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Let's Find Hidden Pearls (10 min.)
Jos 5:14, 15, note. Possibly, who is the “leader of Jehovah's army”? (w04 12/1 9 par. 2).
This prince or chief is probably "The Word": Jesus Christ in his pre-human existence, who is always ready to defend the people of God. This account strengthens us today because it gives us the assurance that the glorified Jesus Christ supports God's people in their spiritual warfare.
The note says Chief, in this context we see that the prince who comes to strengthen Joshua when he begins the conquest of the promised land is probably "the word": Jesus Christ in his pre-human existence (John 1: 1; Daniel 10:13) . How strengthened us by the assurance that the glorified Jesus Christ supports the people of God in their spiritual warfare!
The chief of Jehovah's angels army was possibly Jesus Christ in his prehuman existence. From this we can learn that Jesus Christ also supports God's people in their spiritual warfare.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
Joshua 5: 1. When the Amorites and Canaanites learned of Jehovah's mighty works on behalf of Israel, they were cowering and lost all courage to fight against the Israelite forces. Yet they did not turn to Jehovah or seek his favor. This teaches me: that the reaction of ungodly human society is the same, many of them know that Jehovah will bring a day of Judgment but they fall into a state of spiritual apathy to the point of scoffing at divine warnings putting their lives in danger. While there is time, our duty is to keep looking for sincere-hearted people to turn and seek Jehovah's favor.
When the Amorites on the other side of the Jordan found out that the Israelites had miraculously crossed that river, the Bible mentions that they were "cowering and lost all courage," the fact that the Israelites managed to cross the Jordan River along with the overwhelming victories that Israel had already won, may partly explain why the Amorites did not attack the Israelite camp when their males were circumcised or while the Passover was being celebrated as fear had gripped them.
Joshua 3:15 and 4:19. These two verses mention what month and agricultural activity the Israelites were in. This serves as an orientation to locate the biblical events of those days in time. This teaches me: how beneficial and helpful it is to know about Israel's seasons and agricultural activities because it helps us to visualize biblical events and better understand God's Word, resulting in our own spiritual growth. Also, if we include these topics in our personal or family study, we will see that these details confirm how accurate and reliable the word of God is, the Bible.
Joshua 4: 4,7. The monument of stones that Joshua erected served as a reminder to the Israelites that Jehovah had not abandoned them, he always cared for them and performed acts of salvation for them. This teaches me: and remember that God's war at Armageddon will be "a great act of salvation on the part of Jehovah." We cannot deny that the "great tribulation" will be fear-inspiring and will be accompanied by hardships. But God's servants will be excited to see how Jehovah once again saves, cares for and protects us. Just thinking about this should spur us to continue proclaiming that: Jehovah's day is fast approaching!
Joshua 5: 2,5. By Jehovah's command, men were to be circumcised. This instruction did not seem logical or timely, since they would not be in a position to fight. The truth was that the Israelites were to obey and show confidence in Jehovah's guidance. This teaches me: when we don't fully understand why the organization is making some changes, it is good for us to think about how Jehovah has led his servants in the past. If we understand the spirit that guides the instructions that the organization gives us, we will be happy in any assignment and we will keep pace with Jehovah's chariot.
Joshua 3: 1. Not only did Joshua and all the Israelites have faith in Jehovah, but they also “exercised it,” which is why they were willing “to get up early in the morning” from the camp at Shittim to reach the Jordan. This teaches me: that faith involves much more than just understanding God's purpose, it motivates us to act, to do his will. We live in the time of the end, so this is not the time to be sleepy, "Very early morning" so that we can dedicate ourselves to finding the people who are "sighing and crying" and giving them so much needed spiritual relief.
Joshua 3: 5,16. Jehovah demonstrated his power over creation. "He did wonderful things for Israel," he made a way through a watery barrier, the Jordan River, for all to cross safely. This teaches me: that Jehovah has full control over natural forces. Humanity needs divine help because the lack of control of the climate causes rainfall, floods, droughts and storms that are increasingly violent and extreme. So it is encouraging to know that Jehovah the Creator and Maker of wonderful things can control the forces that unleash natural disasters.
Joshua 4:12, 13. Men from the tribe of Ruben, Gab, and Manasseh were true to their word and crossed into battle formation ahead of the other Israelites. This teaches me: that the same disposition and fidelity our dear brothers show today. In countries where there is persecution, they prefer to go to prison or in some cases even sacrifice their life rather than betray their brothers. In this world full of hatred, true Christians practice love, therefore, we are determined to defend our brothers and if that is the case until we die for them.
