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1. What do you know about the Creator?
That he has beautiful qualities and that he wants human beings to live on Earth made a Paradise. And just as Acts 17:27 says despite having his dwelling in heaven, he is not very far from us.
Some of us learned from childhood that Jehovah is our creator, that he has beautiful qualities and that from the beginning of mankind his purpose was that we live on earth made a paradise. That is also explained by Acts 17: 24-27. Where it is indicated that he did everything necessary for human beings to live happily here on Earth.
2. What do some people think of those who have faith in a Creator?
Some think that those who believe in God are ignorant. They think that only the uneducated and naive can have faith in a creator.
Some people think that life arose by chance and that later it slowly evolved until there were more complex beings, such as: Human beings and because they have higher education they think that science has shown that the Bible is wrong and that the who believe in a Creator are ignorant, uneducated or naive.
3. Why is it important for each of you to strengthen your faith?
Because it will depend on the effect that the opinions of some influential people may have on us, a strong faith will prevent them from making us doubt that Jehovah is our Creator. As Colossians 2: 8 shows, we will not be fooled by the "false and empty philosophies and reasonings" of those who teach that what the Bible says is a lie.
Although there is the possibility that nothing will happen to us or that type of thoughts will not influence, however for some it can happen. In order not to be fooled by false and empty philosophies or reasoning. We want to be sure why we believe in a Creator and how to strengthen our faith in Jehovah. If we have our strong faith nothing will happen.
4. According to Hebrews 11: 1, on what is true faith based?
Hebrews 11: 1 shows that true faith is based on convincing evidence, that is, it is not blind or irrational. As one biochemist who became a witness said: it does not overlook the discoveries of science.
It is based on convincing evidence of invisible realities, we can never say that our faith is blind. There must be evidence, a biochemist who became a witness said like this: our faith is not blind, nor does it ignore the discoveries of science, for that reason we need to strengthen it.
5. Why do many people believe that God did not create all living things?
Because they have never analyzed the evidence themselves. Robert, now a Jehovah's Witness, says: “Since creation was never discussed in school, I assumed it was not true. It wasn't until I was 22 years old that I spoke with Jehovah's Witnesses, and they showed the logical and compelling arguments the Bible makes for creation.
Because they have never analyzed the evidence themselves. Here we have the case of Robert, who said: “Since creation was never discussed in school, I assumed it was not true. It was not until I was 22 years old that I spoke to Jehovah's Witnesses, and they showed me the logical and convincing arguments that the Bible makes for creation. " And this experience makes us go to the box of an important message for parents, that indicates that Robert's parents never spoke about this subject and that is why we are asked here that parents should make an effort to know what their parents are taught. children in school and help with tools with publications, so that they understand what the Bible says about that so a supervision is needed from the Parents.
An important message for parents
A father discusses with his son the brochure “The origin of life. Five questions worthy of analysis ”.
Parents, make an effort to know what your children are taught at school. What can you do if you find that you are being taught some things that go against what the Bible says? Use our publications to help you think about the compelling evidence we found in it. And be careful about sending your children to college, where many make fun of those who believe in God.
6. Why do some people deny the existence of a Creator?
Because they say they only believe in what they can see. But the truth is that they do believe in things that they cannot see as the law of gravity and they do so because of the evidence that exists, the same thing happens with God, there is enough evidence to believe in him. You just have to spend time and effort to analyze those tests, those who are not willing prefer to say that it does not exist.
Because some say they only believe in what they can see. However, it is known that many things that we do not see we know exist and here the case of gravity is put, there is evidence that it exists, a spear something and it falls again because there is gravity, you do not have to see it to prove it. In Hebrews 11 it clearly says that there are realities that are not seen but for that it is necessary to dedicate time and effort to verify it and unfortunately those who look at a Creator, make it easier to say that it does not exist.
7. How do we know that not all highly educated people deny that God created the universe?
We know this because many scientists have come to know and love Jehovah. The note mentions that in our publications we can find the comments of more than 60 scientists and people with higher education who have faith in the existence of God.
