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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2021
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Their sins have been forgiven them (1 John 2:12).
Knowing that Jesus is the King of the Kingdom of God and will repair all the damage caused by Satan and his world fills us with hope (Isa. 65:17; 1 John 3: 8; Rev. 21: 3, 4). And, furthermore, knowing that Jesus is by our side supporting us in the difficult mission that he has entrusted to us for these last days fills us with courage (Matt. 28:19, 20). Isn't it true that comfort, hope and courage are essential to enjoy peace of mind? So how do we keep our peace of mind when we are in dire hardship? Imitating Jesus. First, let's never stop praying. Second, let us obey Jehovah and preach with enthusiasm even in difficult circumstances. And third, let's accept the help of our friends. Then the peace of God will protect our minds and hearts (Philippians 4: 6, 7). And, like Jesus, we will pass any test (John 16:33). w19. 04 13 paras. 16, 17
11-13. (a) How did the apostles and other disciples of Jesus prove to be true friends of Jesus? b) What effect did his friends have on Jesus?
During his ministry, Jesus went through many difficult situations. But faithful apostles proved to be true friends, like those described in Proverbs 18:24, where it says, "There is a friend who is more attached than a brother." Jesus valued them very much. Remember that at that time none of his brothers and sisters believed in him (John 7: 3-5). And there was a moment when his family members thought he had lost his mind (Mark 3:21). But how different were the faithful apostles. The night before he died, Jesus told them: “You are the ones who have steadfastly continued with me in my trials” (Luke 22:28).
There were times when they disappointed him. But he did not look at his mistakes, but at their faith in him (Matt. 26:40; Mark 10:13, 14; John 6: 66-69). The last night he spent with these loyal men, he told them, “I have called you friends, for all the things that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you” (John 15:15). There is no doubt that his friends were a tremendous source of encouragement to him. Their help during his ministry filled him with joy. —Luke 10:17, 21.
In addition to the apostles, Jesus had other friends who helped him in practical ways during his ministry. Some opened the doors of their home for him to have a place to eat (Luke 10: 38-42; John 12: 1, 2). Others traveled with him and used their property to care for him (Luke 8: 3). Why did Jesus have such good friends? Because he himself was. He did things for them and did not demand more of them. Although he was perfect and they were imperfect, he thanked them for their support. And there is no doubt that they helped him keep the peace.
a) How can we make good friends? b) In what ways will they help us?
Good friends will help us to be loyal to Jehovah. And the best way to make friends is by being friends (Matt. 7:12). For example, the Bible tells us to spend ourselves for others, especially those in need (Eph. 4:28). Let's think about brothers in the congregation who need help. Is there a publisher who can't leave home? Maybe we can do the shopping for you. Or maybe we can help a family with money problems with a meal. Do we know how to use the jw.org® site and the JW Library® app? In that case, we can help some brothers in the congregation to benefit from its content. If we focus on helping others, we are more likely to feel happy (Acts 20:35).
The friends we make will support us when we face difficulties and help us keep the peace. Just as Elihu listened to Job vent, our friends will listen patiently to us when we share our concerns (Job 32: 4). Of course, we should not expect them to make decisions for us, but we will be prudent if we listen to the biblical advice they give us (Prov. 15:22). And when we go through times of need, let us be like King David, who did not allow pride to prevent him from accepting help from his friends (2 Sam. 17: 27-29). Without a doubt, these kinds of friends are a gift from Jehovah (James 1:17).
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