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Let's Find Hidden Pearls (10 min.)
Jos 10:13. Why don't we need to know what "the book of Jasar" said? (w09 3/15 32 ¶5)
Some sources of information are mentioned in the scriptures in support of what was said or written. But that does not mean that this source was inspired by Jehovah. We can be sure that we have all the writings that constitute "the word of our God," which "will last to time indefinite."
For that reason we do not need to find the book of Jasar to verify what happened. What Jehovah chose to include in the 66 books of the Bible and preserve to this day is precisely what each of us needs in order to be "fully equipped for every good work."
Because we are sure that the content of such books as "the book of Hasar" that served as information is already part of the content of the 66 books of the Bible that are preserved to this day.
"The book of Jasar" was apparently a document not inspired by God and for that reason, Jehovah did not undertake to preserve them. However, we can be sure that we have all the writings that constitute "the word of our God," which "will last to time indefinite." So, what Jehovah chose to include in the 66 books of the Bible and preserve to this day is precisely what each of us needs in order to be "fully equipped for every good work."
Although the Israelites used them as a source of information that does not mean that it was inspired. The books that Jehovah chose to include in the Bible are precisely what each of us needs in order to be "fully equipped for every good work."
It shows us how Jehovah honors the meaning of his name, he demonstrated perfect control over his creation, in order for his purpose to be fulfilled, which was to make the Israelites win against their enemies. He will do the same in the future, Jehovah will do whatever it takes to vindicate his name and protect his servants, there will be no obstacle that can prevent it.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
Joshua 10:12. Even some religious people have questioned this account. The New Catholic Encyclopedia states: "In terms of modern science and modern theology it is as impossible for God to obey a man as for the sun to remain motionless." This teaches me: But on the basis that the behavior of the sun can be described as "impossible"? God, as Creator, can, if He so wishes, stop the movements of the entire solar system. As human beings we do not have the ability to say what God can or cannot do. Jehovah has absolute power over his creation.
Joshua 10:13. This book of Chazar is mentioned in two places in Scripture, in Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18 with reference to a poem called "The Bow," a mourning song for King Saul of Israel and his son Jonathan. The book was probably a collection of songs and poems on historical subjects, and it seems that the Hebrews knew it well. This teaches me: There are several references from other sources in the Bible for certain comments or expressions and the fact that Jehovah has allowed these sources to be cited indicates that what was mentioned was not against his Word but because it was not inspired it would not be within the Biblical Canon.
Joshua 11: 6. Jehovah mentioned that he should render the horses of the conquered armies lame. The purpose was that Israel or its leaders would not have horses as defenses in wars and trust them extremely, but their trust should be in Jehovah. This teaches me: Jehovah's servants also need to be careful where we place our trust. Human institutions, wealth or a possible job security can deceive and stop serving our Great God with all soul.
Joshua 11:10. Some have questioned various portions of the Bible and this is one of them. However, archaeological discoveries have shown that “the Hazor of Josué was a city of approximately 60.7 hectares; that it could hold from 25,000 to 30,000 people, and that its destruction was rapid and total. This teaches me: Although we do not need archeology to prove the truth of God's word, this reassures us that we have the facts as they were and that we can not only rely on these specific accounts but on all the accounts and promises that Jehovah makes in his word.
Joshua 10: 2. Gibeon's surrender was undoubtedly a severe blow to the kings of the land of Canaan and indeed frightened them, as the fact that a major city full of strong warriors will choose to make peace with the enemy weakened any attempt to create a united front. To fight Israel, we can certainly see that it was Jehovah who thwarted the plans of the enemies of his people and with that background in mind we can trust that Jehovah will always thwart the plans that his enemies make against his people.
Joshua 10:13, 14. Reading that the sun and the moon were immobile thanks to the power of Jehovah should make us think that for the creator of the heavens and the Earth nothing is impossible, if he so decides, he can alter the movement of our planet so that, from the perspective of a terrestrial observer, it appears that the Sun and the Moon are immobile or you can let the Earth and the Moon continue their movement and refract the light of the Sun and the Moon so that they continue to shine Be that as it may, that day will never be repeated throughout human history.
Joshua 10:25. Joshua reminded the people not to be afraid and not to be terrified when they saw the enemy, rather, they had to be strong and courageous so that they would trust that Jehovah would act for them, today, as we face the final war of Armageddon May we be courageous and strong like Joshua, his mighty men, and the entire vast camp of Israel, so that we can be sure that just as Jehovah brought several million Israelites safely to the Promised Land, he can perform other impressive miracles. to bring us alive to the New World.
Joshua 10:40, 42. Joshua and his Israelite army conquered all the lands of the mountainous region, the lands of the slopes, defeated and defeated all their kings and their armies, conquered all the lands and did it in one go, But all these incredible feats were possible because it was Jehovah who was fighting for Israel Jehovah's support for his people, although today Jehovah's servants do not have to fight they have managed to do many impressive feats and all that has been possible thanks because Jehovah is on the side of his people.