Joshua 3: 5. Josué told the people that they should be sanctified, this transmits the idea of cleansing themselves physically, morally and spiritually, that is, removing from themselves anything that could be filth before God, in a certain way we sanctify ourselves, we prepare ourselves every day by striving for being clean in a moral, spiritual and physical sense.
Joshua encouraged the people to sanctify themselves because Jehovah would do wonderful things for them, and this was undoubtedly true since Jehovah through his power managed to get the people to cross one of the largest rivers in the region and days later they were able to defeat a city without going into battle, they were truly wonderful things, we too can expect Jehovah to do wonderful things for us and in the future he will demonstrate all his power when he defeats all his enemies at Armageddon while we will not move a single finger.
Joshua 3: 6,7. Those stones would serve as a memory, a legacy, the Israelites would tell their children about the miraculous and wonderful things that they saw Jehovah do for them, this teaches us that we must be willing to share with those who want to hear stories of how Jehovah has us helped in specific moments of our life.
Joshua 4: 6,7. Those stones would serve as a memory, a legacy, the Israelites would tell their children about the miraculous and wonderful things that they saw Jehovah do for them, this teaches us that we must be willing to share with those who want to hear stories of how Jehovah has us helped in specific moments of our life.
Jehovah caused a memory of this miracle of the Jordan to be kept by ordering that 12 men, representing the tribes of Israel, take 12 stones from the river bed and deposit them on the west bank in Gilgal, those stones would remain there as a memory or monument Eternal for Jehovah's name and his mighty acts, today, wonderful acts that Jehovah has performed to preserve his people despite vile attacks by political and religious leaders remain as a reminder that Jehovah is with his people.
Joshua 4: 9. Carrying the ark and the stones on the shoulders was not an easy task, it required mental, physical, and emotional strength, this teaches us that maintaining the spiritual precursor in the congregation will require strength, depending on Jehovah we will see that our strength does not come from us but of God.
Joshua 5:15. Taking off the sandals indicated deep respect for God and the place where he was, a practical lesson we learn is to take care of our clothing when worshiping Jehovah, even if we do it by zoom, Jehovah is aware of how important it is for us to worship him.
Joshua 5:10. For the Israelites celebrating the Passover was something very important, regardless of whether they were in the desert or anywhere else, this is a good example for us, regardless of whether we are in confinement or in the kingdom hall, in prison we have been celebrating the Lord's Supper, how happy and grateful we feel that nothing and no one has prevented us from continuing to obey this biblical commandment.
The Israelites would celebrate Passover for the first time in the Promised Land and the next day, after 40 years they finally began to eat the products of the land that they were going to occupy, starting with unleavened bread and roasted grains, as a result of that the manna that they had eaten for so long stopped falling from heaven, without a doubt the manna was the most important provision for the Israelites since it prevented them from dying of hunger and guaranteed them food in abundance, likewise Jehovah supplies us with his spiritual food so that we remain strong in a spiritual sense.
Joshua 3:13. When they were crossing the Jordan River, the priests who carried the ark of Jehovah were asked to walk towards the river and touch the waters with their feet, it may be that at that time the priests were afraid of drowning since the Jordan overflows during every day of the harvest but at that time they had to show confidence that Jehovah would stop the waters like a dam and that is exactly what happened, that is why it is important to show confidence in Jehovah when we go through situations that may seem impossible to us.
Joshua 3:15. Since the report from the spies sent to Jericho was favorable, Joshua decided to act quickly and not wait until the waters of the Jordan receded but instead trusted in Jehovah's blessing and dared to take the lead in fulfilling his mission to conquer the Promised Land, with regard to works related to true worship, we too must act courageously and not delay waiting for circumstances to seem more convenient and above all we must trust in the blessing of Jehovah.
Joshua 4:23, 24. The generation that would enter the Promised Land had a similar experience to the generation that left Egypt, just as Jehovah made the entire nation cross through the Red Sea He also caused the entire nation to cross the Red Sea. Jordan River, this would certainly help the new generation of Israelites to realize the power and support of Jehovah and also with this demonstration of power he did that so that all the peoples of the earth know how powerful and strong the hand is of Jehovah when he is on the side of his people.
Joshua 5: 2, 7. Because a new generation of Israelites were to enter the Promised Land the males had to be circumcised before going to battle against Jericho, this symbolized removing from themselves anything that might hinder full devotion and Sincere to Jehovah, Christians should also be circumcised spiritually, which means getting rid of anything in thinking, affections or motives that is disagreeable and unclean in Jehovah's eyes and that makes our hearts numb.
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