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1. What are many brothers doing to increase their service to Jehovah?
Many brothers have a willing spirit to serve Jehovah more, so they are expanding their ministry. For example, some have the goal of pioneering, others want to serve at Bethel or help build buildings, and still others are striving to be ministerial servants or elders.
In the first three texts that we see here, both Matthew and Luke as the first letter of Peter, we see the great work that is being done to preach and make disciples, which is something that touches us all but also apart from taking care of each other of our brothers as says in first Peter.
And it is very nice that to this need so much work that needs to be done in Jehovah's organization because more and more brothers are offering themselves who are available, thus imitating the attitude of the prophet Isaiah who said: here I am, then without a doubt Jehovah He feels very happy that there are brothers who are willing to give more in his service to him.
Psalm 110: 3 mentions how your people would volunteer and then clarifies that it would be a battalion of young people and we see how Jehovah's people in general, including young people, have a good disposition to want to do more.
2. How might we feel if we don't reach some goal?
Perhaps we feel like Proverbs 13:12 says, there it says that: "Expectations or goals that take time to fulfill make the heart sick." This means that we may feel disappointed, sad, or even in pain because due to our age or circumstances we have not been able to achieve some goal or do more in Jehovah's organization.
He describes it in proverbs 13:12 not that expectations that take time to be fulfilled make the heart sick, so perhaps that could make us feel discouraged that we feel as the paragraph says, disappointed by any circumstance that prevents us but if we do not reach them and It takes us a long time to have this discouraging result.
We have here Melisa who would love to serve at Bethel as well as attend a school for evangelizers.She says that she has already exceeded the age limit to be able to do this so for her only a dream so when she thinks about it she says that she gets discouraged.
3. What might some have to do in order to receive certain responsibilities?
What they need to do is focus on serving Jehovah and continue to grow spiritually, refining and developing the qualities that will help them serve more in the congregation. So when they least expect it they will receive some responsibility. That is precisely what Nick did, a young man who was initially disappointed that he was not appointed as a ministerial servant. But he did not give up, rather, he focused on continuing to serve in the congregation and in the ministry and today he is a member of a Branch Committee.
Undoubtedly there are many young people who have the attitude to do things but they need to get to achieve the attitude, that is, they have to learn, then make careful patients to work in union with others with respect and this takes time to get to achieve it, so therefore some of them may become desperate at first of not achieving these goals.
And the paragraph does not say that they do not have those qualities but they have perhaps a degree but as it says here, be more patient because this takes time because perhaps they need time to develop these qualities so that they can one day get the privileges they want to have.
And when those responsibilities do not come when one expects them because perhaps one is not prepared, one can feel discouraged but the important thing is to learn from the example of the paragraph, Brother Nick who did not give up if he did not keep working, he will continue to progress and in the long run he will be able to finish the goals.
4. What will we see in this article?
In this article we will see how we can keep joy, even though we have some goal that is beyond our reach. For that, we will analyze three points: First, that it can give us joy. Second, what to do to feel more joy. And third, what a goal to set ourselves to be more joyful.
First that it can give us joy then what to do to feel more joy and we are also going to see what goals we should set ourselves to be more joyful in life.
We can do what Psalm 37 verse 5 says above all that says put your way in the hands of Jehovah putting our way in the hands of Jehovah can be to include what goals we want to achieve and thus share that feeling, Jehovah will surely help us.
5. What should we focus on if we want to feel joy? (Ecclesiastes 6: 9).
To feel joy we must follow the advice in this text, and concentrate and enjoy "what the eyes see" that is to be satisfied with what we have in our current circumstances. We should not go "here and there chasing desires" because that would be wanting what we cannot have or what is beyond our reach.
It is best to focus on the blessings we currently have and set goals that are realistic.
And that is very beautiful as illustrated here, we have to enjoy what we have, enjoy what we already have, not what our eyes can see as it says in the text, because why do the opposite, not as the second part says, look for what We still do not have that which we have not achieved yet, it is in vain it does not make any sense because we do not achieve anything and we waste time, so we have to make an effort and enjoy what we have.
6. What parable will we analyze, and what will we learn?
We will analyze the parable of the talents that Jesus related found in Matthew 25: 14-30. And, we will learn what we can do to have joy and even increase it according to our circumstances.
We will analyze the parable of the talents.
We will learn what we can do to have joy even increase in our circumstances.
7. Briefly tell Jesus' parable of the talents.
The parable is about a man who went on a journey, but before leaving, he called his slaves and gave them talents to do business with. To one slave he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one to each according to his ability. The first two slaves were diligent and got more money for their master. But the third slave did nothing with the talent he had received, so the master fired him.
