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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2021
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to be complicit in her sins and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues (Rev. 18: 4).
All true Christians must get completely away from Babylon the Great. Those who take Bible classes may have belonged to a false religion before learning the truth. Perhaps they attended his religious services, participated in his activities, or gave him money. Before being approved to be unbaptized publishers, they must break away from anything that binds them to false religion. They must submit a letter of resignation or otherwise sever their relationship with their former church or any other organization that is part of Babylon the Great. True Christians must ensure that our employment has nothing to do with Babylon the Great (2 Cor. 6: 14-17). Why do we take such a firm stance? Because we do not want to be complicit in the works and sins of religious organizations that are contaminated for God (Isa. 52:11). w19.10 12 pars. 16, 17
What does Jehovah expect us to do now?
In the little time left before “the day of Jehovah” comes, he expects us to keep busy with the preaching work. We must make sure that we are “very busy in the work of the Lord” (1 Cor. 15:58). When Jesus spoke of the important events that would take place during the last days, he predicted what we would do as servants of God. He said, "Furthermore, the good news must first be preached in all nations" (Mark 13: 4, 8, 10; Matt. 24:14). Consider this: Every time we go out into the ministry, we participate in the fulfillment of this Bible prophecy.
What data show that Kingdom preaching is increasing?
Year after year, more people hear the good news of the Kingdom. Let's see how the number of Kingdom proclaimers has grown throughout the world in recent days. In 1914, there were 5,155 publishers in 43 countries. Today we are about 8,500,000 publishers in 240 countries and territories. But our work is not finished yet. We must continue to proclaim that only the Kingdom of God will solve man's problems (Ps. 145: 11-13).
Why should we continue to preach the Kingdom message?
We will continue to preach until Jehovah says this work is finished. How much time do people have to get to know Jehovah and Jesus Christ? (John 17: 3). We do not know. What we do know is that until the great tribulation begins, everyone with “the right attitude to gain eternal life” has the opportunity to heed the good news (Acts 13:48). How will we help these people before it is too late?
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