Due to the tests, it is suggested to us in the note that in watchtower publications we can find, the comments of more than 60 scientists and other people who have higher education, they also have faith in creation and those people obtained the tests or searched and found the tests. evidence they so badly needed to believe in him. So many, many have come to love Jehovah and dedicate their lives to him like Robert mentioned in paragraph 5, and just like them, we too want to do what we can to keep our faith strong no matter what education we have had.
8, 9. a) What question will we analyze now?
We will explore the question: How can we strengthen our faith in the creator?
b) How will studying creation help us?
When we carefully observe animals, plants, and stars, we strengthen our faith in the creator, for we will convince ourselves that they could not exist by chance. Hence the importance of making the effort to read them. We can even watch on our website, jw.org, the beautiful creation videos that were presented at the last regional assemblies.
The more we study the things of creation, the more we will feel convinced that Jehovah is the creator and one of the suggestions that he gives us here is to go to the jw site and watch some videos there and especially remember the videos about creation, which They were presented in the last regional assemblies that will undoubtedly help us a lot to feel that love for Jehovah again.
10. Give an example that shows that there is a Creator (Romans 1:20).
As an example we have the Sun, it not only gives the light and heat necessary for life, but also emits ultraviolet rays, which are harmful. However, thanks to the ozone layer that surrounds the earth, it does not harm us. When the intensity of ultraviolet rays increases, the amount of ozone also increases. That alone shows the existence of a superior being who cares for us and loves us.
Here the point of the sun meets, you all know very well that it gives us heat, it gives us light, but it also emits ultraviolet rays that are harmful to living beings. However, there is a layer of gas called ozone that is well known to all of us, we have heard that it acts as a shield that prevents these ultraviolet rays from reaching that harmful radiation. The question is who put that ozone layer, was it a coincidence? or rather it is more logical to think that Jehovah was an intelligent and loving creator, to take care of all living beings, the network put it there to help us preserve life.
11. Where will we find facts about creation that will strengthen our faith? (See the box “Tools That Strengthen Our Faith”).
Index of the Watch Tower publications and on jw.org, we will find many facts about creation that will strengthen our faith. Maybe we could start with the articles and videos in the section. "Did someone design it?"
Tools that strengthen our faith
A young man studies facts about creation using his tablet, the book "Is There a Creator Who Cares About Us?" and the brochures "Is Life the Work of a Creator?" and “The origin of life. Five questions worthy of analysis ”. Series of images: 1. DNA. 2. An ant. 3. Planets of the solar system.
The origin of life. Five questions worthy of analysis
Is life the work of a Creator?
Is there a Creator who cares about us?
"Is There a Creator?" Special issue of Awake! September 2006
The wonders of creation reveal the glory of God
"Coincidence or design?", Section of Awake!
"Did someone design it?" Section of jw.org
12. What things should we look for when we study the Bible?
We must pay attention to the accuracy with which historical events are presented, their prophecies and their internal harmony. This will strengthen our faith that a wise and loving creator made us and inspired the Bible.
Let us look at the accuracy with which they present historical events in their prophecies and in their internal harmony. It is presented here in the case of a biochemist that we already mentioned, where he said my faith is not based only on my studies of science it is also based on a careful analysis of the Bible we want to recognize that although Jehovah used human beings to write what he said. However they were all directed by God, so all that has the purpose, an important point we must study the bible to strengthen our faith.
13. Name an example that shows the wisdom of God's Word.
For example, the Bible warned long ago that loving money hurts us and causes "a lot of pain." In this sense, the book The Epidemic of Narcissism says: «Materialists are less happy and more depressed. People who only aspire to have more money suffer from worse health. ' Showing the wisdom of our creator.
The Bible warned long ago that loving money hurts us and causes "a lot of pain." The book The Epidemic of Narcissism: “On average, materialists are less happy and more depressed. Even people who only aspire to have more money suffer from poorer mental health; they also claim to have a greater number of health problems ”.
14. What will we learn about Jehovah by studying the Bible?
As we study the Bible, we will discover the qualities of Jehovah, the same qualities that are reflected in creation. Knowing them will convince us that Jehovah is a real person, and the more we know him, the more we will have faith in him, the more we will love and become his best friends.
