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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2021
Monday, October 18, 2021
God is not unjust and does not forget your works or the love you showed for his name (Heb. 6:10).
In the book of Leviticus, we learn that the Israelites could offer a peace sacrifice as “a token of thanks” (Lev. 7: 11-13, 16-18). They did not present this offering because they had to, but because they wanted to. The peace sacrifices were voluntary and a show of love for God. Our service to Jehovah is like these sacrifices, as we voluntarily show how we feel toward him. We give him our best, and we do it because we love him with all our hearts. He must be very happy to see millions of people serve him because they have a deep love for him and his standards. Jehovah sees and values not only what we do, but why we do it. For example, if old age does not allow us to do everything we would like to do, we can be sure that Jehovah does not focus on our limitations. We may think we have little to offer him, but he sees the deep love that motivates us to do all we can. You are happy to accept the best that we can give you. w19.11 22 par. 9; 23 paras. 11, 12
What evidence is there that Jehovah supports the “faithful and wise slave”?
In 1919, Jesus appointed a small group of anointed Christians to be "the faithful and wise slave." This slave directs the preaching work and gives Christ's followers “food in due season” (Matt. 24:45). Do we see clear evidence that God approves of this faithful and wise slave?
Satan and his world have tried to hinder the work of the faithful and wise slave. In fact, he could not have carried it out without Jehovah's help. There have been two world wars and economic crises of international scope; Furthermore, God's people have been treated unjustly and harshly persecuted. Despite all this, the faithful and wise slave has continued to supply spiritual food to the followers of Christ on earth. Consider the large number of publications that we have for free in more than nine hundred languages. This is undeniable proof of divine support. Preaching is another sign of Jehovah's blessing. The good news is being preached in “all the inhabited earth” (Matt. 24:14). Jehovah is undoubtedly guiding and generously blessing his organization.
How do we show that we support the organization that Jehovah is using?
Let us ask ourselves: "Am I grateful to be associated with the earthly part of God's organization?" The evidence Jehovah has given us that he supports his organization is as compelling as the fire that came down from heaven in the days of Moses and Aaron. Obviously we have much to be thankful for (1 Thess. 5:18). How do we show that we support the organization that Jehovah is using? By putting into practice the biblical counsels we receive in publications, in meetings, and in assemblies, and participating to the fullest in the work of preaching and disciple-making (1 Cor. 15:58).
What are we determined to do?
We must be determined to put into practice the lessons of the book of Leviticus. Let us strive to obtain Jehovah's approval to accept our sacrifices. Let us serve God because we are grateful to him. Let's keep giving him our best because we love him with all our hearts. And let us wholeheartedly support the organization you are using today. By doing all of these things, we will show Jehovah that we value the honor of serving him and being his Witnesses.
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