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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2021
Monday, September 27, 2021
I was delighted and comforted to learn of your love (Philem. 7).
The apostle Paul was humble, so he sought the comfort of his friends. He was not concerned that others would consider him weak because they recognized that his brothers had encouraged him in times of distress (Col. 4: 7-11). If we humbly acknowledge that we need encouragement, the brethren will be happy to give it to us. Paul knew that the Holy Scriptures would give him comfort (Rom. 15: 4). In addition, they could also give him wisdom to face any trial (2 Tim. 3:15, 16). The second time he was imprisoned in Rome, he realized that he would soon die. He asked Timothy to come see him soon and bring him “the scrolls” (2 Tim. 4: 6, 7, 9, 13). Why? Because those scrolls probably contained parts of the Hebrew Scriptures, so you could use them for your personal study. If we, like Paul, regularly study the Bible, Jehovah will use it to reassure us, no matter what difficulties we face. w20.02 23 pars. 14, 15
How did David feel when he committed a serious sin?
David was tormented by a guilty conscience, and with good reason. She had committed adultery with Bat-Sheba, planned her husband's death, and for a time tried to hide those sins (2 Sam. 12: 9). At first, he wanted to quiet his conscience, and as a result he suffered not only spiritually, but also mentally and physically (Ps. 32: 3, 4). What did he do to alleviate the suffering he had caused himself? And what can help us if we commit serious sin?
How do the words of Psalm 51: 1-4 reveal that David was heartily repentant?
Let us ask Jehovah to forgive us. Finally, David prayed to Jehovah and, repentant from his heart, confessed his sins to him. --Read Psalm 51: 1-4. That made him feel much better (Ps. 32: 1, 2, 4, 5). If we commit a serious sin, let's not try to hide it. Let us turn to Jehovah and tell him what we have done. Then we will begin to feel that some of the burden of a guilty conscience is lifted from us. But if we want to regain our friendship with Jehovah, we must do something else.
How did David react when Jehovah disciplined him?
Let's accept discipline. When Jehovah sent Nathan the prophet to expose David's sin, David did not try to justify himself or downplay it. He immediately recognized that he had sinned not only against Bat-Sheba's husband, but above all against God. He accepted Jehovah's discipline, and Jehovah forgave him (2 Sam. 12: 10-14). If we have committed a serious sin, we need to speak to those whom God has appointed to shepherd us (James 5:14, 15). And we must reject the urge to justify ourselves. The faster we accept the correction and make the necessary changes, the faster we will regain peace and happiness.
What should we decide to do?
Let's resolve not to repeat the same mistakes. King David knew that he needed Jehovah's help to avoid falling into the same sins again. —Psalm 51: 7, 10, 12. When Jehovah forgave him, he resolved to avoid bad thoughts. As a result, he regained inner peace.
How do we show appreciation for Jehovah's forgiveness?
We show appreciation for Jehovah's forgiveness when we pray for it, accept discipline, and strive not to repeat mistakes. When we do this, we regain inner peace. That is what happened to James, a brother who committed a grave sin. He says: “Once I confessed my sin to the elders, it was as if a great weight was lifted from me. I began to feel that I was recovering my peace ”. How it encourages us to know that “Jehovah is close to those who are heartbroken” and “saves those who are sunk in discouragement” (Ps. 34:18).
How can we let Jehovah reassure us?
As the end of the last days nears, reasons for concern are likely to increase. When worries invade us, let us not delay in seeking Jehovah's help. Let's study the Bible diligently. Let's learn from the examples of Ana, Pablo, and David. Let us ask Jehovah to help us know what causes us concern. --Psalm 139: 23. Let it carry us the burdens, especially those over which we have little or no control. If we do, we will feel like the psalmist who sang to Jehovah: “When worries overwhelmed me, you comforted me and reassured me” (Ps. 94:19).
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