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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2021
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Take my yoke upon you (Matt. 11:29).
To feel relief under the yoke of Jesus, we must keep the correct perspective of our situation. We do Jehovah's work, so we must carry it out as he directs. We are the workers and he is the Master (Luke 17:10). If we try to do his work in our own way, we will end up hurting ourselves with the yoke. On the other hand, we will do extraordinary things and overcome any obstacles if we follow Jehovah's guidance. Let us remember that no one can prevent his will from being done (Rom. 8:31; 1 John 4: 4). Our goal is to bring glory to our loving Father, Jehovah. In the first century, there were people who acted out of greed or selfishness. As a result, they ended up feeling unhappy and abandoning the yoke of Jesus (John 6: 25-27, 51, 60, 66; Philip. 3:18, 19). Conversely, there were others who acted out of an altruistic love for God and neighbor. They happily bore the yoke while living on earth and hoped to serve with Christ in heaven. We too will be happy if we bear the yoke of Jesus for the right reason. w19.09 20 par. 1; 24, 25 paras. 19, 20
Why is the burden that Jesus invites us to carry different from other burdens that we must bear?
The burden that Jesus invites us to carry is different from other burdens that we must bear. For example, at the end of a workday, many of us not only feel exhausted, but also dissatisfied. Instead, serving Jehovah and Christ brings us deep satisfaction. Maybe after working all day we feel very tired and have to push ourselves to go to the meeting. But do we not return home comforted and energized? The same is true when we make the effort to go out preaching or to have our personal study. The reward we receive is worth the effort we put in.
What should we recognize, and what should we think carefully about?
We must be realistic and recognize that our energies have a limit. So we have to think carefully about what we spend them on. For example, we could waste them trying to accumulate material things. Let's see what Jesus said to a rich young man who asked him what he must do to inherit eternal life. The young man respected the Law and he sure was a good person, because the Gospel of Mark specifically says that Jesus cared for him. So he made him this invitation: "Go, sell the things you have, [...] and come, be my follower." This young man did not find it easy to make a decision, but apparently his desire to follow Jesus was not so intense that he left his “many possessions” (Mark 10: 17-22). As a result, he rejected the yoke offered by Jesus and remained a slave to "the Riches" (Matt. 6:24).
What should we do from time to time, and why?
It is good that from time to time we evaluate what our priorities are. Why? Because this way we will make sure that we use our energies well. Let's look at the case of a young man named Mark. He says: “For many years, I believed that I was leading a simple life. But even though he was a pioneer, he was always thinking about money and how to have a more comfortable life. I wondered why my life had gotten complicated. Then I realized that I was putting my interests first and giving Jehovah my spare time and energy. " Mark changed his way of thinking and living in order to do more in the service of God. She says, “Sometimes I get overwhelmed by anxiety. But, with Jehovah's help and Jesus' support, I remain focused on his service. "
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