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Let's Find Hidden Pearls (10 min.)
Thu 8:27. Did Gideon worship the ephod he made? (it-1 763 para. 6).
No, the bible does not say that, and we are sure that it did not because he is mentioned among the great cloud of faithful witnesses mentioned by the apostle Paul, so although Gideon had this ephod made with an appropriate reason, this diverted the idea. Israelites paid attention to true worship and ended up committing idolatry.
No, in fact, Gideon's intentions were good and he intended to give Jehovah the credit of victory. However, the Israelites worshiped this Ephod and became guilty of immorality. Not so Gideon, who, as Paul says, is among the great faithful Jehovah's Witnesses of pre-Christian times.
Despite Gideon's good intentions to commemorate the victory that Jehovah had granted to Israel and honor God, the ephod "served as a snare for Gideon and his house," because the Israelites worshiped it and thus made themselves guilty of spiritual immorality. However, the Bible does not say that Gideon himself worshiped him; Rather, the apostle Paul specifically mentions it among the "great cloud" of faithful Jehovah's Witnesses of pre-Christian times.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
Judges 8: 1-3. We see that when the Ephraimites try to fight with Gideon, he responds with mildness, which manages to reassure them, this leaves us a clear example of the way we should react when someone provokes us, perhaps a brother has felt offended by something, or in preaching someone treats us badly, we must always be gentle and show self-control. We learn that the Ephraimites had wounded pride because they had not been invited from the beginning to fight alongside Gideon, they became so focused on protecting the honor of their tribe that they had not thought about the most important thing, and this can happen to us when We may not be considered for any assignment or privilege, but we should not place more importance on protecting our honor than on honoring Jehovah.
Judges 8: 2. Perhaps other people have become angry with us and treat us with hostility. Let's acknowledge those feelings and do our best to understand their point of view. Could it be that we have somehow contributed to making them feel this way? In that case, why not admit the guilt that we had in creating the difficulty and indicate to the person that we regret having contributed to the problem? A few thoughtful words could restore a deteriorating relationship. Some of those who are upset may just need a kind confirmation of our friendship. The Bible points out that "Where there is no wood, the fire goes out." There is no doubt that words well chosen and expressed in the proper spirit can "turn the anger away" and be a cure.
Judges 8: 2-3. It teaches us to be empathetic and humble, so if we have a difference with someone we should try to see things from their perspective, or even to calm the fight we can congratulate the person for something they have done well, but for that we need humility, especially if Obviously the other person is wrong, but keeping the peace is certainly much more important than proving that we are right.
Judges 8: 4. Even being tired, they continued to pursue the enemy. Tiredness comes naturally to us as imperfect humans. And it is good from time to time to stop and take strength. But let us not stop persevering in our service, we are in the last days and it is now when we must give everything. When paradise arrives we will have a lot of time to rest and enjoy.
Judges 8: 6. The princes of Sukkot refused to help Gideon's weary men. God's people are very different, and we always have to be willing to help each other. Especially more when we are asked for help. If they have done it, it is not easy to ask for help, it is because it is really needed and we must take care of our brothers even more in these situations, they will do the same with us.
Judges 8: 6-8. Gideon expected to receive support from his brothers, some bread and water, and we see that they failed him when he needed them most, nor did they believe that Gideon would achieve his goal, Jehovah helped Gideon to achieve victory, this teaches us that these things happen And it could happen to us too, but instead of giving up we want to lean on Jehovah as Gideon did and we will see how Jehovah gives us victory even if others do not believe that we are capable of achieving it, Jehovah raises up the humble and humiliates the proud.
Judges 8:20. Being afraid of being young to do something or carry a responsibility in the congregation is normal. We must not pressure our young people to carry more responsibilities if they are not prepared, we must give them time, they qualify and they take the step when they are ready.
Judges 8:27. Making a comparison with this verse. In our own house we can also have objects or tools that can constitute a trap for us and our family. The clearest is the internet, but also video consoles with certain games and other objects that if we do not put them to good use following the biblical norms can become a trap in our pure worship.
Judges 8:30. A curious and interesting fact is that Gideon is the man who had the most children in the Bible, according to the record there were 70 children.
Judges 8:33. It says that when Gideon died the Israelites deviated again from true worship, this once again reminds us that we should not be followers of men, because apparently this is what happened with Israel, and if we do the same as them, then as soon as the person we are following is no longer in the congregation, then we will chill spiritually.
Judges 8:34, 35. Many of those Israelites forgot all the good that Jehovah and Gideon had done for them, this could happen to us too, perhaps we helped others, perhaps we made sacrifices for them and as time passed it was no longer done for them, in Instead of becoming bitter, we must trust Jehovah and continue serving our brothers, Jehovah will bless us for imitating him since he does not forget everything we do for him and for the brothers.
Judges 9: 5. Gideon had a very bad and ambitious son who due to the desire for power and wealth was able to eliminate 70 of his brothers, it is impressive how the desire for power corrupts people, that we never harm anyone because of the desire for privilege Instead, let us ask Jehovah to fill our hearts and help us continue to grow in love for him and for our brothers and sisters.
Judges 9: 8. Until the end, it teaches us that to be friends of God, we have to be humble in mind, because there we find a parable that Jotham, the son of Gideon, told, the story says that once, the trees went to anoint a king over themselves. , the olive tree, the fig tree and life represented honorable men who never sought to reign over their brothers, instead, the cambron represented the reign of the proud Abimelec, who had a very disastrous end, so it is always better to be humble.
Judges 9: 8-15. It helps us in the ministry because it shows us how to be better teachers, and one key is to learn to use illustrations correctly, since this way we can more easily reach people's hearts.
Judges 9:22. Onwards. Abimelech ruled for three years. But after those years there was enmity and they betrayed him. We may be the object of injustice in this system by any person or body, and years may pass. But the justice of God will always be present and will hold our oppressors to account for the injustices suffered.
Judges 9: 56-57. God made the wickedness of those men come upon them, the text mentions that even the opposite of a blessing fell upon them for the damage they did to their brothers, this teaches us that anyone who hurts others is carrying a judgment on himself, all the damage he does will return, because Jehovah does not bless the wicked or pronounce them together, unless they repent and correct the damage done, seeing it this way, it is better for us to be good to everyone.
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