We will talk about a rich man who before going abroad entrusts part of his fortune to 3 slaves as he knows them well, he gives each one according to his ability to about 5 talents to another 2 and to another 1 and when he expects those again talents have given their benefit have given up but he realizes that the first two have done their job but the third has not and then fires him.
And a detail that the note adds is what a talent was and this was what a worker earned in 20 years, so what he gave to each of them was something very valuable.
8. Why could the first slave in the parable feel happy?
It is possible that the first slave felt happy and honored because each talent equivalent to the money that a worker earned in about 20 years and his master gave him five of his talents, which made clear how much confidence he had in him.
The fact that he left him so much money in his charge undoubtedly made him feel honored and valued and made clear the trust that the master placed in him.
He could have been disappointed thinking good and because he gives him 5 and I only 2 and this could have caused him discouragement.
9. What did Jesus not say about the second slave? (Matthew 25:22, 23).
Jesus told us that the second slave would feel upset, resentful, or worthless because he only gave him two talents. Nor that he took the attitude of neglecting the interests of the master and burying the talents and taking better care of his personal affairs.
What she told us at no time is that this one felt bad and will say this all that you are going to give me to get to work with her to another you have given 5 is that you do not exactly trust me the same as I work if you know as I work but we see that I do not know precisely focused on this he came to see even before mentioned in the previous paragraph what was worth what a talent was and was multiplied by 2 then he sat precisely on that value that had been set at his charge he had been trusted and worked with it with joy.
Verse 22 that we have read says that the answer was look, I won another 2, we cannot imagine a sad tone, I was happy, so we must be just as happy and grateful for what we have and meditate and enjoy everything we can do right now.
If it is possible that the current circumstances do not allow us to do more, perhaps fill out a request to make ourselves available but the idea of the verse is to focus on what we can do and that way we will be happy.
10. What did the second slave do with his talents?
The second slave took the responsibility entrusted to him very seriously and worked hard for his master. So he gained two more talents, and satisfied love rewarded his efforts and entrusted him with more responsibilities.
And it is interesting that you will gain 2 talents since this gives us to understand that the work with him at 100 percent of what he had received I did not save one half simply by saving it and working with the other but he worked with everything he had without a doubt a lesson in working on all that we have on all that has been 100 percent assigned to us.
It is also interesting that he says that the master rewarded him for all his efforts and it is that if we see in the parable how I speak to the slave at 2 o'clock and to the slave at 5 o'clock, he responds totally the same, gives him the same reward for what we see that when we give our maximum when we give our maximum, without a doubt we have the same reward, a very good one.
And although the responsibility he had was not perhaps as great as that of the one who had received five talents, I do not take it less seriously that he is first a slave but that he exerted himself to the same degree as the first slave knowing that the work was for his master and that he had to do his best.
11. What can we do to feel more joy?
We can feel more joy if we do our best in whatever task we receive in our service to Jehovah. Each of us can encourage, help, and be engaged in different spiritual activities or responsibilities. We should not think that certain assignments are of little importance, actually a good comment, preparing a student speech well, being punctual, reliable and participating fully in the preaching are valuable tasks that should make us feel satisfaction and joy in doing them.
Well, in order to enjoy a greater degree of joy, it will go in proportion to the degree of involvement that we put into it, the degree of involvement of our heart and our assignment of the tasks and tasks that we do, that is what will result in we have greater happiness.
And for example, a field that is within the reach of all Christians is in preaching, we have the example of Paul as mentioned in Acts 18: 5, he dedicated himself completely to preaching the word because also in front of the circumstances of each one he also did it. You can give your best in this work.
Given the different things we can work on that the paragraph mentioned, the brothers of the congregation are practically within the reach of almost 100%, being able to make an effort to comment, even brief comments and something very simple, can be done, or taken seriously by anyone of the assignments that one can receive to become punctual or reliable in situations in which they ask us to do what is any little thing everyone in the congregation can come to think of meditating as in facets of these simple or not more complicated one can come to strive for that joy of serving Jehovah.
And when we are striving to do everything we can in the congregation in our service to Jehovah, he will help us to comply with what Galatians 6:26 says, do not become self-centered, do not encourage competitions, envy others when another receives responsibilities or appointment that perhaps to we ourselves would like to receive because we will rejoice and imitate just as the slaves in the parable of the talents did not pay attention to each other because you 5 I 2 but they focused on their work and were happy for the other.
If we are talking about feeling happy about what we can do to Jehovah and if we try our best to do everything we have seen in this paragraph, then that will be the result that we are going to feel happy about our service.
