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Congregation Bible Study (30 min.): Rr ch. 17 paras. 15-21.
When, why and how will Gog invade "the earth"?
15, 16. When will Gog of Magog invade our restored spiritual land?
From what we see in a part of the prophecy it says: "In the final part of the years, you will invade the earth." This means that the attack will be near the end of this system. As we already know, the great tribulation will begin with the destruction of false religion. When Armageddon begins, Gog de Magog will invade us and attack all those who believe in God.
The prophecy gives the answer: "In the final part of the years, you will invade the earth." These words indicate that the attack will be near the end of this system. Let us remember that the great tribulation will begin with the destruction of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. Gog will launch a final and all-out attack on the true servants of God.
17, 18. How will Jehovah conduct affairs during the great tribulation?
Jehovah will direct the affairs of the great tribulation so that everything happens according to his will and schedule. At some point during the destruction of Babylon the Great, Jehovah somehow pushed the nations to do something they already wanted to do: pounce on God's people.
As if putting hooks into Gog's jaws and dragging him away, Jehovah will direct matters so that everything happens according to his will and schedule.
At some point after the destruction of Babylon the Great, Jehovah may somehow push the nations to do something they already wanted to do: pounce on God's people.
19. What will drive Gog to take away pure worship from us?
Lo que impulsara a Gog a arrebatarnos la adoración pura es que el pueblo de Jehová tiene grandes riquezas espirituales, y lo más valioso que tenemos es el honor de darle a Dios adoración pura y exclusiva. Gog y las naciones tratarán de arrebatarnos ese honor, pero no lo harán porque valoren la adoración pura, sino porque la odian.
Jehovah's people have great spiritual riches, and the most valuable thing we have is the honor of giving God our pure and exclusive worship.
Líderes mundiales y militares reunidos para acabar con la adoración pura. Están revisando nuestras publicaciones, hablando por teléfono y vigilando por video nuestras actividades teocráticas.
Gog tramará “un plan perverso” para acabar con la adoración pura, pero fracasará. (Vea el párrafo 19).
20. ¿Cómo invadirá Gog la tierra o paraíso espiritual?
The nations will try to get us to stop worshiping Jehovah. They will try to cut off the supply of spiritual food and prevent us from holding our meetings. They want to destroy the unity that we enjoy.
Satan will incite the nations to wipe both Jehovah's true servants and pure worship off the map.
21. Why are we grateful that Jehovah has warned us of an event that is so close?
We are very grateful that Jehovah has warned us. Because while the great tribulation comes, we can support pure worship by showing that it is the most important thing in our life.
As the great tribulation comes, let's support pure worship and show that this is the most important thing in our lives. By doing this, we will help make the restored land more beautiful now.
Who is Gog de Magog, and how do we know?
Gog de Magog is not the Devil, but a coalition, or group, of nations. The Bible mentions Gog de Magog's attack, but also that of the “king of the north” and that of “the kings of the earth.” Are these separate attacks? It seems not. Apparently this is the same attack under different names. How do we know? Because the Scriptures tell us that all the nations of the earth will participate in the attack that will unleash the war of Armageddon.
It is a coalition of nations, first of all, that Gog is not a spirit. And, secondly, Gog represents the nations that will attack God's people shortly. Undoubtedly, these nations will form a coalition, that is, they will somehow become allies.
What does the spiritual land represent, and how can you beautify it?
A spiritually prosperous and safe situation, an environment where we worship the true God by performing various spiritual activities. On this "land" we live together in safety and enjoy peace and harmony. We receive a lot of spiritual food and we have a job that we love: proclaiming the Kingdom of God. No matter in which corner of the planet we live, we will be on this earth the spiritual paradise, we can beautify it by supporting with all our soul pure worship, both by words and actions.
To spiritual paradise: a spiritually prosperous and secure situation, an environment where we worship the true God by performing various spiritual activities. On this "land" we live together in safety and enjoy peace and harmony. We receive a lot of spiritual food and we have a job that we love: proclaiming the Kingdom of God. The words of this proverb come true in us: "It is Jehovah's blessing that is enriching, and with it he brings no pain." No matter what corner of the planet we live in, we will be on this earth, the spiritual paradise, as long as we wholeheartedly support pure worship, both by word and deed.
As the great tribulation comes, what should we do, and why?
As the great tribulation comes, let's support pure worship and show that this is the most important thing in our lives.
Full of hope, we look forward to seeing with our own eyes something truly spectacular that will happen very soon: Jehovah will rise to protect his people and defend his holy name at Armageddon.
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