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Let's Find Hidden Pearls (10 min.)
Jos 17:15, 18. How do we know that there were many trees in ancient Israel? (w15 7/15 32).
We know that there were many trees because the Bible itself says so. In these two verses Joshua tells Joseph's descendants twice "to go up into the forest and clear it." However, today, many of these trees have disappeared and for this reason there are those who wonder if what the Bible says is true. But in the book Life in Biblical Israel explains that "in ancient Israel, the forests were much larger than today." That in the mountainous areas trees such as Aleppo pine, Palestinian kermes oak and turpentine grew. And in the Sefelá the sycamores were abundant. Also in the work Plants of the Bible it indicates that in some places of Israel all the trees have disappeared. In addition, he points out that it was a gradual process and the reason was because: “Man has cut down the forests in order to get more farmland, grasses, building materials and fuels."
The Bible says that in some regions of the Promised Land there were "great numbers" of trees. The book Life in Biblical Israel explains that "in ancient Israel, the forests were much larger than today." The biblical verses that we read indicate that the expanses of forests were huge and that is why they had to be cut down so that they could use them as land to live.
Plants of the Bible indicates that in some parts of Israel all the trees have disappeared. The book notes that it was a gradual process: "Man has cut down the forests in order to obtain more farmland, pasture, building materials and fuel."
Because there are records in ancient times, the forests were much more extensive than today and that in the mountainous areas of Israel trees such as Aleppo pine, Palestine kermes oak and turpentine as well as sycamores grew but due to the passing of the centuries people were cutting down the forests in order to obtain more farmland, pasture, building materials and fuel.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
Joshua 15: 18,19. In Israel, sometimes, blessings implied giving gifts, which is why Caleb's daughter Achsa used the expression "gift of blessing." These could be offered as an expression of good wishes to a loved one or friend in gratitude or favor. This teaches me: that gentleness is needed in "giving and receiving gifts," whether they are to family, friends, or brothers in the congregation. When we give gifts we must ensure that our motivation is by "sincere love and genuine concern", thus we imitate "Jehovah God, who loves the one who gives with joy."
Joshua 16: 1-4. The distribution of the land and its borders for the descendants of Joseph was by lot, but the decision came from Jehovah, this avoided jealousy and disputes between them. This teaches me: that Jehovah as the sovereign has the right to determine "the borders or demarcations of the dwelling of men." Also, it makes it clear to us that the terrestrial administration that will be in the new world will be in tune with all the decisions issued by the Kingdom of God, this is a guarantee that the earth will be very well organized and that there will be no jealousy or disputes between us.
Joshua 17:11. The tribe of Issachar was commendable, for it was willing to give and share "three high regions of its territory" with the tribe of Manasseh. He did not complain or weigh that he was being forcibly removed, but understood the needs of his fellow Israelites and was happy to contribute with them. This teaches me: how important it is that Christians follow the advice "not to seek our own benefit, but that of others." Therefore, let us strive to imitate the tribe of Issachar, and in the face of the needs of our brothers, let us be ready to "give and share with joy."
Joshua 15: 33-36. A unique geographical feature of the Sefelá was its location. In biblical times this region of hills was a "barrier" that separated the people of God from their old enemies. Any invading army that wanted to march from the west against Jerusalem would have to cross the Shephelah first. This teaches me: that, in the same way, Satan tries to devour the servants of God, but first he has to penetrate the "spiritual barrier" that separates us from this world. Therefore, it is vital that this barrier or our adherence to biblical principles is well protected, so that we will resist and not violate Jehovah's standards.
Joshua 15:16. As an incentive, Caleb offered as a reward to his daughter, the Israelite to attack and conquer Kiryat-Sefer. This teaches me: that similarly, love for our Father Jehovah and the reward of eternal life are powerful incentives that motivate us to carry out and fulfill our Christian dedication. So it is appropriate for Christians to “look carefully toward the payment of the reward,” because Jehovah God offers it to people who truly love and show loyalty to him. So let's run the race to the end so that we can serve Jehovah for all eternity.
Joshua 17: 3,4. By divine decree, the daughters of Zelofehad, descendants of Manasseh, received their portion in the Promised Land. Jehovah kept his promise and showed these women dignity. This teaches him: that Jehovah does not show favoritism of any kind, he offers his wonderful perspectives to all people. The fact that these women received their portion gives us the assurance that no resident in the world will be abandoned, rather, under his Celestial Government any injustice will disappear because "all" will enjoy a dignified life where "justice will dwell."
Joshua 17: 16-18. The men of Manasseh and Ephraim did not drive the Canaanites out of Beth-shean or the other cities in the valley, presenting as an excuse their military disadvantage in the face of the war chariots equipped with iron sickles. Joshua did not accept their excuse and told them that they were a numerous people with power and to expel these Canaanites. This teaches me: Christians need to be careful when making excuses, especially when it comes to our service to Jehovah. If we feel incapable or that an assignment is difficult, we must remember that with Jehovah's help and power we can fulfill it.
