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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2021
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
If you get discouraged in difficult times, your strength will fail (Prov. 24:10).
Sometimes problems discourage us. What we should not do is constantly think about them, as we could lose sight of the wonderful hope that Jehovah has given us. --Rev. 21: 3, 4. Discouragement can exhaust us so much that we stop serving God. Let's take a look at what a sister in the United States does to keep her faith in good shape while caring for her husband, who is very ill. He wrote: “Sometimes the situation has caused us a lot of stress and discouragement, but our hope is strong. I am very impressed with the information we receive to strengthen our faith and keep our spirits up. We really need that advice. They help us to carry on and endure ”. The words of this sister teach us that we can overcome discouragement. How? Seeing what happens to us as a test of Satan, trusting that Jehovah will comfort us and valuing the spiritual nourishment he gives us. w19.11 16 pars. 9, 10
What do we, the soldiers of Christ, consider valuable?
Like a good soldier, we do not allow ourselves to be distracted from our main goal: to win the approval of our commanders, Jehovah and Christ. We consider it more valuable than anything Satan's world offers us. We make sure we have the time and energy we need to serve Jehovah and keep the shield of faith and the rest of our spiritual armor in good condition.
What warning did Paul give us, and why?
We must never lower our guard. Why? The apostle Paul warned that "those who are determined to be rich" will be "turned away from the faith" (1 Tim. 6: 9, 10). The expression "deviant" indicates that we can become distracted by trying to get unnecessary possessions. Our heart could be exposed to “many foolish and harmful desires”. So let's not allow those desires to enter our hearts. We must see them for what they are: weapons that can damage our faith.
After reading the account in Mark 10: 17-22, what questions should we ponder?
But suppose we have the money to buy many material things. Do we do something wrong if we acquire things that we want but do not really need? Not necessarily. However, let us ponder these questions: Even if we can buy something, do we have the time and energy to use and maintain it? Also, could we become overly attached to our possessions? Could that feeling lead us to act like the young man who rejected Jesus' invitation to do more in the service of God? (Read Mark 10: 17-22). It is far better if we lead a simple life and dedicate our precious time and energy to doing Jehovah's will.
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