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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2021
Saturday, October 30, 2021
Keep bearing one another's burdens, and thus fulfill the law of the Christ (Gal. 6: 2).
Jehovah loves those who serve him. It always has and always will. Also, love justice (Ps. 33: 5). So we are sure of two things. First, that it hurts him that his servants suffer injustice. And, second, that he will be in charge of doing justice. The Law that God gave to the nation of Israel was based on love and promoted justice for all, even the disadvantaged (Deut. 10:18). This Law reveals Jehovah's deep concern for those who worship him. The Law of Moses ended in AD 33, when the Christian congregation was formed. Does that mean that Christians would not have a law based on love and promoting justice? Of course not. Christians had a new law, "the law of Christ." Jesus did not write a legal code for his disciples, but he did give them instructions, mandates and principles to be followed. "The law of the Christ" includes everything that Jesus taught. w19.05 2 pars. 1-3
a) How should those in authority treat others? b) How do husbands show sacrificial love? c) How should parents treat their children?
As we have seen, the law of the Christ is based on love. Therefore, under this law, those in authority must treat others with dignity and affection. They need to remember that Christ expects us to show love in all that we do.
In the family. Husbands are to love their wives "just as the Christ also loved the congregation" (Eph. 5:25, 28, 29). They imitate their sacrificial love by putting the needs and desires of their wives before their own. Some men find it difficult to show this kind of love, perhaps because they grew up in a family in which affection was not shown and others were not treated fairly. Although it is difficult for them to abandon their customs, they must change in order to obey the law of the Christ. Husbands who demonstrate sacrificial love gain the respect of their wives. And parents who truly love their children will never hurt them with their words or actions (Eph. 4:31). Rather, they will express their love and approval in ways that make them feel safe. In this way, you will earn the love and trust of your children.
According to 1 Peter 5: 1-3, who owns the sheep, and how should they be treated?
In the congregation. Elders should remember that the sheep are not theirs (John 10:16; read 1 Peter 5: 1-3). The expressions “God's flock” and “God's inheritance” remind them that they are from Jehovah. And he wants them to be treated with affection and tenderness (1 Thess. 2: 7, 8). Elders who care for the sheep in this way win Jehovah's approval and the love and respect of their brothers.
a) What is the role of elders when serious sins are committed in the congregation? b) In these cases, what questions do the elders analyze?
Under the Law that God gave to Israel, judges and elders handled spiritual matters as well as civil cases and crimes. On the other hand, under the law of the Christ, the role of the elders is different. When serious sin is committed in the congregation, they only deal with the spiritual aspects of the situation. They recognize that God has given the authorities of this world the responsibility of trying civil cases and crimes. Therefore, they have the authority to impose fines or jail time (Rom. 13: 1-4).
So how do elders act when serious sin is committed? They use the Bible to analyze issues and make decisions. They bear in mind that the law of the Christ is based on love. This quality motivates them to analyze what should be done to help anyone in the congregation who has been a victim of sin. And love moves them to examine whether the sinner is repentant and whether he can be helped to regain his friendship with God.
What will the next article look at?
Without a doubt, we are very grateful to be under the law of Christ. When we all strive to obey it, we help make the congregation a place where everyone feels loved, valued, and safe. But we live in a world where wicked men go "from bad to worse" (2 Tim. 3:13). So we must not lower our guard. How can the congregation reflect God's justice when dealing with child abuse cases? The following article will answer this question.
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