Series of images: 1. A slave receives two bags of money from his master. 2. The slave negotiates with sellers of good quality cloth. 3. The slave brings his master four bags of money.
What do we learn from the second slave in the parable of the talents? 1) He received two talents from his master. 2) He strove to earn more money for his master. 3) He gained two more talents for his master. (See paragraphs 9-11).
12. What did Melissa and Nick do to make them feel more happy?
What our two brothers did was concentrate and feel happy with what they could do. For example, Melissa says that what she does is “Give her all to pioneer and try to participate in all forms of preaching. This has given him great joy. And in Nick's case, he says, what he did was, “Concentrate on participating in the preaching work and giving encouraging feedback at the meetings. He also filled out the Bethel application, and the following year he was invited.
For example, Melisa says that what gave her joy was to do her best in pioneering and participating in all forms of preaching. She did everything she could and it was her circumstances and her activities that made her happy to do what she could.
And in the case of Nick it is similar, he also says that he also concentrates on what he could do which was to preach and give encouraging comments in the meetings are things that they can make us simple but if we give our best in those aspects we can receive a lot of joy .
And when we see the example of the two we see that perhaps neither of them at that time achieved the goal they wanted, for example Nic wanted to be a ministerial servant and it is mentioned that in the end he was invited to Bethel, so when we do our best perhaps Jehovah opens another door so that we can serve you in the best way.
In addition, both of them fulfilled very well what we have highlighted in bold in the previous paragraph, to do their best, especially considering that they had few activities to do and that is, despite the fact that at that time neither of them had what they had to do. He wanted or what he wanted, yes, he had many activities that surely would take a long time and would fill their spiritual schedule a lot to be able to continue working for Jehovah.
13. What will happen if we do our best in the responsibilities we have now? (Ecclesiastes 2:24).
As Ecclesiastes 32:24 says: "We will enjoy our hard work." So, the result of our effort, in some cases will be that we receive more responsibilities, but, in other cases, perhaps not. The important thing is that we will feel happy and satisfied because we know that our efforts please our master, Jesus Christ.
Again according to the theme we will feel joy as the text we have read says we are going to enjoy our work because that comes from Jehovah it is a reward that he gives us for our effort that we are going to feel happy and satisfied and we are going to please him especially.
And a great joy is that knowing that our efforts please Jesus Christ that Jesus Christ tells us well done, good and faithful slave for the work we have done, that is priceless.
14. What should we remember about our service goals?
What we must remember is that "we can always improve on our goals of service to Jehovah." Perhaps we can strive to be better preachers and teachers to help our brothers. Furthermore, as Acts 20:35 says “there is more happiness in giving than in receiving,” so Jehovah's servants are very happy because we focus on helping others.
We have to set goals to continue progressing and to be better servants of Jehovah and that those that we set ourselves have to focus on helping others not on what we are left to do.
That if we want to achieve goals, the paragraph encourages us to work on such beautiful qualities as modesty, having balance in terms of ourselves, our limitations, and in fact also the original Greek word used in the Bible for modesty also refers to helping us think. in others help us to treat others well and that is something that we also have to strive to do.
Jesus Christ already said in Acts 20:35 says that there is more happiness in giving than in receiving, so no matter how much we have progressed, the privileges we have if we strive to give more we can be happier.
15. What are some goals that will make us feel happier?
Some goals are: auxiliary or regular pioneering, serving at Bethel or helping in construction, learning another language to preach to more people, or moving to a place where help is needed. If we strive to achieve these goals or objectives, we will feel happier and others will see our progress.
Goals like auxiliary pioneering, regular, Bethel, construction, even learning another language where there is a need.
If a goal that is set for all baptized youth is to work to become ministerial servants or ministerial servants to become elder, in the organized book a very clear description of what the requirements are for each of these privileges and it is a very good a good work as the first of Timothy says for those who want to do more for Jehovah.
And by setting goals that will help us to be happier, something that will help us is to ask for Jehovah's help, as mentioned in the idea of Proverbs 16: 3, if we count on Jehovah in our plans, he will help us to think better about our circumstances, to be realistic. set goals that we can achieve and he guarantees that those plans will go well.
16. What can we do if we cannot currently reach a certain goal?
We must be realistic and set a reasonable goal that we can meet.
Let's set a reasonable goal that we can meet.
17. According to 1 Timothy 4:13, 15, what steps can a brother take to become a better teacher?
As our texts say to be better teachers "we must strive to improve our reading, speaking and teaching." Therefore, one of the first steps is to study and put into practice each of the aspects of public speaking that the booklet Let's Be Better Readers and Teachers discusses. If we practice all the lessons and apply it in the speeches we have, it will strengthen the faith of our listeners and, at the same time, help them to apply the information in their lives. In addition, we may ask the assistant counselor or other elders for suggestions. Really following these steps will make us and our audience happy as well.
