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Let's Find Hidden Pearls (10 min.)
Jos 6:20. How do we know that the city of Jericho was besieged and conquered in a few days? (w15 11/15 13 pars. 2, 3).
We know this because in ancient times it was the custom that armies that wanted to conquer a city first besieged it, that is, they did not let anyone enter or leave. So the inhabitants were forced to eat only the food they had in storage, and when the city fell, the vendors took all the wealth, including the food that was left. But, in the case of Jericho, the archaeologists who excavated the ruins found a lot of food. This was an exceptional discovery because they have not found anything like it in other ruins. So this detail is important, why the Bible says that the Israelites had good reasons for not taking the grain from Jericho: it was at Jehovah's command. Another reason was that they attacked just after harvest, when grain was plentiful. So that, the fact that so much food is found among the ruins of Jericho shows that it was besieged for a short time, just as the Bible says.
We know this because according to the findings, large quantities of grains were found, and that was rare because when a city was besieged the inhabitants could not enter or leave, so they used up all the provisions they had stored, hence they hardly They found one or 2 vessels, finding such large amounts of evidence that the site was short.
The armies of ancient times used to besiege the walled cities that they wanted to conquer, that is, they did not let anyone enter or leave. When the city to the sin fell, the victors took all the wealth, including the food that was left. If in the archaeological discoveries no food was found, it means that the siege lasted a long time, the opposite about the food indicated that the conquest was rapid.
In the case of Jericho the archaeologists who excavated the ruins of Jericho found a lot of food. A journal of Archeology: 'Archaeologists have not discovered anything like it in Palestine. Sometimes they find one or two pots of grain, but never such large quantities. It is an exceptional discovery. This shows that the siege was short-lived and the Israelites were told not to touch the grain of that city and it did.
Archaeologists have found in the ruins of Jericho vessels that contained grain in abundance, when a city was besieged generally only the food that was stored was consumed, but when finding such large quantities of food without consuming, it is shown that the city was besieged during Little time.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
Joshua 6:22, 23. Jehovah respected the agreement between the two spies and Rahab, therefore, as they had promised, she and her family are preserved alive, they were survivors of the execution of that impious city. This teaches me: and it shows us that no one is insignificant in Jehovah's sight. He reads our hearts and when he discovers a spark of faith, like the one in Rahab's heart, he is filled with joy and therefore gives her his protection. Furthermore, this account is proof that Jehovah respects and keeps his promises, so that if we have faith, we will be survivors of the rapidly approaching global destruction.
Joshua 7: 7-9. Joshua was a good example in making meaningful prayers to Jehovah, he made a very passionate plea on the basis of his name. This teaches me: that in the midst of problems, tension and solutions that are beyond our reach, we should look to Jehovah in prayer for his help. Our prayers and supplications must be specific, meaningful especially if in a certain situation the name of Jehovah is involved. Obviously prayer is a precious privilege so let us not hesitate to go to the "Hearer of prayer" because he listens and responds to our supplications and requests.
Joshua 6:20, 27. After the great battle cry of the people, a miracle occurs: the walls of Jericho collapse. In this way Jehovah shows that he is with Joshua and his fame spreads throughout the land. This teaches me: that, likewise, Jehovah will be with Jesus Christ and the armies of heaven to fight against Satan and his world, thus his name will have been made known as never before throughout the earth. Jehovah's mighty acts are unique, unsurpassed, and show that he is limitless in greatness, so we have every reason to give him the honor, reverence and respect he deserves.
Joshua 6: 2-4. Just before destroying Jericho, he ordered the Israelites to march around the city once a day for six days. However, on the seventh day there was a significant increase in activity. This teaches me that, in a similar way, it is possible that in our time, just before the destruction of this world comes, there will be a similar increase in the preaching work. We will surely be witnesses and participate in the largest campaign to proclaim the name and the Kingdom of God that has ever been in the history of mankind.
