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1, 2. According to Psalm 34: 8, what must we do to discover how good Jehovah is?
Let's imagine that someone offers us something to eat that we have never tried. We can get an idea of its taste by seeing it, smelling it, getting the recipe, or asking someone if they like it. But the only way to know if we like it is by trying it.
In a similar way, we can get an idea of Jehovah's goodness by reading the Bible and our publications, as well as by listening to others talk about how Jehovah has blessed them. But we can only truly understand how good Jehovah is if we “taste” his goodness for ourselves. --Read Psalm 34: 8. Let's take an example. Let's imagine that we want to serve Jehovah full-time, but to do so we have to simplify our lives. We may have read Jesus' promise many times that if we put Kingdom interests first, Jehovah will give us the things we need, but we may never have lived the fulfillment of that promise in our case. --Matt. 6: 33). Still, because we have faith in the promise of Jesus, we reduce our expenses and work hours, and focus on preaching. In doing so, We see with our own eyes that Jehovah does take care of us. And so we personally taste Jehovah's goodness.
3. In harmony with Psalm 16: 1, 2, who benefits from Jehovah's goodness?
Jehovah is “good to everyone,” even to those who do not know him (Ps. 145: 9; Matt. 5:45). But he especially blesses those who love him and serve him with all their souls. --Read Psalm 16: 1, 2. Let's look at some of the good things Jehovah has done for us.
4. How does Jehovah show his kindness to those who begin to approach him?
Every time we apply what we learn about Jehovah, we see the good effects in our lives. As we learned about him and came to love him, he helped us change ways of thinking and acting that kept us separate from him (Col. 1:21). And when we dedicated our lives to him and were baptized, he showed us his goodness even more by allowing us to have a good conscience and a close friendship with him (1 Pet. 3:21).
5. What evidence of Jehovah's goodness have we seen in our preaching?
In preaching, we see continual evidence of Jehovah's goodness. Are you a shy person? Many of Jehovah's servants are. Perhaps before knowing the truth, he would never have imagined himself knocking on the door of a perfect stranger to tell him about the Bible. However, today it does so on a regular basis. Furthermore, with Jehovah's help, she has learned to enjoy preaching. She has also felt Jehovah's support in other ways. For example, it has helped you to remain calm when someone in the preaching has treated you badly. It has also helped you remember just the right text when talking to an interested person. And it has given him the strength he needed to keep going when faced with the indifference of the territory (Jer. 20: 7-9).
6. How is Jehovah's goodness seen in the training he gives us?
Jehovah has also shown us his goodness by equipping us for ministry. --John 6:45. In the midweek meeting, we are presented with thoughtful ideas for conversation and encouraged to use them in our preaching work. When thinking about trying something new, we may get a little nervous at first. But when we do, we find that these suggestions work very well in our territory. We are also encouraged in meetings and assemblies to participate in ways of preaching that we may never have tried before. This can also push us out of our comfort zone. But if we do, we give Jehovah something to bless. Now let's look at some of the good things that Jehovah gives us when we try new ways to give him the best, regardless of our circumstances.
7. What blessing do we receive when we strive to increase our ministry?
We draw even closer to Jehovah. Let's look at the example of an elderly man named Samuel, * who serves with his wife in Colombia. They enjoyed pioneering in their home congregation, but wanted to increase their ministry by helping a congregation where there was the greatest need. To achieve this, they had to make some sacrifices. Samuel says, “We apply Matthew 6:33 and stop making unnecessary purchases. But the most difficult thing was to leave our apartment, which had been custom designed for us and was fully paid for ”. On their new assignment, they found that they could live on just one sixth of their previous income. Samuel adds: “We have seen how Jehovah guides our steps and answers our prayers. We feel their approval and love in ways we've never experienced before. ” Can you increase your ministry in any way? If so, you can be sure that you will grow closer to Jehovah and that he will take care of you. --Ps. 18:25.
8. What do you learn from what Iván and Viktoria tell?
Our service to Jehovah makes us happy. Consider what Ivan and Viktoria, a pioneer couple serving in Kyrgyzstan, tell us. They decided to lead a simple life in order to volunteer for any assignment, including construction. Iván says: “We gave everything in each project. Although we were tired at the end of the day, we felt peaceful and satisfied, knowing that we had spent our energies working for the Kingdom. The friendships we made and the fond memories we keep also make us very happy ”(Mark 10:29, 30).
