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1. What do you know about the Creator?
We know that our Creator is the maker of the heavens, the earth and everything that exists, that he has beautiful qualities and wants human beings to live on earth made a paradise.
That his name is Jehovah who has beautiful qualities and wants us to live in a paradise among many other things.
Thanks to texts and verses such as Acts 17:27 we understand that the creator is willing to have a close relationship with us because there he says that he wants us to seek him and find him, in other words that we be his friends.
2. What do some people think of those who have faith in a Creator?
Many people who do not recognize that there is a Creator think that what if we believe in him, we are ignorant, uneducated and naive people. Some of them base their beliefs on the theory of evolution and think that science can prove the Bible wrong by speaking of the "Creator of all things."
What are ignorant, uneducated and resourceful.
Now most people do not believe in God or believe in evolution and also many who support these theories are people with higher education therefore they are quite respected in the world so those who do not believe like them for them are how it has been commented naive.
In addition, many are fully convinced that science has shown that the Bible is wrong, so on that basis they have this thought so far from the creator.
3. Why is it important for each of you to strengthen your faith?
We need to strengthen our faith so that we are not influenced or deceived by the false and empty opinions, philosophies and reasoning of influential people who teach lies or cause us to doubt that Jehovah is our loving creator. As Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3: 12-15 our faith needs to be "Built on the right foundation," so it is necessary for each of us to take the time and analyze the evidence that will convince us that Jehovah is actually the creator. of all things.
Because if we have weak faith, the opinions of influential people could influence us to the point that we doubt that Jehovah is our creator.
And the Illustration that Paul uses in first Corinthians 3: 12-15 is interesting, he speaks of weak materials and others of quality or durable, this makes us wonder how we build our faith with what materials and if, as Paul says, a fire comes a fire. in the form of a test of faith that will happen with her.
And as the apostle Paul said, it is possible that if we do not strengthen our faith we will become deceived by false and empty philosophies and reasoning, of course perhaps not to the point of saying Jehovah does not exist or Jehovah has not created things but maybe he does. by our decisions for our goals we come to show that we do not really believe that Jehovah exists.
This is an interesting expression that the apostle Paul says about false and empty philosophies and reasoning, in reality philosophy means love and following the wisdom that in itself is good, even proverbs encourages us to go after knowledge and wisdom, only here the apostle Paul links it with human philosophies that are like a very pompous globe very full but in reality lacking solidity, the arguments of this world that are separated from Jehovah like evolution may seem very pompous but they are actually very empty.
The word strengthen tells us that the idea is to increase that faith that we have, even though we have been in for many years, it can continue to increase and once it continues to increase, it has to be something constant, we have to keep that faith strong.
4. According to Hebrews 11: 1, on what is true faith based?
True faith is based on convincing evidence in invisible realities, such as Jehovah, Jesus, and the heavenly kingdom, and is based on accurate knowledge and reasoning from the Holy Scriptures.
Well, it is not blind faith but it is based on convincing evidence.
And today we see that the entertainment world sometimes presents religious or faith characters as crazy characters who believe in things that do not exist, but in reality quite the opposite, as we have just analyzed, the person with faith is one who believes in realities. with evidence.
Those realities may be invisible like Jehovah Jesus the kingdom but we have convincing proof that it exists and that is why our faith is true.
Also Hebrews 11: 3 is very nice because it says that this faith allows us to perceive, for example, the order of what is something that we do see and that order of those things that we perceive then make us believe that those things that do exist and that we see have come to to do thanks to invisible things, so without a doubt we have things that we do see and they are proof that there are invisible things.
5. Why do many people believe that God did not create all living things?
It is simply because they have never themselves analyzed the convincing evidence that Jehovah God actually created all living things. As the note with the asterisk says "In many schools, teachers do not even talk about the possibility that God will create all things because according to them, that way they do not interfere with the religious freedom of the students."
Well, because simply put, some people have never investigated for themselves, they have analyzed the reasons for themselves.
And as an example, this Rober that is mentioned here in the paragraph that says that creation was never talked about in school, it was not even a possibility and since this is the case in all schools, they do not consider that possibility, they take for granted what it is. I know that evolution is studied.
And in that sense, that is why it is so important that we strengthen faith and strive to maintain it because sometimes we establish the argument who does not believe in God as the creator is an atheist but no, there are many religious people who do not believe in God and are convinced that I do not create all species and that is why it is so important that we based not only of course on religious reasoning but also on scientific reasoning we reach the correct conclusion that God is the creator of everything.