Joshua 7: 14,15,18. Jehovah commissioned Achan's sin to be publicly exposed, this man deluded himself into thinking that his sin could go unnoticed. This teaches me: Jehovah cares that his servants are faithful even when our actions are not public knowledge. He is a God "who looks in secret" so that hidden evils do not go unnoticed in his eyes.
This should prompt us to live up to their just standards and accept their help in overcoming secret faults. The result will be that He will justly reward us for our public or private actions.
Joshua 7:19. When Jehovah directly pointed to Achan as the culprit, Joshua uses kind words toward him, such as "my son" and "please" and asks him to confess. This teaches me: that we who are parents, at times, have seen ourselves in the same situation as Josué. In order for our children to confess some serious sin, we have used kind words to appeal to their hearts and repent of their wrongdoing. The important thing is that parents should be firm in favor of divine standards, and unlike Achan, hope that our child will return to the loving arms of Jehovah.
Joshua 6:26. Joshua pronounced a prophetic curse on the rebuilding of Jericho. Amazingly some 500 years later its fulfillment was seen in the days of Ahab the king of Israel. This teaches me: only "Jehovah the author of the Bible" can inspire these prophecies and make them come true. This makes us see that the more frequent and intense our study of the Bible and its prophecies, the more real Jehovah will be for us and will grow and his prophecies, the more real will Jehovah be for us and our faith will grow. Contrary to this, infrequent or sporadic study is likely to have no effect on our faith. So: Let's study God's word daily!
This text records Joshua's oath regarding the destroyed city of Jericho, in which he predicted that anyone who rebuilt it would pay for it with the loss of their first-born, well, five centuries later during the reign of Ahab Hiel the Bethelite He ignored the content of that oath and decided to rebuild the city of Jericho, in fulfillment of the oath that Josué pronounced, Hiel laid its foundations by paying with the loss of Abiram, his first-born, and put its doors at the cost of Segub's life, his youngest son.
Joshua 6:17. It teaches us that Jehovah does not forget the acts of loyalty that we demonstrate for his people, He protected Rahab and her family, knowing that he protected the spies who were doing a work for him, he will do the same for us, if we are willing to protect His servants when they seek them with bad intentions, he will also keep it in his memory and protect us later.
Joshua 6:18. We read the command that Joshua gives the Israelites: they must stay away from everything that is in store for destruction. Well, approaching them would also make them deserving of the same end, the same applies to us today, Jehovah warns us about practices, objectives, that he hates, he surely expects us to stay away from these things, and that we show for them the same dislike he feels for them.
Joshua 7:25. It shows us that our actions not only affect us, but also those around us, in the case of Achan, his disobedience even took the lives of his children, his animals, so they love us, and those we love, causing them pain by not stopping to think is an act of selfishness.
Joshua 7: 19-25. We learn that although Achan finally confessed what he had done, the consequences were disastrous, this shows us that even if we openly confess our sins, we will have to face the consequences of our actions, Jehovah advises and warns us to avoid them instead. terrible pains.
Joshua 6: 11-15. It shows us how the Israelites obeyed to the letter what Jehovah had said to Joshua, going around the city, and they did it although from the human point of view it seemed illogical, and it was because they trusted Jehovah, they knew that the victory would come from him, the same will happen in the future, our victory will depend on our following the instructions and fully trusting that it is Jehovah who will accompany us.
Joshua 6:20. It indicates that when they finally shouted the walls of Jericho fell, and referring to this Hebrews 11:30 says that they fell by faith, this shows us how powerful faith is, when we trust that Jehovah can save us because he has promised, we can see His hand, and Jehovah has warned that soon his enemies will attack us but he has promised that he will respond, we must then have faith, they will fall like that enormous wall.
Joshua 6: 5. The instructions given to the Israelites were clear if a bit strange to them and to and for the inhabitants of Jericho. On the seventh day circle the many 7 times and then shout once they hear the sound of the horns. And so it happened by their obedience to the instructions, they had the victory assured.
