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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2021
Friday, October 22, 2021
Jehovah corrects those he loves, as a father does with a beloved son (Prov. 3:12).
God's servants have many reasons to believe that he values us. He has drawn us to him and has noticed how we responded to the good news message (John 6:44). When we began to draw close to Jehovah, he reached out to us (James 4: 8). Also, spend time and effort educating us. He knows how we are now and what we can become. And he shows us his love by disciplining us. Doesn't all of this prove that we are important to God? King David knew that Jehovah loved him and helped him. And that conviction helped him bear with the proper attitude that some considered him useless (2 Sam. 16: 5-7). When we feel down and face difficulties, Jehovah can help us to see things differently and to overcome any obstacles. --Ps. 18: 27-29. If we have the support of God, nothing can stop us from serving Him happily (Rom. 8:31). w20.01 15 pars. 7, 8
What effect can job loss have on a head of household?
All heads of households wish to support their own. Suppose a brother loses his job through no fault of his own. He tries by all means to find another, but does not succeed. In this situation, you may feel that you are worthless. How can focusing on Jehovah's promises help you?
For what reasons does Jehovah keep his promises?
Jehovah always keeps his promises (Josh. 21:45; 23:14). It does so for various reasons. First, because your name or reputation is at stake. He has given us his word that he will take care of his loyal servants, so he feels obligated to keep that promise (Ps. 31: 1-3). Plus, you know how bad we'd feel if you didn't care about those in your family. He promises to sustain us materially and spiritually, and nothing will stop him (Matt. 6: 30-33; 24:45).
a) What difficulties did first century Christians face? b) What confidence does Psalm 37:18, 19 give us?
When we remember why Jehovah is keeping his promises, we feel secure in financial trouble. Consider the first century Christians. When a great persecution arose against the Jerusalem congregation, "all but the apostles were scattered" (Acts 8: 1). As a consequence, they had to suffer financial difficulties. They probably lost their homes, jobs, and businesses. But Jehovah did not abandon them, and they did not lose their happiness (Acts 8: 4; Heb. 13: 5, 6; Jas. 1: 2, 3). God sustained those faithful Christians, and He will do the same with us. --Read Psalm 37:18, 19.
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