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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2021
Monday, December 27, 2021
When my strength fails, do not abandon me (Ps. 71: 9).
Jesus taught us that Jehovah values what we do in his service no matter how little it may seem to us or how limited our abilities may seem as we age (Ps. 92: 12-15; Luke 21: 2-4). So let's focus on what we can do. For example, we can talk about Jehovah, pray for others, and encourage others to be faithful. Jehovah considers us his collaborators not because of what we accomplish, but because of our willingness to obey him. --1 Cor. 3: 5-9. How grateful we are to worship Jehovah, a God who truly values those who serve him. He created us to do his will, and what gives true meaning to our lives is true worship (Rev. 4:11). The world may consider us to be of no use, but Jehovah is not ashamed of us. --Heb. 11:16, 38). When we feel overwhelmed by illness, financial hardship, or old age, remember that nothing can separate us from the love of our heavenly Father (Rom. 8:38, 39). w20.01 18 par. 16; 19 paras. 18, 19
What convinces us that human beings are valuable to Jehovah?
Although Jehovah made us out of the dust of the ground, we are worth much more than a handful of dirt. --Gen. 2: 7. Let's look at some reasons why we know we are valuable to God. For example, he created us with the ability to reflect his qualities (Gen. 1:27). In doing so, he placed us above the rest of the physical creation, so that he put us in charge of the Earth and the animals (Ps. 8: 4-8).
What other evidence do we have that Jehovah considers imperfect people important?
Mankind remained valuable to Jehovah even after Adam's sin. We are so important to him that he gave his Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice for our sins (1 John 4: 9, 10). Thanks to the ransom, God will resurrect those who have died because of Adam's sin, both the just and the unjust (Acts 24:15). His Word shows that our value to him does not depend on our health, finances, or age (Acts 10:34, 35).
What more reasons do God's servants have to believe that he values us?
God's servants have more reason to believe that he values us. He has drawn us to him and has noticed how we responded to the good news message (John 6:44). When we began to draw close to Jehovah, he reached out to us (James 4: 8). Also, spend time and effort educating us. He knows how we are now and what we can become. And he shows us his love by disciplining us (Prov. 3:11, 12). Doesn't all of this prove that we are important to God?
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