9. What has a sister in difficult circumstances done to increase her ministry, and with what results?
Service to Jehovah can make us happy even in difficult circumstances. For example, an elderly widow from West Africa named Mirreh worked as a doctor. When she retired, she pioneered. He suffers from advanced arthritis and every time he goes out to preach he can only do it for an hour at a time from house to house. But you can spend more time in public preaching. She has many return visits and Bible courses, and she attends some of them by phone. What made you want to do more for Jehovah? She says: “My heart is overflowing with love for Jehovah and Jesus Christ. I constantly ask Jehovah to help me do all I can for him. ”- Matt. 22:36, 37.
10. As shown at 1 Peter 5:10, what does Jehovah give to those who try to do more in his service?
Jehovah gives us additional training. Kenny, a pioneer serving in Mauritius, found this to be true. When he learned the truth, he dropped out of college, got baptized, and entered full-time service. He comments: “I strive to be like the prophet Isaiah, who said, 'Here I am! Send to me!" (Is. 6: 8). Kenny has worked on various construction projects and has also helped translate Bible publications into his native language. It says, "I received training that taught me the skills necessary to complete my assignments." But he didn't just learn how to do his job. He adds: “I learned what my limitations are and what qualities I need to cultivate to better serve Jehovah.” (Read 1 Peter 5:10). Why not analyze your circumstances and see if you can make yourself available for further training from Jehovah?
A couple preaches in an area where more Kingdom publishers are needed; a young woman collaborates in the construction of a Kingdom Hall; an elderly couple preach on the phone. It makes everyone very happy to serve Jehovah. (See paragraph 11)
11. What efforts did some sisters in South Korea make to be able to participate in the ministry, and with what results? (See cover image).
Even those who have been Witnesses for many years benefit from Jehovah's training when they try a new form of service. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the elders of a South Korean congregation wrote: “Some brothers who previously believed that they could not participate in the preaching due to their health now do so by videoconference. Three sisters in their 80s learned to use this new technology and now preach almost every day ”(Ps. 92:14, 15). Would you like to increase your ministry and further taste Jehovah's goodness? The following things will help you reach that goal.
12. What does Jehovah promise to those who trust him?
Learn to trust Jehovah. If we trust him and give him our best, he promises to shower us with blessings (Mal. 3:10). A sister from Colombia named Fabiola saw for herself how Jehovah fulfilled this promise. She wanted to become a regular pioneer shortly after she was baptized, but her husband and three children relied heavily on her salary. So when she qualified for retirement, she earnestly pleaded with Jehovah for help. Account: “Normally it takes a long time to process a pension, but I was approved only a month after applying for it. It was like a miracle ”. Two months later, pioneering began. He is now over 70 years old and has been in this service for over 20 years. During that time, he has helped eight people to get to baptism. He says: “Sometimes I feel weak,
Series of images: 1. Sara rides a camel and is accompanied by members of her household. 2. Jacob wrestles with an angel. 3. Some priests carry the ark of the covenant and dip their feet into the mighty waters of the Jordan River.
How did Abraham and Sarah, Jacob and the priests who crossed the Jordan River show their trust in Jehovah? (See paragraph 13).
13, 14. What examples can help us trust Jehovah and find ways to do more for him?
Learn from the examples of others who trusted in Jehovah. The Bible is full of examples of people who did their best to serve God. In many cases, they had to take the first step before Jehovah gave them special blessings. For example, God blessed Abraham only after he left home “even though he did not know where he was going” (Heb. 11: 8). For his part, Jacob received a special blessing only after wrestling with an angel (Gen. 32: 24-30). And, when the nation of Israel was to enter the Promised Land, the people were only able to cross the Jordan River after the priests entered its mighty waters (Joshua 3: 14-16).
You can also learn from the examples of Witnesses today who have trusted Jehovah and sought ways to do more for him. For example, a brother named Payton and his wife, Diana, liked to read experiences about brothers who have increased their service to Jehovah, such as those in the series “They offered to help”. * He recounts: “When we read them, we felt as if we were seeing someone enjoying a delicious meal. The more we saw, the more we wanted to taste and see that Jehovah is good. " Over time, this marriage moved to a place of need. Have you read this series of articles? And have you seen the Preaching In Outskirts: Australia and Preaching In Outskirts: Ireland videos that are available on jw.org? All of this can help you find ways to increase your service.