Well, let's find out what he is like. That is, we will know his qualities, these are reflected in creation, for that reason we become more and more convinced that Jehovah is a real person and we will have more faith in him, the more we know him, the more we will love him and become better friends with him. That is the wish of all of us.
15. How will talking to others about our faith in God help us?
When we talk about our beliefs, our faith grows stronger. And if someone asks us something that we do not know, investigating more about the subject will strengthen our faith. As a result, we will not be affected by the false claims of so-called sages and intellectuals who deny the existence of a creator.
Because the more we talk about him, the stronger we will be with our faith. When they ask us questions about the existence of God, we will be willing to prove it and that makes us stronger, in terms of our belief now in the event that someone asks us a question and we do not know how to answer, we can also request help more experienced brothers in the congregation. We can investigate a little more about the subject by looking for publications that contain the answer that they are requesting us and in that way we can all come out strengthened, both the person who receives the answer and we who give or listen to them.
16. What can happen if we don't continue to strengthen and nurture our faith?
If we don't strengthen it, it will weaken. Well, faith is based on evidence of unseen realities. And what is not seen is easily forgotten. That is why Paul called lack of faith "the sin that easily entangles us."
It can be weakened, the apostle Paul in Hebrews 12: 1 called the lack of faith the sin that easily entangles us. A new point that is mentioned here in the paragraph is that as our faith is based on realities that are not seen and it says here and what is not seen is easily forgotten so if there is a risk that our faith will collapse or disappear.
17. What will help us keep our faith strong?
First, ask Jehovah often for his holy spirit. For faith is a quality that we cultivate with the help of the holy spirit. So we will do well to keep asking Jehovah for his spirit, and he will give it to us, and we can even be direct and ask him the same as the apostles, who asked: "Give us more faith."
If we feel that something like this may be happening, we need to ask Jehovah to give us his holy spirit, this will allow us to strengthen and take care of our faith in Jehovah. He is undoubtedly willing to help us maintain ours, as Jesus' disciples said in Luke 17: 5 they asked to give us more faith so it is something that Jehovah can help us in this case with his spirit as well.
18. According to Psalm 1: 2, 3, what great honor do we have?
We are honored to have the Bible, in whole or in part. When that psalm was written, few Israelites had a complete copy of God's law. Only kings and priests could get copies. And, every seven years, the rest gathered to listen to the reading of God's law. Having her so easily today is a great honor.
When these words of this psalm were written, very few could have a complete copy of God's law and remember that we are only talking about the first books of the bible, not the 66 that we have now. so that is one of our honors that we have today the power to have the bible, the word of God in a complete way, we have the whole bible in our possession and so we can read it every day, as it was said in the psalm, so we would arrive to act like a green tree that always has water and its foliage grows more and more.
19. What do we have to do to keep our faith strong?
We have to read it regularly. We cannot afford to leave personal study to chance, for when we feel like we have time. By following a regular study schedule, we will keep our faith strong.
Establish a regular schedule to study the word of God and do not leave it to chance. In this way we value the honor of having the Word of God and we will keep our faith strong.
20. What must we be determined to do?
We must be determined to strengthen our faith and help as many people as possible to have faith in our Creator.
To strengthen our faith and help as many as possible who also have faith in our Creator.
What is faith and what is it not?
Faith as shown in Hebrews 11: 1 is to believe in something that is not seen, because of the convincing evidence that is had… It is not a blind, irrational quality that contradicts even science.
Faith is believing in something invisible based on evidence based on assumptions, so it is necessary to examine the evidence and dedicate time and effort to reach the conclusion that God exists.
In what ways can we strengthen our faith in the Creator?
Studying creation. Studying the Bible, with the aim of knowing Jehovah. Talking to other people of our faith.
Study creation through our website to use tools that strengthen our faith such as books, magazines, videos, etc. Study God's word further to learn about Jehovah's personality and talk to others about our faith in God.
How can we keep our faith strong?
Asking Jehovah for Holy Spirit. Or asking for more faith. And regularly studying the word of God.
We must ask for Jehovah's help with his Holy Spirit. We can keep the faith strong by maintaining a regular study schedule.
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