There, parents are encouraged to make an effort to know what their children are being taught in schools because if they discover that they are being taught things that go against what the Bible says, they are encouraged to be able to use our publications to be able to do think to the children and that they can reason in the tests that there is that show the assistance of a creator.
And in the end he makes a reference to being very careful about sending his children to university, more than in any other elementary school in high school or universities the belief in evolution is greatly encouraged even young Christians could receive a lot of ridicule and a lot of pressure to believe in the creator, so it is something that should be studied very thoroughly as a family.
An important message for parents
A father discusses with his son the brochure “The origin of life. Five questions worthy of analysis ”.
Parents, make an effort to know what your children are being taught at school. What can you do if you find that you are being taught some things that go against what the Bible says? Use our publications to help you think about the compelling evidence we found in it. And be careful about sending your children to college, where many make fun of those who believe in God.
6. Why do some people deny the existence of a Creator?
Because they say they only believe in what they can see. But the truth is that if they accept and believe in things that they cannot see such as: gravity, they also have proof that this force is real. If these people paid attention to this aspect, they would realize that the Bible says that faith is based on proof "That there are realities that cannot be seen" and this would influence their way of seeing the Creator. Also, in this case, they need to put in the time and effort to examine such evidence, and many of them are unwilling to do so. Therefore, they conclude that God does not exist.
Because they only believe in what they can see.
But it is proven that the argument is not logical, the paragraph talks about gravity, for example, it made me think about how many people who dedicate their lives or at least many years to study this invisible force are considered gravity or we could talk about the magnetism of Radio waves are considered privileged minds, now when that invisible reality is not gravity but God, it seems that he no longer considers himself the bearer of such a privileged mind, that is proof that there are criteria that are biased that there is prejudice and it still makes us convince ourselves more of what is an issue to which we have to take time to invest sacrifice in order not to reach equally hasty conclusions.
7. How do we know that not all highly educated people deny that God created the universe?
Because many scientists after examining the evidence have become convinced that God created the universe. It is interesting that the asterisk says that in our publications you will find the comments of more than 60 scientists who have faith in creation. All of them, after carefully researching and analyzing the Bible, come to the conclusion that "life was designed by a Creator." This shows us that regardless of the education we have received, we too must strengthen our own faith in our Creator Jehovah.
Because there are many scientists who have set aside time, they have examined the evidence and have become convinced that God exists, among them the journal of 60 scientists referred to in the note in the index of publications, there are well-known figures in the world. how is Albert Einstein who was an astrophysicist what were people who believed in the powerful force or in a God.
And from these interviews, the attention was paid to an embryologist who he explained that they believed in evolution but it was because what they had taught him at university and he did not know anything else, but after his embryology studies and studying the Bible he realized that there really was evidence why he should believe in a creator.
The note also mentioned a brain researcher who after talking about how it works says that simply the fact that the brain works shows him that there is a mind much superior to ours, so we see how these tests made him believe in a creator.
And how good the conclusion reached by Kelvin, one of the discoverers of electricity says that I think that the more thoroughly science is studied, the further one moves away from any concept that approaches atheism.
Well, even so, we cannot avoid the responsibility that we have on a personal level to strengthen our faith in God and what the paragraph says is striking that some scientists or many scientists have not only led us to recognize that God exists but have led us to know him and love him love him very much, that is what all of us have to do and regardless of whether we have known the truth relatively recently or have come to know thanks to our parents because we have grown up in a Christian home.
8, 9. a) What question will we analyze now?
The question is: How can we strengthen our faith in the Creator?
We will explore the question: How can we strengthen our faith in the creator?
b) How will studying creation help us?
The more we study and observe creation such as: animals, plants, stars or other things, the more convinced we will be that Jehovah is the Creator and the stronger our faith will be. Even if we find it difficult to fully understand some aspects or details of creation, we must make the effort to study them and try to understand them. For this we have several articles or videos on our jw site that help us understand them more easily.
The more we study creation, the more convinced we will be that Jehovah is the creator of everything and we have many things that we can use, we have publications where we have information about very good articles or we also have videos that we can see again that will strengthen our faith.
We do not have to see very impressive things such as an aurora borealis to see the power of Jehovah Even in things that seem simpler, we can see an enormous complexity behind it, but of course that means stopping, thinking, and studying it, but without a doubt The effort is worth it because we are going to strengthen our faith even more.