Joshua 15: 1,2. Judah was not the first son of Jacob, but in biblical prophecies it stood out as the tribe from which the promised offspring would come. When the casting of lots to divide the conquered land took place, Judah was given the first assignment. In conquering the land to take possession of it, Jehovah God appointed the tribe of Judah to take the lead. This teaches me: Both King David and the Lord Jesus Christ were descendants of this tribe of Judah. This is a clear demonstration that Jehovah sees to it that his word is kept to the letter despite the logic that may sound different. We are confident that all that Jehovah has promised will be fulfilled both in our days and in the days to come and in paradise here on earth.
Joshua 15: 16-18. In biblical times among God's chosen people a bride price was often paid as the initial expense of having a wife. When she was given Acsa as a wife, she asked her father Caleb for an addiction to a certain dowry. Therefore, Caleb added the necessary sources of water to a southern piece of land for her. This teaches me: There are some cultures where a lot of importance is placed on premarital gifts. This can make the spouses greedy and demand property that is beyond the parents' means. The Bible warns against all forms of greed that we should avoid.
Joshua 15:63. We read that Judah could not conquer Jerusalem ... as if Jerusalem were part of Judah's inheritance. Eventually, Judah defeated Jerusalem, and burned it with fire. However, there is also a record that hundreds of years later David conquered Jerusalem. This teaches me: Sometimes they can seem like contradictions but when one investigates well it can clear doubts. A good student of the Bible must know the reasons for their beliefs and be prepared to defend the truth and while others improve their understanding of God's Word.
Joshua 16: 1. Joseph obtained the birthright from Jacob because of the serious moral failure of Ruben, Joseph's older half-brother. As heir to two parts of his father's inheritance, Joseph gained special prominence through his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, whom the patriarch Jacob named to be two tribes in Israel equal to the direct sons of Jacob. This teaches me: The eldest Joseph, that is, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the means by which all nations will be blessed very soon when they receive the inheritance in paradise here on earth. Just as Jehovah kept his word to Joseph and his sons, so he will also do so with the blessings of the messianic kingdom in the hands of his son along with the 144,000 anointed ones. It will be wonderful to see the fulfillment of these beautiful Bible prophecies.
Joshua 15: 1-4. In these verses we can appreciate that these limits and this description of the Promised Land were very specific, Jehovah was personally in charge of establishing the limits for the tribes and had also perfectly met the needs they had in this regard so they had no excuse to disobey the rules. regulations that Jehovah established, likewise, Jehovah has established his standards and mandates clearly and we must abide by them, we have no excuse to disobey Jehovah.
Joshua 15:13, 14. Here it is mentioned that Caleb was commissioned to expel from Hebron the three sons of Anak and all the inhabitants of that city that more than forty years ago inspired fear and fear in the Israelites because they were described as people of great height and powerful in strength and caused all the people to lose faith, but now all those people who inspired fear were eliminated and the Israelites could inhabit their cities with tranquility, likewise, the people of God will be able to live in calm knowing that bad people were eliminated forever during the great tribulation.
Joshua 15:17. In this verse Otniel is mentioned for the first time who was Caleb's nephew, Otniel was responsible for the Israelite victory over the Canaanite fortress of Debir, due to this Otniel married Acsa, Caleb's daughter since he had promised to give her as his wife to the conqueror of the city and also due to his victory was granted Gulot-Maim, due to his victory, some time later Jehovah raised Otniel to free the Israelites from the attack of enemies thus becoming the first judge of Israel mentioned by name after of Josué.
Joshua 16: 9. When the Promised Land was divided among the twelve tribes there were some situations that may seem interesting to us when we analyze them, such as the case in which there were cities located within the general territory of a tribe that were assigned to another tribe, for example the members of the tribe. of Ephraim had cities located or established in the middle of the inheritance or territory of the tribe of Manasseh, another example could be the case that members of the tribe of Manasseh lived in cities that were within the territories of the tribes of Issachar and Asher .
Joshua 17: 1-6. When the Israelites conquered the Promised Land and divided it among the twelve tribes, Samaria remained in the territory of the tribe of Manasseh indicating that ten clans of Manasseh received lots of land in this area, when the óstraca of Samaria were discovered seven of those clan names, those of the five sons of Gilead and those of Hepher's two granddaughters, therefore, this ostraca confirms the Biblical allusions to that aspect of the ancient history of the tribes of Israel and provides an extra-biblical fact that confirms what is related in the Bible.
Joshua 17:17, 18. Joshua told the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh that they would not receive more territory for them, instead they were given a mountainous region which they had to clear in order to inhabit it, the task of clearing a forest would be them very useful for them since it would allow them to obtain land that would be used for crops, they would also open space for livestock and other animals to feed on grass and when they cut down the trees they would obtain materials that they would use for construction and to be used as fuel.
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