Following the instructions of Jehovah and his organization helps us to know that we have Jehovah's support and that our work is not in vain. We must increase our efforts to bring the good news and let everyone hear the cry of praise to Jehovah.
Joshua 6:10. Courage was required for those Israelites to march in theocratic order around that great city. And that they suppress their desire that the city of Jericho fall as soon as possible. Obedience and self-control were a fundamental part of this act.
Today many of us wish that this system would disappear as soon as possible because of the disgrace that is brought to the Name of Jehovah and the damage that they do to the planet and the debauchery that degrades life. However, we must wait patiently until the moment that Jehovah has established to put an end to evil.
Joshua 7:21. Some may think that Achan's robbery was a minor offense and did not harm anyone else. They may also consider petty theft and minor violations of biblical laws trivial. However, he, his family and the entire nation were affected as some Israelites died.
We, however, must be like Joshua in our resolve to resist pressure to commit illegal or immoral acts. Although it seems minimal, the action is to go against God's laws and the effect would be to lose friendship with Jehovah and affect the spirituality of many.
Joshua 6: 1. Jericho was completely closed because of the Israelites since no one left and no one entered, without a doubt the impression left by the fact of crossing the Jordan River in the middle of the flood season made them realize that the Israelites had the power of Jehovah Likewise, there have been occasions when Jehovah has intervened in favor of his people today before their enemies and soon all those who oppose God's people will realize that their servants have the support of Jehovah.
Joshua 6:10, 20. It is interesting to see that Josué demonstrated his experience as a military strategist on the battlefield by applying psychological warfare. During the short siege to Jericho, Joshua commanded the people not to yell during the turns they made. city, the inhabitants of the city may be waiting to know what would be the movement that the Israelites would make but not knowing it they began to be afraid and despair, it was only until the last turn when the Israelites shouted and in the minds of those who inhabiting the city meant their imminent defeat.
Joshua 6:24. After conquering Jericho the Bible says that the Israelites completely burned the city and everything that was in it, on this data if it can be confirmed through archeology, for example a respectable archaeologist declared that a layer of a meter thick ash filled with pieces of pottery objects, fragments of bricks from a collapsed wall and wood, and all blackened as if the entire city had been burned, thus confirming the biblical account and giving credibility to the word of God.
Joshua 7: 1. Achan was one of the soldiers who participated in the defeat of Jericho, this man was left with some of what was reserved for destruction and with some of the spoil that belonged to Jehovah, the single action of this man brought many consequences such as For example, many men died in combat against Ai, the Israelite army was paralyzed with fear, Jehovah threatened to withdraw his presence from the people and his own life was in danger for disobeying a divine order, all this caused Jehovah to be very angry with the Israelites .
Joshua 7: 6-11. Faced with the problems that the nation was experiencing, Joshua as leader was taking responsibility for what was happening with the Israelites, he threw dust on his head to show his anguish, mourning or humiliation being subjected to a lot of pressure, but it was Jehovah who intervened to make him notice that the fault was of the people who had broken the covenant and not of him, with those words Jehovah was reassuring his representative and without a doubt that motivated him to act and seek a solution to the problem, it is good to know that Jehovah can reassure us when we are under pressure.
Joshua 7:12. What happened to Achan is a clear example of the consequences by which the uncleanness or wickedness of some people resulted in the contamination of the entire nation and the consequent disapproval of Jehovah, unless these people were eliminated, as we can see Here, Achan's sin brought disgrace to Israel until it was discovered and punished, likewise the influence of those Christians who commit grave sins and who do not repent can negatively affect the entire congregation.
Joshua 7: 20-25. Some may think that the theft that Achan committed was a minor offense and not that it harmed anyone else, so these people do not give much importance when it comes to obeying and complying with biblical laws, however simple they may be, They may also consider petty theft and minor violations of biblical laws trivial. Instead, we must be like Joshua and stand firm in our resolve to resist pressure to commit illegal or immoral acts.
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