Joshua 11: 4, 5. On this occasion it is mentioned when the Israelites would face the allied Canaanite forces under the command of Jabin, the king of Hazor, in that battle it would probably be the first time that the Israelites faced Canaanites equipped with horses and chariots, but despite all that equipment far superior to that of the Israelites, the allied Canaanite forces were defeated due to God's instructions to Joshua to burn the chariots and hamstring the horses.
Joshua 11:15. When they were about to start the wars against the Canaanites, Moses had received instructions from Jehovah on what to do and how to proceed in the battles, likewise Moses had to share these instructions with his successor Joshua so that he could make sure that they were to do just as Jehovah had commanded and thus be able to be assured of victory against his enemies, for these reasons it is always wise and prudent to follow exactly the instructions that we receive from Jehovah through his faithful and prudent slave since that guarantees the success in our work.
Joshua 11:20. The Canaanites were not ignorant of the many proofs that Israel was God's people and his chosen instrument, yet with the exception of Rahab, her family, and the cities of the Gibeonites, they did not seek Jehovah's mercy or avail themselves of it. Instead of the opportunity to flee, they decided to rebel against God, Jehovah did not force them to submit and surrender to his expressed will, but allowed their hearts to become stubborn so that they would not receive favorable consideration, but so that they annihilate by executing his judgment against them.
Joshua 11:23. We can appreciate that the process of dividing the Promised Land among the tribes of Israel had finally arrived, the wars of conquest finally ended and the waiting, the effort, the faith and the trust finally gave its results, let's just imagine the emotion that The Israelites must have felt when they knew that they would finally occupy the Land where milk and honey were abundant, that same emotion we will feel when we pass to the New World alive and can enjoy a clean land free of evil.
Joshua 11: 10,11. The Bible says that Joshua "burned the Canaanite city of Hazor in fire." In excavations of that city, archaeologists found and unearthed evidence that the city had been burned in the 15th century BCE This teaches me: and confirms the authenticity of the Bible, these details are proof that it is actually a book which has the stamp of divine inspiration. If we take the time to do an honest analysis of this book and evaluate the historical evidence, we will convince ourselves that the Bible is "accurate" and is indeed the "word of God."
Joshua 10: 3,4,6,8,9. When the king of Jerusalem learned that the Gibeonites had made peace with Israel, he joined forces with four other kings to attack Gibeon. They asked Joshua for help and with Jehovah's help they surprised their enemies. This teaches me: that like those five kings, today some governments are enraged when they see people join the people of the true God. So they forbid our work, but to their surprise, and with Jehovah's help, the organization rushes to help our brothers. Due to this opposition, very soon, Jehovah will destroy all his enemies.
Joshua 11:19, 20. Israel's enemies were defeated because they refused to acknowledge that Jehovah was helping his people. They had the opportunity to seek his mercy, but chose to harden their hearts against him. This teaches me: that Jehovah is a "just God" who in time, for anyone who wishes, can seek his mercy and correct his steps. This is a serious warning to people and nations who resist and rebel in doing his will. When Jehovah finally executes his adverse judgment against the stubborn, he will show them his great power and make them recognize his name.
Joshua 11: 4,6. Joshua and the Israelites were at a disadvantage as they faced kings who had gathered their numerous armies that had horses and chariots. But Jehovah encouraged his people not to give in to fear and gave them victory again. This teaches me: that in the same way, in comparison to the world of Satan, Christians are at a disadvantage because we must face cruel weapons such as prohibition, prison sentences and laws designed to harm us. But we must not be afraid. Jehovah gives us the assurance that all the enemies of his people will end up the same. "They will become as nothing, and they will perish."
Joshua 10: 16-18,22,26. Joshua and the Israelites, aided by divine interventions, defeated the Canaanite armies, forcing the five kings to hide in a cave, where they were trapped and later executed. This teaches me: and remember that when we see that false religions have been destroyed, most people will act like these kings will seek refuge and hide in caves, that is, in human organizations, but these enemies of God will be "ashamed and disturbed, "they will not be able to escape Jehovah's wrath and" will have to know that he is Jehovah. "
Joshua 10:11. It shows us that in the battle of Gibeon, they died more from the hail than from the back, this teaches us that Jehovah is able to use the elements of nature and transform them into weapons to fight his enemies, which gives us an idea of what he will do in the future in the war of Armageddon.
Joshua 10:14. It shows us that the reason why Jehovah performed that miracle in the heavens to extend the day was because he heard the voice of Joshua, this teaches us how much Jehovah values our prayer, he is willing to answer our sincere pleas, such as He did it with Josué, even doing things that are impossible for humans.
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