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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2021
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Never be distressed (Matt. 6:31).
Jehovah has given us his word that he will care for his loyal servants, so he feels obligated to keep that promise. —Psalm 31: 1-3. Plus, you know how bad we'd feel if you didn't care about those in your family. He promises to sustain us materially and spiritually, and nothing will stop him (Matt. 6: 30-33; 24:45). When we remember why Jehovah keeps his promises, we feel secure when facing financial problems. Consider the first century Christians. When a great persecution arose against the Jerusalem congregation, "all but the apostles were scattered" (Acts 8: 1). As a consequence, they had to suffer financial difficulties. They probably lost their homes, jobs, and businesses. But Jehovah did not abandon them, and they did not lose their happiness (Acts 8: 4; Heb. 13: 5, 6; Jas. 1: 2, 3). God sustained those faithful Christians, and He will do the same with us (Ps. 37:18, 19). w20.01 17, 18 pars. 14, 15
What situation could make us doubt whether Jehovah appreciates our service?
As we get older, we may begin to think that we have little to give to Jehovah. Such thoughts may have haunted old King David (Ps. 71: 9). How does Jehovah help us?
What does the case of a sister named Jheri teach us?
Let's look at the case of a sister named Jheri. They invited her to a maintenance course at the Kingdom Hall, but she didn't want to attend. He said: “I am old, I am a widow and I do not know how to do anything that Jehovah can use. I am useless ”. The night before the course, she prayed to Jehovah from the bottom of her heart. The next day, when he got to the Hall, he still doubted whether he should be there. During the program, a speaker emphasized that the most important thing we have is our willingness to be taught by Jehovah. Jheri recalls: “I thought, 'I do have that.' I began to cry when I realized that Jehovah had answered me. He was convincing me that I had something of value to give him and that he was willing to teach me. Jheri looks back and says, “I entered the meeting nervous, discouraged, and downcast. But I came out confident, encouraged and feeling useful. "
How does the Bible show that Jehovah continues to value our service as we grow older?
When we get older, we can be sure that Jehovah still has work for us. --Psalm 92: 12-15. Jesus taught us that Jehovah values what we do in his service no matter how small it may seem to us or how limited our abilities may seem. --Luke 21: 2-4. So let's focus on what we can do. For example, we can talk about Jehovah, pray for others, and encourage others to be faithful. Jehovah considers us his collaborators not because of what we accomplish, but because of our willingness to obey him. --1 Cor. 3: 5-9.
What assurance does Romans 8:38, 39 give us?
How grateful we are to worship Jehovah, a God who truly values those who serve him. He created us to do his will, and what gives true meaning to our lives is true worship (Rev. 4:11). The world may consider us to be of no use, but Jehovah is not ashamed of us. --Heb. 11:16, 38). When we feel downcast from illness, financial hardship, or old age, remember that nothing can separate us from the love of our heavenly Father. --Read Romans 8:38, 39.
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