And there will be times when we are studying and we see what is a little difficult to understand those articles, but as we are seeing they are necessary for us so that our faith is strengthened therefore we have to make that effort to read it learn what we can and from That way we can continue to cultivate our faith.
10. Give an example that shows that there is a Creator (Romans 1:20).
An example is the design of the sun that emits the light and heat necessary to sustain life on Earth. But it also emits ultraviolet rays that harm us. It is no coincidence that in the atmosphere there is a layer of gas called ozone that acts as a shield and prevents that harmful radiation from reaching us. Something remarkable is that the more ultraviolet rays, the more ozone is produced, which is proof that behind all this process and design there is an intelligent and loving Creator and his name is: Jehovah.
Well, the sun's rays, it is true that they give us light and heat, but it is also true that ultraviolet rays could damage us, however there is an ozone layer that serves as a shield and that prevents it from hurting us, it is also very interesting because when these Ultraviolet rays are very intense, the ozone layer also generates a shield that protects even more, so how is it going to do that? A work of chance has to be someone intelligent and loving who has created that.
That is why this and many other examples fill us with admiration when we observe them but we have to go a little further, the qualities behind that will make us have faith in a creator.
11. Where will we find facts about creation that will strengthen our faith? (See the box “Tools That Strengthen Our Faith”).
We will find a variety of information in the Watch Tower Publications Index and on jw.org. For example, we'll find articles and videos from the "Did Someone Design It?" Section, which are short and explain some amazing details about animals and plants. In addition, they include examples of how scientists have tried to mimic what they see in nature.
We can find it in the index of JW publications and also in the box there are mentioned a few very useful tools like the young man in the photo who is also studying and using all of them.
And the slave has prepared very interesting and at the same time very simple information that makes it possible that regardless of our educational level we can understand many things that we could not otherwise understand and articles for example that demonstrate how human beings have imitated Jehovah's creation to create some machines or different things because they make us see the inelligence behind Jehovah's creation.
Perhaps we could use the section of the articles someone designed, they are articles that are quite short and explain quite a lot of amazing details about the creation and we can use it as the icing on the cake after our personal study to also strengthen our faith in a creator.
For example, in that same section of what someone designed, a photograph appears in the box of an ant, a video of just a minute and a half is impressive, where it is explained how ants do not have traffic problems because instinctively they are made in order they give way. step, who is behind all that of course we do not analyze all these resources as curiosities as anecdotes as details that we like to read but as tools to strengthen faith so the interesting thing is that we use these tools really as a way to read the book of the creation of looking up to the creator.
Tools that strengthen our faith
A young man studies facts about creation using his tablet, the book "Is There a Creator Who Cares About Us?" and the brochures "Is Life the Work of a Creator?" and “The origin of life. Five questions worthy of analysis ”. Series of images: 1. DNA. 2. An ant. 3. Planets of the solar system.
The origin of life. Five questions worthy of analysis
Is life the work of a Creator?
Is there a Creator who cares about us?
"Is There a Creator?" Special issue of Awake! September 2006
The wonders of creation reveal the glory of God
"Coincidence or design?", Section of Awake!
"Did someone design it?" Section of jw.org
12. What things should we look for when we study the Bible?
We must look at the accuracy with which they present historical events, their prophecies and their internal harmony. This will strengthen our faith that a wise and loving Creator made us, and that he inspired the Bible. For example in the awakening article of 2011 with the question: Are science and the Bible compatible? We are shown that science and the Bible are not only compatible, but complement each other perfectly, and that to discard either of the two is to close a door that leads to the knowledge of Jehovah God.
Well, we want to look at the attitude how historical events are presented in the prophecies and in the internal harmony of the Bible because these things bring us closer to the author of the Bible our creator, Jehovah.
We have here the comment of the biochemist quoted above that he comments that his faith is not based only on the studies of science but also on a careful study or analysis of the Bible in depth.
And it is not enough to think that we already know the Bible enough, we must always continue to study it and think like the psalmist in Psalm 119: 97 says how much I love your law and reflect on it all day.
As second Peter 2:21 says it says men spoke on behalf of God impelled by the holy spirit therefore we must see in what way the Bible reflects that in what way or what proofs we have that this scripture is inspired by God.
