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1. Why doesn't Jehovah compare us with others?
Because he likes variety, that's how he created his creation. In addition, more than seeing what we do and how we see ourselves, it looks inside ourselves, taking into account our strengths, our weaknesses and our past.
No two people are alike, so Jehovah never compares us to others. He looks at our heart, who we are inside.
It also takes into account our strengths, our weaknesses, and our weaknesses, and our past. And he does not ask us for more than we can give. We have to follow his example and see ourselves as he sees us. If we do so, we will show "good judgment" and will not think of ourselves more or less than we should.
2. Why is it not good for us to compare ourselves with others?
Because as we saw last week, comparisons can make us envious, discourage, or make us feel worthless. Which would negatively affect our friendship with Jehovah.
There is nothing wrong with looking to the example of a brother who is very skilled in the ministry (Heb. 13: 7). That can help us to be better teachers.
But it is not the same to look at someone's good example to imitate them than to determine if we are better or worse. If we compare ourselves with others, we can become envious, discouraged, or even feel that we are worthless.
3. What progress in your service to Jehovah makes you happy?
Yes, perhaps at first it was difficult for most of us to start a conversation with strangers, however with the passage of time we have acquired more skills to initiate conversations and to use our tools in preaching. That is certainly a reason for happiness.
Perhaps we have achieved baptism, perhaps we have read the entire Bible, perhaps we have improved in daily prayer as well as the quality of our prayers in private, perhaps we have improved our preaching skills. Perhaps we have resisted certain temptations or overcome a certain weakness, or bad tendency. All of this is our individual spiritual progress.
4. What will we see in this article?
We will see how parents can help their children, how husbands can help each other, and how elders and the rest of the congregation can help their siblings. And finally, we will look at some biblical principles that will help us set reasonable goals that fit our circumstances and personal capabilities.
In this article, we will see how parents can help their children, how husbands can help each other, and how elders and the rest of the congregation can help their siblings. And finally we will look at some biblical principles that will help us set reasonable goals that fit our circumstances and personal capabilities.
5. According to Ephesians 6: 4, what should parents not do?
Parents should not compare one child with another or ask him for more than he can give, because we are all different, comparing him and demanding unreasonable things will only cause a lot of frustration to a child, they will never motivate him in a positive way.
Parents should not compare one child to another or ask him for more than he can give. Negative comparisons and unreasonable demands can be very frustrating for a child.
The aforementioned sister mentions her experience from which we learn that such comparisons and demands could seem based on good reasons but the truth is that in the end they are counterproductive and generate certain dissatisfaction and inferiority complexes.
6. What can parents learn from Psalm 131: 1, 2?
In this psalm parents can learn how important it is to be humble and modest not only in what they expect of themselves, but also in what they expect of their children. They should take into account their strengths and weaknesses when setting goals for their children to feel good about themselves.
King David said, "I do not aspire to things that are too great or beyond my reach." Thanks to his humility and modesty, he felt "calm and reassured." This teaches parents that they can be humble and modest not only in what they expect of themselves, but also in what they expect of their children. They should take their strengths and weaknesses into account when setting goals for their children to feel good about themselves.
Some parents and their three children make a Noah's ark and put some animals on it.
Parents, show each of your children that you value their efforts. (See paragraphs 5 and 6.) *
7, 8. How can a husband honor his wife?
You can honor her by giving her special attention and respecting her, they will do this by not asking her for more than she can give and, not comparing her with other women, as that could damage her self-esteem. Rather, they should speak well of her, tell them that they love her, and congratulate them on all that they do.
Christian husbands are to honor their wife (1Pet 3: 7). That means they have to give her special attention and treat her with respect.
Respecting and valuing a wife is not asking her for more than she can give and, of course, not comparing her with other women.
When both are valued, respected, not compared, a very strong bond is formed, both have a feeling of self-esteem and above all their personal relationship with Jehovah is strengthened and maintained.