15. How can positive influences help us?
Choose positive influences. It's easier to try a new food if we spend time with people who like that food. Similarly, spending time with those who focus their lives on serving Jehovah will make it easier for us to find ways to increase our service to God. That was the case with Kent and Veronica. He explains, “Our friends and family encouraged us to try new facets of service. We realized that spending time with those who first sought the Kingdom gave us confidence to try new things. " Today, the two serve as special pioneers in Serbia.
16. According to the comparison in Luke 12: 16-21, why should we be willing to make sacrifices?
Be willing to make sacrifices for Jehovah. To please Jehovah, it is not necessary to give up all comforts. --Eccl. 5:19, 20. Now if we didn't do more in serving God just because we don't want to make personal sacrifices, we could make the same mistake as the man in Jesus' comparison who led a very comfortable life but forgot about God (read Luke 12:16 -twenty-one). A brother named Christian, who lives in France, admits: "I was not giving the best of my time and my energy to Jehovah and my family." He and his wife decided to pioneer, but to do so they had to quit their jobs. To support themselves, they started a small cleaning business and learned to be content with less. Was the sacrifice worth it? He says: "We want more to ask and see the Bible students and the people we visit will learn more about Jehovah."
17. Why are some not encouraged to try new things in ministry?
Be encouraged to try new facets of service (Acts 17:16, 17; 20:20, 21). A pioneer from the United States named Shirley had to make changes to her ministry during the COVID-19 pandemic. At first he did not dare to preach on the phone. But, during the circuit overseer's visit, they taught him how to do it. And from then on he began to preach on the phone regularly. She explains: “At first I was scared, but now I love it. We were able to talk to more people than when we went from house to house ”.
18. What can help us overcome the problems that make it more difficult for us to increase our ministry?
Set a goal and work towards it. When we go through problems, we pray to Jehovah and think carefully about how to deal with them. --Prov. 3:21. Sonia, who serves as a regular pioneer in a Roma-speaking group in Europe, says, “I like to put my goals in writing and put the paper somewhere visible. On my dresser, I have a drawing of a road junction. When I have to make a decision, I look at the drawing and think about where my decision will take me ”. And when Sonia is in trouble, she tries to stay positive. He explains: “Each new circumstance can be like a wall that prevents me from reaching my goal or like a bridge that helps me reach it. It all depends on my attitude ”.
19. How can we show that we are grateful for all the good things that Jehovah has given us?
Jehovah blesses us in many ways. We can show our appreciation by doing our best to praise Him (Heb. 13:15). This may include looking for new ways to increase our ministry. If we do, Jehovah will bless us even more. So let's look every day for opportunities to taste and see that Jehovah is good. In this way we will be like Jesus, who said: "My food is to do the will of the one who sent me and to complete his work" (John 4:34).
What must we do so that Jehovah will show us his goodness in a special way?
We can get an idea of Jehovah's goodness by reading the Bible and our publications, as well as listening to others talk about how Jehovah has blessed them.
Because we have faith in the promise of Jesus, we must reduce our expenses and work hours, and focus on preaching. As we do so, we see with our own eyes that Jehovah does take care of us. And so we personally taste Jehovah's goodness.
How does Jehovah show his kindness to those who are trying to do more in his service?
He promises to shower us with blessings.
When we dedicated our lives to him and were baptized, he showed us his kindness even more by allowing us to have a good conscience and a close friendship with him.
What can help us to do more in our service to Jehovah?
When we go through problems, we pray to Jehovah and think carefully about how to deal with them.
One thing that can help us is to do what a pioneer in the United States named Shirley had to make changes to her ministry during the COVID-19 pandemic. At first he did not dare to preach on the phone. But during the circuit overseer's visit, they taught him how to do it. And from then on he began to preach on the phone regularly. She explains: “At first I was scared, but now I love it. We were able to talk to more people than when we went from house to house ”.
The paragraph shows the experience of a sister named Sonia, she puts it on paper and puts it in a visible place. On her dresser, she has a drawing of a road junction. When you have to make a decision, look at the picture and think about where your decision will take you.
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