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Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2021
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Make disciples of people of all nations. Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you (Matt. 28:19, 20).
As we lead Bible courses, we must strive to make disciples and teach them to obey all that Jesus has commanded. We need to help them understand that it is very important that they stand on the side of Jehovah and his Kingdom. This means trying to motivate them to embrace the truth by applying what they learn, dedicating their lives to Jehovah, and getting baptized. Only then will they survive the day of Jehovah (1 Pet. 3:21). There is very little left for this world to end. Therefore, we do not have time to continue giving courses to those who do not show the desire to be disciples of Christ (1 Cor. 9:26). Our work is urgent, for there are still many people who have to hear the Kingdom message before it is too late. w19.10 11-12 pars. 14, 15
According to Revelation 18: 2, 4, 5, 8, what should we all do? (See also note).
(Read Revelation 18: 2, 4, 5, 8.) These verses indicate something else that Jehovah expects us to do. All true Christians must get completely away from Babylon the Great. Those who take Bible classes may have belonged to a false religion before learning the truth. Perhaps they attended his religious services, participated in his activities, or gave him money. Before being approved to be unbaptized publishers, they must break away from anything that binds them to false religion. They must submit a letter of resignation or otherwise sever their relationship with their former church or any other organization that is part of Babylon the Great. *
What kind of employment should Christians reject, and why?
True Christians must ensure that our employment has nothing to do with Babylon the Great (2 Cor. 6: 14-17). For example, we will not be employees of any church. Also, if we work for a company, we will not do extensive work on facilities that are used for false worship. And, if we have our own business, we will neither offer our services nor accept offers to work for any part of Babylon the Great. Why do we take such a firm stance? Because we do not want to be complicit in the works and sins of religious organizations that are contaminated for God (Isa. 52:11). *
How did a brother act when asked to work in a church?
Years ago, a contractor asked an old man who ran his own business to do a little carpentry work in a church in the city where he lived. The contractor knew that the brother had always said that he would not work in any church. But this time he badly needed someone to do the job. Despite everything, the brother respected biblical principles and rejected the offer. The following week, the local newspaper published a photo of another carpenter placing a cross in the church. If the brother had relented, he could have been in the newspaper. Think about the damage that would have done to his reputation in the congregation and how Jehovah would have felt.
a) What have we learned so far? b) What else should we learn?
According to biblical prophecies, the next major event in world history is the proclamation of "peace and security." But Jehovah has taught us that the nations will not achieve real and permanent peace. What must we do before this happens and sudden destruction comes? God expects us to keep busy preaching the Kingdom message and trying to make more disciples. At the same time, we must stay away from false religion. That means we are no longer a member of false religious organizations and that our employment has nothing to do with Babylon the Great.
There are more events that will occur during the final part of “the last days” and there are more things that Jehovah expects us to do. Which are? And how can we prepare for everything to come in the near future? We will see it in the next article.
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