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Let's Find Hidden Pearls (10 min.)
Jos 2: 4, 5. Why did Rahab deceive the king's men who were looking for the spies? (w04 12/1 9 par. 1).
Because the reports she had heard about Jehovah the God of Israel, about his power and justice, had been enough for her, leading her to exercise faith and trust in him. Rahab did not feel compelled to reveal the whereabouts of the two servants of the Lord. True God and thus saved their lives. In fact, she was "declared just by works," including that of sending the king's emissaries another way.
From what she told the spies she had heard of Jehovah's power, freeing them from Egyptian oppression and had come to have faith in Jehovah without being part of the people of Israel.
She was not going to allow servants of the God she trusted to be held captive and harmed. No one could force her to give her whereabouts to those who had no right to know. That is why she was declared righteous by her works and even became a great-grandmother of King David and is as an ancestor in the genealogy of Jesus.
Because by that time she had already put faith in Jehovah, so she was not required to reveal the whereabouts of the Israelite spies to these men who only wanted to harm them.
And for example, Matthew 21: 23,27 makes it very clear that sometimes we are not obliged to reveal information to people who only want to harm or harm Jehovah's people, since not even Jesus Christ gave complete details or direct answers when he could do so. have caused unnecessary damage.
And in the case of Rahab, we see that doing this brought her rewards, for example, James 2:25 says that she was declared righteous for receiving in a hospitable way, and sending the spies another way.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
Joshua 1:11. The spirited faith of Joshua and the Israelites led them to "action," so they "prepared" provisions and were "ready" to take possession of the land of Canaan. This teaches me: a fundamental truth about faith. As the Bible indicates, "faith follows what is heard." This faith motivates us to act. In view of the approaching day of God's judgment, it is more urgent than ever to ensure that our faith remains strong and courageous. This requires time, effort and perseverance, thus we will demonstrate that we are "prepared and ready" to take possession. of the world that Jehovah has promised us.
Although they had received a promise from Jehovah to receive a productive land, he still commanded them through Joshua to prepare the provisions and not to sit idly by waiting for God to supply them. They had to do their part.
Jesus' exhortation to stop worrying about the necessities of life, in addition to the promise that "All these other things will be added to us," does not mean that we should not take steps to support ourselves. Moreover, when we talk about turning the Earth into a paradise, it will be with our hands, with our effort, but with Jehovah's blessing.
Joshua 2:18, 19. The spies told Rahab that in order to survive, she and her family had to stay in a specific place: her house, if they left there, they would die. This required faith and obedience. This teaches me: that we are living a similar situation, before the end of this world came, the instruction to stay in the "Inner Rooms" was not given. This shows us that congregations play a huge role in our lives and will continue to do so during "The Great Tribulation." If we want to survive, let's be obedient, have faith, and stay within the congregation at all costs.
Joshua 1:12, 15. Joshua reminded the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh of their obligation to assist the other tribes in the conquest of the Land of Canaan. As a reward, Jehovah would give them the territory they desired. This teaches me: and remember that in the Christian race, we do not compete against our brothers, rather, our goal is to help everyone we can to cross the finish line, so we must strive to offer comfort, love, spiritual companionship, affection. and compassion to our brothers. There is no doubt that from Jehovah we will receive "The inheritance of life as a reward."
Joshua 2: 8-10. Rahab reveals a crucial fact to the spies: Jericho is demoralized and trembles with fear because of the Israelites. The men of Jericho are terrified at the power of Jehovah, the God of Israel. This teaches me: that "The fame of Jehovah" makes people recognize the Superiority and Power that he has and seek his favor, as in the case of Rahab. But most sadly decide to continue on their wrong path. Very soon the "Day of Jehovah" will be carried out, but those of us who serve him do not have to be afraid or terrified, but, once again, we will see how he uses his Power in favor of his faithful servants.
