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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2021
Sunday, December 19, 2021
No one can be the slave of two masters (Matt. 6:24).
Whoever worships God and at the same time spends too much time and effort getting rich is in a way trying to serve two masters. He does not give Jehovah exclusive devotion. Towards the end of the first century, the Christians in the Laodicea city congregation boasted that they were rich, had achieved riches, and needed absolutely nothing. But in the sight of Jehovah and Jesus they were miserable, pitiable, poor and blind, and naked. Jesus did not correct them because they were rich, but because their love of wealth was damaging their friendship with Jehovah (Rev. 3: 14-17). If we find a desire for possessions growing within us, take immediate corrective action (1 Tim. 6: 7, 8). Otherwise, our hearts will be divided and Jehovah will not accept our worship, for he "demands exclusive devotion" (Deut. 4:24). w19.10 27 pars. 5, 6
According to 1 Corinthians 10:21, 22, why should we choose our entertainment wisely?
We want to give Jehovah exclusive devotion, so we cannot eat from “the table of Jehovah” and “the table of demons” (read 1 Corinthians 10:21, 22). Eating with someone is usually a sign of friendship. Choosing entertainment that encourages violence, the occult, immorality, or other carnal desires and attitudes is the same as sitting down to eat with God's enemies and taking what they have prepared. If we do so, we harm ourselves and our friendship with Jehovah.
a) How can entertainment be compared to food? b) Considering what James 1:14, 15 says, why should we not feed bad desires?
How can entertainment be compared to food? When we eat, we control what we put in our mouths. But, once we swallow it, a series of automatic processes are started that result in the nutrients in the food becoming part of our body. A good diet helps us to be healthy, while a bad diet damages our health. The effects are not seen from one day to the next, but over time.
Similarly, when we choose entertainment, we control what we put into our minds. But then a series of automatic processes begin that influence what we think and feel. Good entertainment makes us feel good, while inappropriate entertainment hurts us (read James 1:14, 15). The effects may not be seen immediately, but they will become apparent over time. For this reason, the Bible warns us: “Do not be deceived: no one can mock God. Because what you are sowing is what you will reap. He who sows thinking of his flesh will reap corruption from his flesh ”(Gal. 6: 7, 8). So it is very important that we reject all diversions that promote the things that Jehovah hates. --Ps. 97:10.
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