Well, set the goal of improving your public speaking and teaching and one way to achieve this goal is to study the brochure Let's be better readers and teachers and this brochure is wonderful Including the videos that they have to improve in these facets.
A brother discusses a lesson from the booklet "Be Better Readers and Teachers."
What goal may be within your reach? (See paragraph 17) *
18. What will help us achieve our goals in ministry?
What will help us is to improve or hone our skills in the preaching work. For that, we can study the Teachers brochure and set goals that help us apply what we are learning. We can also practice the suggestions in the Christian Life and Ministry Meeting Activity Guide and the “Talk Ideas” videos. The important thing is to try the different suggestions to see which one works best, so we will have the immense joy of being better teachers.
Well again here the master brochure will help us a lot, all the lessons that we have in this brochure are also applied to our preaching so that we can improve or also the suggestions that we see in the meetings with our activity guide the demonstrations that we see in those videos so applicative all this will help us improve our preaching.
Romans 10:14 | If the end of everything as the paragraph mentions is that they get to hear the good news and the text mentions that as they will invoke without someone to preach, here we are involved and our own teaching will also be very involved our own study at the time to get it.
What goal may be within your reach? (See paragraph 18) *
19. What will help us develop Christian qualities?
What will help us is to read articles in our publications that talk about the quality that we want to improve or put into practice. It is also helpful to see the experiences of brothers in Jw Broadcasting segments who applied Christian qualities in their lives and then endeavor to imitate their good example.
Personal study mentions here that we can read articles that help us see how to apply these qualities, for example, in 2 Peter chapter 1 verse 5 to 8, it talks about qualities such as virtue, self-control, devotion, and only by virtue if We seek information about this quality and we would have for personal study for months.
What goal may be within your reach? (See paragraph 19) *
20. What can we do to feel happier and less disappointed?
What we can do is stay busy and seize the opportunities of what we can do now in our service to Jehovah. We know that the day will soon come that we will serve him 100%, but for now, let us rejoice, now, for what we do for Jehovah.
Well, the central idea that we have seen in this article is to focus on what we can do, keep thinking about how to improve and how to set more goals so that being focused on that will undoubtedly make us much happier.
It is very encouraging to be able to have the wonderful perspective of in the near future being able to give Jehovah 100% of our possibilities, it is true that at the beginning of the paragraph it says that now we would like to and sometimes it is not possible, but what it will take away or put aside the disappointment or frustration for not being able to do it is that what we can do what is within our reach is something reasonable for us that we can get involved in it that we take advantage of those opportunities and that will allow us enjoy happiness now.
How does the parable of the talents help us rejoice in whatever responsibility we have?
In the parable, we are shown that a master entrusted his talents to three slaves and each received according to his ability. Two of the slaves were diligent, toiled and worked for their master's interests. This teaches us that we should likewise do our best in whatever task or responsibility we receive in our service to Jehovah. If we are busy and focused on our spiritual activities, more joy and satisfaction we will feel that we are pleasing our master Jesus.
Well, we learned a lot from the second slave, he did not receive as many talents as the first but he focused on what he could do with what he received and he was happy in the end because if we focus on what we can do we can be happy.
And what that slave did is value the privilege that he was given, he took it very seriously and that prompted him to be very diligent.
How can we become better teachers?
We can become better teachers if we dedicate ourselves fully to reading, speaking, and teaching. For that we can study and put into practice each of the aspects of public speaking that the brochure Let's Be Better Readers and Teachers analyzes. In addition, we may ask the assistant counselor or other elders for suggestions. And, to become better teachers as we preach, we can practice the suggestions in the Christian Life and Ministries Meeting Activity Guide and the “conversation ideas” videos that are presented at the weekday meeting.
We have seen that we can study the lessons in the teachers brochure, each one of which is very practical. We also have a suggestion from the activity guides in the ideas for conversation from the midweek meeting and the advice of the elders and the experienced brothers.
What other realistic goals can we set for ourselves?
We can set goals for ourselves, depending on our circumstances and ability, such as: auxiliary or regular pioneering, serving at Bethel or helping build buildings, learning another language to preach to more people, or moving to a place where help is needed. Also, we can all set a goal to be better preachers and show Christian qualities to our brothers.
We have seen that we can strive to comment more in meetings improve in meetings by applying ourselves to speaking and teaching improve in these qualities, cultivate Christian qualities study and put into practice other aspects of Christian qualities that we can sow to improve.
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