13. Name an example that shows the wisdom of God's Word.
For example, the Bible in 1 Timothy 6: 9,10 warns us that the love of money hurts us and causes "great pain." And talking about this a book called, The Epidemic of Narcissism says “That materialists are less happy and more depressed. That those who aspire to have more money suffer from poorer mental and physical health. So it is clear to us that the advice of the Bible not to love money is very timely and that trusting and following the wise advice of our loving creator makes us happier.
Well we know what the Bible says about the love of money that brings a lot of pain and brings a lot of damage, experts have discovered that people who go after material possessions are not happier, on the contrary, they have a lot of pain in an emotional sense, they even seem of worse physical health, so as always the Bible was right.
And that is why this warning was and is also very timely and there it shows us the wisdom behind this advice, wisdom that, as we also read in James 1: 5, Jehovah himself encourages us to ask him.
And the paragraph asks us other biblical principles that have helped us perhaps biblical principles of abstaining from blood or not smoking come to mind, this teaches us what Isaiah 48:17 and 18 says, Jehovah is the one who teaches us for our own good.
14. What will we learn about Jehovah by studying the Bible?
As we study the Bible, we will get to know Jehovah better, we will discover the wonderful qualities he has and we will convince ourselves that he is a real person, in addition, we will have more faith in him, we will love him more and we wish that he would be our friend forever.
Well, many other precious qualities that our creator has, for example in the psalm it is mentioned about his mercy his patience his loyal love his goodness and knowing those qualities will mean that we know better the personality of Jehovah, we draw it better and it will be much more. real to us.
We have realized that when we speak with people that in the territory in preaching when we talk about God it is difficult for people to think beyond his qualities that we are mentioning here it is very difficult to think about God it is something abstract it is difficult for them to give him feelings but I loved as an example that he also said Psalm 145 when instructive that love is when he says his loyal love is immense when one reflects on phrases like this one makes him see how our God is and how close we are to know this about him to his person.
I also like the text of Exodus 34: 6 7 because although there Jehovah could have been described with imposing titles such as Almighty God is shown with qualities like merciful compassionate patient full of true love loyal, so it is a sample of what is really important for Jehovah the qualities that he values and that we can also see reflected in his creation.
And how nice to know that the more we know Jehovah, the closer we feel about him and it does not end there, it continues to increase.We will always know details that bring us closer to him that help us to understand more deeply certain qualities of Jehovah and it is nice to know that. that this will never end and we will be able to continue supporting knowledge and getting closer and closer to it.
15. How will talking to others about our faith in God help us?
Talking to other people about our faith in God helps us because it motivates us to search the Bible for answers to questions we may not be able to answer. And whether people accept what the Bible says or not, it will do us good to have investigated the subject, since our faith will have become stronger and stronger. Another beneficial result is that we will not be affected by the false claims of so-called sages and intellectuals who deny the existence of a Creator.
When we repeat it to a person, we repeat it to ourselves and they also strengthen that in our faith, if they also have a question, a doubt, we will investigate to answer them and that investigation will also increase our faith.
Regardless of what the response of the person, whether or not he accepts the message or the answer that we will give to his question, that is beneficial for us because having investigated and having meditated on the subject will strengthen our faith.
And how we read in First Peter 3:15 we will be prepared to give that defense of our faith and without a doubt that by doing so we will also strengthen it.
Another text that supports this idea is Romans 2:21 says that you who teach another do not teach yourself, also as it has been commented, analyzing, preparing or even investigating a topic that we have been asked about, strengthens our faith a lot as well.
And if our faith is strong and as it says at the end of the paragraph, perhaps false statements will not affect us, they will not intimidate us and they will not convince us of anything that we know is not true.
16. What can happen if we don't continue to strengthen and nurture our faith?
What can happen is that our faith will weaken or worse, we may lose it. We must always keep in mind that faith is based on evidence of unseen realities. And what is not seen is easily forgotten. As the apostle Paul said, lack of faith leads us "to sin that easily entangles us," so in the face of such danger we must continue to strengthen and take care of our faith.
If we do not do it, it may weaken as the paragraph says, our faith is based on realities that are not seen and what is not seen can be easily forgotten so we need to continually strengthen it.
Precisely on that expression that has been commented on the sin that easily entangles us publications when they try to explain about it compare with the athlete who chooses his clothes very well when competing, lest he choose one that gets tangled between his legs and him make it fall, then it simply comes off and we in our life can have many things around us that could make our faith fall or drown it is true that faith does not disappear overnight it goes little by little yes we have To identify those things that by what we see by what we hear who we associate with could destroy our faith and bring us down.
