future baby.
Judges 13: 5. Before Samson was even conceived, Jehovah had determined that he would perform a specific task. From the moment of his birth he would have to be a Nazarite, someone set apart for a special kind of sacred service.
Judges 13: 1-8. It shows that Jehovah did not save the Israelites from the consequences of their actions, but over time he always provided a way out, this teaches us that Jehovah is a compassionate God, that in one way or another he will provide us with the means we need to regret if we have failed at something, but it will not free us from the consequences of our mistakes.
Judges 13: 8. Mention something that all parents should do, and that is that we know that it is not easy to raise children, especially in the time of the end, but they are not alone and like Manóah they must preach Jehovah their guide and follow it in order to educate their children. the correct way.
Judges 13: 9. He teaches us about Jehovah that he is a humble God, since we can see that he takes the trouble to listen to imperfect human beings like us, and what is more he responds to us, so that we can always turn to him, with the confidence that we he will listen and help.
Judges 13: 13-16. Hospitality, as illustrated in the Bible, reflects kindness to someone we love or also to a total stranger. In the case of Manóah and his wife, although they did not know it, they were hospitable to an angel of Jehovah. This teaches me that true hospitality transcends divisions and discrimination imposed by fear and prejudice. In view of the selfish and divisive spirit that exists in the world, it is very important that God's servants follow "the path of hospitality" and take the initiative to be kind and helpful to "everyone" when opportunities to do so arise.
Judges 13:15. We see something that in biblical times was frequent, and that is that it was very common for someone to invite other people to eat at their house as a sign of peace and friendship, this teaches us to be hospitable, perhaps with a new brother in our congregation or with the traveling overseer, so we will strengthen our bonds of brotherly love.
Judges 13:16. Jehovah's angel told him not to taste any of his food, but instead make a burnt offering to Jehovah. We can learn a lesson from this for ourselves today. Everything we personally have and achieve in life we owe and have to thank Jehovah, who is the one who made it possible.
Judges 13: 16-18. It teaches us that angels are truly humble and want Jehovah to take all the credit, as we see in this case, in the same way we, regardless of our abilities, never forget that everything is thanks to Jehovah and we give him glory for it.
Judges 13:18. The fact that no more names were mentioned was a protection from being unduly honored and worshiped. Jehovah sent angels as agents to act on his behalf, not his own. For that reason, when Jacob asked an angel his name, he refused to give it to him, this teaches us that we should not seek to be famous in the congregation, nor try to make everyone know who we are and how good we are, instead we want give glory to Jehovah.
Judges 13:22. Here we find the typical reaction that Jehovah's servants had when they saw an angel, in this verse Manóah and his wife think that they are going to die because they had seen God, although in reality Manóah had not seen Jehovah God, he thought so because he saw to God's materialized personal spokesperson, reactions like these can be found in various parts of God's word.
Judges 13:24. As Jehovah grew up blessing little Samson, it is important that we ask Jehovah's blessing on the little ones in the congregation, they are the future of the congregations, Jehovah has expectations placed on them.
Judges 14: 2. Samson "saw" a Philistine woman, when reviewing the history of Samson and of many servants of God we see that not controlling what they saw made them fall into deadly traps, they ended up stealing, disobeying and therefore, taking a lot on themselves and their loved ones pain, it is important that we take special care in what we see, if we do not we could lose many blessings in our lives.
Judges 14: 2-4. Just as Samson's parents did not understand why he had taken a woman as his wife from another town that had them oppressed. We may be given instructions today that we may not understand at first but are given for Jehovah's will. That is why we must trust his Word even when we do not know why one thing or another is happening.
Judges 14: 6. It highlights that with Jehovah's help, a mighty lion was not fiercer for Samson than a goat for anyone, and this is what happens when we have Jehovah's blessing, and therefore with his help, so in the face of any adversity Let us not be discouraged, remembering that Jehovah is on our side and will help us through his holy spirit.
Judges 14: 8. Many people wonder how it was possible that Samson found a swarm of bees inside the lion's body, the story says that Samson returned "after some time" or, according to the original Hebrew text, "after days", a phrase that can refer over a period of up to a year, the time elapsed was sufficient for insects, birds or other scavengers to consume most of the meat, and for the strong sun to dry out the rest, time would also have allowed the bees not only formed their hive on the lion's dead body, but it had also produced quite a bit of honey.
Judges 14: 9. Samson did not tell his parents that he had killed a lion with his bare hands, or that the honey came from him. From these passages we can learn a lesson for ourselves today. We should not go through life giving ourselves pretense of everything we have or have achieved, if we have a lot it is because Jehovah has allowed it to do so ... and instead of commenting on it, let us be humble, help others and give thanks to Jehovah.
Judges 14:10. The bible says that Samson had a banquet for his wedding; Because that is the way young people used to do, this teaches us that it is not a bad thing to celebrate a wedding party, as long as we do not forget Jehovah's principles when organizing it, and we must also remember that as Jehovah's servants we must be simple and not ostentatious .
Judges 14: 12-14. Samson used an enigma or riddle to the Philistines. In our society riddles are a hobby, in these our minds have the amazing ability to relate ideas, use logic and, therefore, solve riddles. This teaches me that there are many riddles in the Bible that are directly related to Jehovah's purposes. And, although for some looking for the answer may be disconcerting, the truth is that it takes time and meditation to understand it, but above all we need to trust its Author, Jehovah, who can reveal its true meaning.
Judges 14:15. To get to know what the teaching was, they tried and ended up getting his wife to cheat on him. Cheating is one of the things that God hates, and besides, a relationship is built on trust. There is no room in a Christian marriage for deception. We are to be loyal to our spouse just as Jehovah wants.
Judges 14: 16-17. The woman who was to be Samson's wife accused him of not loving her, put pressure on him by crying until he could bear it no more and revealed the riddle to him. This teaches me that although women are generally more emotional and more inclined to express their feelings, "Jehovah's servants" should avoid using crying or unwelcome prodding to get their way. The woman who does this may achieve her purpose, but loses emotionally and spiritually. Christians should never resort to such harmful tactics, knowing that they will have an adverse result in their relationship with Jehovah.
Judges 14: 15-18. The well-known task of plowing was often used as the basis of the illustrations and in this passage we can see just that, when the Philistines persuaded Samson's wife to elicit the answer to their riddle, Samson said that they had 'plowed with his veal ', that is, they had used for their service someone who should have served him.
Judges 13: 17-18. When Manóah wanted to know the name of Jehovah's angel to honor him, he did not reveal his name to her. This is proof that angels are humble and acknowledge that they are in Jehovah's service and do not expect to be the object of devotion or worship of any human being. This teaches me that we must be careful not to give angels undue prominence. In pure worship there is no place to pray or worship angels; not even in a relative way. Christians worship only Jehovah and present our petitions in the name of Jesus.
Judges 14:20. Here it is mentioned that Samson's wife was married to one of the young men who had accompanied him at the banquet, she was called a wife because as soon as the marriage was arranged and the contracting parties were engaged, they were considered as if they were united in marriage, although Samson never married a certain Philistine woman, but was only engaged to her, she is called his wife.
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