Joshua 1: 1,2. After the death of Moses, Jehovah insisted on Joshua and the people to prepare and enter the Promised Land, they accepted this "Change" under the direction of Joshua. This teaches me: that we too live in a time of "Historical Changes." Sometimes we may not understand or have doubts as to why the organization takes some initiatives. For example, perhaps before we questioned the use of electronic devices for different spiritual facets, but now, in the face of the pandemic, we see the benefits of using them. So let us accept the changes and direction given to us through "the faithful and wise slave."
Joshua 2: 1. The Bible says that Rahab was a prostitute. Sure, she wanted a better life, but she lived in a land where ritual prostitution was encouraged, and perhaps she had no choice but to support her family. This teaches me: that since outward appearances can deceive us, but we know that Jehovah "sees what the heart is," we should strive to seek out people who are trapped by a lifestyle that robs them of dignity, joy, and feeling they are worth nothing. We must teach them that Jehovah is ready to help them, forgive them and give them hope, if they are willing to lead a life just as he pleases.
Although it was small and could not compete with the army of Israel, the city dominated the access roads to Canaan. It turned out that the presence of the spies in Jericho provided some opportunity for the people of Jericho to clearly show whether they were for Jehovah or against him. There is no doubt that divine direction led those spies to Rahab's house.
Joshua 2:11. A resident of Jericho, Rahab, acknowledges that "Jehovah is a God in the heavens above and in the earth below." She did not simply use a title such as "God" but also used her distinctive name: Jehovah. This teaches me: that although Jehovah is invisible to our eyes, his existence as "Almighty God" is widely attested. Jehovah has demonstrated his Divinity in multiple ways, already humiliating false gods. Really his name: Jehovah identifies him as the true God who progressively carries out his great purposes. What a privilege we have to serve you and make your name known!
Joshua 1: 7. Reading the law daily helped Joshua keep his mind focused on the specific commandments that Jehovah had given to his people. Joshua also had to understand Jehovah's relationship with his servants in various circumstances. When reading texts about God's purpose, it was important to think about your own responsibility in relation to that purpose.
Christian overseers should copy the example of Joshua. Regardless of your spiritual tasks, your priority is to read the Bible to understand how to lead the congregation as Jehovah expects it and to remember that they should be examples of the flock and that the members of the congregation belong to God.
Joshua 2:17, 18. Rahab made a clear demonstration of having faith in Jehovah, risked her life protecting the spies, and was sure that this city would be conquered by Israel with Jehovah's support. Just by hearing of God's power did she become a worshiper of Jehovah. And that is why he wanted to ensure his life and that of his family.
But to receive such protection, he had to act. By putting a sign on your window and having your family stay indoors. In the same way, we must demonstrate our faith with actions. Obtaining knowledge, baptizing, attending meetings, preaching etc. It should be noted that we serve Jehovah fearlessly.
Joshua 1: 6,9. Jehovah teaches us that just like every good father who always wishes the best for his children, Jehovah being our heavenly Father, cares for us with affection and what is more he teaches us how to be happy, that is why in these verses he tells us what do so that life goes well for us.
Joshua 1: 5,6. It encourages us a lot, especially when we are going through serious problems, since there we see that Jehovah encouraged Joshua to be strong and courageous, and when we go through difficulties we must remember these words, since as the end of verse 5 says we can have the assurance that Jehovah will never abandon us.
Joshua 1: 8. It is a text well known to all, but in this reading we are reminded once again of the importance of constantly reading and meditating on the word of God, because only then, if we always keep Jehovah's advice in mind, will we make wise decisions.
Josue 1: 9. I find it a very interesting verse to share with our Bible students, and teach them that when they have a problem they should always trust in Jehovah, they should never have because Jehovah will be with them wherever they go.
Joshua 1:16. It shows us that the Israelites trusted in the direction that Jehovah was giving them through Joshua, so this teaches us to always trust the guidelines and changes made by the governing body and in turn by those who lead our congregation, because everything is under the guidance of Jehovah.
Joshua 2: 1,7. It shows us the kind of courage that we should have when we bear witness to the truth, since Rahab was very brave because she put her life at stake to hide these servants of Jehovah, this teaches us that we should never cower in the face of opposition or persecution, but rather let's remember the example of this woman and be brave.
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