This is the Christian thought that the Bible promotes, on the other hand, machismo and indifference predominate in the world, husbands who honor their wives speak well of her, say they love her and congratulate her (Prov. 31:28). That's what Katerina's husband, mentioned in the previous article, did to help her improve her self-esteem. When Katerina was little, her mother looked down on her and often compared her to other girls, including her friends. So Katerina started comparing herself to others, even after learning the truth.
9, 10. How did the elders help a sister who tended to compare herself to others?
They assured her that they trusted her and congratulated her on her good example. At times, they asked her to encourage some sisters who needed help. That made her feel like the congregation needed her. They once thanked him lovingly for encouraging some younger sisters and then they read 1 Thessalonians 1: 2,3. That touched my heart. Thanks to that, he understands that he has a place in the congregation.
The words and attitude of the elders in the sheep or publishers is decisive, the sister tells that the elders were good to her, with words and actions they confirmed that they trust her, and that they value her work in the congregation and that Jehovah loves her .
Hanuni recounts: “Sometimes the elders asked me to encourage some sisters who needed help. That made me feel like the congregation needed me. I remember the elders lovingly thanking me for encouraging some younger sisters and then reading 1 Thessalonians 1: 2,3 to me. That touched my heart. Thanks in large part to those excellent pastors, I now know that I have a valuable place in Jehovah's organization. "
11. How can we help the “crushed ones” mentioned in Isaiah 57:15?
We can do this by taking a heartfelt interest in them. Well, that's the way Jehovah wants it. Another way is by being humble and modest. Not drawing attention to ourselves because we don't want to arouse envy. Rather, we use our skills and our knowledge to encourage each other.
One way to do this is by taking a heartfelt interest in them. Jehovah wants us to show them how much he loves his sheep. --Prov. 19:17. Another way to help them is by being humble and modest. We don't draw attention to ourselves because we don't want to arouse envy. We prefer to use our skills and our knowledge to encourage each other.
12. Why did humble people like to be with Jesus? (See the drawing on the cover).
Because he did not make them feel inferior, he did not boast of his intelligence or his immense knowledge. When he taught, he used simple language, engaging examples that touched the hearts of humble people. He made people feel that they were valuable to God.
He was not showing off his amazing intelligence and immense knowledge. When he taught, he used simple language and engaging examples that touched the hearts of humble people (Luke 10:21). Unlike the arrogant religious leaders, Jesus made people feel that they were valuable to God (John 6:37). He always treated ordinary people with respect.
Jesus and some of his disciples sitting around a bonfire. One of them plays the flute and the others sing and clap their hands.
The disciples of Jesus liked being with him because he never had an air of superiority. He loved spending time with his friends. (See paragraph 12).
13. Why do we say that Jesus treated his disciples with kindness and love?
Because he did not compare them, he valued the efforts of heart that each one made. For example, in the parable of the talents he spoke of a master who entrusted work to each slave "according to his ability" and although in the end there was one who earned more than the other. The master congratulated you both with these same words: "Well done, good and faithful slave!"
He knew they had different abilities and circumstances, so not all of them could take on the same responsibilities or do the same in ministry. But Jesus valued the efforts of heart that each one made. We can clearly see his understanding attitude in the parable of the talents. In that account, he spoke of a master who entrusted each slave with work "according to his ability." It is true that of the two slaves who fulfilled their task, there was one who earned more than the other.
14. How can we follow Jesus' example in treating others?
We can follow his example by not making any brother feel inferior or shaming, because he cannot do as much as others. Rather, we are expected to always look for opportunities to commend them for giving Jehovah the best of themselves.
We do not want any brother to feel inferior or ashamed because he cannot do as much as others. Rather, let us always look for opportunities to congratulate our brothers for giving Jehovah the best of themselves.
Undoubtedly this requires humility instead of pride, someone presumptuous does not congratulate others, and less if they believe that they are below him.
15, 16. How did you help a sister set reasonable goals?
This little sister named Midori, when she was a child, her father who is not a witness humiliated her by comparing her with her brothers and with her classmates. So "I felt like I was worthless." Yet reading the Bible every day made her feel inner peace, and Jehovah's love. In addition, setting reasonable goals and achieving them made her feel happy about what she could do in her service to Jehovah.