17. What will help us keep our faith strong?
In Galatians 5: 22,23 it says that faith is a fruit of God's holy spirit, therefore, let us constantly ask Jehovah for his spirit to help us cultivate and maintain true faith.
Because it is a quality of the fruit of the spirit, we need Jehovah's help in order to strengthen our faith.
Also as Luke 17: 5 indicates we can also ask Jehovah directly to give us more faith just like the disciples did.
So being specific and praying and asking Jehovah often for this quality by faith will help us to always be aware that we need to strengthen it.
Jehovah will give it to us as Luke 11:13 says without a doubt what is the best father will give holy spirit to those who ask for it.
18. According to Psalm 1: 2, 3, what great honor do we have?
Today, we are honored to have the entire Bible or part of it, so if we value this privilege, we will do what this Psalm says "we will read it day and night and meditate on it" resulting in an infallible source of our faith.
Having the complete Bible and also very easily at our fingertips on our mobile devices we have it at any time.
And it is good that we meditate on this matter because perhaps we could take it for granted or not really value it as we should the paragraph tells us about the Israelites as they had a complete copy of God's law but few of them could not access it, however We not only have it complete but we also have a lot of information at our fingertips, how nice that we feel privileged for that reason that we value it and that we use it.
And we feel like that tree that is mentioned in psalms chapter 1 verse 3 next to that stream of water, there we are near those waters that feed us so much and instruct us that is why we are very grateful to also be able to enjoy this law of the word of God.
19. What do we have to do to keep our faith strong?
We should read and study the bible regularly. For that we need to have a defined schedule and be constant in our personal study of the Bible, only then will we keep our faith strong.
And I like the expression when it says that we cannot afford to leave reading and our study of the Bible by chance because it is true that we would always have things to do, the time would fly and perhaps we would be surprised that weeks will pass and not we have done a good study.
The paragraph highlights reading regularly and having a regular study schedule, so everything indicates consistency, continuous action and that is what we will need to keep our faith strong.
20. What must we be determined to do?
We must be determined to strengthen our faith and help as many people as possible to have faith in our Creator. So all together we can praise Jehovah and say the words of Revelation 4:11: "Jehovah our God, you deserve to receive the glory, because you created all things."
Thanks to this sacred work, today we understand why the world is going from bad to worse, so we have to keep looking forward to the day when everyone can serve Jehovah, meanwhile we have to be determined to strengthen that faith that we have in ourselves but we also have to make this faith known to other people.
And the truth is that it is a great privilege, as the text of Matthew 11 said, Jehovah hidden this knowledge of the intellectuals, he does not give it to the smart ones to the most intelligent, but he does give it to the most humble to those who are willing to value. this precious gift and treasure it very much.
What is faith and what is it not?
Authentic and true faith is the certainty that what is expected will happen and is based on convincing evidence and accurate knowledge in invisible realities such as Jehovah, Jesus and the heavenly Kingdom. And faith does not mean believing in something blindly or without any proof.
Well, we have seen first that faith is not believing in something without any proof but rather what faith is is believing based on proof that there are realities that cannot be seen, which implies dedicating time and effort to precisely strengthen or have that faith.
In what ways can we strengthen our faith in the Creator?
We learned four ways to strengthen our faith in the creator, these are: 1) We must study creation. 2) We must study the Bible. 3) We must study with the correct objective, which is: to know Jehovah better. 4) We should talk to other people about our faith in God.
Yes, one of those ways is studying creation, so something that we have within our reach, animals, plants, even our own planet, knowing some of its protection systems helps us understand the affection with which Jehovah has created all this.
The same happens when we study other facets of the Bible not only scientific matters but history prophecies internal harmony the superiority of biblical principles over the principles of this world when we study it and what is more we meditate on it we realize that there really is a creator who cares.
And to study with the correct objective what it is to draw closer to Jehovah, not simply to accumulate information in our intellect.
And also by talking about our faith with other people in this way we strengthen our faith by defending the truth.
How can we keep our faith strong?
We can keep our faith strong by: 1) We constantly ask Jehovah to give us his holy spirit. 2) We regularly study his word the Bible.
By asking Jehovah very often to give us his spirit because it is a quality that we cultivate thanks to this help of the Holy Spirit.
And also regularly studying his word the Bible.
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