When she was a child, her non-Witness father humiliated her by comparing her to her brothers and her classmates. She says, "I felt like I was worthless." But over the years his self-esteem improved. Midori recounts: "I read the Bible every day because it gave me inner peace and made me feel Jehovah's love." In addition, she set reasonable goals and asked Jehovah to help her achieve them. In this way, she was glad about what she could do in her service to Jehovah.
Series of images: 1. A sister looks at the calendar while her little boy plays nearby. 2. The same sister is preaching with another sister and shows a video to a lady. The sister's son holds a treaty.
We will be happy if we set reasonable goals and achieve them. (See paragraphs 15 and 16.) *
17. How can Christians “keep renewing their thinking,” and what will be the results?
You can do this by praying, studying God's word, and meditating on it. As a consequence, his holy spirit will help us to correct the tendency to compare ourselves with others. Jehovah will also help us to see if we have become proud or envious, and will help us to act immediately to free ourselves from these shortcomings.
To do this we have to pray, study the Word of God and meditate on it. Let us not stop these things and ask Jehovah to give us strength. His holy spirit will help us correct the tendency to compare ourselves to others. Jehovah will also help us to see if we have become proud or envious, and to act immediately to free ourselves from these shortcomings.
18. How do the words of 2 Chronicles 6:29, 30 comfort you?
There we are shown that Jehovah knows our hearts. He also knows that we are fighting against the spirit of the world and against our own imperfections. When you see all the efforts we make in this fight, your love for us grows deeper and deeper.
Jehovah knows our hearts. He also knows that we are fighting against the spirit of the world and against our own imperfections. When you see all the efforts we make in this fight, your love for us grows deeper and deeper. Before him there is no indifference or disinterest in what we do in our service.
19. What example does Jehovah use to express his feelings for us?
The example of the love that a mother feels for her baby. Just as a mother loves her baby, and if, like the mother in the paragraph, she sees that despite being so small and with health complications, she struggles with all her strength to cling to life, she comes to love him with all her heart , Jehovah feels the same, he sees us fight with all our strength to give him the best, coming to feel such a deep love.
To express his feelings for us, Jehovah uses the example of a mother's love for her baby. --Is. 49:15. There is nothing to indicate that he was offended when Aquila and Priscilla "explained the way of God to him more accurately." When Jehovah sees us strive with all our might to give him our best, he has such a deep love for us.
20. Why can we rejoice?
Because Jehovah did not bring us to him because we were better than others, but because he looked into our hearts and saw that we were meek and willing to be taught and shaped by him. Know how much we matter to him and how much he will shape us. Knowing how much he cares about us and how much he values us should make us feel joyful.
Each servant of Jehovah occupies a special and valuable place in his diverse family. Jehovah did not bring us to him because we were better than others, but because he looked into our hearts and saw that we were meek and willing (Ps. 25: 9). We can be sure that you are glad when we do all we can in your service.
How can parents help their children rejoice in what they can do in their service to Jehovah?
You can help them by not comparing them, nor by making unreasonable demands on them, helping them to see that Jehovah loves them and values everything they do to serve him.
Complimenting them, avoiding comparing them with others, setting realistic goals, which requires humility and modesty from parents.
What can elders do to make those in their care feel loved and valued?
They can remind them how much Jehovah loves them. They can also make them feel useful by helping others in the congregation and then congratulating them on their good work.
Taking an interest in the brothers, remembering that they work for Jehovah and that the publishers are sheep under their care, what they do or do not do, Jehovah will take into account, is something very serious.
There are elders who appreciate the work of the brothers, remind them that Jehovah loves and values them, give them assignments and thank them
Why are we happy to give Jehovah our best?
Because we know that he values it, and he knows how much we want to please him and that makes him love us, just like a mother loves her baby.
Because nothing we do for Jehovah will be a loss. He deserves our best effort.
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